Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, July 29, 1909, Image 2

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: n -y pavaet ." . 72 o ‘; 5 / /iarlion Loa/zlf/ ./{é/’a/a. ‘ PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. 'm;nmwu”‘-mm—. A A AS M TR TR T W. R, WAINWRIGHT, - - ™ Owner. IL T L . A A .At Y BRI IV RD€ R &AN ARIORE. Cfificial Organ, Chariton County And Town Of 4 Folkston. NA/ 2 e T R TSOYU S B O¥R S S————_———— Entered at the postothee at Folkston, Ga., as Second Class Matter. W—m—m SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year « ~ 8100 Six Months. - = 50 Cents Theee Months -~ ~ 925 Cents, Aeet e et e e e e G b Advertising Rates waade known on apphication, —————— TA T . O o .0 .. W 3A TN G. ./:. H’uifl"’"”.ql’zs ' é.r/i/()/'. THE HERALD 1s forsale cheap Satisfactary reasons for selling. Terms are cash. Our Reason For Seling, ] The ITerald has been «dvertised for sale two weeks and we still want 10 seil, Our reason for sclling is we find tnat we are not a newspapey man, We ave doiag a good business and prospects are hne for the fature Thigis a geod scction, A pood newspaper will do well here. It has many advantages. Jf you want o small newspaper and job office in a good scction, write to THE HERALD, Folkston, Ga. SRR : T.ove one another, ) let the booster do his work, Make another pull for Chariton County. : No one ever has the blues iu this gection, ),;" ¢ D S ——————— " ~ Great demand tor small bills, of| Bs; 5 . 35'1”’ it will take in t_l.‘e lezislature MRt At petting your paper g : gWe are now having some good %b\yers that is doing crops a lot of * good, g i . Watermelon season 1s about over, and peaches are now beginning to to come i, i If you are not doing anything lor Charlton County, get busy, now or et out of they way | The booster of Charlton County «ean see the opportunltes heee, Are you one one of them? Tte first bale of cotton this year ‘wag carried to Quitman Monday, by J. M. Avera, one of the leading planters of that gection. Charlton is not many days behind, : Roosevelt’s atrican record is 2,000 :slain specimens, (“‘Give me neither poverty nor riches; only aniwmals.”) —————————— Many of our subscribers "are be’ hind with theri subscription, we have ‘not stopoed your paper bécauvse we believe you will venew ina few days | ~ If you are behind let ws hear from you, : | Small farwing tracts are ;:euing} ~ to be in demand around here, since the people cre begining to see what% can be realized in raising vegetable Crops. ‘ . The time is at hand when the fel. ~ low who owns a piece of farmg dand is n good shape, especially if « he cultivates it properly, | Adam. | — . Adam in de gyarden wid 3ataa had ter grapple, Batstill he smack his mouth aa’say: ‘My! Dat wuz a apple! ~ De oranges wuz pleaty, : rine péach;s-—huw dey falll” An’ lemensi But ol’ Adam says: “Apples beat "am all!” ~ You think ol' Adaw mia’ it ‘ + w'en dey dniv’ him ter de wood? = Not him! He turn an’ tel! "uw ; i _ %{Go "ong! I fecl 100 good!”, Love, Bade Love good morning At the breakin’ o’ the day; Tried to catch an’ kiss him. But Love had flown away. The lie, we told. Some one says that we published aliein our issue of July Ist when we said 1. W, Vickery had bought a canning machine with a daily capacity of 3500 cans. If you cau not believe us, either ask Mr Vick cry or wr.te the mannfacturer, e s Bunn-Sell Institate. - South east (Gieorgia now has an institution of which she is proud. Bunn-Bell Institute is beautifully situated on the highest clevation the city of Waycross, a town of 12000 people. The facualty of this institution represents some of the leading colleges and Urniversities of the North and South, Fail term begios Sept. 2g. Now parents give your children tha: which is due them ~ an education, THALR ey e SR R G bSN RSO b “Not a Near-Beer Bill Mr Whoope Alexander’s bill is not a acar-beer bill, as is gererally supposed. Ttis a mew prohibition Dili. It mukes it a crime not only to sell a drink with any alcohol in 1t but it makes « 2 crime to buy it Under its provisions one could not order aay kin 1 of beer wine oy liquor or any other liquid containing alco hol, from a pomnt without the State, It is not an and near-beer bill— perse; itis a new prohibition bill, e e e What a boy is worth, - No one can tell what a boy is worth but his mother. In his infant years mama looks into his face and sees in him all that is noble and good }:\s she cares for him, loves him she has a bright hope for him, and uscs every good influence to make him a boy of which the world may be tproud of, and aw !lu'u.)l to her® in after years, When he stands be ‘fnrc her'at the age of twentv=one she can tell what he 1s wortn from the crown of his head to the sole of his teet, And no one knows, but mother, Notice. l = I am kere prepared to do your! Dental work at a reasonable price | with a guarantee wii' work for cash | or Good Notes. Call and see mcf at once office Johuson Hotel, I will| be here unul further notfied, f | I ae, Yours respt. : Dr. M. 1. Madray, | IFolkston Ga A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calo- | mel, crotor oil or aloes pills. They! raid your bed to rob you of rest. ! Not so with Dr, Kiag's New l.ife Pills. They never distress or incon venience, but always cleanse the sys tem, curing colds, headache, consti pation, ma'aria, 25¢. at all druggists | UOMET ANR: N DTQ IY/ A !E g /A—, s “ | J. 19 l | i 4 ; L A l. : . s‘*_ 0 » ¥ } .’: f, ‘ Pull for Charlton Couatv or pull out, Pull for Homeland or pull out. W. H. Thompsgon is putting up 4 nice 7 rcom house near the schoolshionse and will soon start another one near the colony building who says that we are not going ahead The saw aud hammer is heard all arounds ns and now that another car of finish Jumber is here we will be able to finish ip some of the jobs that have been waiting for lumber The first half of August will be rather quiet in Homeland as quite are figuring on taking advantage of the low rates for excursions and are g Jing to take a trip for a week or two. Lazy man wili have lazy f(i}ks. L Ovrstreets are beginning to look a good deai better, especiall y since our street commissioner, Wm. Chaffee, is looking after the walks and secing that the grass is cleared away from the Crossings. ' “The best security on earth is earth itself.” ‘ Rev. Kelly was not able to come to Homelard Jast Sunday evening but we had a good service just the same, There is talk of having spec ial services for a week or ten days. the date has not been fixed as yet. Dout borrow trouble; the interet is to high. Last Saturday at the coanty meeting J. 1.. White was appointed ag the hustler for the good of the Farmers Union for Charlton County and as he is a well posted man on the need of the farmer it is a care of the right man in the right place. - Lack of Business brings on liver complaints in hens, just as it does in man. The town council met monday and after transacting routine busi ess took up the matter of town ordinances, the matter of towa license taking up most of th 2 time as ther> was quite a discussion on the subject also the matter of road tax was taken up but after some discussion was ta bled until next meeting, : ‘The wise young man, or wage earner, of to day invest his money lands, what better place to invest tign Charlton County Ga, Keep it in your mind that South east Georgia is coming to the front in great shape and the mau that envests in Charlton Co., will double his money in a few years, L.ands in this vicinity have ad vanced from fifty to one hundred per cent within the thres years and are still going up. The Homalann Cigar Co., is happy the cigar boxes ordered’ by express have arrived and they are busy Packing cigars they recieved another case of tobacco last week. They have ordered a case of tobaceo from the lamqa Tobacco Co. for Bpecial cigarsthey have also orderd chree more cases of cigre boxes 8o that no sich & thing as a shortage of boxes will accur againe . 1 ' « The best that Charlton County has yet recieved is the Truck Gmmjarp'mififm yhi@gag foung last Saturday at Homeland to be known & the Truck Growers association of Charlton County, it wae orgnized with 28 Charlten members, the following were elected officers I. A, Armbuster President W. H. Britce Vice President J. 1., White Sec M. J. ¥Fiber Corresponding Sec., and agent F. W, Yong Inspector. The farmers of this part of the county ure awake to the fact that something of this kind was needed. 1t was decided to plant Cabbage this fa!! Mr Fiber is gaing to put out 1400) Mr zarfos and Mr Yarber 14000 Joseph Mills 7000 S. R, Hulling 7000'S. M. Mizell 32000 F. W. Yong 35000 J. M. Bryant 35000, orders wer taken for @OOO plants with other to be heard from that will swell the amount to about 125000 plants, thai is what we call g {good start. W. H, Clay, Pres. W. H. Bruce, Treas J. L. White, Vice Pres. F)A. Armbruster, Sec, The 1906 Colony Company, Homeland, Charlton county, Georgia, Wiill give to any Fa&torY, Lumber Company, or other industry who will locate here, a free sight along the railroad. This offer is good until Sept. Ist 1909, Write the 1906 Colony Company, | . : Homeland, Georgia. S ot gperes Cereots Yoo Vsl Bl ek, KE W, ek %..M/;/T/;“ . i L e Jm.zf/i KILLm e COUCH anoo CURE e LUNCS WITH n ino’ w r. King’s New Discovery OUGH ?R!(‘:E FOR COLDS » oot Bt e AND ALL. THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACIORY OR MONEY REFUNDED, 4 SUBSCRIBE FOR THE 'HERALD. TRY OUR F OB . PRINT ANG, Fresh Meats, Sausages and Fish. Lo ' cation, First Story, Herald Building. : Yeurs For Business, i J. A. Wainwright . BIG CLEARANCE SALE? ;_-n_____——_—_m a@{ Q OF (8: . Men’s Summer Clothing | S UPWARDS OF 1,000 i { Blue, Black and Fancy Suits % ! NOW OFFERED AT \ < . } DISCOUNIS OF FROM 25 10 50,xcos | bbbl i i & b hoed - ApER - ueiß . LHS 3 $750 $lO. sls. S2O. | { NET NET -~ \NET NET % _\‘ . . { ; Upon reques twe will send two or Z} S three of anylot for your selection. { : B. H. Levy,Bro. & Co, % X ‘ Savannah, Ca. y \7LANTIC COAST LINJ? | ‘Excellent Passenger Service AR e L ORTYR RN e FOLKSTON AKD Montgomery, Birmingham, New Orleaas, Chicaga, Cincinnati, St, fouis, and all points west, also to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimcre and Washingten, alse Cuba and IFlonida points. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS SCHEOULE O T rAIN 'SOUTH No. 89 S a. m, No. 95 64 a. o No, 33 s:l2a. m No. 85 12:45 p- m. No. 21 7:10 p. m. « Direct connections at Porc Tampa with P. & O. S_S. Co., ships for. Key West and Havana. Connections at Savannah with Steamer Lines to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and points North ? i : “ Winter Tourist Tickets now on sale. Schedule figuresare given as information and are not guaranteed. Fifteen cents saved by buying tickews fom Agents. T. C. White, - E. M. North, +B. T. Morgan, General Passenger Agt. Division Passenger Agt. Tiav Passenger Agt. . . -~ y -y “ </ . . . Wilmington, N. C. Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Life 100,000 Yeags Ago, Scientists have found in a cave in i Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 vears ago, when lite was constant danger from wild. beasts. ‘ Today the danger, as shown by A, ]\V Brown, of Alexander, Me., isx largely from deadly disease. <‘ir it had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery, which cured me, I could not have lived,” he writes, ‘“‘suffer jmg as Idid from a severe lung trou ble and lung trouble.” To cure| soce lungs, colds, obsunate coughs, and preveut pneumonia, its the best medicine on earth. 50¢, and $1 (0. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by alt :’ druggists. EAST & WEST “M“-_ No. 82 Y:s9a: w, No. 80 8:55 p. m, No. 22 b 33 B m, No. 32 . SB:4sp. m. No. 94 9%15p. m ' Sees Mother Grow Young, I ; ! “It would be hard to overstate the wondertu! change in*my mother ,since she began to vse Electric Bit ters.” writes Mrs. W. L. Gilpatrick, |of Danforth, Me, “Although past l}'() she seems really to be growing [ youag again. She sufteced untold misery from dyspepsia for 2 years., At last she could neither eat, dyink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all remedies failed til] Elettrie ' Bitters worked such wenders for her kealth.” They iavigorate all vita] organs, cure liver and kidney trou bles, iuduce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Oaly 50c. at al drug gists. gl PAGE -