Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, November 11, 1927, Image 1

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CHARLTON COUNTY HERALD. DOLLAR AND A HALF PER YEAR Woman Club’s Gieat Carnival Friday Nignt, November 25th. Fun, Eats and Entertainment. On the night of November 22th will be Folkston’s “Gala Night” on that evening in the handsome new garage of Verne J. Pickren will be the scene of the greatest merry making— ® Folkston has ever seen. ; There will be several features to the carnival Among them will be gipsey fertune tellers, palmist who will be only to glad to read your fate. Confectioners, clowns and many other enteitainments One of the biggest features of the carnival willbe the “Hot Dog” and Oyster Booth, presided over] by some of the best Chefs in the country. ‘ Another drawing attraction will be “The Country Store,” here all your needs may be supplied from a barrel of apples to a paper of pins, | One of the most attractive booths will be the “Novelty Booth” here will be seen everything to delights ones heart. Don’t forget the “Pop Corn, and Peanut and Candy Stand” Here Pop Corn will be served in all styles. Be sure and visit the White Ele phant Booth. Here take a chance and win a twenty-five cent articie, some will be very useful, anc some ornamentsl, you'll be sure and.get your money’s wo:th. Don’t forget to visit the “Art Galiery,” while attending the car nival. Here will be some pictures‘ you all know. Be sure and make your plans tc attend the Carnival. Come anc | bring your family, and give Ihem! one evening of enjoyment There will be Confetti for every one. Clowns will eatermingle with the crowd to keep the fw going Balloons of every color will be on sale, also every nois: making instruement known f ! man. = Be sure, keep the date in mind | —Nov. 26th, Friday. Carnival be- | gins at 4 o’ciock in the afternooui and will remain open until mid- | night. ! (‘eorgia's Lonsomeat Man. Col, A, S. McQueen had an in teresting article in the magazine section of the Atlanta Journal ou last Sunday, It hada vivid swump scene, und a view of Uncle Billic spauidiug and his humble abode Unel+ Bilhe being the subject o!{ the writeup. e was pictured th. lonesvmest mar. in Ceorgia, being the unly hu an on “loyd's Island which is four and a hall miles long ana three-fourth of a mile wia “Uncle silly” lives on the islans to protecl a restricted area of the swamp against trespassers, so which he_receives a small salary and is allowed trapping privileges Mr, W. L. Chancey carries him i supplies, and on one of his trip Col. McQueen accompanied him A cat and a flock of chicken arc his only company, but the wild an imal vary the monotany once in « while. He loves to read and has a stack of books and magazine, which help while the time away, Get your cloaks and sweaters from B. G. McDonaid. Improvement Committee Entertatns Club Members. i} ~ Wednesday afternoon the mem. bers of the Woman’s Club was en tertained by the School Improve ment Cc mmittee, Mrs. Davis Lane, Mrs. C. W. Waughtell, Mrs. W. A Wood, Mrs Sidney Brown, Mrs. E. B. Stapleton, Mrs, Harry Scher, and Mrs. W.D. Thompson. The hall was effectively decora in Hallowe’en colors of yellcw and black. Huge baskets of marigolds carcied out the Hallowe’en effects in the flowers. The following program was ren dered: Song—America. Paper—History of Armistice Dav, by Mrs. C. W. Waughtell, This was followed by a much en joyed reading by Mrs. W, A, Wood. The “Collection of War Songs,” by Mrs, Davis Lane, At the conclusion of the program a short business session was*eld Mrs. G. A. Dean was elected as a delegate to represent the Ciub at the District Meeting to be held in Brunswick, Nov. 11th. A mst entertaining talk on the Taliulah Falls School for mountain girls and*boys was given by Mrs. B. G, Mc¢Donald, this schooslis sup ported by the Woman’s Clubs of Georgis. Mrs. McDonala was & visitor so this institntion the pasi‘ summer, It was voled to have a carniva! on November 25th at Verne J. Pick en’s new garage which he so kindly offered to the Club, The Childs Welfare Departmeut will have charge of tbe program for the month of December, | At the conciusion of the after noon’s program a most aelicious salad course was served by Mrs, W. E. Banks, Mrs. C. W, Waugh tel, Mrs. W, B. Smith, Mrs. C B-} Jones and Mrs. Davis W. Lane. Reporler,! Backing Moving Pictures. l The Woman’s Club will put on a special picture at Paxton's Thre atre on the evening of Friday, the 18th The comedy is “Hooked’ and the feature “Other Woman's Husbawds’, The pictures are of a type to amase and instruct and the ladies are anxious that all of their friendsattend. The proceeds will be used to beoutify the schoo! grounas, a work the ladies have undertaken, and which they have already begun work. Its a civic improvemert worth while and il should be encouraged. —e e el D W e e Building Sanitary Toilets. The Racepond School has hud, completed sanitary toilets and it is an improvement thal adds to the splendid new building, Mr. Sam Cockrell und H. A. Shreve, of St. George have con structed for the Uptonville School the past week samtary toilets, These additional necessities are ‘helpful in encouraging cleanlinesg ilmund the schools and makes for better sanitation. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY OF CHARLTON. FOLKSTON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, NOVEVBER 11,1927 A Tri@e To The Pecan Bym_& Wight, of Cairo. If you are not acquaintéd you'Should be. It is an acquaintanceshiphsint will ripen with the years and the tie ?é: ow stronger as time passes. or more trees; put them out ue@ your home; care for them for a fewyears: : S and then growing gratefuls for fgiten tions be_stowed, each autumnsg ¥ will present you with beautfl”uli'i~ CNnsur passed for their flavor and nUßbive value in all the realm of l&. . Why Get Aequalnled;;‘; - They will shelter your children an your children’s children from the sim mer’s sun, and help to ward off Wilter's hilling blasts. e Under their spreading branchesen way recline when gray hairs GROWn) your head and; the winds gen g ing thru the branches may lull ¥ € sweet dreams in which the angel§™\ug | ;omfort and cheer in their approyal®i v well spent life. . Should you keep home or fagm t vill add to its beauty and value showit you want to sell they greatly enhamée! the value. . They present their gifts to mamsdl hermetically sealed package into whish no prowling disease germ can make i entry. @t When properly cared for no *, nut or fruit tree is more profitable or will give more regular and more res munerative returns. AN Other fruits distribute their blessings over a few weeks or at best & ;x months; but the pecan with out bl Pccan Paying Propositi Wiley of Blackshear Says. ——— *" | Although the erop of peeans of 1927 are short of lastiseagon, the present price is some emmyfu: cent less. Storage stock is the reason, yet despite the lowered price, it will bring a profit. ‘ Mr. T. B. Wiley, of B!ackshear.i who represents the Pierce County Nursery, was in the city, Monday, and paid us an interesting visit. Mr. Wiley has just irspected some groves ne planted last year, and report the trees doing fine. He is a believer in them and says that Pierce county will sell a hun dred thousand dollars of wurihi of pecans despite the lower price. While he represents a pecan nur sery, 1t was while was while a county agent, that he was conver ted to the profit to be made out of them, and planted a grove. He. developed a good paying oue and! gave us several new angles on the sale end and varities t» grow. ‘ The Curtis he says is a great frviter, with an excellent flavor, also a sure bearer, and while they are not as high priced as the Sue cess, Stuart, Frotshner or Schley, they ere hetter producer. rnd find a ready sale. However, as Mr. Wiley says the sale of pecan mest, is growing and a eracker, the Cur tis excells This is the proposi tion that draw the interest of the sown into the proposition, Last season Columbus shipped pecan meat out in solid car loads, the nuts being eracked, packed in neat boxes and shipped o manu facturers. The seedlings and low er grades being marketed in this manner., A neat hittle business can be built vy the nut erackeries, and even now one could be made in Folkston, the surrounding see tion being produclive of a good supply ot seedlings. Mr. Wiley interviewed quite a few interested in planting pecans, and expeets to place several good Lordern locally. If vou contemplate ‘a peean grove, he would be of assistance to you. You will find it toyonr inferest to get in touch with him, ficial preservation will keep from onc harvest to amother. _ Other trees often have their fruit: chilled and killed by the frosts of spring; but it is hardly once in a life time that “old Boreas’ catches the pecan. The pecan is a gentleman. If neg lected he may turn his back upon him who slights him. But treated as a wel come guest, he will fulfill every demana of even the most exacting host. The pecan is of royal blood and noble ancestry :— Other frees may be as beautiful. . Some may be as generous in their lbountiful harvests. ~ But in longevity and beauty and utility combined there is not a tree which can distance it in the race. ‘ We want you to get acquainted. W can present to you the proved aristo orats in the pecan world, of known E’purentage, properly nourished anc veady for your adoption. You will want to know how to care for them while growing to maturity; ask for this in formation. You will need to know how to treat them when they are shower : down the “brown beauties” full ol their life giving qualities; this also may be yours for the asking. ~ This is the opportunity for you to get acquainted. I am ready to introducc you. Just signify that you want thein nd all the necessary facts will be pu it your disposal. Wethodist Missionary’s dbserving Weéek of Prayer. v ~ /The ladies of the Methodist Mis (' *' :u-. * ' ',.' et Ol ‘ te':;,’ wt 4 o'clock. This is Praver Week all over the Country, the Methodist Societics gre Observing she week of Prayer. Monday special prayers were asked for fw ‘ of our veungest schools, Parmou: Institute, in Kobe, Japan, also Val ley Institute in Texvs, Mrs. L. F Williams was leade) for “the afternoon. Opening witl. hymn 187, §"Holy Spirit Faithfui Guide,” Scvidture Lesson, tentl chapter of Luke, by Mrs.C. J. Pas sicu: Subject “Bible Talks, 1 Mrs. L. E, Williams. This week a thanks offering will be taken. After the progran: the nominating committee announ ced their ofticers for the foll swing President—Mrs. L. E. Williams. Vice-Pres.—Mrs, (.. E, Mallard, Secretary—Mrs. A. D. Williams. Loeal Preas—Mrs. C. J Passien. Treas,—AMzs, E, B, Stapleton. Reportet—NMrs, Wm, Mixeli, Jr. Mrs, L. E. Mallard, chairman ol the Social Service Commiltee an nounced her quo‘a raised for last month, Mrs. Wm. Mizell, Jr., will be the leader for Wednesday afternoon. Mis. L. E. Mallard will have charge of the progrram for Noverr - ber, Mrs. Wm. Mizell. Sr., dismissed the Society with a short prayer. We were very glad to have Mrs, O A. Cassel, Mrs, Rosa M, Toy, Mrs. George Stewart, and Mrs, Up chureh meet with us for the after noon, - Entered Apprenticr Degree, The last meeting of the Masons, before their annual election of of. ficers will occur Tuesday night, on which occassion the Entered Apprentince Degree, will be con ferred, Members are urged to be present and visiting brethern are invited toattend the meeting. Idle money accomplished the same of good in a community as an idle man. American Education Week Fittingly Celebrated in Folkston . Community Service Sunday. Warmly Welcomes Pistor Poindextor to Folkston The splendid gatherlng at the Baptist Church, Wednescay eve ning, wherein the churen was fill ed to overflowing with the Chris tian people of Folkston to extend ‘be glad hand to this new citizen and resident pastor, and as Col. Wood, master of ceremonies, sta tod it was a genuine treat to have all the denominations present and speak such warm words of wel come to Rev. Poindexter, who is now with us tu assume the pastor age of the Baptisit chure ). | ~ The brotherhood of christianity ‘ so aptly iljustrated in the spotanity ol the greeting, and the co-opera tion of united purpose to work and walk together in the vineyard for the Gespe! of Christ, means a better Folkston, Rev, L. E. Williams, pastor of ‘ the Methodist Church, in his most gracious manner, spoke the senti ments of his congregation in wel coming Brother Poindexter to our town, and promised co-operation in their mutual field of endeavor; and that we weleomed bim to our midst - %I,d wanted, him 1o feel al home among us. | Representing the Presbviewians | Col. McQueen delightfully charm ed the new ni'nister with warmly welcoming words and bid him feel that our greeting was sincere and none but kindly feeling could be felt for the new minister by his pewple. l As is alway true. Mr, Wm. Mi zell, represeating the Chamber nfl Commerce, extended him aroyal welcome 1o Folkston, as a citizen as well as pastor, and bid him feel that he had eome toserve the faithful; w ho warked far the good of Lite cuintiamty, wituout regacd to creed, and shat the rood peo-f ‘plc would back 1w to tae limily_ Speciat music hy the choir was very insp'ring to he oceasion, a male quarter rendcrine several faverites. Messrs. Wond, Askew, Milkeli and Larlin eomposcd it, Misses i+ hinson and Jehnson rendered cor e sdecial sweet mu sic on the visin end the piano, The resp .37 o this «pendid and cordind o come by the new pastor. Rev. 1. D Puindexter, was beautifu), n.. 0 showed that he was deeply terehed. While he spoke ina ¢ cversatonal one his words eartie | in volume, showing a deep ema'ion over the many kind words 50 thonghts express ed and ke p'~'ged hit fullest co peration in every wav to work for the betterment of Folks‘on, and the Herald veoiens the s ntiment of our town, wh'n we say that we have already heen won Lo this splendid ma~, his conrtly ways and sine rity winning him frio-nds‘ everywhere, | Quite a few from the Hickox church,whieh i« served jointiv with Hoboken and Folkston, attended the reception, among whom were Mr., Raybon Johns, Mesdames Ber tha Higg.rhotham, Leon Higgin botham, Anderson, J. N, Campbell, | chitdren and sister from Ludowiei, f Mrs, Zv Petty, Miss Thefma Rozier and Miss Parker. Sunday morning the first servi ces of the new pastor will qe held il o'clock. A Special invitation (o every one was extended to at l tend this service, Sunda& night at the School Au ditorium there will a community service, winding up the American Edueatlonal week program, and Rev. Poindexter will be the speak \zl"tl‘f’ld to this service all are in ed, VOLUME XXVII. NUMBER 45 The debate given Friday night by the Charltonian Literary Socie ty was a decided success. Much argument was presented on both sides of the question: Resolved, that Ceorgia is doing enough for the education of her youth, The decision was won by the negative, The only thing to be regretted ‘about the affair is that so few par entsattended. The information given by the speakers was of val ue to the public, While the basket ball season has not yet opened and regular scheduledgames can not be played by members of the 11th High School Atnletic Association, yet both the boys' and girls’ teams of the Charlton County High School are ready to play further practice games with nearby teams. The boys bave ordered new uniforms, crimson jackets with a munogram —C. C. H. S.—in black and plack pants with crimison trimming. The girls are working out the scheme for their uniforms. ~ The scores made the past month were perceptably higher by all the rooms. The cleaning of the grounds gave each room an additional point. Bulletin board work was improved. Further ad vancegs expected this month, It is exS!ctea that 100% seores will be approached for December. A number of parents have visit ?dghelehnd»owhhmk nspected the class'work. visits are appreciated and are of the highest value. when teachers and parents talk things over the teacher learns of the parents sm bition for the child. These vyisits give an opportunity for the father and mother to learn first-hand of modern school methods. The fath er and mother can judge of the work being done and not be de pendent on the immature judg ment of a chiid, Father, mother, and teacher agree on demands that should he made. The result is that the child is never told to do one thing at school and an otherat home. Somelimes parents do not know just what fine chitd ren they have until they talk things inver with the teacher. Visils to the schools wil help your children ‘build finzr lives. Our schools are endee voring to attain the seven objectives to 'ward which the 845,000 teachers and 25,000,000 chitdren of the American public schools are working. The purpose is to meke both the grammer and high school effective Efficient lgach ers are doing hard and faithful work to develop character as well as to secure mastery of the fundamental tools of learning. Modern methods are being em ployed, for the schools of today are operated on morve scientific principles than ever before. A renl science of education is being developed and advance plane in the outlining of work ith defin ite objectives is jusl as necessary 08 the carr,ing out of those plans ‘ahd the checking up to see if thflr ‘have been carried out. This al) requires a higher professional training than ever before, Each part of the school program must fit exactly into the plan for the at- Atainment of the seven objectives Sound health, worthy home mem ‘bership, mastery of the tools of iloarninw. good citizenship, vocat ional efficieney, wise use of leisure ‘and ethical character, Without ‘trained teachers these objectivis can not be attained Unless we ~nu tests But the ideal is still far off.) America Education ; week public information that will enable then tooffer constructive \criticirm!fnr the beftermedt of our education systen, | The progrem being given this |week in the autorium are given = continued oneighth page.