Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, July 22, 1909, Image 2

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2 . Charlton Goa/zfy .7/e/’a/af PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. WW W. R, WAINW RIQHT, » — - Owner. —-—--——-—-————————-——-—-—.—..—_—________ Official Organ, Chariton County And Town Of Folksten. W“ Entered at the postothice at Folkston, Ga., as Second Class Matter. w SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year - -~ SIOO Six Months —~ ~ 50 Ceats Thice Months - -~ 95 Ceats. Advertising Rates tnade known on_application. w— (g. L’. ”’rn’nnmi_(//lf, (?({,'top_ THE HERALD 15 for sale cheap. Satisfactary reasons for selling. ‘Terms are cash, | T Wake up, wake up. <. ~hook aroundyou. .‘ = Begin to hustle. “Pull for Charlton county. . Pass not the golder opportunities by, - We are living in the grandest section of the nion. | Prosperity was never yet produced by pilling on tariff taxes. ; He, who ewns ten acres of land in Charlton county, is a happy mavn © Jf you are vut as a job; begin pull ing Charlton county to the front, Hearsays ave not always believed ~Put Charlton county is the land of opportunity. v Homéland is-a pretuy. little towhn - just north of Folkston/ and Gharlton Jfomntyjaprondother, 1 f‘; 'f's'f‘ % ”'*‘. ii" : o .'; . $ ] A little more work by the:citizens of Folkston will .make. our. town grow, ' £ " The time will come . when our lauds will (all be in . eultivation. « Ths section isccoming to the front. '+ Many of our old tarmers now say ‘that in a few years this will be. otie wof the greatest farming . sectians 1y Ahe country. T - A canning factory willwpay -heic. Mr T, W, Vickery is doing. a fine busines with his out fit and ds. taking” eareof all orders, ] The conference .committee wil'l ‘‘set” ten days on the tariff egg. Then what? .. Hatch a lizzard,s -per. haps, & You can often save yourself: use less worry by permitung other peo plecto-attend to- their .owa. private affuirs, . " Why always be, dependent on some one-else, when ine Charlton county you can make an independ ent living ou-a small tract of land, “United we stand, divided we fall”, As.long as we work together -and tryto help each other, we are a happy people, but when we begin for ~welf, we fall, ’ The St.. George Gazette says that “Dad” Anguish soli S2O worth of off a lot. 25x125 feet this year, St. George Is. just 22 miles south of Folkstan, . and the people there are hustlers. s —— The new copper oue-cent: coins bearing the head of Lincoin, are to be put into circulation on on August 2. 'lthe old Indizn heud cents nave been discontinued and will be grad ually retired, Meauwhile, if you havea few ludian head c: nts in your possession and care to hold them two hundred years oy sO, they will vrobably Be worth half a dollar each Uy them, ‘ | fixty~-six Pound Melon, The Moultrie Observer is talking about her large melons, and has vresented one that weighs sixty vounds. We can beat that by six pounds. Mr S. R. Hulling, one of our best farmers has one of the best melon patches in the county and has raised one that weighed sixty six pounds. Charlton Connty is noted ifor her fine melons, and the other couaties must hustle if they beat us, T ———— » Farming i Charlton Ceunty. In a few years this section will be a great farming section. The time ilis coming when the lands here, now unused, will be in cultivation and ‘v:\lnablc crops raised, The farmers are new more in terested than a year ago, Fine crops have been made this year. More melons have been raised this vear than were before, and several lcars have been shipped. [. ‘All the farmers have out several acres Of sweet potatoes, and no doubt more. potatoes will be made Phan cver Before. 'The good rews cames that all crops are fine. . Thio Wholo Btory, " g S : 4 1 : i From the Barnesville News-Gazette’ The case of Hon. 8. G. McLend on. the deposed Railivad Commis: sioner, is & very remarkable case! It seems certain now that he has vio' Jated no Jaw which authorized his suspension and yet the man aud the ‘men whopieked him up in a South Georgia town and sent him. ta. At lanta in. a .roller chair begause.. hé had written @ piece or two against the rail roads. now denounce. Lim and treat.him as not even a respect able negro.deserves. t 0 be . treated. When he appeals to the Legislature for a hearing and trial, being depriv edlof his rights without due process of law, the jury is stacked on him and he has little or no show at_ any thing even approaching . justice, it matters not what the facts are,., for ithcrc are members of the investigat ing committee who boasted . betore the committee ever met.ihar | “old Mclendon had to. go.” . And we doubt not that he will have to go. These whom he helped and befriend ¢d have deserted him and it can hardly be expected that those whom he has neretofore fought will come to his rescue. He isa roler.chair invalid, and as one of his. trienas says, ‘s now Jess.,” Itisentirely a game of politics.and Mel.endon had 1o be ousted and made a sacrifice in ‘lhq: hope of making political capital out of him, Thats the whole story, In connection with the, McLend. on case the made that Hon Hoke BBmith as Governor unques. tionably violated the. law when he paid Han, Hooper Alexander, a fine llawycr a~d a splendid citizen and geutleman large sums of money for ‘transacting legal business for the State while he was a member of the Legisiature. It makes a great dif ference whose ox is gored. old Sores, Itching Plles, EGZEMA, .. Skin Biseases, 1. ABSOLUTELY CURED. HERMI‘I‘-.'SALVE, 285 AND 80 ct:v:.,a'.;okx. —— ghli‘?mfi@cdy a 5 \':a;‘:o — Ol N . 1 | Pull for Charltom Couaty or pull out, | ~ i Pull for H{omeland or pull out. “ Last Saturdazy evening the Literary Society had a very interest. | ing evening, and for next Saturday ewening they invite everbody tO‘ come out and see what is going on and enjoy the meeting with them. | | Jokes are like nuts-the dryer they are the better they crack. At the last meeting of the loeal branch of Farmers X&C Union. Tkey decided to put an organizer is the field of Charlton Co., to drum up the tarmers aud to show them them that they should ba up and do g, that tne ume is ripe for the farmers 10 make some money, aud tor ulm to take advantage of the good things that are coming for Charlton County. j 7z The surest way to get hard up s to take things easy, The Colony Co., has had a crew in the ficld laying out an addi tion to the north side of town adding twenty three bidscks to the town { of Homeland, and have platted lands 10 the norin boundry of the Col vuy lands, and almosy all that was platted was taken by Homeland peuple betore the plats was filed. . Toerr is human, failure to profit by -he error is ditto. There is an extra good chance 1n Homeland for a lumber yerd und building material house 80 that tne people can make better head way in building, at the present time it is a case of start a building and then have t 0 wait for some part to be shipped by the Bailroad Co. Laugh and the world laughs wath you; be a grouch and the laugh is on you, DO NOT FORGET THAT NEXT SATURDAY, JULY 24 - AT TEN OCLOCK SHARP. Is the county meeting of the Farmers E&C union every member is regusted to come out, As there is some very important matters to pe acted on, and be sure to be there on time' 48 the meeting must be let out on vime. Makeita paint to be there i It is the small caretully cultivated farm that brings .independ-- gnce to its owner. ATTENTION, : Next Saturday evening at twe thirty at the Colony building there wiil be an open meeting for every farmer truck grower or any oue inter <sled in farming, a truck growers association for Charlton Co, Now 18 the time for action, if you want a truck growers association, get oug, and do your part, these things do not come of thewmselves it need bush ing and hard pushing a\ “that. Some people won’t get & move on themselves until they sit down en the.tack of adversity, J. L. Wahite is doing quite a bit:farming this seasoniand is enjoy -iug the watermelons he has some very fine ones, it takes a good many -lucions to. supoly his family as his -oldest 'son Wm. H. White is .the ¢ hampiog ugater of tndfeedhgn. o . The secretary of the 1906 Colony «Cy., has one hundred and fifty small photographs of scenes in and around Homeland.and sold Ahem for five cents a piece and ia three days all but a few were so!d he «expects a new lot-in this week, he also has new ones that witl bs ready ina few days, Bewter, place your order for some go .tha you can'l seud them to your frieuds so that they can see what a nice Dlace Home land i 3 and thal we can raise a sow things, the norihener think that all I we have here, swamps and razor back hogs. | Frank J. Fieber left for his formes hox;lc in Minneapelis Monday ln()on. Mz, Fieber came here last November a very sorry looking man ,uml it was all they could do to get him off the train. and he wis in bed 3 | months after he came here, but today he is as strong as ever. He goes ‘back to Minneapolis. to take up his formeravork with the Express Co. .He thinks this is .the healthiest climate there is, aand says that he will .come back here again. .He, gained 68 pounds while hare Good-bye Frank, put in a good word for. Homeland, The,Homeland Cigar Co. received a pretty hard .blow .the past week. They had an order. in for,3 cases of cigar buxes and when hold ing back orders.for toem and they had received notice that the boxes were and would be shipped the next day, swhen the.factory burned -down and the boxes were destrayed, Just assoon -as they were notified .that the boxes were burned they made up an.onder for stock boxes and are hav ing them shipped hereby express so that they can fill their orders, .that is the kind of rush that wins, : Weather reparts for the week- ending ‘Saturday July .17th, ‘ Sun. July 11th. «fais& cloudy 78 84, Mon. 12th. fair - . 88, Tues. 13th, fair&cloudy 76 88, Wed. 14th. cloudy.&rain .76 89. Thurs, lith. fair ~48 .89 Fri. 16th. Fair&oloudy .77 .88 Satur. 17th. fair .28 -88. j W. H, Clay, Pres. : W. H. Bruce, Treas J. L. White, Vice Pres. F. A. Armbraster, ‘Sec. The 1906 Colony Company, Homeland, Charlton county, Georgia, Wiill give to any FactorY, Lumber Company, or other industry who .will lecate here, a free sight along the railroad. This offer is good until Sept. Ist 1909, Write the . 1906 Colony Company, - Homeland, Georgia. Fresh Meats, Sausages and Fish. 1o ~ cation, First Story, Herald Building. : ] Ycours For Business, 3 J. A. Wainwright: Our Mail Order Catalogue | | FOR s ~ Spring and Summer 1909 : ‘;Wi?llbe issued about April 15th, if you de«% ;sire a copy cut out and mail this coupon to:j | ; us. R {Write with Pencil) e B. H. Levy, Bro. & Co ~ s - Sayvannah, Ga. Please send me'a copy of your Mail Order Catalogue for Sprimg and Summer 1909 » BN .. he e Wl e s e Below are names of two parties in my town whom | think would also be interested in your catalogue, B. A. Levy, Bro. & Co, | Savannah, Ca. ‘\7 LANTIC COASTLIN E N L 7 A o —————————ec e 14/ Excellent Passenger Service . BETWEEN FOLKSTON AND ‘Montgomery, Birmingham, New Orleaas, Chicaga, Gincinnati, st. Loouis. and all ;points west, also to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimere and "Washingten, also ‘Cuba and Florida points.. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS SCHEDULE OF TRramv ; [SOUTH No. 89 560 7 s No. 95 6:45 a. m, No. 33 Bil2a m No. 85 12:45 p* 1, No. 21 710 p. m - RS T T NN IIIRRRRR. TRy Direct connections at Porc ‘Yampa with P. &0, S_S. Co., ships for Key West and Havana. Connections at Savannah with Steamer Lines to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Bosten.and points North Winter Tourist Tickets now.on sale. :Scheduleifigures.are given as information and arenot guaranteed, Fifteen cents saved by buying tickes from Agents. “T. C. White, E. M. North, B. T. Morgun, General Passenger Agt. Division Passcnger Agt. Tiav Passenger Agt, Wilmington, N. C. Savannah, Ga, Savannah, Ga. Life 100.000.Yeasys Agos Scientists have found'in a cave in Switzerland bones-of men,who lived 100,000 vears ago, when life was 1 constant danger from wild tbeasts, Today the danger, as shown by A, W Brown,-of Alexender, Me., is largely from«tieatily disease. «/If it had not been for 'Dr. King’s New Discovery, which cured me, I could not have lived,” he writes, “‘suffer ing as I did from a severe lung trou. ble and lung trouble.” To cure sore lungs, colds, obstinate coughs, and preveut pneumonia, ‘its the best medicine on earth. 50c. and $1 (0. Trial bottlefree. ‘Guaranteed by all druggists, | EAST & WEST N"- N0.:82 9:59 a. m, No. .80 8:55 p. m, Ne. 22 5:33 p. m, No. 32 8:45p. m No. 9 9:15p. m Sees Mother Grow Young, ‘lt would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bit ters,” writes Mrs, W, L, Gilpatrick, of ‘Danforth, Me, ‘“Although pas 70 she seems really to be growing youag again. She suffered wuntold misery from dyspepsia for 2 years At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep — Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed tull Electr. Bitiers worked such wonders for her health.” They iavigorate all vita organs, cure livsr and kiduey tron i bies, induce sleep, Impart sir, gl land appetite. Qnly Huc. at al; drug gists,