Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, November 23, 1928, Image 8

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in the Social Life of a Busy Town. Hither and Yon Movement of Home Folks and Friends o Leslie Norman of St, George is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W ) Rodgers. I'4 Mildred Hughes of Reidsville, (i, spent the week end with Miss livicn Mizell. Mr and Mrs w. B, Vickery were in Jacksonville Thursdap to visit friends and incidentally to attend the Fair FOR RANT..The lower housekee p jng apartment in my home on Main St. Mrs. L.~Wainwright. Mr. kd Hill and daughter, of Atlanta was a 4 drop n caller on his cousin, the Euitor Wednesday, on his way back from Miaml. Mrs, L. E. Mallard is visitihg her daughter, Mrs, Kelly Eaton, in Atlanta, and will remain until after the Thanks giving holidays, Mrs. C. W. Richter of Miami, came u, last Toursday and is visiting her douchier, Mrs, Wm, Mizell, Jr., at their v oo in Folkston, s, 'he grandson of Mr, J. M. “ o Gie o leal Friday at the home ol hr prouks al the Paxton place, H. to il ynly a few dnys, and was about vl cals wd. Vi Jesse Mizell and family autoed wow 0 vacksonville Thursday to ake .. wizel wother to see a specialist wreulment of the eyes. They mude e vest i tae trip by taking in sigbis sl the Pair, The W, M. U. will hold their regular meeting at the Baptist church next monday afternoon at .30, and all the W wbers are urged to be present, as . wia lur the Christmas bazear are to « mude. All please come. wicute Shackleford celebrated her tirirteenth birthday by eutertaining her ilenus with a wost delightful party wst Friday afternoon. Quite a large v ad of her Iriends were present and a lercughly good time, ’ wi J. E, Bryant has information tha bis son, Mr. Eugene Bryant is ill ina nospital at Charleston, W. Va,, with an u.iack of pneumonia, Ihe seriousness ol s illuess 1s causing worry to his Uoner bud the word did not gay how soidivus e was sick, Ibe young married folks of the Bap tist church have orgasized a most en thusiastic Sunday School class. Mrs. Verne J. Pickren is president of the class, Mrs. Curiis Smith is class secre™ tary. Mrs. Jesse Matrox and Mrs. J. 8. Taylor is a committee to see tho young married folks and cordially invite them to join this class. It is hoped that there will be a large pumber present next Sunday. The Callaban girl as well as the boy's teams came over last Friday afternoon 10 play our teams. They proved to be writty tesms, playing against the hard est nuts to crack hereabout. From the st throw of the ball, the Folkston teum took the lead, and toss after toss 00y Mg e the scores increasingly large 5 the buys geme the Callahan lads ¢ uyed off their feet. The score < «he girls game was 23 to bin favor us Felkston, Score of the boys was "« on "3, Callahan 3. rO-CA-RA ASK Your Druggist. Black Smith Shop Now ready to serve you at my home place Shop. Need iroa or wood work see me J. rfl\ wnd'o AN . K THEM RIGHT NOW, HIROPRACTIC—OF COURSE. A CEMEAEC . CHIROPRACTOR, «+ ' MELAND BT, GEORGE‘ Lsce:::l- l.:;;t:-;l-w ——— | FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION, | Dr. A, Fleming ( Frice—Oprosite MasoNic TemrL TELEPHONE 19 FoLkstox, Ga, SPRCIALISES IN TREATMENTRor Cromic Casis. The Folkston chapter will spon sor a comedy given by the Kings land chapter O. E. S. on Friday night, November 23, at 800 o’clock at the school auditorium. Come, Be There ‘ and see MISS MOLLIE 20 and 35 cents admission, }Womsn's Club Busy Session with Fine Reports Made Following is the report of the regular business meeting of the Woman’s Club held last Wednes day, November 21. Meeting was called to order by Mrs. Wm. Mizell, Jr., president. . | The Lord’s praver was repeateo in unison. After the roll call, the ‘minutes of lust meeting were read and approved. Mrs. J. W, Vickery, chairman of the cemetery committee, reported on the poppy sale, conducted re cently by this committee, the pro ceeds of which go to the cleaning up the cemetery, The emount ol $59.95 was realized. The ciub feels that this was a splendid re sponse by our citizens, for which we are truly thankful. Mrs. O. A. Cassel, as delegate to the District meeting held in Baxley reported a very interesting and instructive meeting, i Mrs. Wm. Mizell, Jr., and Mrs A.D. Wilhams composed a com mittee to davise ways and means of putling on a picture show, Mrs. Mizell urged the members of the club to visit the school, es pecially to attend the programs presented by the school, e Civic department was urged to put on a clean-up campaign, —Reporter, } ’ Paxton’s Theatre. Eight O’Clock Friday and Saturday Ngv., 23rd, and 24th; Serial—The Trail of The Tiger, 2nd Chap. Feature—Wild Beauty. Star— Rex. This is a real live Western. s.ssand §.156 ~ The children will enjoy our week end Shows and the Grown up folks willi like our Monday and Tuesday pictures, Read what we tell about them in tie Herald. And dont be afraid to tell ui what you like. We wish to please you, yes surely we can have the best right here at home and | mesn the newest pictures too. Later we will put in a “*Photophone*' and that will inable us, to cue right with our shows. Thus bhaving In Folkston as good music as cities. Manger, Monday and Tuesday, Nov, 26 and 27th, Comedy-Shes My Girl, Feature—Four Flusher, This is a good Show, vead our ads for this at the Toeatre, $ %sand .16 is a prescription for CoLps, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, BILIOUS FEVER ANDL MALARIA. It is the most speedy remedy known. F ROSTPROOF CABBAGE PLANTS-— Millions now ready, extra Early Jer~ sgy and Cearleston Wakefield. 500 7 cents, $1.15 per thoussud postpaid. 2xp ress collect SI.OO thousand. Quick ot. — STOKES PLANT 0 rald, Oa, Leave to Sell Land. GRORGIA. Charlton County. ; Notice is hereby given that the un has applied to the Ordinary ;3-:4 county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Willlam F. Ciews for the paymeut of dubts (or fer the purpose of distribution), Said application wil be heard at the regular term of Court of Ordinery for said connty to be beld on the first Monaay (o Decémber. Ira Crews., Admicistrator upon the Estate of Wm. F. Crews. CHARLTON COUNTY HSRALD ; E | v 1. ‘ Charlton Co. School System Proceeding of Board of Ed ) ucation for November. ' The Board of Education of Charlton ceunty, Georgia, met ~ WEDNESDAY, NoVEMBER TTH, 1928, at ten o’clock a. m, with the following preseut: T. W, Wrench, president, B. B Gowan, N. J. Norman, J. V. Gowen, and T. E. Leckie, members; and John Harris, Secretary. ~ The minutes of the previous meetings was read and approved. The Superintendent was directed to pay the dues of all the teachers in the Jdeorgia Educational Association and deduct the amount from salary checks. The :uperintendent’s report of 898 miles traveled and 245 hoursspent dur ing Uctober in administrative, -execu tive, and supervisional lahor was pre senied. The monthly financial statement was read as follows: Cash on hand October 1, “§ 476 91 Receipts during October . 2604 45 3081 36 Expenditures during October $2892 13 Cash on hand, Oct, 31. 184 23 S 308! 36 The following resolution was introdu ced by Mr. Norman, and on motion ol Mr. Norman, seconded by w:. Leckie, was unauimously adopted Whereas. there exists a temporary deficiency in the funds available so payments of teacheds' thorefore be it Resolved, that the County School Su” perintendent be and is hereby authe: ized to borrow the sum of S2OOO from the Citizens Bank for (60 days at 8 pe: cent, to be paid out of any fun is cum ing in to his hands. The final draft of the annual budgit, which had been delayed until the co.” solidation of the schoul children of she State had been made, was adopted as follows: \ INCOME ' From State $ 13,951 34 From County-wide tax 14,506 98 i 28,548 32 DISBURSEMENTS General Control: ; Salary Superintendent $2,100 Board Members, per die... 120 . Olfice expenses 300 A Office supples 100 $2,620 O [nstructional Service: Male High School teachers $2,079 00 Female ** " i 1,881 00 Male GrammerSch ol ** 549 50 Female o . 12,375 W Colored teachers 1,000 00 20,887,650 Opeiation of Schov! Plant: Janitor's wages $ 1356 00 Fuel and light H W A_\_x_!lhry Agencies: School libraries 100 00 Transportations high school pupils 1000 00 I'ransportativn Supt. 360 0 Other agencies 300 00 1,760 00 Capital Outlay: Equipment, furniture 162 00 Repairs 350 00 512 00 Reserve: - Interest Current 320 00 Debt payment 2,000 00 4 Contingencies 264 82 2,584 82 $28,648 32 Best Fair Yet FLORIDA STATE FAIR S Flight of £ 3 Lone Eagle . At the Florida State Fair NOVQ 22 o DCCQ 1. DAY AND NIGHT. AT JACKSONVILLE LINDBERGH FLIGHT IN FIFEWORKS SATURBA,Y. NOV. 24; MONDAY, NOV 25 THURSDAY, NOV 29; SATURDAY, DEC 1 MANY OTHER NEW FEATURES The Greatest Fireworks Speclacle of the Age Warning! No Hunting \ Hunters are warned that they mus not hunt on my lands, without a writ en permission from me. J. M. WILSON. All hunters take notice that they must not hunt on my Jands without my writ ton consent. B. W. KNOX. P ] The following bills were ordered paid. Incidental Expenses: | John Harris, office expenses $ 21 06 Starr, B&S Co., stencils, ink 590 Herald, proceedings, ........... 500 Power Company, current ... 200 Wright Motor Co., service Upton- EWille thek ...l 144 68 Pickren's Gargge, service Supt’s BAk iissin viviner -31 D 8 Heywood-Wakefie!d Co., desks 162 00 stasleton’o Pharmacy, laboratory and first aid supplies .............. 11 75 K, T. Alfriend. G. E. A, dues.... 58 §" l.eon Norman, work Moniac truck 10 00 Ga-Fla lnv. Co , gas Uptonsville * 4 34 Instructional Expense, 2nd 20 days County High Schools — M Fargaien, ... ........... ... 108.60 Mrs J D Roddenberry ............. 10850 Ruby Brightwell ... ... ... 78.50 Folkston Consolidated School— Mayme Askew ... ... 9830 Kathleen MOON .............c. 2. 88,50 Byrdie Pearscn ........... ... . 78.50 Mrs W A Wood ..........cccce cc...... 8850 B Hankine ... 6800 BF. Hav0e5....................... 88.50 Marion Péarce............... ...c.ccc....... 88,00 Chlorine Stapleton ._....... ... .. ... 6850 ‘Mrs L H Fargason ... ... ... 6850 St. George Junior High— foy S Vinson .......... coices . 9860 St. George Consolidated School— Eleanor Ceekreli ... ....... 88.50 B R et oo BN Jane Quarterman ... 6850 Lilad: s Cockrell ...ooonsoecnseee.. 7860 Uptonvilk Consolidated School— Mrs BB Gowen ... ... 8850 Irene Armstrong ... oo .. 15,90 I s A RN I ib b s 58,50, sardis School— L Ma 11...... ... secnpe, e GBOO IR JNe0be........ i 0500 BRI THOMAS .. i . 6800 Moniac School— BRI s THOD zlppls CRNAREY . . Lk 5000 2 BBR Burnsed ... ... b 8.60 Winokur School— Gertrude Fxum ... .......... 6850 Rosa Stephens ... ... 6850 Racepond School— Joyce Howard.... ......... ... 5820 Prescott Scho)l— ERRER OWeY ............... o 58.50 lklvorview School — Mrs. Katie Crawford .............. 58.50 John Harris, Superintendent ... 150.00 LT. W, Wrench, M. B. E. .8 200 8.8. Gowen, M.B. E. ... ... 200 Y towen, M. B.E. ... 200 N. J. Norman, M. B. E. i AN T. E. Leckie, M.B.E. ... . 200 fNo further business appearing the Board adjourned, . Attest;— JOHN HARRIS, Secretary, e —— e o L it A A . l Syrup Labels Clothe the Inner Man ¢ ¢ With the good things we have to Eat, The approach of the “oliday Season, reminds me that my Customers crave something good to eat, and that is what we have for you. Come aud see Thanksgiving Helps we Have. The Place of Good Wo Jo JONES Eats and Meats. W - Holiday Approaches Which makes folks th'nkof favors for friends and the delight for the daintv things seasonble in Perfumeries, Toilet Acce ories, and Candies that a Good Druag Store supplies to its Cheer Giving Customers. ‘ STAPLETON PHARMACY “The f‘rescr'gtiorfl Drug Store.” Your Syrup Will Net - - you more money put up in Cans. : Small sizes are more in demand. . We have 2 1-2; 5 and 10 pound Cans in both small and large openings. ' Harley-Vann Hardware Company 410 Elizabeth Street WAYCROSS, GA. FURNITURE -- THE KIND THAT MAKES LIVABLE THE HOME YOU FIT OUT HERE FROM KITCHEN TO PARLOR. SPECIALTIES: =~ DINING ROOM as well as Y BED ROOM SUITES CASH OR EASY TERMS Allen & Vickery Folkston Georgia The Man of Health THINKS IN TERMS TO KEEP IT SO and this Drug Store thinks it is a good habit to keep such thoughts in your mind. That reminds us to say that we have more things tv sell healthy folks t'ian the ailing people, Holiday Favors for Friendly Gifts. Folkston Pharmacy.fmi e Printing ————T——— ; WE CAN SERVE QUICKLY AND NEATLY YOUR EVERY NEED. IN PRINTING. The Herald Office.