Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, June 10, 1909, Image 2

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Charlton @ou/zz‘y Aerald, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. W. R, WAINWRIGHT, - - Owner, e, St e . . 5A et e . B AMUTS S Official Organ, Charlton County And Town Of Folkston. Entared at the postothice at Folkston, Ga., as Second Class Matter. : SUBSCRIPTION RATES ‘One Year - -~ SI.OO Six Months -~ =" 50 Cents Three Mouths ~ -~ 25 Cents. o PSS ettt e | * Advertising Rates taade known on application, ‘ e T B )ee A T M Ul DML 08 s A G, L, ”’a:’nwfiig/d, Editor, Answer Jo "In The Shadow OF The Lines.” You ask me but to meet you in the shadow of the pines; Forgive the past aad love you as before; But though my heart is yearning, once again vour face to see, I know that here on earth we'll meet no more; The words you spoke 1 anger have cast us far apart, So far, that we shall never meet again, But on my heart the memory of happy cCays gene by, Engraven there, fogever gshall remain, Chorus, Oh, T cannot come back to you, sweetheart, Cannot come back to the one I love, Though on carth we shall ever be parted, I'll meet you in the heaven above. T tossed the ring in anger, in the waters of the sea, Unheeding then the tears yon could not hide. 1 left you standing underncath the pine trees all alone, As overhead the night wind softly sighed; My heart was hot with unger atihe cruel words you said. The words that cost so many years of pain, And now you fain would call me back, but, oh, I cannot come; I'l] never see your face on earth again, Chorus. *Twas pride that drove me from you, 'neath the shadow of the plnes; "Twas pride that drew me to another’s side. And duty now must hold me tnere, although my love could not; By duty’s chains forever we’ll abide , {But when our task on earth is don:; our life on earth is o’er Angd we shall pass from earth to heaven above, | When all life's work is ended, I shall meet you once again, And claim you then, my first, and only love, Chorus. : ERr PR The trusts can trust the Senate, B 1f partopns could kill, those new hats wourd he dead ones. Judge Landis, of $29.000.000 fine fame, has now fined a man one dent. There was no appeal this time, What'll we do with our clotheslines when they lay out these air. ship routes. EEERECRR It ought to be some consolation to the Sultan of Turkey that he show has only eleven spring bonnets to buy. A Wilkes Barre (Pa.) woman was saved from drowning by her big hat, It must have been a canoe. The ‘best thing about an engagement to go to a picric is that may e it will rain in time to prevent it ererERRER “Women, mind your own affairs,” advises Mrs. Hetty 'Green. Andtbqy will too, provided they can get through with their neighbor’s dn time. “Going to Work,” a painting by Millet, has just gold for $50.000 It would be worth a good deal to get a picture of some men going to work. BEEREERE If that Alabama man who proposed to 200 women before he wa s .accepted has any children. they will have the right to regard him as the mmost wonderfu! popper in the world. FREREER Not all the horrible things you hear are true. For instance mn'n'ied men will be pleased to learn that the ferthcoming fashion pre-, Aacribing & 500-button-up-the-back gown for women is based on noth ing, : Because she was -"vexed with her husband” an Illinois woman | poured keroseue over him, and set him afire, The average husband Ahusband will much prefer the old style curtain lecture to this Illinois in ‘ JAnovaton. | — PAGE— =POULTRY: JOHNWHITE S, CO. o@mmm | LOUISVILLE, KY. RIS Ay | ESTARLIBNED 103 R R | fighest market price patd NN \“ 80 e FURS orudEßae | raw 4&‘ Y, /R %\ i s ad HIDES g% W SN WeS N X ) mf.‘w“_' DI ) % . "b:v CHURCH = DIRECTO RY AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH, if G. E. Jones, Pastor. ?‘ Preaching and Conference on the fourth Saturday at 11 o’clock A, M. and on Sunday at 11 A. M. and at 9:50 0, M. . Prayer Meeting every Thursday ati 18 M. ! Sunday School every Sunday ati ’9;30 A. M., J. F. Smith, Superin ‘tendeat, . . Woman's Missionary Sociery, ey ery Wednesday at 3 P. M., Miss Mattic Deumark, Pres, ’ Everybody is invited to atiénd each service. M. E. Cuurcu Sourh, oi THE I'oLksTon Circurr I. R. Kelly, pastor. B. F. Gay, Assistant. Preaching at Folkston every st Sunday at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M., and 3rd Sunday at 7 P. M. Prager Meeting every Wednesday at 7 P. M, ; ; Sunday Schoolat 3 P. M. ey, ery Sunday. Preaching at Uptonville every 2ud Sunday at 7 P M, fircaching at Bethel every 2nd- Sunday at 11 A. M Kol g Preaching at Traders Hill every | 4th Sundav-at 11 A. M. f Preaching at Mills’ church every 3rd Sunday at 11 o’clock A. M. Preaching at Homeland es'crj' 4th Sunday ar 7 P. M, . ik All are cordially invited IN GC e s ) 80 YEARS® iR EXPERIENCE v £ N A Q" TRADE MARKS Yoo g Desicns COPYRIGHTS &~. Anyone sending a sketch and dmcrlgtion may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable, Eommunim tions strictly confidential, HAhDBOO on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & (%. recelve special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American, A han&somely illustrated weekly. T.argest cir culation of any gelentitic *‘snrual. Terms, $3 a ear ; four months, sl. 80ld by all newsdealers, HIINN & Co,3ovormer. New or Branch Office, 625 X' Bt. Washington, B § Our Mail Order Catalogue @ . \ Spring and Summer 1909 3 x ; *‘3. %VYHI be issued about April 15th, if you de-} %snre a copy cut out and mail this coupon to’ R us. : 5 (Write with: Pencil) : : B. H. Levy, Bto. & Co ~ : it Savannah, Ga, : . Please send me a copy of your Mail QOrder Catalogue for Spring and Summer 1909 - 3 Neme, I Town, .o DRI Gt Btate,. . Giwear RREIEE B L Below are names of two barlies in my town whom I think would also be interested in your catalogue, | B. H. Levy, Bro. & Co, Savannah, Ca. Charlton County | . Directory” . Superior Court, Tuesday after {the first Mouday in April, and Tues dsy after the fourth Monday in Oct. , County Court, first Monday in seuch month, . . JUDGE SUPERIOR COURT. ‘ . ' homas A. Parker, Waycross. % . SOLICITOR GENERAL. Jos. . Thomas, Waycross. & CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. Jesse W. Vickery, Folkston. - JUDGE COUNTY COURT. ' A. G. Gowen, Folkston, " "/SOLICIT JR OUNTY COURT, W, M. Olliff, Foiksten, . " REPRESENTATIVE. D ©. Wasdin, Winokur. ORDINARY. : +J. J. Stekes, Folkston l TREASURER, |‘ “" J.S. Grooms, Folkston. £ % . TAX RECEIVER. DT Roddenberry, Folkston, b TAX COLLECTOR. ;’” " “J. C. Allen, Winokar, 5 SHERIFF., ©W. R. Wamwright, Folkston. . 'L SCHOOL COMMISSTONER . 4 1.0 E, Mallard, Folkston, ; COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, J:P. Mizell, Chairman, Folkston. B. G. McDonald 2 1. B. Lioyd, g F. Jobns Bachlott C: C, Thomas, St. Geooge. : EOARD OF DUCATION 8P Pickren, Ptes, Foikston. B ‘ ‘C. W. Waughtel, Homeland. W. R. Keen, Traders Hill, ; 5. J.-Smith, St. Georgs. 1 D. R- Wasdir, Winokvr. | ; : | ! Ex. OFr. J. P. ano CONSTBLES. | T. W. Vickery, J.W. Swearingen . 32 pis, G. M,, Folkston. AR S N T R (e T B 2 ¥ A. Prescott, | ' 1354 mis. G, M., Winokur. | G. W Anderson, AL Mizele - - Ivg3 Mis. G. M,; - Wainwright . +J. P.t AND THEIR CONSTABLES, * s.4,Cross, A, F, Carmical, f i i D, G. M., B Geo ige, J. E. mcMehal, F,W, Young, . 32 Dis. G, M,, Homeland Ny H "Crews. D2V, Smith, 1364 Dis. G. M., winokur, ~ W. F. Donovan, No Constable, 959 Dis. G. M., St George. C, L. Cowart, Noj Cons., 1220 Dis. G. M., Moniac. G. H.Jacobs. No Cons. 1142 Dis, G, M, Trader’s Hill. Dollar Saving Days, Ll .3' ¢ ; B Prosperity dates from the first dol- :; lar saved. If you are 'earning 0§ money youought to save some- 3 thing. What youdo now 0§ & in the way of saving]may :: determine what the fu- o ture will bring you. :i We pay interest on ’i savings accounts :3 compounded quar- .} terly at 5 per=-cent, on :g time certificates 6 per-cent. .i us open an * account with :i d v { U 1‘ J ; o o We are prepared to serve thel pub- "i licinan acceptable way. Have :i you tried us? ’: % 3 THE ; o S : 5 BANK 4 . & : .g e O : ; 3 —-‘ . TOWN OF FOLKSTON, i : MAYOR, " k2> : T. L. Pickren, ’ : Mayor Prorzy, ! g 1 \I Raybon. : | COUNCILMEN, oML T Pagtoh. | C. M. Raybon, J. S 0 "Mizell, N T, W, Seals, | O. F.Wilson. TREASURER, : M. J. Paxton, : RECORDER, E L. Wainwnght. - MARSHAL, ; » H. H, Hathaway. : \TLANTIC C INR AT ANTIC COASTLIN L Excellent Passenger Service BETWEEN FOLKSTON : | - AND Montgomery,_Birmingham, New Orleans, Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, and all points west, also to New Yotk Philadelphia, Baltimcre and Washington, also Cuba and Flonda points. THROUGH- PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS . SCHEDULE OF 1 RralN -~ SOUTH No. 89 : 8165 2. m, No. 95 6:45 a. m, No. 33 §:l2.a. m No. 85 12:45 p* m. No. 21 7:10p. m R R SRR RS, mmm—m—— Dirget conngetions at Porc ‘lampaiwith P. &O. S 'S, Co., ship; for Key West and Havana Cannections at Savannah with Steamer Lines to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and points North Winter Tourist Tickets now on sale. Schedule figures areé given as information and are not guaranteed. Fifteen cents saved by buying tickeis fiom Agents. To G Wite, E. M. North, B. T. Morgan, General Passenger Agt. TCivision Passenger Agt. Trav. Passenger Agt. Wilmington, N. C. Savannah, Ga,. Sayanuah, Ga, | Old papers forsale at the Herald office, 15¢. per hundreds Al ! G : \ : DA ‘-“" . ! W g&&:“‘ A ’@ Mag R i- O QoY At NI E LA g -‘: 1; i L,,. A~ 7 PoS ",‘,é'ff‘%:_' Amfi* fir!:;.a.iu‘}\e.\ . : e A‘/ l‘h RN ot - €351 i xS ’W/ ,:)xkké\" o Therzaremars Mefi:all Patternseold inthe United Mates than of any other make of patterns, This is ol @ccount of their style, accuracy antraimphcity. McCall’s NMagazine(The %ueen of Fashion) has more subscribers than any other Ladies’ Magszine. One pear’s subscription (12 numbers) cnsts 50 cents, Latest pumber, 3 cents. Everysubscriber gets a McCall Page torn Free. Subscribe today. Lady Agents Wantod. Handsome premiums on ?enl cash commission. Pattern Catalogue( of 600 da. gns) and Premium Catalogue (showing 400 premiumsy ont frees Address THE McCALL CO., Now York, R A it TN AL ATI Send us your order for Letter heads, Envelopes, etc. EAST & WEST No. 82 » 9:59 a. m, No. 80 8:55 p. m, No. 22 5:33 p. m, No. 32 8:45p. m. No. 94 9:15p. m