Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, November 04, 1927, Image 1

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CHARLTON COUNTY HERALD. DOLLAR AND A HALF PER YEAR A GREAT FUTURE SEEN FOR HOMELAND BY FLORIDA CAP "TALIST---SALE TO BE PUT ON Homeland is to be gisena boost bv the precmoters Of severa' Flor‘aa propositions, and it is ta ted the fullzst ec-op®ration is to given by the town council. U. G. Staton, President of The U G. Staton Company of Orlando, K 1 rida Developer of Staton Prop ertics with his Representative A, W. Brown wer2 in our city yes terday and todsy [0 king over propertics which The Staton Com= paiy owns in the town of Homes land, (a,, aujacent to Fulkstun, wuich conwists of some six hun dreda residetice and business lots. The Company’s hcme office s cated in Or.aado Fla., but they jend plating a branch office here ©d at Homeland at an early date to dispose of tnis property at s very low price on different plans' house building plan, and a cosli plus plan that will be of interest to every one in tnis section as well as of interest to Northern peopie from an investment point as well as a homesite. Mr U. G. Staton, President of this Compan access- Nl T S et L e Il ! _organized several banks du- Ting his eareer as well as a builder and deueloper of hotels and of towns Mr, Staton and Mr. Brown made tne statement that they see a great future to this section of (he state of Georgia, and especially around Folkston since their visit here last December there is more improvement than could be ex pected of any town of ils size any where in this seetion, Mr. Brown, the Salesmanager of the Homeiand property, states ! that there will be money spent ou | advertising Homeland and Folks-] ton and that people will be brougiit | into mspeet proporty and selec | locations from theiwr home oftice | and from other points, | Homela:d is ideally situated for l either a winter or summer home | The climate here is only a few dc- } greesfco der than Florida, and th: | spring #nd summer weather is’ simply ideal, The lay of the tow: site is such that drainage is eas ilv looked affer, creeks running on the cutside boundary of its | four sides. ‘ It is just two miles north of Folk ston, the county site of Charlton i Thirty-two from Waycross, and furty-six from Jacksonvilie, They have a postoffice, three store and two garsges. A depot fur pas senger, express and freight service is on the, Waycross line, while on ly the local trains serve the town, some forty trains are jskeduled daily and one can .ateh them ut Folikston. Bus service give a dai ly aouble skedule to both Way cross and Jucksonville, A special schoul bus carries the school chil dren to the Folkston Consoiidated sSchool, wnere a dozen teachers are employed Homeland has a two-story brick town hall, It is governed by a magor and live councilmen. [ has fifty odd families living with. in Its corporate limuts. The Central Dixie Hi,hway pas. h through its western boundary and tne new Highway to Savan 'nah has just been surveyed on the East side, Plans are under way ‘now to connect the two Highways through the heart of Homeland. Already this connecting street is graded and clayed to the center of the town. Fhere is no doubt but that the town of Homeland will become a delightful home plaee; us the finish ing tou:h wasgiven when Charlton: County Power Co,, extended its Anes and the- Union Telephone Cow, connected up for service, ma <ing available light, power and telephone service, | The Editor lives on the Highway within the Homeland limits ana thinks it a delightful place to live and hopes the development will bring in some gouod people] because tnat is the kind we have there now. RGV. P— Do PON‘!‘"’ S New Baptist M‘* Here E*"w’" "'" - .. T ,M~:a‘ o the arrival of their new minister, Rev. P. D. Poindexter, who arriv ed late Wednesday, and is at home in the parsonage, with his young son, Mr.and Mr. Albert Phillips areoccupying half of the parsonage having moved iu ‘this week, Rev, Poindexter wiil be joint pastor here and Hoboken. Service will be held the first and third Sunday at Hoboken, and the sec ond and¥ourth;Sunday here. This isan ideal arrangement;as“olkston needs aresident pastor, the con gregation being spread out over a wide territcry, and the need of a resident pastor becoming ne :essc ry, Already renewed life has been | shown in the church, a live nieet ing causiny p edges of the pastors salary for the year, Plaue are being made now to secure funds to build an annex for Sunday School. Steady growih in that department has caused the need to be impressed upon the members, an alert to the urgent need of room the movement hss been launched and th? bazaar wil be held primary for this purpase, The Heruld elcomes the new pastor and vejoices with them in the splendid feeling existing in the church; and bespeak for them a prosperous church year. ~ Fred Kottman Returns, ~ Friends of Mr, and Mrs, Fred Kottman are welcoming them back to their Homeland home, They returned last Thursday from a summer's twrip to Lake Charles, lows; his old home, They report a splendid trip; and are overjoyed al being back in the land of sun shine and hospitality of vur South. ern lolks, ~ Cot 1 Bead in its Ear. Sunday, Mr, Mett Smith, of Wi. ‘nokur, was in Folkston, bringing “his small daughter to a physician, 'she having a bead in her ear, and it was giving annoyance, Dr. M. Coy gave medical attention. Folkston, the real Gateway to Florida. OFFICIAL ORGAN@F THE COUNTY OF CHARLTON. FOLKSTON, GEORGJA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1927 \ AAD ]ACI IVITY WOMAN CLUB Carnival to be Suz‘i’bNov. 24---Picture Sho'\&» l'_lth ; Halloween Pal’ti : The Woma.’s Ciub is always alert in their undertakings, a-nd as one thing is done, anothet is"be gun. At their meeting ‘_wte'dnes day afternoon, they decided they 'would christen the new Pickren’s ‘garage with a Carnival on slouem ber 24th. Deteils wil! bg;’given next week. : »i Another sponsering movemen’ of the Club, is that the education al committee, will put on & p.elure »n Nov, 17th, al Paxtous Threate th- title to be announced ifi‘&?' week’s issue. We und&ié( they will put on ovne momh}_i?:« gtk oy One of the most enj )yn&. i successful entertainmen's th: Woman’s Club has ever !»;,,',3 ed washeld Friday evening-fron; eighr o'clock till eleven, ~ * The Masonic Hall was @ ; ".‘ attractively decorated o the Hatloween event, orange, yeliow and black decorations Jiere uscd throughout the room : ‘figiwlg» 4 g ‘ " About seventy five guests at tended and the mnasquerade cos tumes were very attractive, spooks, witches, gyvpsys, clowns.‘ pierretts, a Queen of Hearlsand many others came in full attire. ; The Persian costume worn by ‘Mijss olarion Pearce was voted the prettiest; while Morris Mills carried of the prize for being the cutest, After the grand march and Virginia Reel, fortunes were drawn, these were read aloud and were much enjoyed, At the close of the evening en. tertainment Mesdames E. B Sia piecon and W, R Wainwright served de'icious fruit punch. —Keporter. ! 8 L YL\ TN Y =\ POTATOES AND PINEAPPLE THE housewife who likes tu serve a meatless meul now and then, particularly in the summer, casts around In her mind for new combinations with which to tempt her family, A recipe that satisfactorily ful. fills the requirements of a mentiess meal must be hearty and at the samo time “tasty.”” It must have plenty of calories in it, and yet not be too heavy. An ideal com- Mmt::'n &h&t::;t:u all thos: fix fgenc 8w toes and Ha waiian pineapple, These two foodu‘ used together supply the necessary calories, starch, protein and vita mines. Here are two good recipes, Two Meatless Dishes Sweet Potatoes and Haowaiian Pineapple in Casserole? Place in a ecasserole two cups of cold PICKREN NEW GARAGE Almost Completed Showsi | Beautiful Brick hront. | ~ Opens December Ist. , ’ TYe beautitul brown pressed brick front, already completed, shows what an addition Verne Pickren's Cash Garage will be 1o that part of town. The building sets back twenty feet from tne sidewalk curb, is 50 x7O feet, built of brick, steel win dow framing and bars,with cement doors, and fire proof roofing it bas an extsnsion hip-roof : niey ipproach in front a parking place for cars, that enablcs service to ! e rendered without blocking trafic )r causing patrcns to stop in the weather, Itis neat and attractiye wnd proves that Verne is a success ‘ul business mar, The building is sealed on the cormer of Foartl and Main street. ' | - Mr, Pickren’s lease doesdnot e+ pire until 1929 on nis present Jo cation. but knowing that the op portunity of to-day is apt to L gone to-morraw, hie has gon AL RS o o ftoudate Seryiee Station™ He™ i : ‘;?"9 i Pot termp ok " anthe new. which wiil be ready for occupancy sometime during he month. : i . ey Cuts Needle from Foot. ..Suncay, ¥r. W, H, Chesser w: in with his fourteen year ol daughter, Miss Tessie, and heo Dr. McCoy cut a broken need ¢ from her foot, Some three montl ago she felt somethin® picice her foot, but an examination failed to d'sclose anything, the place hea' ed over, but pains being felt, :n examination disclosed the broked needle. Get your cloak and sweale from B, G. McDonaid bolled swect potatoes cut in quart er inch slices, Cover with a ean of sliced Hawnlian pineapple cut in sme!l pieces, and pour over tho following Ingredients: one-half cup brown sugar, four tenspoons butter, one teaspoon salt, two tablespoons red cinnamon drops, Lot bake slowly for an hour, _ Hawgiian Pincapple ond Candied Sweet Potatoes: Cook )f.nd drain six medium sized potn toes, cut in half lengthwise, Put in a buttered fim. Cut in cubes rix slices of Hawallon glncnpph and place on top. Brush with a syrup made of one-half cup brown sugar, onc-fourth cup water and three m" butter, Bake fifteen basting at inter vals with part of the x:up which has been kept out for purpose. CHALRTON COUNTY POWER CO MAKES CHANGES IN FORCE--MRS. LANE, OFFICE; SCOTT, ENGINEER. ’First Deer Hunt of Season Brings Down Two. The first of the season was sta ged Tuesday over the Camden County line, and {wo decrs were oagged, Thomas Gowan and I*. I Mills being the luekv ones The dry weather kept the dogs from doing geod work; but the chase was satisfying to a certain degr e. There were cigh'ech in ti@ pai ty Jwhich besides the luckv on: s were Messrs, J. V., B. B, Andv and George Gowan, Wm, Viz |, Sr,Jos. P, Mizell, Sam Miils. of ’Fulksun, Mr., Griffin, of ‘Vaycrose, Col. Townsend, Marion Paceeft and son, \Wm. Brantlon aud sc n, of St, Marys, ot S Baptist ‘Missigunary Urion - 2 S L R S Hestud iy Ve HERE LAR N W Pdosat g NS, e A A land ant hetd thoir reg war so cial meeting =t the home of Mr-. 1. P. Garrison. The meeting oveacd by singing ‘My Country tig of | hee,” tollow -2d with a yroye: 1y Mrs. B.nks Lesson subject, The IHeathera [n vasion of America. Leader, Mps Wood ] Those setving on the program were Mesd anes Wright, Banks, Wilson. RoYinson, Wilson and Pritchard. wrs Stroup gave a ceading, ‘A Vit 1o a Buddst lemple,” which was very inters sting. Mecting closed withy a chain praver, A short buchicss meeting wa. held. Sever.l topics were !js. ussed out the most in»lm‘nsi!nu] topic was our W, M U. Faz ar to be held in November., | A social hailhour was we r_\' much enjoycd ue were the de'j | cious sandwicies and Wt ennce late served by Mosdames Albert Phillips, Willis Askew and Cireo Wright, | Every one declared the aflers noon a most enjoyable ono .nd Mrs Goriison sqid she had e oy ed thesurprise verv mueh, Theie were sixteen pr <ent Next mecting to be held at the church N wvember 14, =Mz, Prilchard, 8§ -0, A vew line of shoes at Mc! on aids will please you, look 1l em over when you want _a new | air, Going to St. Augustin-, De. Flem'ngs Sunday School class will linve the pleasure of ate tending Sunday School at St Au gustine, Sunday, Nov, Gih, They are to be the guest of the young Tolks class at Methodist Sunday | Sehool wad after the chiurdh sers vice will be dined, This trip was the result o} an invitativn from the class at §', Augu«tine, through Mir. Barney Gowen, a former member of that cluss. Twenty seven have promised to go} and Barney is auxious that a full class take the trip, VOLUME XXVII. NUMBER 44 Effective Nov. Ist, Mrs, Davis Lane took full charge of the office of the Charlton County Power Co as mauager, and Carl Scolt, as [chief Eongineer, Mr, C. E Jonzs, who has been with the Charlton County Power Co., during its construction perioa left Mondav for a short trip to Lis old Florida home in Ocalo, where he will spend s few days, afler which he will leave for South America, to assume cherge of the construction of a power plant in San Dimingo. The Herald is soi vy to see Mr, Jones leave us, as Le was a splendid cilizen, and was a hard worker, quiet and unassum ing, but a result getter, the splen did service given and the smoothe running of the plant testifies, and proves hisexecutive ability. Mr. Henry who resides in Jacke sonville, will have supervision Q WM’ ‘,, 1."91%‘,""7; VVH, LAI l, 14 %i:_ 8 }*»,!,g "; It is chief engineer Carl Scott at the Charlton County Pow er Co., plant now. Carl has teen with the compauny eince its con struction days, working in the va rious departments, but after the company begun opperation, he has been with the engineering depart ment, His mechanical ability was such es to secure for him this mer« itorious promotion. Carl is one of those boys that works hard, is regular and earnest in his efforts to give good service to his employ« ers and is always ready in an emergency to stick until things are back to normaley agsin, and to such mechanie, for such faitk ful service, the reward bestowed on him, was due recognition of hie farthfullness. Mr. E. M. Dicks, chief engieder of the Chedlion County Power Co, est Monday for his old home in Lawton, Okla., where he goes for a several months vacation, He has been chief aid to Mr, E.JI, Jones i the construction of the plant here, and the splendid service which the plant is giving is to his credit, He is considered a jood mechanic,and one that aunder. tands his bnsiness. We hopej he will have a splendid trip. Messrs, Scott, Wollard and Juckson will form the day and night shifts, ——— O t—— 1 See my new dress goods, ladies and children’s sweaters before bnying.~B. G. McDonald, Week of Prayer The Woman's Missionary Socies ty of the Methodist chureh will obscrve November 6 to 12 as the Week of Praver. They will have prayer service during the week, Monday afternoon leader, Mrs. L. E. Williams, - Wednesday aftegnoon leader, Mrs. Wm., Mizell, Jr, Friday alternoon leader, Mrs, |A. D. Williams, . | The ladies of all the societies in town are invited to meet with ‘us eachafternoon at four o'clock,