Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, May 13, 1909, Image 2

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s THE HERALD. | Di e S -t 1k TR N BT TAB SN SRS OIS Published Every Thursday. S S A M LTRTS NP W W W SUBSCRIPTION #RICE, $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE, ea 7 S o SO £ —— Advertising Rates Reasonabie. IRN I ANV DY SRS WVNDST AT S Official Organ Charlton County and the Town of Folkston. O S B7T TSR RN W TN WS b W. R WAINWRIGHT, PROP. E.L. WAINWRIGHT., EDITOR ANDMANAGER. O A. . R TN S NA AT SIS Enterad at the postoflice at Folk ~ ston, Ga., a 8 Second Clags Matter. T T AST I L eANSaO A E BATER e e 10, S No communication wiii be pub- Jished in The Herald unless the name of the writer :s signed to the a~ticle. 5 | M 1 All change of advertisements or anything intended for publication must be handed 1n not later than Tuesday night. to receive prompt attention, m Lemon juice and salt will remove dron rust, U R . Folks'on wiil never ba a hustling town until the people wake up. CLLLLEETL, If you can never get a job and «don’t want any, don’t worry if you are not at work, o BRRERE When the boys around town hunt ‘the mayor up by daylight, it must be they have violated atown o di aance, | CECTEE PR The cause why Folkston is not making a town is no oneis interest @d and are taking everything as the world goes. ] g CEERRE ' ~ Aslong as you ‘'grab” for oelf{ (R LA g () ~and is afraid the other fellow will g by will, e b the stodl-of-do-nothing, the hand (2 M and the “knocker” have buried the electrio light plant Foik ston had in the air two months 4go. CUlr R R | The artesian well pump contin- Nied to run. The water isbrought from benecath 450 feet and forced forty feet into the air. The only . ‘Way you can get a drop is to tnrnl the faucet at the well, and then pass on. Is it a fact that Folkston l * will never be piped and water con nections in the homes. Yes, peo ple wili have to have a vision be fore they can see that water works would be an improvement and then there would be some who would not believe it. ILet us look anoad and try and make Folkston a town that we will be proud of-—one im provement will bring another. CEEEEEES, 1 The Souths Prosperity. 1 5 - l Homescckers of the world huve‘fi looked to the west, lm:migration has rolled ceaselessly toward the setting sun. It has covered the fertile bottoms of the Mississippt and Ohie valleye, and today the west is thickly settled. Man is now looking southward. Immigration is rolling this way, aud no time has the South a bright er future than now, People of the north and west are beginniag to _ Wrealize the opportunities here. ‘- Many are coming to Georgia and 3 Chultéh Cmfl:ty, and are surprised "&t the bpporcunities here: 'fo&.! ad {, varcement. 3 T b . Wa need progressive farmers'and stock raisers.. ‘Our large tracts of Jand must be covered up and sold, We grow the finest cotton in the world. 'We can raise as fiue corn 48 the morth' | Fobacco tan be grown here. Figs, watermelons - and pecans are fuamous. The- con . ditions for “tock nisini are re - markably favorabla. .1f the peo __Ppleof this section and the gouth . will awake to the 'o.pportunitii‘ 8. ¢ yound them and begin the tl&ing : wd e e > L to‘ P~ ucts that car be grown hére, 'it will = un be good bye to the gar dens of the north. ———— Commencement Program, | Bt % The tollowing is the program for the commencement excreise of the Folkston School to be held 1n the courthouse, May 13th, 09, 1e hegin 7:30 P. M, Sharp, ‘ Song School. Invycation Rev. G. E. Jones, Oration—l'he Aim of Life Pearl Joiner, Oration—Duty Govie Jones, Music Quartette. Oration—Sidney Lanier Laura Gowen, Oration—Maidendood Audrey Scott. Music School, Oration—Victories of Libor Lily Joiner, Oration—Dßeauties of Litc L.ois Mattox. Music Qrartette, Class Address—ldeals and Aspira tions Prof. E. A. Pound, Presentation of certificates, Song Audience, Benediction Everybody cordially invited to be present. Please be on haue «i'7:3o. Notice To Pupils, % All pupils who have been enroll ed in the Folkston Public Schools atany time during *he present school year will be required to pass the fi nal examinations if they desire to be promoted, Being absent from these examinations will constitute a failure. All such pupils who are ab sent will be clussed in the same grade next year that they were in this year, Postively no promotions made to any one who does not take and pass these cxaminations. | - Won't Slight A Good Friend. “If ever I need a cough medicine again I know what to get,” declares Mrs, A. L. Alley, of Beals. Maine, “for, after using ten bottles of Dr, King’s New Discovery, and feeing its excellent results in my own fami ly and others, I am convinced it is the best medicine made for coughs, colds and lung trouble,” Everyone who tries it fecls just that way, Re lief is felt at once and its quick cure surprises you. For bronchitis, asth ma hemmorrhage, croup, lagrippe, sore throat, pam in chest or langs its supreme. soc and sl. Trial bot tie free. Guaranteed by al! druggists Lived 152 Years, Wm, Parr—England’s oldest man —married the third time at 120, worked in the fields till 132 and live ed 20 years longer. People should oe youthful at 80. James Spurlock, of Spurlock, Ky., shows liow to re main young, “I feel just like a 16 year-old boy,” he writes, *‘after tak ing six bottles of Electric Bitters. ‘For thirty years Kidney trouble ‘made life a burden, but the first bot tle of this wonderfal medicine con vinced me I had found the greatest cure on earth.” They’re o godsend to weak, sickly run down or old peo }plc. Try them. soc at all druggists, ;Kills To Stop The Fiend. C— .. The worst foe for 12 years ot John 1 ye, of Gladwin, Mich., wasr run ning sore, He paid: doctors over s4qo, without benefit. JThen Bucks. len’s Arnica Salve killed the ulcer’ and cured him, Cures feveresores, boils, felons, Eczema, salt rheum. Infallible for piles, burns, scalds, cuts, corns. 25¢ at a'l druggists, Send us your order for Letter, heads, Envelopes, ete. ‘ 1 l Old papers for sale at the Herald office, 15c. per hundred, { CHURCH S DIRECTORY AT THE PAFYIST CHURCH., G. E. Jones, Pastor. ] Preaching and Conference on lfie fourth Sawrday at 11 o’clock AL M, and on Sunday at 11 A. M. and at 2330 P. M, { } é Prayer Meeting every Thursdajrgtj Bunday School every Sunday at 9;30 A. M., j, F. Smith, Superi#"{jj tendeant, i “‘ Woman’s Missionary Society,:_é% ery Wednesday at 3 P, M., Miss Mattiec Denmark, Pres, A } Everybody is invited to a{md each service, : :@‘ M. E. Cuurcn Sourn, or m | FoLkston Circurr L R. Kelly, pastor, w : B. F. Gay, Assistant, Preaching at Folkston every x\fi; Sunday at 11 A, M. and 7 P, M, and 3rd Sunday at 7 P, M. “‘ Prayer Meeung every Wedngsd’a‘;%‘_‘ atr B M. ik ;’, Sunday School at 3 P, M. efi ery Sunday., o Preaching at Uptonville everi z& Sunday at 7 P M, Sl Preaching at Bethel every. % Sunday at 11 A. M g Preaching at Traders Hill uv&fi 4th Sundav at 11 A, M. ’*‘ Preaching at Mills’ church eveti 3rd Sunday at 11 o’clock A, M. Preaching at Homeland everyfif_ Sunday at 7 P. M, ‘;{& All are cordially invited ‘{ssl (.yz'//‘zz/ red 2p@cel W‘ b e t‘, \ r{fi/,z (:%/Zé-t/ :)%aéé, = HAA oy 27 ¢ e fiaé/ L/(%dz/a‘«, cm& 5 7 ‘ "%f&,vi ety Snlermently c%a -.M A For Rent. One seven room house, eight acre! of land under fence, within the cxty himits of Folkston, Ga. For further information see or wnte Fa Mrs, G. W, Haddock, | Callahan, Fla. OUR & JOB PRINT . N | “People working for us make ‘money. A live man wauted 1 this ,ocaiity. State age, etc. Must be a hustler, ' Rothschild Mercantile Co., | Jacksonville, Fla. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE | - HERALD ! A L . [PATENTS m] obtained in all countries, or NO FEE. wAi’t‘E‘:mls. Caveats and Copyrights reg sered. Send Sketch, Model or m\&o, for re ‘otl On patentabllity, AaLL" BUSINESS STRICTLY connout"u. Patons pracgice “&*?&‘l?.li.“x‘é?m ahould have onr hand. boo‘l on nono?imml Mu.'l:.l: ventions wi owto w(ner.nnd valuable m(o‘:l.uynuon. Sent free W auy address, N . D, SWIFT & HI 50! Seventh St,, Washington, D, §. |Charlton County Directory | Superior Court, Tuesday after the first Monday in April, and Tues sy after the fourth Monday in Oct. i - County Court, first Monday in jeach month, 1 JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT, { Thomas A. Parker, Waycross. g SOLICITOR GENERAL. | Jos. H. Thomas, Waycross. : CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. | Jesse W. Vickery, Fotkston. | JUDGE COUNTY COURT. A. G. Gowen, Folkston, SOLICITOR _OUNTY COURT W, M. Olliff, Foikston. k ‘REPRESENTATIVE. : D P, Wasdin, Winokur. e ORDINARY. J. J. Stokes, Folkston ; TREASURER, "~ J.S. Grooms, Folkston. TAX RECEIVER. D F. Roddenberry, Folkston. & FAX COLLECTOR. J. C. Allen, Winokur, SHERIFF, ”W. R.. Wainwright. Folkston. “ SCHOOL COMMISSIONER ¢ 1. E, Malard, Folkston, . COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, ‘ J. P, Mizell, Chairman, Folkston. B. G. McDonald if B | T. B. Lioyd, ” ; ,?fi]‘_‘obns Bachlott [C. C, Thomas, St. (leooge.‘ *’ i }J"gx BOARD OF DUCATION E |T, L. Pickren, Pres. Folkston, NW Waughtel, Homeland. s‘: .?.. Keen, Traders Hill, ‘?L’Srmth, . St. Georgs. Floa g i s {\%f:vWasdm, Winokuvr. | Ex. OFr. J. P. anD CONSTBLES. Qo : : T, W. Vickery, ].W. Swearingen N;@énis. G. M., Folkston. - : ‘ -fw e s o fl«!fl",» H e ."':‘;‘:‘%‘}‘.;:’.;t '{n‘.‘.kf. o i {‘{ | 1354 Dis. 6. M., Winokur. ; G. W. Anderson, A.°T. Mizell tt93 ms. G. M, Wainwright |J. P. aNp'THEIR CoNsTARLES, A. Cross, A. F. Carmical, fl;ls;; Dis. G. M., St. Geo age. iy“fjfi.")lc.\lehal, F,W. Young, | |32 Dis. G. M, Homeland 1 Q}K. Crews. D.V. Smith, | 1354 pis. G.M., winokur. BREN W, F. Donovan, No Constable, | 959 Dis. G. M., St George. e {C. L. Cowart. No Cons,, § 1220 Dis. G. M., Moniac. SR ;. H, Jacobs. No Cons. » | 1142 Dis, 6, M. Trader’s Hill. 2 ; - TOWNJJOF FOLKSTON, 1 MAYOR, . T. L. Pickren. i Mavor PROTEM, C. M. Raybon. COUNCILMEN, M. J. Raxton, ; C. M. Raybon, J. S. Mizell, Y. W. Seals, 0. F. Wilson, 3 TREASURER, M. J. Paxton, RECORDER, E. L. Wainwnght, 5 O'MARSHAL, A. B. wainwright -60 YEARS® EXPERIENCE " TRADE MaRKs Desians |® “Anyone sending uutesgr?umngt";l.on‘:.u Envgt{on opmbu'b’f; o &:m confidential. HAN on Patents o RS i ij""::"c“"u e ' gpecial notice, without Ta tho | "Scientific fimerican, | B e L ge e b m 00:""** ”'gl ity > ¥Bt Waabington, ™, @ © E Dollar Saving Days. ¢ 4 Prosperity dates from the first dol- | lar saved. If you are 'earning « money you ought to save some- : thing. What you do now < 4 in the way of saving may « determine what the fu- : ture will bring you. ' . We pay interest on : savings accounts : compounded quar= ‘ terly at 5 per-cent, on : time certificates 6 per-cent. ‘ us open an : account with < ¢ { 4 U ' ! ¢ ; { We are prepared to serve the!pub~ licinan acceptable way. Have : you tried us? : . [ THE ‘ 4 4 4 BANK ' : ¢ 4 OF | i 4 4 FOLKSTON. .1 Savings Department The Atlantic National Bank, Jacksonville, Florida. S Interest'at}4 per cont por annum g eompou' sded quarterly in i Savings Deparfment, -2 DEDWARD W. LANE, President, i _FREDW HOYT, Vice-President. : : il Is Very Simple Matter. éw To opeg’ an acgcount, send gyo ur name and address with your first deposit. The money may i be sent by registered mail, postoffice money order, express money § order, or draft, or by check on your local bank. As soon as this § first deposit is received the bank will send you & pass book, in : which will be written your name and the amount of your deposit. § It will also send you signature and identification card, which you 2 will sign, fill out and return. Your pass book must accompany all deposits and withdrawals. You ean withdraw maney by mail g just as easily as though you visited the bank, Your signature to § a blank withdrawal receipt, which we will send you to fill out, is : all the identification necessary. We will send you our check for g the amount you withdraw, or, if you prefer, we will send you the § cash by express or registered mail. ‘ : When ~nswering this Ad. pleass mention the g Charlton County Herald. Resources over Four Million Dollars. OFFICERS. THOMAS P. DENHAM, Cashier ODELMER D, UPCHURCH Cashier-