Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, May 20, 1909, Image 2

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THE HERALD. AT . e o 1850 A A A i - Published Every Thursday. TP R ILV AR LTS SWMO SO DTS SUBSCRIPTION TRICE, %1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. a 0 LK. 0 A 7 AAR S OSS ri. Advertising Rates Reasonalie, TI M T W ML W AT O IO NI 88 T e Official Organ Charlton County and ; the Town of Folksten. U VAT £ AR TST T 1 a—— W.R.WAINWRIGHT, PROP, E. L. WAINWRIGHT, EDITOR ANDMANAGER. TIR e o S 14, VR iRS R Entered at the poetoflice at Folk gton, Ua., as Secoud Clase Maltter, P 4 AP YS O SBSSMR TP YWSN G LS T No con nunication will be pub lished in "Che ierald unless the name of e writer 38 signed to fLhe a-tice, T O S A AR S, YSR O . All change of advértisements or anything intended for publication must he handed n not later thaa Truesday night. 10 receive prompt attentjon, M Have mercy on dumb animals. LU, Bweet potatozs are still being ship ped from Jolkston, C. M. Raybon bhipped another car last week, CLRLELER Thete is some talk of Puttingin a local telephone system in Folkston It ts hoped ic will be secured, (/T 4 1 the chips are striking you or tha «hoe pinches your foot when we say you are not doing anytking for Folk ston or Charl.on county, dont get mad with any one but your self you are the man we want to sirike, STIT LT ~ The Coca Cola Co. paid the At Janta Georgian SIOO,OO to say the word Coca Cola in their paper. We have offer:l the merchants in Folk ston enough gpace to say 100,000 words for $25.00 and they 4o r.ot swand to spenk. e}# ok G Dont turn to the right, or turn to tke leit but stay in the middle of the ROAD when you drive over the new graded public roads. Diiving from one side to the other will make the road in bad condition—ctay in the middle. EEPCELER 1 Ulysses S. Grant. By J A EDGETRTON. X 4"‘ R He did not Rk I B /on § know how to || ".'«'7.» quil. O B £ () I’ to the time of the civil war Ulysses 8. Grant was practica’ lv unknown. Then fame came tpon him suddenly and nver-| whelmingly. It was as though all of the earlier part of his life had been a nvaiting time, a preparation. Ounce ia the glare, he was there to stay. No more escape for him, He must play his part hepceforth with the eyes of the world upon him. It Is questionable ilf Grant enjoyed this publicity, but, whatever his personnl feelings, h¢ had the doggad determination to go through with whatever was thrown in his way. The remark of his wife that, “Mr. Girant is an obstinate man,” showed a prominant quality that made for the goneral's success. This trait was shown even in his boyhood. The story 18 often told of his feat of loading logs unaided and alone. Usually several tuen did this work, and the duty of the slender lad was to haul the logs to the sawmill, One day he found the men absent, Tnstead of going home, as most boys would have done, he detern mined to do the loading himself, so in veuted a contrivance which by the ald of one of the horses enabled him to perform the task. This act made him famous in the neighborhood, ‘ Bulldog tenacity, sheer hanging on whatever befell, persistence that never Jet go—this seemed to be the predom inant characteristic of Grant. He Qid not know how to quit. Once started on a task, he seemed to have a phys fcal Inability of stopping until the thing was accomplished. If he could not smash his antagonist, he would wear him out. He never planned for . retreat. Perhaps he did not know how %o retreat. His plan seemed to be to hit first and keep bitthog, to drive on and on till he won, to fight and still fight unt!l elther hie antagonist or hime self was incapacitated for farther cone ilet. “I propose to fight it out on this e If it takes all summer,” he wired %o Washiugton, and the succeeding sompaign showed that he weant all 4ud a litts more than he sald. 1 ‘Something Lios ’ ing In Folkston Last Saturday. L s I.ast Saturday was a day in which things were moving in Folkston,and every one seemed tc be busy and on the go, while there was a few things that could and should have been done were lcft undone, First—There were all the farmers with their corn to griad .but nothing could be done for them in the fore- Ennnn because a part of the mill crew had business in court. | j Secend—W, F. Sapp had Tohn- Hatcher arrested and bronght to Folkston for a trial. charged with, entering Sapp’s field and raising a row, in whieh IHatchershotat Sapp. the case was dismissed. Sapp to pay all cost. | Third—J. A, Wainwright was up before the mayor for being drunk and disorderly, J. P. Robnison pre fering charges, C ase dismissed | ; Foanrth—J. A. Wainwright strikes J. P. Robins on several licks at the court honss with fist, cansing a few bruises, but the fight didn’t amount to much, Fifth— Town Marshal is fined by Mavor SIO.OO far leaving the conrt honse after court had been dismissed Can such fine be collected?. Sixth—]. A. Wainwright and J. Pe Robinson before Mayor charged with fighting. J. A, Wainwright fined SIO.OO J.P. Robinson released. Seventh—A Young man by the name of Wilson wadin town with a balky mule. By spells be drove through Folkston crosing sidewalks and striking fences, post etc, He beat the mule geverely with whipe, and even tried to buy an ax handle, but one of our good merchants re fused to s2ll that time. Before he could be arrested the animal wasr Eud! togo and Wilron was no. Seen again till Monday mording, when Constehle J W, Swesringen arrested him acd hpancht Yine b tora the ovurl. He was g , hear'ng and was bound aver to th County court, b, T. w Vick-rv J. P. A bond 1 $150.00 was nllow d. e Simple Life p | has for its basis PERFECT HEALTH. The clear brain, the healthy stbmach, the | bodily organs exercising in harmony, are the first essentials of a Rimple Life— | A LIFE OF PEACE At SATISFACTION. Wo one can Inow the pure delight of simple living whose nervous system is kept in a state of tension by Constipa« tion, Indigestior, Dyspepsia, Bilicusness and other diseases du to inaction of the liver. The Simple Way to seck the Simnle Life i 3 to seek the remedy for these cune ditions, This remedy bas been found in our great product— ‘ , ¥ ST.JOSEPH' S Liver Regulatc (in Both Liguid and Powdor Form. It has made life brighter and happiness and peace possible when all was dark and distregsed, It reaches the centers of life and purifi's th:m. It encourages the liver, stomuch a 1 Lowels to a freer and more natuvai aguvity, It is the Simple Way to a Simple Life of Health, Peace, Contentment, Many persons attest this fact who have realized its truth by actval experience. Bt. Joseph's Liquid Liver Regulator is x;mmm. in action, (‘xcwdrm‘r palatahlo and pleasant to the raste. It gso d by drug: gists and dealers at 50 cents a bottle, St, Joseph's Liver Regulator in pow der form is put \IR in tluht‘uu hoxes angd re- Imls at %5 cents @ box, five boxes for 4 dollar, t may be ta n_dry or made into a tea or B::m"' ‘{‘llll irections accompany every ttle snd box, - - Gerstle Medicine Co. | Chattancoga, Tenn. Kills To Stop The Fiend. The worst foe for 12 years ot John Deye, of Gladwin, Mich., wasr run ning sore, He paid docters over 8400, without benefit. Then Buck len's Arnica Salve killed the ulcer and cured him, Cures feverasores, boils. felons, Eczema, salt rheum. Infallible for piles, burns, scalas, tuts, corns. 25¢ at a'l druggists \ l Send us your order for Letter ' heads, Euvelopen, ete. _ ~aunun ' ‘ DIRECTORY AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH, ' ~ @. E. Jones, Pastor, ‘ Preaching and Conference on the fourtk »awurday at 11 o’cloclt A, M, and on Synday at 11 A. M, and at 7:30. P, M, | Prayer Meéting every Thursday at 7 P, B, ' Sunday School every Gunday at 9330 A, M., J. F, Smith, Superin tendent, : Woman’s Missionary Society, ev ery Wednesday at 3 P, M,, Miss Tattic Denmark, Pres, | liveryboay is invired to atlend‘j each service. | “ M, E. CHURCH SuUTH, Of 'rm:j FoOLKgTON CIRCUIT ‘ I, R. Kelly, pastor. ] B. F. Gay, Assistant.‘ Preaching at Folkston every xst% Sunday 2t 11 A. M. and 7 P. M., and 3rd Sunday at 7 P. M. ‘ Prayer Meeting every Wednesday at g P. M, | Sunday School at 3 P. M. ev ery Sunday, | Preaching at Uptonville every 2nd Sunday at T P. M, Preaching at Bethel every 2znd Sunday at 11 A. M ~ Preaching at Traders Hill every 4th Sundav at 11 A. M. Preaching at Mills’ church every 3rd Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M. Preaching at Homeland cyery 4th Sunday at 7 P. M, : All are cordialdy invited For Rent. One seven room nouse, eight acres of land under fence, within the city himits of Folkston, Ga. For further infor\mution see or write ; Mrs, G, W, Haddock, ! Lraa Y . Ca'lahun,_rfl..a.' Nl\ l EA L PRINT L \ ING . ! ® Are You Liviag In the Cobweb Kingdom? ' | I- fi . \\\\A%‘i:'fi?-l// D I~ N - F "1 e | . H There are cobwebs on the windows, There are cobwebs on the door, There are cobwebs swinging, swaying From the rafters to the floor. Now the place is Cobweb Kingdom, Though it used to be a store. If the C@web Kingdom's ruler L% Were a man discreet and wise He would have no cobwebs swaying, Swinging round and catching fliesy He would crowd his store with buyers= Me would simply ADVERTISE! Charlton County ‘ 1 Directory|. bt | Superior Court, Tuesday after| the first Monday in April, and Tues dsy after the fourth Monday in Oct. | County Court, first Monday in| each month, ‘ JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT. | Thomas A. Parker, Waycross. ‘ '~ SOLICITOR GENERAL. l Jos. H. Thomas, Waycross. | . CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. Jesse W, Vickery, Foikston, JUDGE COUNTY COURT. _ A. G. Gowen, Folkston, S§OLICITOR “OUNTY COURT }' W. M. Olliff, Folkston. REPRESENTATIVE, ‘ D ®. Wasdin, Winokur. i ORDINARY, " J. J. Stokes, Folkston - TREASURER, _ J.S. Grooms, Folkston. . TAX RECEIVER. D F. Roddenberry, Folkston. TAX COLLECTOR. J. C. Allen, Winokur, ! SHERIFF. -' W. R.. Wainwright. Folkston. ’ SCHOOL COMMISSIONER | . 1. E, Malard, Folkston, ‘ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, J.P. Mizell, Chairman, Folkston. iB. G. McDonald " 1. B. Lloyd, 2 ¥. Johns Bachlott €. C, Thomas, St. Ceooge. ? BOARD OF DUCATION FT. 1.. Pickren, Pres, Foikston, (C. W. Waughtel, Homeland. f ; W. R. Keen, Traders Hill, S, J. Smith, St. Georgs. D. R- Wasdir, Winokur. © Ex. Orr. J. P. aNo CONSTBLES. ST, W. Vickery, = J.W. Swearingen 32 pis. G. M., Folkston. 3. &, Prescott, ; l 1354 Ms. 6, M., Winokur, F G. W. Aunderson, A,’'l'. Mizell | 1193 Dis. G. M., Wainwright \ J. P. AND THEIR CONSTARLES, | | S, A, Cross, A.F, Carmical, | Bl D, 6l M, St Geo ages i J. E. scMehal, F.W. Young, ' 32 pis. 6, M., Homeland o H.Crews, D.IV. Smith, ; 1354 Dis. G, M., Winokur, i ‘"W, F. Donovan, _No Constable, 959 Dis. G, M., St George. C. L. Cowart. No Cons., . 1220 Dis. G,'M., Moniac. | G. H.Jacobs. No Cons. | l 1142 Dis, G, M. Trader’s Hill, l TOWN OF FOLKSHTON, \ M avos i T f l krer MavYor PROTENM 4 . C. M, Raybun, *COUNCILMEN, ; M, J. Paxton, C. M Raybon, J. S. Mizell : Y. W, Seals, L O. ¥. Wilson TREASURER, M. J. Paxton, RECORDER, E. L. Wainwnght, 5 MARSHAL,N i A. B wainwright- I N o— " W 0 , T o’ £ ¥ N AW 2 ‘-v"“_‘l_'t‘ . R 7‘4\ bLA L ‘-%s‘\ ; ‘,~.‘.“. N ‘ At N -gp.?f‘ BURGRSY BUCKGEE'S BULBS SUCCEED! Neg Bigpa Y SPECIAL OFFER: W/ (14Y Made to Hulld Tew Dusinsas, A Qs B ricl vwillanalis you & posuaront cuds ) $ o tomer, Sutiricction guaraniped ar your YR B mwoney refundel. '; 5 Sonvenir Collection ™ Poiduineinme. N ERIET P u wort s Giage Hrw i, M‘?: "(:‘ elnth, Bpriag Saawiake, lom, Spaul'h Tris, Selllas, Spercais, bF hwu‘wi‘f‘nvémc‘m’-4,\.23‘“--‘.\‘:‘!«\\. Avemige, Batodtl, B 8 Pt Ry Suroioa, Dcn Tulty, Partat iy, Variersted B W i, (vfia 15, Prev h Towan axd L-uw% liyeciatas, ul an ety Tollen, oo dic g A GCARANTLES ™D PrE LA B 5 Vel v Foe lni rils Poper o P e e " -"."": " 0 _ bt ie et B ;4;,: i 3y i Mot Naked B 3 S Ak s ) . A 58 PIEA & 0 ssyoß AR R A B R o et e by A S Ai e eAR ‘u{ IS NS A e sTR Dollar Saving Days, & § Prosperity dates from the first dol lar saved. if you are '‘earning o} money you ought to save some-. :i thing. What you do now ¢ 5 in the way of saving may : determine what the fu- ) ture will bring you. : cWe pay interest on . savings accounts : compounded quar= . terly at 5 per-cent, on : time certificates 6 per-cent. ey us open an - : : account with . < cj ; LT . ‘ | 4 / 4 3 ¢ We are prepared to serve thellpub- : lic in an acceptablelway. Have ‘ you tried us? ; : ' ‘ THE . § & ¥ < BANK ; 4 ¢ ¢ [ OF : 4 - : < : FOLKSTON, P - q BN 1R EACH TOWR -/ e a;:id gésu;g&‘l: ? F} ) ride xhi 4 g 5'3 sample Latest Model “Ranger’ bicycle furnished by us. OQur agents evaywehcum g £ ’ \ making money fast. Wy z:rfidl Particulars and .afiecial offer at once. 4 i W ey NO MONEY REQUIRED until you receive an approve of your bicycle. Weshi 7l PR o anyone, anywhere in the U. S. without @ cent deposit in advance.lreh&frfcle. an§ 74 ! | allow TEN DAYS’ FREE TRIAL during which time you may ride the bicycle an 7 Nly %@ put it to any test you wish. If you are then not perfectly s.g\liz'fied or do not wish to } ‘ ‘ WM keep the bicycle ship it D\;\ik ;.o us z;‘t olur %;pfinse an%yo;;. wull ttk mo”gl“gmt 5 HA A R e turmish the highest grade bicycles it is possible e !\ ” ? \,l‘ i FAGTORY PRIcEs at one small profit above actual factory cost. You save $lO b\ \N SR S\ fA3B to $25 middlemen’s profits by buying direct of us and have the manufacturer’s guar+ B PRV antee behind your bicycle. DO NOT BUY a bicycle or a pair of tires from anyons i3y i ‘.af?.,.‘»‘ @ at any price until vou receive our catalogues and leain our unheard of factery ’g\r‘ \i G(f ‘; 3’ Prices’and remarkadle special offers m}‘rlder agents, enitited ek d ! KR4O o Al . when you receive our beautiful ca ogue an -(”\1“ “,‘k‘é” L\ VOH WILL E flSTONISHE study our superb models at the weonder/ully e & S Joww prices we can make you this year. We seli the highest grade bicycleador less money L R < W™ than any other factory. We are satisfied with SI.OO profit abave factory cost. e i Qi BICYCLE DEALERS, you can sell our bicycles under your ovn nzme plate at - 5 double ~ our prices. Orders filled the day received. x B |/ SECOND HAND BICYCLES. We do not regularly handle second hand bicyeles, but s4B¥ usually have a number on han%\ukcn in trade by our Chicago retail stores. These we clear out & nromptly at prices ranging from 31088 or 810, Descriftive bargain lists mailed free, ER BRRKES tinglo wheels, imported rolier cha ns and pedals, parts, repairs and cflfl“ 9 » equipment of all kinds at Lalf tke usual retail prices. SERSC REDGETHORH PUHCTURE-PROOF spg 80 N = S i SELF-HERALIRG TIRES & Sampee rain l- -_ 70 INTRODUCE, GNLY XY e regular velail price of these tives is T o PRy > $8.50 per pair, bul( to iut.\);!uc; we wi}ll w‘_%} _ sellyouasample pair for s4.Bo(cashwithovder $4.55), fra s { S (EZEEO, 5D g E FROM PURCTURES |- ndemmant] . 1 7RS 'o MORE TRO“BL -‘.;_f'?;igga?g%;y; BT Bk é*:‘;&;:;' < NAILS, Tacks or Glass will not let the WReHTSTORENE/gil b pary SIS air out. Sixty thousand pairs sold last year, §& L A a 2 s:f -i'-\.-i;ty?_«: Al Over two hundred thousand pairs now in use. e T 's: RNN / DESCRIPTION: Madeinallsizes. Itistively LR R - ’_/ and easyriding,verydurableand linedinsidewith NG sPI SRRV N AN 54 & special quality o?mht;er, which never lv:co::u;f "‘ T 425 ) / horous and which closes up small punctures without allowe [& 88 L:g theairtoescape. We have hundreds of letters from satis. 'S ! i §X.t’?nt’h°3::=;—:’::’ :’:fia fiedcustomersstating that theirtires haveonly been pumped TS “ "P J wye Po : o Fes B and “D," also rim strip “H upouceortwiceina wholeseason. They weighnomorethan R to prevent rim cutting. Thia anordinary tire, the(p\mc:ure resisting qualitics being givenn S 8 tire will euntlast “" other by several layers of thin, specially prepared fabricon the A make—SOFT, ELASTIO and tread. Theregularprice ofthcse}iresxs;%‘._soperpmr.but for @ EASY BlDlfiG advertising purposes weare makingaspegial fpcto?'price to g . the rider of only §4.80 per pair.. All orders shipped same day letter is received. We ship C. 0. D.on, approval. You do not pay a cent until you have examined and found them strictly as represented. We willallow a eash discount of 5 per cent (thereby making the price $4.65 per pair) if you send FULL CASH WITH ORDER and enclose this advertisement. You run no risk in sending us an order as the tires may be returned at OUR expense if for any reason they are not satisfactory on examination. We are perfectly reliable and money sent to us is as safe as in a bank. If you order a pair of these tires, you will find that they will ride easier, run faster, wear better, last longer and look finer than any tire you have ever used or seen at any price. We know that you will be so well pleased that when you wanta tm:?'cle you will give us your order. We want you to send us a trial order at once, hence this remarkab e tire offer, ED TIRES don't buy any kind at any price until you send fora pair of IF YOU ”E Hedgethorn Puncture-Proof tires on approval and trial at the special introductory price quoted above; or write for our big Tire and Sundry Catalogue which describes and quotes all makes and kinds of tires at about half the usual Rrices. T but write us a postal today. DO NOT THINK OF BUYING a bicycle DO NOT WA! or a pair of tires from anyone until you know the new and wonderful offers we are making. It only costs a postal to learn everything, Write it NOW, J. L. MERT GYCLE COMPARY, CHICAGO, ILL. Won't Slight A Goo. Friend. - z “If ever I need a.cough medicine egain I know what to get,” declares Mrs, A. L. Alley, of Beals, Maine, “for, afrer using ten bottles of Dr, King’s New Discovery, and, seeing its excellent results in my own fami ly and others, I am convinced it is the best medicine made for coughs, icolds and lung trouble.” Everyone who tries it fecls just that way, Re ‘lief ‘s felt at once and its quick cure surprises you. For bronchitis, asth ma hemmorrhage, croup, lagrippe, sore throat, pain in chest or lungs its supreme. ssoc and §l. Trial bot tie free. Guaranteed by all druggists lßi ss s o s 00l Old papers for sale at the Herald office, 15¢. per hundred. e A Little Row On last Friday John Hateher and hie wife went to the field where W E. Sapp was at work to settle gsome reports that were out, in whi ch Sapp was accused of circulating falgo reports on the family of Hate he". Hatcher «ntered his field and the quarrel began, in which Hatcher ‘was cut one severe lick by Sapp. Htacher then pulled his revolver rnd shot at Sapp once but miseed ‘bis mark, ' l Sapp had Hatcher arrested charg ed with assault ar d intent to mur ’dqr; In the trial before J. B+ Me Mahal J. P., Hatcher was releas & land Sapp to pay all cQst.