Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, November 16, 1928, Image 3

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News from St. George and Vicinity, “Poor Married Man” Nov. 23rd. Sunday Schools. Time 11 O-clock Every Sunday Morning. At Paptist Church, Mr. J. w. Speucer, Supt. At Methodiist Church, Mr. Loy S, Vin. son, Superintendent, e e e R A delightful affair of Tuesday afterroon November 6th was the shower which Mrs W. T. Londe ree and Mrs J. W. Spencer gave in honor of Mrs. Leslie Norman at the home of Mrs. Londeree. Two contess filled in the time pleasantly, Mrs. M. C. White and Mrs. Frank Lewis being the win ners while Mrs, E. J. Clark axxi‘ Mrs N. J. Normun drew - booby, All were presented with dainty mementnes of the occasion. " Later Mrs. Norman opened the many dainty articles which her friends had brought, some being accompanied by approjpriate verse. During the afternocon Mrs. Londeree and the honoree render ed a number of musical numbers which added to the pileasurs ot the guests and still later a delicious salad course with coffee was serv ed. Those enjoying the happy occa sioaincluded besides the hostesses and honoree, Mesdames, Jackson, M. C, White, Frank Lewis, N. J Norman, John Harris, E. J. Ciark; Virgil Thompson, G. B. Carpenter, C. Bussy, J. A. Barker, B. J. Fountain, Roach, Gillette, L. S. Vinson, B. B. King and Miss Elea nor Cockrell, R S Sunday November 18th there are o services scheduled for St George churches, The Sunda) Schools will hold a uulon weeting at the Bapust Church at the usual time, Toaese union meetings are proving a pleasant feature of the Sunday Schools. There is always a good attendance and both teachers and pupils derive mspiration for their work. A group of former jrestdents of St. George were greeting their many old time friends in St, Gecrge Thursday, The party in cluded Mr. E. J. Roberts, Mr. anc Mrs. W. E. Terode, Mrs. Effic Minor and Mrs. George Roberts, all of Lawtey, Fla. A party of young people from St. George were in Jacksonyilie Thursday evening to attend the ‘Singing Fool’, Misses Allic Florence and Sarah Prescott, Miss Amanda Nobles and Messrs Arthur Barker and Joe Londeree. Frienads of Bill Gooden who was injured in a motor cycle acciden some time ago, is improving a the home of his sister Mrs. Joe Brown in Jacksonville, . Mrs. D.C. Welch who has been ill the past ten days is still contin el to her room at her home in St. George, | Mr. W, T. Londeree and Joseph made a business trip to Jackson ville Tuesday, Mr,T. W. Wrench was in St George Tuesday to assist al the election. : Mr. and Mrs !eslie Norman went to Folkston Wednesday. - | —— Mrs. N. J. Normon, Misses Lillian, Marie and Louise Barker spent Sunda) afternoon in Callahan, FRUSTPROOF CABBAGE PLANTS- Millions now ready, extra Early Jer sey and Cearleston Wakefield. 500 70 cents, $1.15 perthousasud postpaid. Express collect SI.OO thousand. Quick shipment, -- STOKES PLANT CO, Fitzgerald, Ga, k d “A Poor Married Man,’” which isto be given by the St. George school on Friday, November 23, is the story of a professor, who has married a charming young lady, whose mother insists on accompaning the pair to their pew home, mucin to the disgust of the groom. His friends mistake the moth er for the bride, and then the trouble ) starts. Atter liviug with the wife for a day the prufessor gets a divorce, and marries again. His father-ln-law, who is a Widower ut the time the professor marries the second time, marries the professor’s former mother-in-law. Then there is more trouble. However, things all work out fine, and marriage is declared a success. Come out married men, and seea fellew man sufrer. Come out single men and see What lucky fellows you are. Don’t forget the time and place— ‘ School audiworiumn, November 33, at & o'clock. Admission to everybody 1o cents. ~ The cast of characters is as follows: Prof. John B, Wise, A poor marriea man, Loy S. Vinson. Dr. Matthew Graham, a country phy sician, Arthur Barker. . ~ Billy Blake, a paopular college boy, John King. dJupiter Jackson, a black trump, Co~ hen Barker. Mrs. lona Ford, some mother-in-law, Sleanor Cockrell. Zoie, her charming daughter, Louise Varn June Graham, a little freshman, uladys Cockrell. Rosalind Wilson, a colicge reporter, Jane Quarterman. i Monday was a holiday in the St George schools. The teachers attend ed the regioral meeting of the Geo:gia ‘Education Association in Waycross, and some of the high school pupils attended the Southeast Fair, also at Waycross. Miss Irene Quarterman, a teacher in the Uptonviile school, spent the week <nd as the guest of Miss Gladys Cockreli " A very interesling teachers meeling was held here Saturday, Superinten dent Harris presided. Mrs. Kate Craw.crd, principal of the Riverview schoot, has the sympathy of all the people of this community in the death of her brother last week. e ee @ P . &Mrs. Welch, a St. George pioneer, is said to be very ill. Miss Ketchum, a Zranddaughter of Mrs. Welch, arrived sunday morning from Washiogton, D. C, Miss Irene Armstrong spent the week end with the Misses Eleanor and Glad -18 Cockrell, ’ Monday was a holiday for the school making it possible for the students ana teachers to attend the fair and associa uon in Waycross. Mrs. L. N. Normau is visiting her mother in Folkston, Misess Allie, Florence .and Sarah Prescott, Amanda Nobles with Joe Lon deree and Arthur Barker were amoug the ones seeing the ‘Singing Fool’, Thursday night. @Mrs. Rudolph Mills and Gilbert were visiting Mrs. Mills mother, Mrs. Kite, The St. George seniors spent the week end and Monday with home folks. AThere were a number of people at tended the Waycross Fair Mouday in cluding tie high school students, teach= ers and other town people, RED CROSS NURSES AID IN HURRICANE DISASTER In addition to their year around work in the Public Health field, the Public Health nurses of the American Red Cross have answered a number of calls to combat epldemics, and in disaster work during the year just ending, the Red Cross states. Their greatest task was in the re et following the West Indies hurri cane when 20 nurses were despatched to Florida and-32 to Porto Rico, to as sume charge of the health work there, Epidemic conditions were especlally grave in both places, and inoculation of soveral hundred thousand persons had to be arranged In order to prevent spread of contagions. Nursing the Injured, the sick, aged and young and caring for the newborn were heavy tasks in both areas. The Red Cross nurses also were called upon for work i epidemics in communities, Including the serious septic sore throat epidemic in New Eungland and a typhold epidemic In New York atate. More than 650 Red Cross Chapters throughout the nation operate nursing servicos which they s»)port altogether or in part. HERALD, FOLKSTON, GEORGIA. Best Fair Yet -~-Take a Day Off and Come to the--- i nr m ;\ / ) AL A : AT JACKSONVILLE Nov. 22 - - Dec. 1. DAY AND NIGHT. : Forida’s Greatest Dairy and Cattle Show Lindbergs Fhght in Fireworks Europe's Sensational Herly Troupe. Florida's Fish ana Came, (Alive) Gold Medal American Poultry Show. Two Band Coucerts Daily. 5 Johnny d. Jones Shows. $25,000 1 Prize Premiums FIFTEEN THRILLING RIDING DEVICES. / State Agricnlture Exbibits. Kiddies Carnival Day: South’s Largest Pig Show. Negro Farm Exposition. 4H Judging Contast. Famous Outdoor Attractions. Special Kidlies Midway, Home Demonstration Classes Educational School Exhibits Championship Dog and Cat Show. Gigantic Machinery Displav. Industrial Fxpositions, U. 8. Shipping Board kxhibit. ™~ NINE BIG DAYS AND NI!GHTS. Florida State Fai BT/ e ) s i :/ pA iy : " ! '(A‘ \‘W“' {\ ',‘F)‘ AYA N b/ .. b h v.'\ 4™ ,‘. Yol : agTw o A< AR 23 N : X : | GVE &gfi#{‘&ifi’ BRI =~ =AY g 8 Y A Ve G NN el - i St BLA L AECE, Q\}Afi M e i R i S 8 A | Huge »‘:‘l?s* \W,,“;’tii-;"-;'{ BRI ¢ e(R !'C ' S‘l’;:h?' “Here's a station up il DT e o i pt RGN ahead.” ot Ro’ T 2 ié, . e Vs .\\\? “NO, lets wait for a Pan- #&t> ” T N ] Am sign. There's too % “=gs Sy f‘“ i much difference in oil to [HEE 2y R —s e DR 2 8 take a chance on any 2% SEFCEW # ‘ % old kind.” ~f 2 ./ - : a 2 " 4 o A Lo o 7 adl P SO . T s D 'l‘~‘ "‘““i ‘-"" ‘_AA_, .-__.~:#'*:_“‘ -.&:o //; § T‘.- ’ ’VV» “‘ p’R ! 4 a? et i g e A e . o PAC (" N, \ ? saßm TR - B o Gl e S T SR - “)E-:}" ,v? {,*\'s”“[ | \\.l " ls: — e : G ,?;_,;i - 3 7 / ,? —":_"" o e x\ —n Y 1%- - — /'Q Y o 'f|' ~ - ’ o T R . A AR TN () 2 /) it A o LA, S R AR VISR /el S e/ —.l// / g : "{‘;‘ ,‘ 1’ M _ N ‘. ‘ 4 X ) '.? ‘é‘y // . A-2 Y Expect these results g«-@ when Yot Iry Pan-Am T it o W n’s“l : e, Ry T Pan American Petroleum Coipozra.tion Also distributors of KIP imsecticide, SEMDAC auto polish and SUPERLA les . B RERAGY, SR A S ) RS SR A B S ———— W Q’ Y e S ¥ ¢ A e@ vy - R B T RiS AR oy wy i iak -_g,vfilh‘ & . ‘ TR | B & & ;fig“ 8 : ¥ %... et §éfi ,@'*\ : .o § § Ne & ¥ ok ane s ¢ N 3 S \%\ ; 3 & g - BT 3 Sst : L ;et 5 ¥el o R it P & ibeal® f,'-'_‘v{‘lfix;;mfl‘ SR 3 AN e i PO Ri S 3"&5 ok. R % 3,\«%% el B G r\{,‘*(","i.’-f"'\:’..‘". R £ A SRR RPO AR Py PRI B 9 B oaee . Y 4 ke ey A R isf SRR ,§_<§.‘~_:~\Q>@z\;~£: Rgßl e s . e e B 4 iR 3 TR B ARSI : LR S N t%.\-i:' b SEREE N 3 3™ A R 833 ¥TR LA GRO R 3 Y . ¥ F ®RS i g R Ri . 5 ey Y, b 4 S U VRS R S P R % o 5 4RL Lk TS 2 § b 3 3 S tfi{ WK ;I\‘ O Wg e B | R i - ‘&',‘ 3 AR . SRR O o e N, i o WO, U S, 3 SR e SRR A % T ~SN k. B i 3 ) 3 l.\:-.\ TR IR R SAR R s R W £ SRR *@;“& N R e o el .‘1;-:‘; “ ‘;“ IR "".‘-”:a"“fi"“-'f 2 E.‘E\:"; S X ,5::5::;l:.‘> BSRRAN %30 3 RS FELARR RSR N]b SR SHNaae ST i 1445 <.<\ ) ;&‘\‘\ .»\;‘ R 8 bSRN AR o i.ARAR RAR X R E N i SRR BSN “?\ ] 18 [, G i RO 1R R LR o SRR 2y ¥ SR, N i joratg R RRREEY 3 R o Y i ERRNT SR TROTb R% B RN ReAL ee e 15 2 \‘i UGN RiR \PP O SRR N, 3 4 “\\"fi?""”v SRN R B e W, SRR R | R AR iR \y'z.; eT4N oo : e 58 oA PERE N ESN LRI R A e\ ¢ TR o. g B . >-;"§};_!§4\%.~-§§,A;‘ RY | Vi AR M«,:g? B . RENARRR AR ABXV RV B R 3o SR E § G .{’Q‘:\:&m?\qa g 2Ph & W S PR ™RPRSN &t % g )3 : g TP PN i 3 riERR S R ':‘ I’{{-"3' 'l'l"A 5,, #“ r i"" : £ 3(i oRN B efe DA ; . SRR R A &‘:‘k&?éi“ o § R S; e ,N-;‘,,"?& WAL 3 i g™ Rl S ;: 3 R 41‘ ,"1 :;‘.‘:.; }2 . ;“." 3 $5: i & ,\_-.3:_‘:‘ “)4 & i RGN o <54 : o 0 R i i GERST L k § RRI g PRV £ . BRI 9 G y § 4 b Ry e 7 A & S B gty g i g B SEE NWY e 4 )"k k 3 & & 3 R {)‘N_:f:;’:, ?‘ RO ™ BRER 3 SRS R _:._.,)-,A\{{.;.\:,..-_\_v\»:..\gi.;.'. S W RRO b : 8:!LR Ry AR RN L 5. i @ % RO BRI ‘N- % 3 Y 3 3. 3&i MSN 3 :i:s:,\':-:55;:si;;-g;?z‘z:ef;-?‘\: e &i’\ 3 & F Ri & GO R ; R 3 i GS R 3 e S LE e S, A b 5 vie . R iMSR B .Lo; {¥ F 3 pE Re BN ’i svl L 3 ¥A R ) ~, : GG T L wa f;{ 35:»,?. i T paLes % 3 . i Vit L g ':;5:; SRR PR RS B & §o A 84 . QTR Vb . '. e e gNMb eA ) "'v""".- g SN it BT RN w 8 L R 4 i 3 SRR 19 PG ]Pk £ R R RR i . RS v- o k3by il Oi3) ) 3 el BA \, VRESG R X T SRONY “ei by > ‘&vln » . L"W s BNN AR 48 X e W g ""t‘.*fi”‘# &fi:fi TR e Vo CKo e ] ;,«.',,.,; s s : ; bdt RO TW< [509% A 8 . 1A oSRY TN B BRy B T ” N ='l‘-“ PRy i ! fi‘t‘ Rskntoncsmpnsad vond R ';3)‘:#;'l‘ )9' M e VN G o RN PN o ) _«s:.,_:‘. IR g, S ok A 8 . . u;?:.,‘,,&;: L | eT 1 S Rl LA NS X SOV DE 30 b s .{ V7hen you drain your crank and fill it up with Pan- Am motor oil, you can expect very definite results— ' Protection against motor oil failure under all driving conditions. More power, bccause your cylinders will be sealed with a tougher film of oil. Money saved, because Fan-Am motor oil goes fufther, lasts longer. For Pan-Am is refined with unusual care from pure paraffin-base crudes. They produce the toughest, sturdiest, safest motor oil known. Every Pan-Am dealer has a chart showing ‘the right grade of this bettermotor oil for your car. Tryfit, toduy.