Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, March 16, 1928, Image 1

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CHARLTON COENTY HEGALD. DOLLAR AND A HALF PER YEAR THE EDITOR’S NOTE BOOK News and Views from the Curb, Home, and Farm. Another tent show tnis week in dicates Folkston is fair picking, else we or on the route laid out in their travel. They travel in trucks and cars, and reports have a fair show. Aslongaswe escape gam bling hells traveling under the guise of carnivals we shall rest easy, but from them deliver us. B Up until Saturday 68 acres of cukes were in, and as we signed up for 75 acres, Dr. Williams re ports that several have stretched their acreage to go the limit. Re ports of some up is fine, and if the weather is as good as the prophecv of the weather man we are all to the good. The Sunday showers were a little too free, but not con tinuing won't hurt. It certainly made spring turnips planted loom up nigg and green, Cucumber planters be advised that after this week the uamsold seed will be returned, and if more seed be desired now is the time to speak out. Mr. McGregor drop ped into see Dr. Williams this week and expressed gratification at the progress made with pianting here. Says success with this deal means other crops for next yesar. (e Since the planting of cucumbers here has reached the acreage it has it has been suggested that we or ganize an. association, so that au thority can be vested in some one toact in an emergency. Mr. Hur sey says that we will want to get thoroughly nosted on details of picking, handling and marketing the =rop, and that we should bend our effort towards getting a har monious organiation to going to further production of other crops later. e o . The good old watermelon will not down in Charlton, so it seems. Edgar Mills is preparing to piant forty acres, Frank Mills five, and A.W. Askew, Bill Davis, Jim Hu ling, Walter Huling and Johnuny Wilson will plent their usual acre age, which with an acre here and there will run the planted area to a hundred acres. This would in dicate car load shipments, but we have found heretofore that trucks will come to our door and get the kind we make at more thun car load prices. This will also mean a cash crop te follow the cucum ber crop which runs into June. Some interest has been lroused( over Mr. Hursey's better stock ar ticles and several of our readers have advised him that they would take a bull. Mr,Brown, Mr, Sheal ly and Mr. Litton are expecting to back Mr. Hursey up this week and enroll a car lot club of pure bred beef bulls. We hope thet this car lot shinment is merely the be ginning of what is tc coms, —— M:r. L. E. Mallard 15 an Observ ing man, aud besides selling mules. real estate, and fertilizers, con cucts aution sales orce in a while He says that more fertilizer is being sold in Charlton county this year than ever before and that means a bigerop. Of course you huve got to put, to take in some thing, so the farmers are banking on Agent Hursey, aiding them and are preparing for planting right. g . Here is another bij tg cash crop making. Prof. Waughtel who like the editor wants to get his crop in eaily before the sun beats down hotter that blazes, has contracted to plant a hundred 1b of tomato sced for a big plant house on a certain price per thou sand, He wanted them early and mid season. Now the Editor has taken over a few of these seed to test the proposidon out. The boys will soon be out of school and they must have something to mix up with their baseball, or eise—well an iale boy is like an idle man, just playing in the dev i's work shop that is all. Tell you later about results of tomsto plant selling e (s You are taking my thunder a way from me, remarked a big melo: grower ome this eek. “when you say Johnny Wilson can raise ‘em longer than I can.” When, told that Johnny could put them on the market in June, and have them unti! September, he wilted, said he could only raise ‘em ‘“thirty inches long- and weighing 6(! pounds,” o We learn that a fastidious thief entered the N. J. Norman Store at St. George last week, just lifting the cash register, taking it off to rifle at leisure. As omly a little is ever left in It, his toll ight, As road lgbor is needed Ri’ tm good for such denizens, it seems some good doses ought to be given for in truth the lavity of the courts are in a measure responsible fors many of the crimes nowadays, and from what we notice it can in no way be lald on the jurcrs—show irg that the people themselves fa vor upholding the law. —— e Demp Snowden was in town Sat urday bewailing loss of his supply of meat. Five hogs butchered and cured and a kit of lard was the thiefs harvest. Demp traced the car track from near the smoke house towards St. George, but at near Toledo he lost the scent infa maze of other car tracts. He also reported that Mr. D. M, Slizell had a bank or so of potatoes go the same way. It would not be a bad idea to keep an eye open when the night cars pass, or appear to break down, and appear to be re pairing it, as the Editor lost twenty five bushels of potatoes and this is the scheme he figured was work ed on him. If you catch 'em at it use your shot gun, The brick walls of the old Scott Hotel have been reduced to safety and rebuilding on the restaurant portion has started. This work will progress now as far as the first story, but with walls and tim hers heavy enough to laver carry another story. We are glad that such fine spirit is posessed by Mr. Scott, and he is 0 be commended for his act in proving his progres siveness i, rebuilding in the face of such aaversity, When the res taurant bmiding is completed, Mr, Scott says he intends to rebuild the rest as his finanees permits, cn—— Iliness ot the pastor, Rev. P, p Poindexter, caused his pupit to be filled Sunday by Col, Dave Parker of Waycross, who zave us a thouht ful hour, taking as his text, that spendid theme, “Act justly, love mercy,and walk humbly with Goa,” from the phophet Miceh. Anabl: OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE'COUNTY OF CHARLTON. FOLKSTON, GEORGIA, BRIBAY, MARCH 16, 1928 A Round of Burglars on Saturday Night The forcing of the rear door of H, J. Davis’ Store Saturday night and the robbing thereof of a small quantity of shoes and hats and other wearable, indicates that the thief must have been just replen-‘ ish the family warbdrove. ’l‘he;l cash register was takeu out and heaten open with ax, borrowed from Mr, G. A. Yonng, but wasnat jocked and hud afew cenisinit. A trace of the culprit is not easy to follow. This is firs* store robbery we have had in sume time, and we hope efforts being made to cateh the guilty ones will Se successfui. Traces of an attempt to break into Stapleton Pharmacy by prying the back door showed by marks, but failed to move the door. e (e The depot was also entered and spoils outside of Mr. Harvey’s watch, which had been left for re pair, nothing else was mussed. A mutilated safe however showed evidence that the robber believed might behind an axe, was superior to head work. But he failed to get in the safe, Later reports were Edgar Allen lost his Sunday dinner, a supply of fresh sausage and a dressed hen, taken from the ice box. The only discovered in the act of Saturday nights Jooting was a tel ephone call from theAltman home for, Ben from his daughter that acmg?g.‘mm"nflm tne house. Ben responded via a Ford in time to see a form vanish from the yard into the mght, but being gurless he had to let the would-be escape, handling of the subject impressed‘ his hearers with the lesson and brought forth many nice comments from his hearers. Messrs. Sweat and Poplen, of Wayecross, accom panied Col. Parker to Folkston. —(ree Have you visted with the coun ty agent yet. If not, why not. He is here to help you, aud you should take advantage cf his ex pert advice whenever you can profit by it. Meet him, His of fice is in tne Charllon County High Sch ol Building. e e As a spur to their best efforts, the Bee Line Highway, via Hazel hurst and Baxlev, the respective counties of these splendid towns are putting bord elections to pave the highway They mean busi ness and it stated an early meet ing cn the Beeliners will occur at Waycross to urge a connected system into Macon. As the Cen tral Route has had ten years to pave its way into the oraces of the people and is still piking, we are glad to have these people come forward and state the will pave their highway. This also placed us in a posititon of going after business at Macon with the lunderstunding that when once on their way to Florida they area ‘sure ghot to go through Folkston, We here and vow place vur name down for a reserved seal at their booster meet meeting. Lets have the Bee Line Highway. e J——— The Pearson Baptist have put on a new game called "neighbors.” Slips are put in & box with names written there on. The slips are witharawn by those present who are required to do a good turn when ever possible for théim, un assuming and uuknown to them Its a great game, the Tribune says t hopes it will prove ‘fizgud their most sanguine expect " Chamber of Commerce % 4« Meets at St. George . @ B{h. March 13th, Special s*Aicalled meeting of the Chamber of Commerce is called for Tuesday Ma¥eh 20th, at 8 o'clock, which wiill be.of interes! to every one in e Comimunity. We will have W ” on this occasion what may Bg called the Inter commnnity re: 4 \ | organization from Waveross ‘T‘ rpose 1s 1o advancement OFNpßlfer arganization involving '.; elve or fifteen counties in tHEstrict in connection witn the Cham eriof Commerce work. 18 pro notion of a common in teregtof this section is the pur posedl algreater organization of ‘lh" ' il localities and it is hoped that we, will have a good atten darice ¢ 3;- meeling. Every one is invi ,';Come ou.. - Dies ‘With Rabies. Justias we go to press we learn of t ed@ath of the little daughter of M. Steve Wollard, who was y ew weeks ago by a bull dog #t the Power Plant. The child®s wound hed healed and ’trea mept given for rabies and it ‘was presu med to be getting alcng all vight ‘until last night when it ‘had | serious attack that lead to its desth We sympathize with the be 'ad parents over their loss. Her name was Geneva and was about seven years old. Tae conteaet for the Mr George Gowan residence was let this week {o Mr. P. C. Hail the contractor, 10 be built on the two lots purcyased rom L. E. Mallard. This 1s to be alarge and commodious six room dwelling of ths bungalow type. Itisto be pushed to completion for Mr Gowan's early occupancy. Special Tax Now Due The custom of our people has always been to register and pay their special tax during court week in March, but tha! matter cannot be extended as court was, as the law requires registration Jan. Ist, and payment by March first. Fi nal settlement of the tax collector for these taxes is required by first of April, and after that date a 20 per cent penalty and if the special representative calls and finds that you have not registered you may get in hot water. Special taxes are required of drug stores, soda fountains. pressing clubs, garages automobile agencies, barber shops., rooming houses, hotels and res taurants. Bestattend to this now BILL BOOSTER SAYS: "@ GOOD BOOCSTER. OBRYS THE LAW = TAKE “THE TRAFEI® LAWEs | KHOW THEY ARE MADE FOR. “THE BENERMT AND PROTEETION OF US ALL, AND | OBEY THEM WITHOUT LOOKING T© SEE \F A GOP 18 AROUND 1 ¥ 3 .4 7 E , f\ ¢ :',fl'. ‘ @ < ok R % Sk - Dy F L o\ AL 3 i | PLAY BALL? ORGANIZED TO GO Enthusiactic Meet Tuesday Night Put up Coimn for Team Folkston proved by the rousing meeting of the basebail enthusiasts Tuesday evening that we intend to have the best ameteur ball club in south Georgia this season, some fifty faas were present at the call meeting at Allen and Vickerys store and after some splendid talks the following of ficers were chosen to lead us to victory. C. E. Stroup, manager treasurer W. A. Wood, asst and coach - New'. Askew, field captain. | T, W. Wrench and A, S. lL.c- Queen, reporters. Publicity men—Allen Brothers, Edgar and Lawrence., Soliciting committee—L. E. Mal ’lard and . A. Dean. The selection of playing grounds 'and the claying of the infield was lef? to club oificers. | Illustrative of the pep and back ring behind the boys was the re sponse of those present toward the fund, Capt. Askew stated was required to "pint the boys in the running,” some S2OO, and $152 was subscribed then and there. Manager Stroup stressed that pep and activity must rule the club and not sulks and baby acts, and Coach Wood laid down the law that two things were banned—the use of outside players and indivugl playing. Training and concarted i ¥4 ial &s ;J ‘L;: ~ Poultryman of Charlton Orgunize an Assoiation Mondav afternoon the pouliry association was formed in County Agent Hursey office, T. L. Pickren was chliosen chair man, and J. C. Allen, secretary. A committee ot five was appoin fed (0 nominate a board of diree tors, resul‘ing in the selection of T. L. Pickren, sr,, O. A. Cassell, J. w. Johnson, Mesdames €. . Roy, and A. J. Howard. The name chosen for the organ ization was “Charlton County Poul try Association Mr. Pickren was made permenent ¢ rairmsn, with O, A. Cassell, secretary-treasurer. The member <hip fee was made $1 to join and dues fifty cents per annum, ‘The executive commiltee mee!s the 20th with Mr. Hursey to get the movement under way for real honest to gooduess work and the perfecting of that essential plan of action—cu-operate in pro duction. buying and selling, which reminds us thet the «nly road to success in—"united we stand, di vided we fal” Mallara Goes to Convention Mr. L. E. Mallard leave to-nigh! for Macon to attend the session of the State Democratic Committe 10 select delegate to the Houston Convention. Mixson Gets Gang Sentence County Police Andy rowan dis played his wares Sunday. Caughi Julin Mixon with a ten gallon sup ply in the dispensing act; caplur ing Mixon and his shine. Monday veing court day, to a plea of guil ty, Judge Johnson sentenced him to 12 month on the gany, Later it being shown that his ageu mother was ill, and that they had a bunch of cattle to be dipped and nobody home to do it, he was relhased on 4 $l5O cash bond, with a thirty dey leave of absence, and six month to serve and SIOO fine in lieu of the originai sentence, upon his return VOLUME XXVIII. NUMBER 11 real ball club, that it should be de velopea so as to show the home town product and let the world know that when they played our team it was a re:l Folkston team =in fact, name and spirit, The present playing field has been chosen we understand and clay pits mspected, The claying will start at once and if any one has an idle truck Capt. Askew wlll appreciate its use. The daily practice is on every afternoon after four, Come out and if you would make the team. With a yannigan team ard the ‘Hi-School team we can “play ball.” ‘ Locally the interest of the boys is centered in announcemeiit out of Waycross that an amateur cir cuit is to be formed to play ball. Waycross, Homerville, Pearson, Blackshear Patterson, Nichols, Alma, Douglass and Folkston and possible other will join, We have some material and having sent sev eral up—Roy Spruell, Franks and Russ Cassel, pitchers—the incen tive is in others to do likewise. Patterson will open the season up this month and the boys are work ing out daily to get in shape. Jacksonyille spori writers boost our Russel ‘Cassell; as a seoond Ben Cantweil, who went to the big show last year, The Tmes-Union of Thursdays said of Russel “thé youth seems fn’;‘ be right onftg; with goods”’ and aesigned | " The League’s Picture - “Hot Water’’ Thursday. The Ephworth League of the Methodist church consist of a live iot of young folks and their Sun 'day program are worth your at tendance. It it is not a duty for you to meet with them it certainly will arouse a pleasant thought in you to be with them when they put on a program. These voung folks do not confine themselves (o the serious side of life altogether, but strive to enliven you with a smile once in awhile, so they are putting ona moving picture Thurs day night, th 2 22nd at the Paxton Theatre, The title is “Hot Water,” which indicate action and fun, the ‘admission is only 35 cents for the grown ups and Y 0 cents for us lads and the fun begring at 8 o’clock. Card of I'hanks, I wish to take this means of ex pressing my most sincere thanks to the voters of Charfton county for the very liberal support ac corded me in my campaign for shenff during the recent county primary. I deeply appreciate the support of my friends, snd have only the kindliest of feelings for every one | would have tender ed my thanks sooner. Lut have been prevented from atlending to it onacconnt of serious i'lness in my family, With best wishes to all, 1 am, Respec:tully, P. G, Mizell. Just Suggesting It has been suggested to us that this section would Le better off it we shifted over to the republican party, so as to gain recognition of the north It seems to us the best way to gain anything is by first thinking right und then acting the same way. Lets recognize the in fallibilty of human nuture and try and coneceive some plan, where by we do not have to act the hyp rocrite and vlay both sides against the middie.