Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, August 05, 1909, Image 2

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@Aal’/fon @oszz/ ./l/e/’a/(/. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. W. R, WAINWRIGHT, “ - w Owner. e B O eeA R 1 A B S 208 33 S . W NPB A . Official Organ, Charlton County And Town Of Folkston. AN DNI A A I U I (322 LNk o P R A 0 B TUOR TWALS SO B Aeracau SS SR YS ST Entered at the postotfice at Folkston, Ga., as Second Class Matter. wmmmm SUBSCRIPTION RATES < One Year -~ =~ SIOO Six Months -~ ~ 50 Cents Thics Months - - 25 Cents, ' . O 8 Y ettt e eet R Advertismg Rates made known on application., O—AS LO Y A TSR RT 0 0 0A . A 0N 500 45 HLI: AT, e )V(u'nmt'i{//lf, Cditonr, Be a bosster of Cnariton County, Boosting Tolkston is momey in your pocket. If 2t first you don’t succced #y, fly again. It will cest more to get a lhttle gqeeze of lemon now, The farmers are rejoicing because ‘they have raised good creps, The man leoking sos gootl far m ing lands will Charlton ‘County. The South is getting so solid that <even a hurricane can’t even blow it caway. We are looking forward for the ‘“t'me when Folksioa ghall be a‘hustl ing town ; i bl oAI Many of our people are not awake to the opportunities that surround them. It is Righ .time you were ~ waking up. : ~ Teddy’s caught a dingalinga, shot - a digdig in the-eye; oh, what a ot »1” o ; X o al i way thqus for a -Smithsonian R S R My :)“Z“", X 'J..!);. T i el + ant face it-wilkehow a pleasaat.face 10 you. ; £ '. That famaerwho grows thesgreat o est variety of “crgmne for wivch his * soil and climate.sve suited is gener ally the most prosperous 6f any of - his neighbors, Mrs Alice Roosevelt ' Longworth s to makestvip inantairehin, Her husband has given his consent: .or maybe she just 4old him-she was go ing and he grunted, ' Be a “hooster for “Chariton Co., now and when the great tida! vave of prosperiiy. sweeps overithis see tion which isas ¢ertnai as.the rising ~of tomorrew’s .sun, then yon can justly lay elaim to having had a ‘hand inbringing abont a condition - most devoutly wished for. | The Good Roads, s, G The new public road on \\‘hu‘hl -the convicts are ot work near Race- i pond is noa graded for two and one half miles. The cenvicts have been there for 17 days and every thing is in good shape. Seared With A Hot Irone. N m—— #® Or scalded by overturned kettle— cut with a knife-bruised by slammed door-injued by gun or ia any other way«the needed at once 1s Bucklen’s' Arnica Salve tosubdue inflammation and kill the pain, It's earth’s sup. reme healer, infaliible for Bols, Ulcers, Fever Soves, Eczema and Piles.2s¢. at all druggists, i SUBSCRIBE \ N | - | BOR THE HERALD. | Notice. lam kere prepared to do your Dental work at a reasonable price with a guarantee wii' work for cash or Good Notes. Call and see me at once office Johrson Hotel, T will be here until further notfied, I awr, Yours respt, Dr. M. L. Madray, olkston Ga The Crime of Idleness. Ldleness means trouble for any one, [lts the same with a lazy liver. It cevses vconstipation, headache, jaundice, sallow complexion, pimp. les and blotches, lues of appetite, nausea, but Dr. King's “New Life Pills soon banish liver troubles and build up your healt. 25¢ at all drug gist.s / \ [ WRECKED VESSELS. 'Difficulties That DBesct the ‘Werk of tlve Salvers. 3 What it means ito salve 'a wreck s something that few outside of prac tical seamen can properly appreciate. The wreck Is a ponderous, unwieldy ‘mountain of steel and oak, M%i Prtwvee sawm% tons, aften ‘= erous for.any vessel to approech, and this must ‘be Hited bodily and floated from the decks-of ffitehing, un stable scows and barges. The wweck may be submerged beneunth fifteen or thirty feet of water and so steve in ‘that divers must go down and effect temporary repairs before it «can be raised, It may be a wreek so shat ftered “that it Ig not worth raistog, so that the wrecker's work consists tnere ly in blowing up ithe hulk and reo moving It a 5 a wenace to navigation. Or the vessel may be fairly intact, but sunk too deep ‘to make attempt at walsing advisable, the wrecker's work consisting in salving valuable eargo. ‘Often the wreck not submerged at all. A ship myy have run on to a reef, where It les, nose on a crag and stern afloat, rising und falling on the ocean swéll, pounding, pounding and pounding wuntil the very ocean bottom drones and she is gradually broken to pleces, Or, again, the wreek may be that of a steamer which hae ‘peinted {ts nose shoreward in n fog, finding a beach, Mowing a furrow through the yvielding sand and never coming to a hait until it is stuck fast all but high and dry, a helpless vietim to the next Bstorm that comes screeching up the coast to pile breakems against her and crowd her even ‘higher upon the beach. —~Appleton’'s, _———'——-———————* Failure of a College Education. “Well,” observed old man DPotts. “I've spent a heap of money on my doy Bill's edueation, more'n S9OO, jest o see him through Yale, and I ain’t throngh, yet. It shorely makes me sore to think of the monoy I'm wast ' on &' Loy whe ain't got as much sense now s he had before he went te college.” © “What's the matter, father? asked Mrs. Potts. *“Mebbe you're a little hard on BiIL.” “No, I ain't, Mary,” answered the old man, “Just to show you, a little while ago I says to him I thinks it was going to rain tomorrow. What fool answer d'ye suppose he wmade me? - “I'm sure I don’t know, father” .\ “He begged my pardon!"—Harper's Weekly, __-—“._ A Caso of Urgent Need. It was in the hotel of a mindng town that the New England guest, register- Ing in the office, heard a succession of foud yells, *“What in the world is that— & murder going on upstairs? he de manded, | N “No,” said the clerk as he slammed the book and lounged toward the stairs, “It's the spring bed up in No. 5, That tenderfoot up there don't get the hang of it, and every few days he 1 gets one of the spiral springs serewed Into bim like a shirt stud. | guess I'll ! have to go up if there ain't anything more I can do for you for a few min- l utes."-—Youth's Companion. AN AT I o 1N - 1 IV. 1y i Pull for Char&éfi&ounty or pull out, Pall for 'Tomeland or pull onfi Dr. J. C. Wright and H. J. Davis of Folkston was here last Mon day on business. e R €. P. Detts of Jecksenville Fla., epent Sunday with W. H Thompsen, 5 A. A. Armbruster is havirj’g; the triacgular tract just® east of the Jessup Stort Line stumped and is going to have if fenced and plowed. Last Sunday Rev. Tompson preached tow able sermons, and at the evening service the house was filled so that sc me had to stand, Miss Herrington Went to Jacksonville 1.5 t Saaday * to” her siste Mrg Castand children of Penssepia Kia., they are coming to Home land for a visit they arrived here Mull.’l,?y. Mrs Cast is weil ple Ised with Homeland. : After considerab'e delay waiting for material, work has be uu on cur new echool house, and fromlei;ow 01 we can look forward to sce it fipished in time for the fall term of school. \ e : , : | Mr. Zarfss and }hrt Stien left for York, Pa., this week for a three " weeks visit to the home folke, thq;took along a supply of pictures of | Homeldnd to show what our tow-.nfilooks like. © Now hovs dont you (g 0 und gtay'any longer thanthree weeks as we noed you for the fall use, l W. H. Smith has bought Mr Betts hoyse aud two lots and 18 l going to enlarge the house and make it his home. Lest Wednesday evening the Baptist Peopls of Homeland Or— ganized a Church S)ciety to bebe called the Babtist Church of Home land, and have czlled Rev. Tompson a 3 their pastor they have adopted ‘... - 3 . the Saturday evening before the third Sunday for confercace mezling Mr Mitchell was etected as Deacon. Mr Bruce as ¢lerk. There wili be a cottage Prayer Meeting at the home of Grover Guinn next Thutsday evening at § :30, regular Midweel Prayer sorvice on Wednesday evening at 7:30 every body is invited to come to these meetings. » e Mr Garner, of Atlanta, who i 3 connected with Uncle Remus Home Magazine was a visitor here iast week, looking over the Colony in the interesy of some Atlanta parties who are interested in Homeland NOW DON’T forget what Saturday evening August 7th at 2:30 is the next meeting of the I'ruck Growers Association, talk thé matter over with your neighbors and see if you cant get them interested in our Truckers assoaciation. Every body put his shoulder to the wheel, and let us made this Association what it is intended to be. g B priugs money health and happiness to the tillars of the soil. Next Suaday morning at eleven oclock Rev. K:lly will preach to us and 2t the clese of tha serviee will organize a Methodist Caurch Society. Methodist please take notice and be there after the organization, a commenion serviee will be held to which all beliveing Christians are cordially invited to Participats, speed the news so that all belicving Christians from the country may come in next Saudav to take part in this the first Communion Service held in Homeland. - ‘: DU ';,:",‘- W *., }’ ‘ e, ~‘ R s =2 -:,. $ i e M Wk Smith of Bos Angwies SCalifornia atrived in Hame. land last Wedunesday, he enfl;that“‘ha is surprised with Homeland and her Colony, ‘He says he is going to start 1o work having his 12 acre track cieared and is going to have a Photograph taken of the land hefore he begins work on it as ke wishesto show what can he done in oue year, he is very Enthusastic and says that the Truck (GGrowers Association is just tne thing for this County to make things move, and bring money to the Farmer. He is looking for a few acres of cultivated lands so that he can plant cabbages with the rest of the members as he says that he wants to bslong to the Fruckers Association, when asked how he liked Homeland he said call it home for me. [k W. H, Clay, Pres, x : W. H. Bruce, Treas I. L. White, Vice Pres. P s F. A. Armbruster, Sec. The 1906 Colony Company, ‘ ‘ Homeland, Charlton county, Georgia, Wiill give to any FactorY, Lumber Compam;, or other industry who willlocate here, a free sight along the railroad. This offer is good until Sept. lst 1909 s = Write the 1906 Colony Company, ‘ - Homeland, Georgia. if You Want To See i, sk ot THE AUGUST Evsnvsonv'/s TRY OUR ¢ JoB PRINT - TOWN OF FOLKSTON, %’ MAYOR, ' %‘ T. L. Pickren, s ; Mavor Prorzy, s’*{ C. M. Raybon. : ** ~ CounciLyEy, & ’ M, J. Paxton, © CIM. Ruyben, ': ' J. 8. Mizeli, 5 Y. W. Seals, 8 O.F. Wilson, © E. L. Wainwnght, :, - MaRsHAL, ~ H., Hathaway. - MEAT MARKET | Mfo 7 Fresh Meats, Sausagés and Fish. Lo - cation, First Story, Herald Building, : Ycurs For Business, o J. A. Wainwright . BiG CLEARANCE SALE ‘E ; OF Men’s Summer Clothing UPWARDS OF 1,000 g Blue, Black and Fancy Suits 3 NOW OFFERED AT | DISCOUNIS GFFROM 25 10 300 cen SrTRRET T Lot 3 Lot 4 $750 310. sls. S2O { NET NET NET NET : Upon reques twe will send two or Q three of any lot for your selection. ¢ B, H. Levy,Bro. & Co, Savannah, Ca. / L COASTLIN /4\3? LANTIL COAST AINF [ * AR L AS T STSTSGRT SNNy " SN _./ e A L e S OLtA A S Excellent Passenger Service o BETWEEN ) o PQEKSTON - . ‘ AND . it Montgomery, Birmingham, New Orleans, Chicago, Cincinnati, St, Loais, and all points west, dlso to New York, l’hilajclphlia, Bglumore and Washington, also Cuba and Florida points. THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS SCHEDULE OF 1 kalv S R A A AAN L LT A OLY SOAR A M SCUTH e ——— — i il No. 89 L hahb Al T No. 95 6:45 a. m. No. 33 ; 8:12a, m No. 85 12:45 p* m. No. 21 7:10p. m \ Direct connections at Porc ‘Uampa with P. &O. S_S. Co., ships for Key West and Havana. Connections at Savannah with Steamer Lines to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and points North ¥ . Winter Tourist Tickets now on sale. Schedule figuresare given as information and. are not guaranteed. Fifteen cents saved by buying tickews from Agents. T. C. White, E. M. North, B. T. Morgan, / \ : e : General Passenger Agt. Tivision Passcnger Agt. Trav Passenger Agt. Wilmington, N. C. Savannah, Ga, Savannah, Ga. Send us ycur order for Letter heads, Envelopes, etc. Twas ACloriousVictory. There’s rejorcing m Fedora; Tenn A man’s life has been susved, and ‘now Dr. King’s New Discovery is 13 the talk of the town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly lung hem ‘ofrhages. “‘I could not work nor get about,” ke writes, ‘‘and doctors did me. no good, but after using Dr. Kking’s New Discovery three weeks, I feel like a new man, and can do gnod work again.” For weak, sore or diseased lungs,coughs and colds. Hemorrhages, hay fever LaGrippe, Asthma or any Bronchial affection it stands unrivaled. Price 50c. and SI.OO. Trial Bottle free, Sold and gnaranteed all Druggists, BA S A S 60 At EAST & WEST No. 82 9:59 a. m, N 80 ‘ 8:55 p. m, Ne. 22 5:33 p. m, No. 32 S:4sp. m No. 94 915 p. m Old papers for sale at the Heral. office. 15c. per hundred, ——————— Washington Plague Spot. . Lie in the low, marshy bottoms: of the Potomac, the breeding ground of malaria germs. These gesms causes chills, fever and ague, biiw iousness, jaundice, lassitude, weak ness and general debility and bring suffering or death to thousands vearly. But Electric Bitters never lails to destroy them and cure mal aria troubles. *‘They are the best all-round tonie and cure for malaria I ever used,” writes R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. They cure Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid. Try them, 50c Guaranteed by all Druggists,