Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, July 08, 1909, Image 2

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@Aa/’/l‘on @owzl‘y Nerald, PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. Te e e ] W. R, WAINWRIGHT, - - = Owner,. TN M e. I 8T T 17| T 7 M ABT ) 0 ST YMT A GO S AT T Official Organ, Charlton County And Town Of Folkston, mmw——m Entered at the postotiice at Folkston, Ga., as Second Class Matter, SUBSCRIPTION RATES ' One Year - -~ SI.OO Six Months - = 50 Cents Three Manths —~ ~ 925 Cents. L e } B COREA Lt s Advertising Rates wade known on application, ————————_ ———— .OTTI 1. 0 0 A 125TSTLB O i S 0 5, B. ”711'/1101-I}//1/, (?!/i[op. INDEPENDEaCE DAY, ‘ My girllie, "tis of you, ! Is 1t quite trne? | I seek to know; With me you’ve made a hit, ' Love me a little bit? Do tell me so] i Oft have I worked till fwo, Thinking, my dear of yon, ‘ Oh, let me have a clue! And know my fate. 1 We are growing. ‘ ey Lo The Herald is now going into twice as many Lomes it was si\i month ago New names are being added to our subscription list at a rapid rate. If you are nota sub scriber to the Herald sendin 50 cents or 1,00 for a six month or ore years subscription, We arestriving 10 give news of interest about this section of our countiry, and we would be glud to put you on our list. Sem————— Death of Col. D. P, Rose, Ccl D, p, Rose, of St. Marys died Jast Sunday night, cfter a long illuess In the death of Col. Rose, St, Marys hus lost one of its prominent citizens, He wus judge of the city court of St Marys, was a senator from the Fourth Distiict 1a the lust General Assembley, and was a mem ber of the House for a number of years, besides occupying other posi teons of honor. He has many friends in this County who wiil regret to know ot his death. The funeral took pace in Savannah Tues day morning. | * PROGRESS IN CUBA. With the beginning of the present fiscal year the Repubhe of Cuba gstablished a Bureau of Information, President Gomez appointing Leno J. Carova, an American newspaper man who has resided in Cuba ®leven years and has a wide acquaintance with the Island, as its director, Parties wishing infomation of any nature concerning Cuba can obtain same, tree of charge, by writing to Leno J. Canava,.U. and 1. Bureau, (Utility and Informytion Bureau.) Department ot Agrigulture, Com. merce and Labor, Havana, Cuba, E———— Read Building, The County Commessioners in their meeting Monday decided that before carrying the convictsup to | St. George they would put the rogd from the Prerce County line to the! Florida line in good condition, ' ‘The citizens are are proud of their decision and we all know this wasl the right thing to do. \We did not | wantto be the slowes County to pnt the automobile road through, and Row it is a certanly that we will be along with the first. Old Charltons roads have beer. bad tor some txmc: but we are coming to the front. We now have about fifteen miles of‘ As good a roads as can be found, ~and in a few months Automobilist €an pass throught without having to - beg up in the mure, Come To Charlton ‘ \ County Ga. And | ~ Buy You Some i Good Land, | o ~ Farm life was never so attractive as to day and its possibilities in the ifuun‘c are simply untold. Weare in the thresnold of a wan derfyl ere 1n the annals of agricultur Millions of acres ofvirgin soil,stared with the untilled riches of centuries, stand ready for the up to date farm er, right here in - Charlton county, l:m\l the price per acre, which is within reach cf every one alertc nough to seize the chance, Modern farming is the best possi ble career for men of brains and in itiative, as well as for the humblest worker. There 1s no other career as indipendent. None as free from eslaying conditions, none as con ducive to thoroygh manliness, The modern faymer is his own overload, nature is his only master,—and she is an unfailing servaut. Agriculturs is one of the few callings in which 4 man can be wholly himself, can think his own thoughts, shape his own hfe, carry out nis own yiews, and in 1o calling is success so cer tain to honest etfort. In the busi fness world there are g 3 per cent of lf'aulurcs, according to rehable statis ties, 'The element of chance is greater. . Competition forces thous ands to the wall. It swarves out the little man. In farming there is no real competition. The world has always been short of food and will be for some time to come, Scien ufic treatment of the soil, cheap fer fertilizers, drainage weather forecast horticuiture, preventing of disease in plant and beast, are all operating to make farming profits sure. And the social life of the farmer is im measurably more attractive than ev er before, Railroads, electric lines, tclcp‘honcs, modern * schools, rural free delivery, automobiles, all of the conveniences of city life may be had in the country as it developes, and what no ity can possibly - afford— God’s open air, Think what this means in prosperity to the farmer and what it would wean in health and soul to millions of city dwellers who are now living in crowed tene ments and working for a pittance. “Back to the S0il” is a sirer cry no longer. It is a sober counsel, which all classes will do well to heed Land will never be as cheap again. Its value wirl double and quadruple i’ Science, nature, the whole trend of econdmic forces are coming to baild i up land wealth of tremendous mag ‘nitude. Southeast Georgia 1s a ver itable promise land. The time is fast approaching in this country when lands will be too high-priced for the man of moderate means to purchase. The time therefore, to buy is now, when values “are still within your reach. The tide of Im migration has turned this way, and this whole southern country is rapid ly fillng up. If you are a farmer and’would like tohave a snug balanc in the bank, get a farm in South east Georgia while the land can be purchased at a reasonable price, . W. H. Clay ; | Pull for Charlton County or pull out, | » 1 rs . s . ! J. C. Allen of Winokur wa: in town last weck visiting friends. i { Pull for Homeland or pull out. : | | ; ! | ' I'here has been » crew put 1o work on our big park to do pre-= liminary work eo as to interest people in our grand park | | Puil to gethersea nosawing. | John M. Hamon of Savannah was a busiuess caller lact Thusday. Keep one thing in mind, Charlton County is the best country in tke State to live in, By the way do you know Homeland hasa male Quartstte. Remember we have the healthiest <limate known, B. I. Granger is getting ready to put on an addition to his bung-i alow, as he hus & prospective tenant. Remember'that a ten acre tract or a couple city lots bought now will mean that they will double in value in about a years time. Another man has left town for the Farm, W. 1. Pritchard has old Lis belonging in town and moved on a farm, about five miles oau. ‘l'he more Farmers we have the riclier our couaty will be, Remember this would be a good time to visit Homeland and sce What we can do/in the way of raising stuff for market. Remember that the county meeting of the farmers LE&C Union meet at the colony Buiiding the fourth Saturday in July, ta ten oclock sharp. This notice is put in by the request of the Secretary, The city council meets on Thursday evening of this week alder men Wili pleage take notice. Remember that by stiicking together and working together we can do much for vur town and County. : Last Saturday evening the Homeland Literary Society had & very enthusiastic meeting and shey had a debate on whether Ilectricity would supersede steam or not. Eleetricity side bad the speakers had the strain speakers had facts tha: could not be overcome. The young people of Homeland and vicinity finished up the fourth of July by a good old fashion corn roast on Monday evening over thirty of our young people were there and about eignt thirty they started the irc and the fun began, ang such' a jolly time as was had jokes and laughter sounding like pop corn pappers, it was one containual round of laughter and it was twelve oclock be fore the party broke up and decided that they had the begt time of their life. : The 1906 Colony Co., held there reguiar meeting on Monday evening, a good deal of business was transacted, another thing done, was to order two large signs put up at each Railroad. The Secretary of the Company reports a very busy week with the following sales. Lot 4 block 107 hennipen Co., Mina,, lot 34 5 and 6 block 105 henn. Co. Miun. tract 161 and 138 heen. Co Minn,, tract 97 Charlion Co. Ga., tract 140 Charlton Co., Ga., and more to come, ; ::- S ; Weather report for the week ending July 3rd. Sun. 27th fair and showers 79 gl, Mon, 28th fair and showers 78 go Tues zqth cloudy 76 83. wed, 3oth cloudy and shrs 76 83 - i . Fhurs 15t cloudy and shrs 76 82, Fri 2nd cloudy and showers 78 86 Sat 31d cloudy —— 28 90 All good things come to Homeland. The Farmers’ Locsl Union met Saturday at Camp Pinkney with a good attendance and a very successful mecting was held. Among other business trausacted was that a Track Growers’ Association should be formed and it s=t the date on the 4tfl'Sdtnrdny in July 2: 30 p. m. at the colony building at Homeland. = This association is to be opened to all farmers and truck growers whether they are mzmbers 0f the Union or not there 1s also to be established with the association a canning fastory Everyboby isinvited, especially the farmers, and all who are interested in the upbuilding of this community = . : * The town of Homeland celebrated the Fourth of July on Monday sthin a most enjoyable way. The Sunday School gave a picnic over at the.park, and judging from the number of people there one would think that we were quite a city. [Each scholar received a treat from the sunday scnool of a bottle of pop and a dish of ice cream, They had quite a bit of singing, to the trouble of bringing th sunday school organ out to the grounds, They played all kind of games. 4o (uarts of ice cream were used and one good thing aboutit was that not a pistol shot was heard all day. Only one bunch of fire crackers was on the ground. Every body went home well pleased with their first Fourth of July picnic. W. H, Clay, Pres’ W. H. Bruce, Treas. J. L. White, Vice Pres. . : F..A. Armbruster, Sec. 1906 Colony Company, ; // - Homeland, Georgia, HAS FIVE FREE FACTORY SITES TO BE GIVEN AWAY. Also Wants Seventeen Dairymen To Locate Here. Fifteen Poultry Raisers Are Needed Who Will Be The First To Come. For information write to the 2 1906 Colony Company, - Homeland, Georgia. T MR TR LTRTN T R R Tortured On A Horse. “For ten years I couldn’t ride a horse without being in torture from piles,” writes L. 8. Napier, of Rug less, Ky., ““when all doctors and otner remedies failed, Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve cured me.” Infallible for piles, burns, scalds, cuts, boils; feveresores, eczema, salt rhefifil, coms. 25c, Guarauteed by all druggists, KILL = COUGH a 0 CURE Tve LUNGCS LR Ay " , “ B, King’s X @ New Discovery ONSUMPTION Price FOR Coumls and 50c &SI.OO oOLDS Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. oot SoeinaioSredredseonienslosdononfosiodonioniyidriodonionts e : % $ $ 3, ' .3. & ;) 039 .z‘ Q':Q j .f & : i Fresh Meats, Sausages and Fish. Lo-% 3 ; S 0 i : 3 cation, First Stoty, Herald Building. :g 5 Yours For Business, ¥ 3 M & J. A. Wainwright % 5 X 5 tectestuiteostosteite e stea ito Saeiieegestootaataeioeieodenion L Our Mail Order Catalogue 3 FOR | | b . . ‘ 4 Spring and Summer 1909 i %Will be issued about April 15th, if you deag {sire a copy cut out and mail this coupon to Q us. | (Write with Pencil) =B, H. Levy, Bro. & Co., Savannah, Ga. Please send me a copy of your Mail Order Catalogue so Spring and Summer 1909 Below are names of two parties in my town whom I think would also be interested in your catalogue, : B. H. Levy,Bro. & Co, Savannah, Ca. ,_\TLAN TIC COASTLINK _ww Excellent Passenger Service BETWEEN FOLKSTON : AND | Montgomery, Birmingham, New Orleans, Chicago, Cincinnati, ‘St, Louis, and all points west, also to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimere and Washingten, also Cuba and Flonda points. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS SCHEDULE OF TRralN ISOUTH No. 89 5100 8. M. No. 95 645 a. ~ No. 33 8:12 & m No. 85 12:45 p* m. No. 21 7:10 p. m. - Dircet connections at Porc Vampa with P, &O. 8_ 8. Co., ships for Key West and Havana, Connections at Savannah with Steamer Lines to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and points Nozth Winter Tourist Tickets now on sale. Schedule figures are given as information and are not guaranteed. Fifteen cents saved by buying tickews fiom Agents. : T. C. White, E. M. North, B. T. Morgan, ; General Passenger Agt. Tivision Passenger Agt, Tiav. Passenger Agt. Wilmington, N. C. Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga, Life 1004000, ,Yeags Ago, Scientists have found in a cave in Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 years ago, when life was 1n constant danger from wild Dbeasts. Today the danger, as shown by A, W. Brown, of Alexander, Me., is largely from deadly disease. “‘lfit had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery, which cured me, I could not have lived,” he writes, ¢‘suffer ing as I did from a Severe lung trou ble and lung trouble,” To cure sore lungs, colds, obstinate coughs, and prevent pneumonia, its the best medicine on earth. 50c. and SI.OO. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all ‘druggists. i EAST & WEST No. 82 9:59 a. m, No. 80 8:55 p. ma no. 8y 5:33 p. m, No. 32 8:45p. m No. 94 9:15p. m Sees Mother Grow Young, “It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to nse Electric Bit ters,” writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, of Danforth, Me, ‘‘Although past 70 she seems really to be growing yonag again, She suffered untold misery from dyspepsia for 20 years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed till Electrie Bitters worked such wonders for her hea'th.” They iavigorate all vital organs, cure liver and Kidney trou bies, induce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Qnly 50c. at all drug gists, .