Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, August 19, 1909, Image 2

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@4(!/’(/0/2 C?mml' y .Z/el’a/d. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY." et N N R A N S T TR O 0 2B M T T W. R, WAINWRIGHT, - - - Owner. B e e el .. Official Organ, Charlton County And Town Of Folkston. S 0 S 5 5 0 o A AN SS.A 7 5 Gt - RAS ST (VL a 3 i e Entered at the postotfice at Folkston, Ga., as Second Class Matter. it 0... 55 S eWM T S D S IS b 5 Tl 5 A . S R, T 4 08l 81010100 2 S R 108 YD AN b SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Yerr - -~ 2100 Six Months - -~ 50 Cents Thtee Months -~ - 25 Ceats. A sttt e e .MY Advertsing Ratés made known on application, &, L. Wainwnright, v Cdditor, Georgia has the dogs, and the yueston is, how many of them will pey the tax, oAR S .s M AT ¢+ 1f will bring the State $150:000 per annum what would the gennine stuff do? oet eeo RN An Eastman father, who named his child atter Governor Brown, has change! his mind and now the baby is Chnstened Guyt Mclendon, the father de€lares that Mvhicl,cmlon is the *‘Big man in Georgia just mow and that the peovle will vindi cate him from the disgrace put upon him by the recent governor and the Legislawre”. . The Governor was notified of the change. — Lix, It i———— The Yioiator of Law, We, with many others, were made to realize the sad, gondition, of him who violates the laws of pur country and takes hnwmap blood and has to sufter the penalty, when we sav Joc Petty and Lon . Diyon taken from the prisop house last week and car ried tu the. State Farm, there to spend the resy of their lives for the murder of Dan Crews, wore than a yedr ago, Thip, brings to us the “lag:_t}ha\;‘. he, wha viglates the law has a bard way, thst he must sulfer for his crime, : o “The cqudiyion of these,young men who are atill ig, theip teéens should be a warning 19 all men and especi ally to our young men. !\éc,do‘cs not excused vou.y, Yoy are taught that whicn 1s right, and iz keeping with the law, ang if you prove, t 9 be a violator, the pepalty you must pay. These young men are now, rebbed -of their liberty, no' pleasurg have they, but find, themselves now. serv ing a life setenuce in the pgnjten viary for, the violation of the jaw .’ 'YOUNG MEN, . ¢ it Gt : TELEGRAPHY! ANAL ‘. TELEGRAFH OPERATORS ARE IN GREAT DEMAND!! BOY§ THIS IS YOU , OPPOR TUNITY to learn a first class trade that pays a goed salary every month in the year, - There will be a great er demand for Telegraph Operators this Fall and Winter than there has been for many .years past © The prominent raikkoads of the South and other parts of the United States are writiag us to qualify as many young men eof ‘g'qod character | for their service as we possibly. can. We trust that, the reliable, ambie tious boys of the Soyth wiil rally to this golden epportunity Our tuition qualify for service in only four togix month.. We gnaran tee postiions, Graduates, begin on $45. t 0 $65. per morth; ¢asy ond pleasant work;, permagent cmpluy.l ment; rapid promotion. Qur taivion is reasonable: board at low rates; - Newnan is »cnrcmc!v; healthful; fine climate; excellent drinking water. Write atvonce for our new illustrateed catalogue. A letter or postal will bring it. 1T ISFREE. ° SOUTHERN S@HOOL OF TELEGRAPHY, : . BOX 372, - NEWNAN, GA. The Crime of Idleness. / s Idleness means trouble for any one, Its the same with a Jazy liver. [t canses constipation, headache, jaundice, gallow complexion, pimp. les and blotches, loss of appetite, nasea, but Dr. King's New Life !l'nlls goon banich liver troubles and build up your healt. 25¢ at all drug gist.s Seared With A Hot Irone l - ' Or scalded by overturned kettle— cut with a knife-brinsed by slammed ldm)r -inju~ed by gun orin any other wvayethe needeéd at once 1s Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to subdue inflammation and kill the pain, It’s earth’s sup. reme healer, infaliible for Botls, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema and Piles.2sc. at all druggists, [ —— Advertising C-py, —-Any ntelligent person may earn a good .income corresponding for newspapers ; experience unnecessar, Send stamp for full particulars, Empire Press Syndicate, Middleport N: Y. : i i _ A Letter. l o ' The, following letter was handed ‘us for, publication by Ordinary J. J. Stokes. JAttanta, Ga., Aug. 12, 1909. Dear :[mlgc- I hasten to advise you at the eacliest day possible after the.adjounment of General Assembly of the statug.of the legislation present ed affecting the Pension laws, The bitl to regulate and fix the ’fccs of the, Ordinaries for their pensjon work passed, It allows a of SI,OO, annually,for cach pensi oner on the rolls. Those on the indigeat, rolls are to be paid by the county out of the pauper fund; thase on the disabled and first class wid ows rolls are tq Le paid out of the annual pensjon. ‘ The bisl that, passed, the house of }l"cprcseufltalivcs bv a vote of 129 to |7 to,put in force the new Coustitu. tional amendment that provides g pension for all Coufederate soldiers, and the widows of Confederate soldiNs; married prior to;the Ist ot January, 1870,, not worth .over fif teen Hundred Doilurs, was at a late haur on Tuesday night tabled 1n the appropriation committee ot the ot Senate, _thereby refusing, 1o report the bill the Senate that it might, be read the seqond time and g 0 to the Calendar for.its passage on the Jast day of the session. This action of the committee carries the bill over uy unfinished business to the session of ¥910.~ I am snre the the bill would have passed in the Senate had it come,to Therefore, no. .change has been mde that affects the, present pens ion laws. * You cap use the banks as heretofore, and if you have none a supply at chee, taa. ali who.desire, to apply .for a penson under, the present law may make aad file their applications in this office betorg Cctober, Ist next, l‘ Yours respectfully, J¢ My Lindsey ] 0 Commi’s,si_om,; of Pensions. MELAND NeWy, ) 't""v' ) . ! Pill for Charlwn'?tgunty or pull out, 1 Pull for Homeiand or pullo;%!&,, | . W. A, Pittman of Jackso and J, E. Robiuson of this county have purchased lots 12 and 13}:. block 7o and iot 10 in block 69 These luts were €Ol for a faney price, The gent lemen who perchasee the lands are going to put up a brick store C. N.Mills was on our ,pfi;ets oa Tuesday morning. .. Last Saturday was Conferene day for the Mettodist Church of FFolkston District, it was held at Traders Hill, quite a few went from Homeiad CEre Pall for the Methodist Church, 4 The Baptist Church of fio‘m;-fnnd did not ho!d Conf2rence Sat urday evening on account of yain. Mr Jehnston has made another start to finish his Cottage, he has been busy working 1n the field and has let the Cottage wait. My Gefchell is bbilding a barn for fodder as it is about time to commence to store it away. . Pull for the Baptist Chureh. .{ Last Sunday evening Rev Jones of Folkston preached for Rev Thompson by request, Mr Jones is a powerful preacher, come again Mr Jones, next BSunday evening Rev Kelly will preach for the Metho di =. Every body pullifor Homeland. Mr Smith is raising and moving the small house that was on the lots he jus: bought from Mr Betts, and is going to build an addition to it and m:xk‘e it do for the present. Mr Smith is pulling for Homeland. : Work on Mr Fieber house is nearing completion all outside work ie done except the vorches and they are going to start onthem the last of the week We know that Mr Fiebar ig pulling for Home land. Finighing work on the new Bchosl house 14 going along niczly, they are ready to put in the windows, floors and Ceilings, an tinished. ‘This helps us to pl\{l for Homeland. No matter in what direction you look you cansee smoke, it is caused by workman clearing land. - - Good pull all the stumps out of Homeland. ; The local Branch of the Farmers K&C Union meets at the Colony Building Saturday evening at 1:30 members take notice, it 1g requested that the membars make an efiort t 5 be on time so that all vusiness 10 come before the Union may be acted on, and that the mect ing may be let out on time, . Pall for the Farmers E&C Union, Q& , The Homeland Cigar Co. reports fine Business they have recieved another shipment of cigars boxes also soms more Tobacco. Pull for our Cigar Factory. Mr and Mrs Bruce left for Comer Ga., last Friday evening vo be sone anout three weeks visiting old homefolks and friends Mr Bruce expects to establish a number of agencies for the Homeland Cigar Co., . Norih Ga. and Alabama Mr Beues is Secretary of the Cigar Co. He sure will pul! for Homeland. \ Last Thursday some of the ladies had & surprise >n Mrs C. F. Johnston it being the occasion of ber berthday an cnjoyable afternoon wvas spnt & : Now Ladies you must Pull for Homeland. W. H. Thompson has bought the half block just west of the Depot and i 3 having it cleard and stumped, and is going to build but has not decided what to buiid he has two teams hauvling lumber from the mill, ke is having it hau lad to different pari of the towa which goes to show that he is going to do quite a lot of building. He is not only pulling for Homeland but is building up Home. The Truck Growers Assaciation had another very interesting meeting last Saturday cvepjug, the amount of cabbage plants pledged has reached 143,000, Irish potatoes 10c spcing shipemant will be overy heavy, over sixty acres are known to bs pledged, it was decided to have stationary printed so that every membsr would be advertising the ass ociation every time he writes a leteer. The next mseting of the association will be Saturday Aug 28 at 2-00 p m. Weather report for the weetending Saturday Aug 14, maximum for the week 87, Minimum 75 with showers every day, and one good rain warmest time ¢f day from 8 to, 11 A M. evenig pleasant nights cool. Now let every body puil so? Homeland. : W. H, Clay, Pres, e W. H. Bruce, Treas J. L. White, Vice Pres. e 343 F. A. Armbruster; Sec, The 1906 Colony Company, Homeland, Charlton county, Georgia, ‘ Vakes the following offer. ' To any one starting a pog’ltry farm for commer cial use of 500 hems &md over inside of three months from date or‘(a}h}‘.e' of land will give back one half of price o{,fi@pd. This offer good uatil October Ist, 19@9, - And free factory site for any industry; This offer good until October Ilst, 1909, gg; Address 1906 Colony Company, ' - Homeland, Georgia. - MEAT -MARKET Fresh Meats, Sausages and Fish, Yo " cation, First Story, Herald Building. : | ~ Yours For Business, : j J. A. Wainwright; BIG CLEARANCE‘SALE % OF - Men’s Summer Clothing * UPWARDS OF 1,000 \ Biue, Black and Fancy Suits \ NOW OFFERED AT ED ISCOUN d S OF FROM 2.5 ! 0 50[)81‘ cent L Lewl pie. Lotz Lotd $750 810. $lI5. S2O, . NET NET NET NET i Upon reques‘twe will send two or i three of any lot for your selection. _ B. H. Levy,Bro. & Co, _ Savannah, Ca. , X N\ ,;\7LANTI’C COASTLIN F 4/: L B¥ T eB s 1T M I eST _/ t Excellent Passenger Service N BETWEEN , S FOLKSTON | “AND . s Montgomery, Birmingham, New Orleaas, Chicago, Cincinnati, St, Lodis, and all points west, also to New York, Philadelphia, Baltimere and Washington, also Cuba and Florida points, : THROUGH PULLMAN SLEEPING CARS SCHEDULE OF T raiNs : SOUTH ! No. 89 H:6O -a: m. | No. 95 6140 80 o No. 33 3112 a 1 No. 85 - 12:45 p* m. No. 21 %:10 p. m Direct connectious at Por¢ “lampa with P. &O, S, 8. Co., ships for Key West and Havana. Connections at Savannah with Steamer Lines to Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston and points North Schedule figures are given as information and are not guaranteed. Fifteen cents saved by buying tickews fiom Agents, ER) . - . Y. . White, E. M. North, B. T. Morgun, General Passenger Agt. Division Passcnger Agt, Trav. Passenger Agt, Wilmington, N. C. Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Send us your order for Letter heads, Envelopes, ete. Twas AClorious Victory. There’s rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn, A man’s life has been saved, and now Dr. King’s New Discovery is 18 the talk of the town for curing C. V. Pepper of deadly lung hem orrhages. I could not work nor get about,” he writes, ‘“and doctors did me no good, but after using Dr. King’s New Discovery three weeks, I feel like a new man, and can do gnod work again.”” For weak, sore or diseased lungs,coughs and colds. Hémorrhages, hay fever LaGrippe, Asthma or any Bronchial affection it stands unrivaled. Price 50c. and SI.OO. Trial Bottle free, gold and guaranteed all Druggists, . EAST & WEST % No, 82 - 90980 i, No. 80 S 5 p. m, Noa. 22 5:33 p. n, No. 32 5:45 p. m) No. 94 9:15p. m Old papers for sale at the Heral. office, 15¢c. per hundred. : ———————— Washin!r,on Plague Spot, Lie in the low, marshy bottoms of the Potomac, the breeding ground of malaria germs. These gesms causes chills, fever and ague, biie iousness, jaundice, lassitude, weak ness and general debility and bring suffering or death to thousands vearly. But Flectric Bitters never lails to destroy them and cure mal aria troubles. ‘‘They are the best all-round tonic and cure for malaria I ever used,” writes R. M. James, of Louellen, S. C. They cure Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Blood Troubles and will prevent Typhoid. Try them, 50c Guaranteed by all Druggists,