Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, December 07, 1928, Image 4

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arlton County Heral 48l Organ o' Charlton Count Establis ned 1900 s —_——-————-____...—-—-—-—-——-'—‘*, | 1, WRENCH . EDITOR-OWNEI M—-——-_—-—— wed at the Postoffice at Folkston as second class mall matter. Fue 4 on Thursday of each week ‘M———-_—-—-——_'—_‘_ sber Georgla PrTess Association Keventh Disirict Association MM SUBSCRIPTION RATES ’ M sreign Advertising Representative ‘We now know what a game wrden is. Begin now to resolve over youi aw Year resolulions. ‘How about pians for a bigge: 1d better business in 1929 for Mkston. GGood will trip down the Sunny sles is whal you might term » are treat. K& \With politics out of the way anc Christmas oyer the way, weshoulc #ll be thankful, ee o e e meed The Post office department hat appropriated $5,000,000 for extr: postal help for Christmas. Anc now the W, C. T, U. is go ing to prohibit the use of tobacco. That sure will raise a smoke. The [next, and most importan move to make our highways saf. for the people, is to stop nne light Jcars and grog shops along lhei way. - IR Would it not be better to have half drunken men taken from cars and jugged. then to awail their own, or some innocent per son'’s destruction. e A beautiful highway, pleasant attention to thcse wanting the necessary aid to truvel, is one way to advertise to make folks come back "this way."” The daily newspapers are send ing out expeditions to discove: the home of Santa Claus. Use less waste of money, we alreacy know his abiding plice ; Canadian and American govern ments both moved simultaneously to crush a fifty million dolla: bootleg snuggleing racket alons the boundary last Fiiday. oo One woman withdrew ber sav ings of S2O from 8 Macon Bank, fearing its loss, and was robbed of it before she got off the sidc walk in front of the Bank. The most servious menace to human liberty, is the utter disre gard of liberty of the people, b, men who drink and drive cars on the public highway of the country. The meetiag to start advertising the route this way into Florida is a stepin the right direction, bu those who prolit by travel shoulo do something of that kind them selves, Santa is knneking on the door— talk of visiting theten cent store 1o €ll the children's fstockirg doesfnol | indicate that Geners) Prosperity has been in tlmo‘ parts lately, | T Now if the people who wil drew their savings from the Maco Banks will spend the money, pu itin a home or something wort| while, business will not suffe Beow their folly. WHY 1 HATE THE LIQUOR TRAFFIC. (This Communication was sent us by a good lady, with a request) (to publigh it. As death and destruction 1o its “illegal trafic,"') (18 as much in evidence to-day as ever, we give it publicity, because) (it may strikea responsive cord on other heart strings for good—Ed) I have seen so much of the evil of the liquor trafic, so much of its economic waste; so much of its mentzal blight; so much of its physical ruin; so much of its tear< and its heartaches, that I have come to regard that business as une that must be destroyed, or controlled by strong and effective laws. I bear no malice toward those engaged in the business; but 1 hate its every phrase: I hate it for its commercialism; I hate it for its greed and ay=- arice; its denominatior. in pclitics; and for its incessant effort to debaucn the suffrage of the country, I hate it for the load it straps to lsbor's back; for its wounds to genius. I hate it for the human wrecks it has caused: for the almhou ses it has peopled; for the prisons it has filled; for the insanity it begets; for the countless graves it has caused, : I hate it for the mental ruin it imposes upon its victims; for its spiritual bhight; for its moral degradation, [ hate it for the crimes it has caused; for the homes it has destroyed; for the dear hearts it has broken. I hate for it for the grief it has caused womanhood; for the scalding tears; for the hopes deferred, and the strangled aspira tions. I hate it for its heartless cruetly to the aged; tie infirm, the helpless, and for the shadows it throws upon the hives of children, I hate it as yirtue hates vice; as truth hates error; as right e)us hates sin; as justice hates wrong; as liberty bhates tyranny; as freedom hates oppressien. F. UNION THANKSGIVING SERVICE. WE Heartily commend the coming together of the christian people of this community in a Union Thanksgiying Ser vice last Thursday night atthe Meth-dist church, If we go our way, without voicing our Thanks to Him, who suffered death on the Cross, it seems to me we are failing to clothe ourselves with tue spirit of appreciation of a thanksgiving so richly bestowed up on us with so many of the blessings of this life. Brother Nease opened the service; Revs. E, F. Dean and G, H. Jacobs, assisted; and a splendid congregation listened to a feel ing discourse by Rev. J. D. Poindexter, un the subject of this an nual Thanksgiving custom. In this connection, we are happy to state, that in the future a Union Service will be held every fitth Sunday, first one chureh, then at the other, The pastor of the Baptist church to conduct services at the Methodist; and the Methodist pastor at the Baptist church. If they Presbyterian minister happeu in ona Union Seryice he shall be expected to assist with the service. We hope much good will come from these services, as well as ull other services held in His name, Go out brother. At tend the services in your church, for be assureq, it is what you putin, and the spirit of the putting, that brings forth toe fruit. THAT'S RIGHT, BLAME IT ON US. (We take the liberty of publishing the following, from an Ohio sub-) (scriber, remiudiog him that we did all we could (o save the day) (but that the darn thing had more force than we thought—so failed.) ENCLOSED find check for $2.00 to apply on my subscription to the Herald. I must compliment you on the great im provement of the Herald snd the big Increase of advertisers, that realize that advertising pays. I look for my Georgia paper every Monday, and feel lost if it does not show up. Success to you. Well the election is over and we are all Houverits now, for at least four years. By the way, I bear they had a strange con tagios fever down at my town, St. George a stort while age? They say it was very catching; it must have been something like our Buckeye fever that broke out this fall, I am gilad to near however that all came out tine—good for St, Geodge, Ha Ha—they must have had some Hoover medicine. Its a sure cure, Ha Ha! Cleveland, Ohio. 11.16 th R.P L. ADVERTISING WHAT YOU HAVE GOT. ' ADVERTISING is absolutely the only cure all, for an ailing “ Business. For something that is, that you want, you are compelled to advance a legitimate reasou for getting it, and that too whereby the possessor thereof gains by the giving, Now we all know this, and vet do we act as if the knowledge is ours, and the prolit is passing—the advertised routes. Consider the Florida travel, with its daily drift southward where gentle zephers blows its scented breath in the faces of those traveling down the advertised lanes of travel, As one man put it "Why put thirty million in » Highway,” and keep your mouth shut about it. That is \he proposition in a nutshell, Travel is being Jdiverted to advemised channels, both legiti mately and otherwise, while we sit still and do aught to harvest our share, Well as the checker player whisper to his partner; "“Be quiet, sit still, and they'll go out, and leave us be.” ' We hope the awakeniug at the Waycross meeting, Wednes day, will be of the kind that sets in motion « co~operative plan that will cause those on this route to stict to one another along the way and plaot the idea nicely, firmly and constaatly on the minds of the traveling pubiic that we:— Have the most direct way, and the Highway is paved That we can speed you on the way, or rest you in comlory and convenience, as pleasantly as you would have it so. That it is as much a pleasure to direct you'on your way, sup ply you with free water and air, and a pleasnt word as it is To sell you the things you need and desire. The route with less miles and MORE SMILES. HERALD, FOLKSTON, GEORGIA. REACHING OUT FOR A CHRISTIAN HARVEST. The First Metiiodist Church of Dalton, with a page advertisment in the Citizen, presents a new idea for the church, and one that may well be followed by others. The newspaper as a mean of reaching the people stands in a class by itself, l%r if a man does; not read a xxew!?per he is going to be a hardOue to reach, or in terest in the salvation of his soul. But that is beyond our text; we simply are interested in the manner of their appeal to get the folks out, | Their program for the month rather appeais to us, in as much as they specialize and that is what we feel sure, the church must do nowadays , to attract the people to it, Here is their month’s program: Football Night—Subject ** Football and Life.” JChurch decorated with school colors and flags. Seats fpr.wided for High School students and faculty. Mothers, fathers ’sislers and sweethearts especially invited, Chiarch Loyalty Night with ieverv member from the oldest to the youngest urged tc be there, for a special service. i Young People’s night a county ‘wide movement, with a member ',ship of every organizition to at tead and take part in this service, ~ Special Christmas Service. ~ The last Sunday service isa R, F.] D. Night with the whole county invited to be there, to hear fea tures of special interest to every ¢ uzen of the county. - And it is to such efforts that people are drawn to a church and he preparation of something in teresting holds their attention. We feel that too much is taken for granted by our church people and that they think people ought t> come out because it is their duty. . They shouid catch and hold the interest of people by a study of a weakness that should be the means of helping them, People themselves duo more fool stunts than any other animal, is illustrated by the run Friday on the Macon banks. A negro with a railroad cneck in hand, waved it at another one with a boisteous remark “I'se going to get mine.” Seeing a big bunch of hands lined up, and in having mind the run of a sow days past, a messenger boy reported “a run” was on the bank, and the report spread and it grew making it so, including four of the banks, Federal reserve Buuk, de spatched xix million dollars in ar mored cars, stopping the run. The city election ends politics for the year in Folkston, but Home land has a try of it next week he fore the curtain falls, is a prescription for ‘OLDS, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE, JILIOUS FEVER ANDL MALAR'A. tis the most speedy remedy known Dr. A, Fleming FFICE—OPPOSITE MASONIC TEMIL TELEPHONE 19 FoLksTON, GaA, SPECIALISES IN TREATMENTfoP CRONIC CaAsEs. Black Smith Shop Now ready to serve you at my home place Shop. Need iron or wood work see me J. M. Wilds. Syrup Labels HERALD - The Man of Health THINKS IN TERMSSTO KEEP IT SO and this Drug Store thinks)it is a good habit to keep such thoughts in your mind. That reminds us to say that we have more things to sell healthy folks than the ailing people. ‘ Holiday Favors for F riendly Gifts. The Folkston Pharmacy.rzcii FURNITURE -- THE KIND THAT MAKES LIVABLE THE HOME YOU FIT OUT HER: FROM KITCHEN TO PARLOR. SPECIALTIES: DINING ROOM as well as BED ROOM SUITES CASH OR EASY TERMS Allen & Vickery Folkston Georgia All Over ' The World --it is bthe power of money that makes the globe turn round. Why not make friend with your Bank? This way lies progress - and profit. The Citizens Bank Folkson, - Georgia Nahunta Printing. WE CAN SERVE QUICKLY AND NEATLY YOUR EVERY NEED IN PRINTING. The Herald Office CLEANINGand PRESSIN Experienced Workmen Cleaning, Dyeing, Mending, Altering and Pressing WE CALL AND DELIVER Folkston Pressing Club Homeland M otor Co. ‘ Homeland, Georgia. ' The home of Good Mechanics Headquarters of “The Whippet” Second Hands Cars Traded and S-ld.