Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, December 30, 1927, Image 1

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O ; " q i e iy oiAV LN & ) ,1.-*-‘ % i . i git L’ '”“"; WYgBN A b ¥ £ - E.. o o- g il g A Foa i & - .‘s‘ .‘ % o ,N.é.(flt\.:‘ ii e \,g P b . i o wpi LR '1"«‘&% :’?‘ | . b o 4 g_‘ £ % ":;vfl;'? : j A ke ' ; i N . W 9 " & o | DOLLAR AND A HALF PER YEAR New Chevrolet for New Year ' Details of Distribution Methods Given Demonstration Cars Ready. DETROIT Dec. 24—Promising the most spectacular low priced automobile of all time, the Cnev rolet Motor Company announced here today that a complete new line of motor cars will be intro duced ro the public January first. - In confirming reports tha' Chevrolet would very shortly in troluce a new car of surpassing interest, W, S. Knudsa2n, president of the Lhevrolet Motor Company, declared thatthe otfical announce ment covering all details of Chev orlet’s sensational new produc! would come Sundav = Januar first, No details wil be available until that time, he said. Chevrolet assembly plants have been in production on the new car since Decemver 12, Factorie: in Flint, Mich., Tarrytown,N. Y, St. Louis, Mo., Oakland, Cal, Buffalo, N. ¥., Janesville, Wisc., and Norwood. Ohio, have bee: humming with activity preparin, for the highways the first of the new cars that promise tu make motor =ar history in 1928. 1 Shipmentsof the new cars to‘ -dealers have been leaving the various assembly plants since - December 15 so that the vast ' eountry-wide dealers organization ~may be prepured for the intro _ductory showing next Sunday. Unbridled enthusiasm is being displayed -over the new cars by Chevrolet field sales officials, who have been milling into Detroit for privates lowings of the new line Practically every Chevrolet dealer in- thke United States will have cars ready for public inspec tion January first. There will be simultaneos exhibitions of the new car that has caused so muck discussion in the last few months. This gigentic distribution achieve: ment of supplying thousands of dealers witn cars in such a briel space of time was made possible ouly through the farseeing polic) of the Chevrolet organizatien anc the tremendous resources anc production facilities of the Chey rolet Motor Company. Never il the history of the industry will sc many new models of one mak: have beeh ‘placed in dealer” hands in such a limited space of time. Urofficial reports from the Chevrolet offices here say that the new car will embody mauy im provements in design and con struction. New standards o beauty are promised. Easier handling and smoother riding Qualities are, heralded as some o the oustanding features of the new Chevrolet line, Many unlooked for change: have been made in the appearance of the car, according to repor'.s.‘ providing the new Chevrolet witl a beauty and style appeal, unex ampled in the low price field, Without disclosing details,Chev rolet officials declared that the new cars would embody the re sults of 13 years experience anc progress in the building of low priced transpotation. Lessons leurned from millions of mites of testing on the Genceral Motors proving givund have been bougin to bear onthe new product, of fici.s declured. In tact all the re sources of General Motors have been employed for months to de s acd buile, (e car inut is . her alded to be by a wide margin tne greatest automobile ever offered by Chevrolet. Morethan 5,500 newspapers across the entire country will ar sist through there advertising columns in broadcasting the an. nouncement, which will take the form of one of the mos. compre nensive advertising campaigns ever attempt in the automobile in dustry Every city, town and aamlet ip the country will read the details of the 1928 Chevrolet on New Yesr’s day. Prominent Bend Citizen Dies of Fnenomnia One of the bends most promin ent citixens, Mr, Joseph Canady, fied from an attack of pneumonia ‘ever last Thursdav, after anill ness of less than forty eight hours. Mr. Canady was fond of coon aunting and had been out several night previous, and on Mouday night spent the entire night hunt ing coons, returning home in thc morning he complained of severe pains, and asked that the family be summoned. Effortx were in vain to save him, he dying Thurs day afternoon. He was buriec Friday afternoon at Big Prong cemetery. Mr, Canady left a wife and some four or five children to mour his death. Mr. Canady was born in the bend, was a good far mer and citizen, and was well known all oyer the county. He served last year as county com missioner from the Moniac district. ~ Section Men Change ~ Mr. J. L. Jackson has removed from Folkston, ana is now with the Coast Line on construction work. Mrs. Jackaon and children are domiciled in the Royal home on the Highway, Mr Matt Smith, who has served with the Coast Line Road for the past twenty-three years at Win okur as section master, now has section No. 39 in Folkston. He lives in his own home just north of the depot. Matt is a good sec \ion man and we are glad to have him in Folkstcn as a citizen, Did'nt Die of Flu Our friend, Jesse Mizell soy: An item in the Herald abou: him losing his hogs from fiu, was an error, that while he lost two sows, the cause was a naturai one, and did not effect his fattening hoas. It was just one of those cases, where he jumped at & conciusion ;because others were losing them from the flu. \ e e e e A est Negro Burned to Death Satnrday night, one of the shape ties at Snowden's camp, east of Folkston was destrcyed by fire. It was discovered after ards tha. one of the workers, had been burned to death, It is suposed that he was intoxicated and bad sullen to sicep, and was caugh be fore becomiong aroused He came here from Hilliard a few weeks ago. OFFICIAL - ORGAN OF THE"'COUNTY OF CHARLTON. FOLKSTON, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1927 IN THE EDUCATIONAL WORLD. Concert Tuesday nign t*?:* Announcement is made that the nextattraction on the local lyceum course will be THE EVELYN BURT' CONCERT PARTY. Tlfi company is one of the numbers secured from The Piedmont Bur reau of Asheville in a series “:gt this season and comes to us high= ly reccommed by other communi ties for whom engagements have been filled during the present season, e The program is intensely inter esting and educational, being pre sented in the form of a tour around the world, Costumes both gorgeous and ludicrous are worn by the company = members. [he music is sprightly, varied and splendidly presented. Novel in novations make up an evening’s entertainment that i wholeséme and enj.yable from beginning to end. : THE EVELYN BURT CON CYRT PARTY will flll their en gagement on Tuesday night, Jan 8 at the school Auditorium. Christmas Entertainment The grammar school at Folkston had a charming ending of the be fore Christmas period, each room giving a Christmas tree and a lot : s mdion e 5T Tl S CGER Y Mendorial Coinc Given -as Prizesl 0 AT A R £ 3 ST o R R PrOnae . gl - \“‘Mfg‘i’ LA SO TN IO DS T s ok SR T o TR e F o fy : o 3 T e R A R ¥y o ¢ i 3 R S % ‘9-?s:*-%55’-*': RSR g gk: TR l"}",@,:'&{ oAR e e b KR < W RS T R B - [, 9 TR o S Y I-B s e £ s e LR e ~%‘é‘* e » f NG N BRI SRR e G y o 5 s s BRI & R . A BN RN vw"{{;m g i AN A R e f g A BB RBURIE R A 1 by oo W 3 B R A X La® / iy P R </ R | e sl B i &::3’“6‘;*-:0» % s &NG ,/,‘;‘ @ ,~§ A,» % P y v i ORRINI R 1 ' RCTT RN R S LS ,fif' i, Lo g b i ~-lu % T el 5 R WS Ay 0 & i B R . G 5 s . oy -3 R TN \‘:l < A * - ’*fi\ ;::Ev g l':"r' f g g) % : P toon B 4 e g i s o % Bl ot COREL T R e s & i e 1 3 Mbremre KL R 5 . ; pood b> 4 2% 3 2 oy sSI ‘ ;! ‘¥ 808 S - P ol 2 3 »y R B AR "’?f’- aF W A R 3 13 o ST . fii o 1 R ,"é LA ; S ik S 5 S 4 foly o .i P R TS 3 gt B v TN 2 2 . % v o ) s N - 5 ¢ ok A :}" o ¢ 5 b Sy . ! ol i T ‘ G, ¥ % Je A s <°\' P ",:” b "‘:1 0; ¥ ¥ L B AT i A An item of keen Interest to farm boys and girls throughout the South east Cotton Belt and to every one for that matter In the entire South Is the Farm Marketing essay contest being conducted by the Sears Roebuck Agricultural Foundation, Atlanta, Ga. This contest, which offers as its threé eapital prizes trips to the Interna tional Live Stock Show In Chicago and the Southeastern States Falr In Atlanta, offers in addition 1,200 Stone Mountain Memorial colns as sce ondary prizes. The plcture shows Mr, L. H. Beall,: general manager at At lanta, presenting Mr. Hollin N. Ran ,m president of the Memorial As Popularity of Dairy Products Show Gain C=D CONSUMPTION PER CAPITA IN 1926 es=i¥ BUTTER CHEESE MILK -FI lu?ebhr and spirit of the holiaay m%«! There were certain!, f{otol bright chieerful faces tu iditorium. when the program ‘ by the primary and first erade ended, In the dialogues, Subgs aud scenes the children Shiowed splendid training, and the nnouncer of each number dressei! as Santa oroved adecided succest. "' Misses Robinson and Richard- Stn are to' be complimented on %fntertainment given. ' iThe High Schocl celebrated by ng examination. ‘ ‘Behools throughout she county #ill convene on Monday, Jan 2ud, for (he second period. 1 At Racepond | ylton Crews was chosen trus e of the Racepond school distric! %fiw election of Monday, Dec. 19th. Eaton is a good man and 'fll do what he can to make the Raeepond school a better one. ‘The Christmas tree was a decid ed success at the Racepond school on Kriday, the 23rd. An-enjoyable program was given and the child ren did themselves proud on the occasion, Miss Nettie' Keen, the teacher, reporis a splendid “tur..- out of patrons, and that the school As%fi:od.mrk- by Lo soclation with a check for $1,200 which Is giy* in payment for the souvenirs. /| “We ure Ib 4y pleased,” states Mr. Beall, “to b} ble to co-opernte with the assoclatiou In this matter, Cer talnly your cause 18 a most worlhy one and we can think of no more sult able prizes for the runners-up In our contest than memorlal colus, Bulld- Ing the mohument a 8 you are for pos terity, it seems fitting to us that the farm youth of today, the agriculturul leaders of tomorrow In the Southenst, should be identified with its construc: tion and we consider it a privilege to be & factor in thls assoclation.” Fiftyfive gallons of milk, 1061 pounds of butter, 14 pounds of con densed and evaporzted milk, 4 pound: of cheese and 2.8 gallons of Ice cream were consymed by Mr. Avernge Amer Ican In 1026, suys the Sears Roebuck Agricaltural Foundation, The rapid increase in the consumyp ton of dafry products during thetas decade has heen an ontstanding fen ture of the chauges lu food habits, “Bat for health” has become the popular slogan aod educailon in the dietary value of dairy products which are rich ln vitamin A and fmportant sources of, proteln and lime plug the trend toward & more expensive diet, have resulted In Increnses In the per capita consumption of duiry products during past decade of ws much as 30 per in the case of fluld milk and 45 cent In cheese, The eats more milk and but ter and than thescity mun of all dalry products Is below average In Southern states where dalry production bas lncresscd very, slowly and prices average bigh. Nahunta Highway Work Rushed. Graded and Opened North of Newell. Filling in Bridge Approach Slow. Deer Hunting Great Sport Many being Killed. Another deer huhter was mede happy Monday, Mr. Wm, Mizsl), Sr., was the lucky one, gettiag a fine doe. : ) Deers and wild turkeys have supplied local sportsmen with a lot of good sport this season, and from reports a greater number of deers and wrkeys have been kill ed than in many season before. In fuct deers have been killed by amateurs, and even tame tur keys got mixed with wild ones, Camcen county has been the scene of the deer hunting while Charlton has supplied the turkeys as well as bears, which likewise has been more plentiful thun here tofore. e ‘Brock-Mizell Marriage A wedding of much interest to the friends of the contracting par ties was the mdrriage of Miss Lena Rivers Brock to Mr, E. M. Mizell on last Friday péiflnfi:gfi. rd, at the, Wof Rev. G. O‘&w TR A , fm. at eight o'clock of the date 1t waé to m&i;'m altempted to steal a march on their friends, but the wedding wus dis :overed, and they were treated | to auold /ahioned horse back ride Mr. Mizell is the sou of Mr. Pratt Mizell, and an employee ol the PGeorgia--Florida Investment Company. iss. Brock 1s one ol Charlton’s sweelest home girls the daughter of Mrs. F. E. Brock of Traders Hiil. They both have many fitends who are wishes| them all kind of good wishes for| a long and eveutful life. I i Crews-dirickiand. ~ The marringe of two jopular young Bratily cranty people was }solemized Saturday night at the residence of Rev. G H. Jacohs rwhen Miss Virdie Crews and Mr, W.S. Suickland, were joined to gether by Rev Jacobs, They wili imake their home at Ft, Mudge. ~_ District Agent He e 1 Last wec k istrict Agent Brown, of the State Extension board was in conference with Chalrman Lit tlefield, of tae coanty comur ission ers, and a defiinate understanding reached as to the employment of a counly agent, Mr. Littlefield advises that we have been promis ed the very best man available, and an experienced stock man. He is to be availalle right after Jan, lsl,! but we have not bzen able to learn his name as yel. This 1s a step in' ’the right diregtion and we leell assured that this money is well| spent in a good cauue, ’ — e OO e Deer Dog Killed Sam Mills is one deer hunter that pays desr for his hunting Tuesday night some traveler ran over his hound, making the fourth deer dog, he has had killed in the past two season, Sam says that the limit has been reached so he intends to lay off the dog business, VOLUME XXVII. NUMBER 52 The handsome concrete bridge presents a beautiful picture, coms pleted, majestically spanning the St. Marys river, as vet detached from the river banks. Itis 24 teet in the clear, and isa 400 foot span, The Florida fill is aimost complete but the Georgia side but half done, Work on the Nahunta Highway is proceedidg fine, Stumps bave: all been cut out, and the road bed graded beyond Newell. The con tractor is filling in at a point near Mr.S. C. Crews. The editor made & run over part of this road the past week and found a good roadbed, and travel using it from Newell in} Theroadbed itself is thirty feet wide. 3 ; _ There is a saving of perhaps a mile between Folkston and New ell. From Newell to Winokur, ur.grade crossings are being el ceminated illustratinga good deal of common sense, At the rate of speed the work ers are now making the county line ougnt to be reached by Feb urary first, The county commissioners are to ol e wos AP e ropitt ;w‘“w: . : “":"" ’ 3 \ _”'. ’ : good people alony this county site ‘Highway. R L Rev. W ¥ Morrison : Preaches 'Here Sunday s Rev. W. F. Morrison will preach Sunday morning at the Methodist church, the paStor being away on # visit to reiatives in Savannah, Brother Morrison is an able min ister and a special invitation is ex tended church goers to sttend the morning services, New Steam Laundry Folkston’s latest industry is a stcam laundry. The ventyre is one that ought to prove a seccess, Mr Ralph Burch, who lives just south of Folkston en the Highway, 8 the owner and manager of the ndustry. He has installed one of latest Msytag electric washers, has an ironer and dryer coming, wid will bave an up to date laun- Iry. We hope thal he will make success of the venture. Read his ad in another column. Make Them Like Him Contractor Ed Shivar, who is nct only a skilled workman, and good builder, advertises the con tracting business in this issue. 'You cai say this of Ed, when he ‘completes bis job, there is always a pleastd man, as he believes in makmg frienas of his customers, and we have yet to hear a man complain of his treatment when he patronizes him, This is the hest reccommendation we know for a contractor Plead Guilty. Earnest Dixon, who was caught with ten gal'ons of of shine Christ mas eve by Chief Burnes and An dy Gowen, and lodged in jail, plead guilty Monday and received a fine of $l5O. Hiscar, a Ford rosdster was confisticated, .