Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, December 14, 1928, Image 1

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OHARLTON COUNTY HERALD. DOLLAR AND A HALF PER YEAR If Y&E___Qre_dit is Good at Your Home Mer(:hants] Storfie,fsvo 6ught_Y<ul Cash Buylngl;; Highway Resurfacing Assured Both Charlton and Ware Counties at Once. B Good news to the people of our county, and to Folkston and the highway travelers comes in the news published in the Journal- Herala of this week, given out by the Highway Bcard. The resurfacing of the Charlton part of l'ederat Route one, when the commissioners oif Ware coun ty in conference with the Highway ¢ Commission in Atlanta, in refer ence to the part in Ware, advised the work for Chariton be done o the same time, it being badly veed ed. The Highway Department stated that bids would be advertis ed for un Thursday. Tuis additional surfazing wili make the Righway all right, itis believed by those who have seen the hevier surfacing tested. The short distance unpaued be tween Waycross and Augusta on Highway Number One, which is to be completed not later than January 15th and the repaving of our part, will give us as good a highway e the bést, and cultle distance so as to get the travel, And travel is what we want M:Aitman Sells Business L .‘: % ! 355:‘ ST ey ‘M. Al'man by J. S. Prevatt, re moves from business the next to the merchantile business’ of Folk ston. Mr. Altman bas been a sues cessfully business man and retlves to his tarm which is more to his liking, so he says. Mr. Prevatt will continue busi ness at the old stana, "He is hav ing the inside o} the store remod led and paimnted. He is imstalling fixtures for a marke!, winch he hopes to bave reaay for business by Saturday. Pleasant Surprise Party A delightiul surprise of the past week was the party given Miss Wi, nelle Courtney by her aunt, Mrs? Abe Mattex, at the Mattux Apart ment house, Tuesday evemng, Quite a number the occasion mel ry with games, a«hd dehghtful re fresyment added enjovment t the occesion. e - <4 P G @ e - 40,000 Cases of Flu. Be on yeur guard. 7Take cart of yourselt! Over forty thousan cnses reported in the United Staue s this week, aud many Schouls arc being closed down on accounl o epedemic, On ouuce of preven tion is worth a pound of cure. Avoid stujfy rooms. use aisin fectants and sprays, Be wise and be hezliby. O A Elects Trustees Tuesday, An election will be held in the various local school districts ol Charlion county oo Tuesday, De cember 18, 1928, beiween the hours of 10e, m. and 3 p. m, for the election of trustees to fill all yaeancize on local boards, Al le gally qualified voters are entiti=d lo vote. Local trustees shouko conduct these efections, or see that they are properly carried on, The voting places will be at the school houses. Election returns should be made to the undedsigned prior to January Ist. John Harris, C. S. S, Cemetery Work Contracted, {ots to be Surved and Sold. The Cemetery Csmmittee has out in a busy week. hauing arran ved with the city to square up the grounds by taking part of those streets that cut througe it. The blocks donated by Mallard, vizell and Roney have been con tracted to bo cleared and cleaned up by W. L, O’Cain, After this werk Is completed the lots will ve surveyed and sold, the proceeds 'o 70 toward a . fund ror berutify g and maintaining the cemetery.; W. O. W. Elect Officers | at Friday Night Session. %The W, O. Lodge met at their regular meeting place, in regular session, Friday night,Dec. 7th, and elected following officers for the cnsuing year: Post C. C-—C. S. Bethel, €. C—H. J. Condon. Aduisory Lieutenant—B, S. Roy al. Banker—=-0, O. Pierce, Clerk—K. G. Bass. Captain—R. H. Condon, Cemp Physician—Dr. A, D. Wil- W& Ben Altman. Sl : 52 and they are still coming i ind they are now talking or or zanizing a band. A ladies cirele & being discissed. A public in stallation of officers is planned. The Lodge meets the Ist and 3rd Friday nights "of each montt. Must have a Saving Habit, Don'’t forget Us Santa Claus Folkston, Ga., U. S, A, Dec. 7th. 192% My dear Santa Claus'—l've wrole and wrote, so I hope you will re ceive une anyway. I want you to bring me a big doll, some hooks and a bank. . Pete wants some loys; a doll, & oank, a box oi handkerchiefs, Frances wanis a doll wagon, tea set, and a bank. : [ Julla wants a watch, so pleas bring her one. Weé may have tro 50 please bring us lots and lots of hings. With a big hug. ’ I thank you, Lois Mattox ‘ O ———————l) @ Qs et Pageant Sunday Night, The Ephworth Lesgue will en tertain their friends and the pub lic generally Sunday night with pageant, It is symbolic of the Yuletide Season and will be worth pour time to attend it, It will be at the Methodist church at 7.:sUi J'clock. r—— ———— Good Program Rendered Sunday night program’s of the sphworth League are getting bet terand better—and the one last sunday night was especially good diss Helen Mizell was leader, Opening Song-—-'There is & Song n the Air” by the Congregation, ‘ Scripture Reading—Basney Gowen. Story of Christ's Birth— Helen Mizell Duet — *“'Silent Night': — Kathleen Moon and Winelle Courtney. Christmas Customs in Sweeden - Virginia Rodgers, England and dermany-—Mrs. Win, Mizell, Jr. France—Gertruda Wildes, Spain and Italy-—~Helen Mizell, Violin Solo—~Russel Gassel. . Reading—Helen Mizell, g . Soug~—'~Joy (0 the World"'=~Congre gation, OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE COUNTY OF CHARLTON. FOLKSTON GEORGIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 14,1928 COGDELL TO ENTERTAIN SOUTHEAST CO-OP FOREST. FAPM AND FACTORY PRUGRAM. A meeting of special interest {o all who are interested in the de velopment of the Forest, Farm and Factory program that is being organized by the Southeast Geor= gia Cooperative Association, which program will be planned to extend over a ten year period, will be held at Cogdell, pn Friday, Dec 14th.. Arrangements have been ni'lde with M= A. K. Sessoms to trdhse nort sue attendants over his road by motor bus, leaving Waycross srompily at 11 o’clock. Ar%;nu al Cogdell the meeting of thegAs sociation will be held, after,which 1 barbecue dinner will be sepved. WAYCROSS DISTRICT;PREACHERS AND LAYMAN GUEST OF FOLKSTON METHODISIS THIS WEEK. Folkston had the pleasui'éf a two day convention of the ors of the Methodist chureh flf-hge Waycross District, as well as the lay leaders of the churchesf * Tuesdoy the problems of the pastors and plans for the comtng year were discussed in thedg ses sions, and some able talks from the open forum resulted. @’"':{: : “Presiding Elder Webb of ‘,J‘f‘ S. ent and presided over the migeting. I'weaty out of 24 of th} pastors were present, four repot f ] i } L > P wend ST 50 y night; which was enjoyed’by a goodly number, Dinner Tuesday was served ay e restanrants and in the evening the preachers were entertained in PRUODUCT WEEK: FOR SCHOOLS OF Cr{ARLTON HEATERS FOR SCHOOLS---OTHER SCHOOL NEWS Next week the different schools | of the county will hold the Pro ducis Exhibits, which constiute the second public display of the. work done on the Extended Project of the year. The first was the flow= er Show and drew to the different school numbers of visitors. It is boped that more people wiil go to see Lhe dispiay of fruits and vege= tables, the art of work. charts, and bocklets about food, than saw the Flewer show. The attempt has been made to so connect the sehool work done with the life of the children at home that more flow ers and shrubs will be planted, moragardens raised and fruit trees set ont this year than ever before —gdone in an attempt to make our homes more beautiful and furnish us with cheaper and Letter food. Find out what day this Exhibit will be held in your district and visit the school that day, The Trustees of the Folkston Consolidated District have decided to erect flues and heat the new grammar school builaing witn ¢.r culating air jacketed heatess, Contractor Ed Shivar will do the work during the Holiday vacetion, Dean & Gowen were the lownti ;biddur and will supply the heaters. Supt John Hargis went to Jesup Saturday and falked to the Wayne County Education Assoriation on “Necessary Qualifications of the 'Rca' Teacher.” ‘ - The basketvall games here lsst ’Fridny between the Waresboro lJuniur High School and the Charl ‘ton County High School wen( leth good games. Our girls were iclcarly oulclassed, but showed ‘real grit by giving their oppoinents ‘a hotly comest game. The boys’ ‘lflme wes just the reverse, the After dinner a couple of hours "ill be spent in Inoking over the Mr, Sessom’s “Forest, Farm and Factory,” We are willing to un derwrite value, interest and pleas ure this trip will be to eyery one that attends. He or she will get his or her money’s worth and there is no dcubt about that, ®As this is the organization of the greatest development program that has ever been started In Southeast (icorgia, and distinguish ed guests are expected, a full at tendance of the membershin is urged to attend. e the homes. The laymen met Wednesday at the church with Col. L, H. Heath, ias chairman.” Col, W R, Gibbs of Jesup. Prof, Clough, of Douglas ‘aud Prof, Sissoms, of Blackshear, each addressed the meeting, be sices many short talks by others. - At the noon nour tue ladies ser ueua lunch at the High School Cai eteria, which a delightful repast. ~_ltignot usual that both mesting Occur at the same time and place ”Bj'other'Nease inyited the preach ‘ers and they accepted. Mr, J C was not to be outdone brought the laymen with one of his urgent - vitatien with the result of the two days session. odd being in favor of the Charl tonians who won by contesting every play in the game to the score of 29 to 5. The girls score being 35 to 12, The the return game will be played in Waresbuio today Itii hoped that at least a bundred people from he county will go to the game and show tne teams that we properly backing them.. Games with Kingsland will e played on the home court Fri day. December 21, /) ~ B3lf sufficient interest and form can be shown in the preliminary try-cuts the Char!ton County High School will ‘'be represented by both literary and athletic teams at the district meet in Jesup next spring. Those who would like to take part in debate, essay recita tion, piano or other literary coz test or in any of the tract events should signify their intentions be fore December 21, Onlv Fourth Year pupils are eligible to enter thegspelting contest of the state. The Fourth Year Class is pre senting the play "Two Days to Marry” in the auditorum Deeem ber 21, The roceeds ure to be used in making a payment on the typewriters being uscd in the high school this year Other plays will ve given later to raive additional funds for that purpose The cast of characters were sup plied us, bnt too late for this issue. School is now being turned out fifteen minutes earlier. The shor! days was making it dark belore the children could get home, ~ Vacation peried for Christrius begins with eschcol dismiesal on next Friday. Only a sciool weck will be giyen, so that 10ss time 2an be regained. . & T Coming and Going - Neighbors Portrays Sunday, December 16 there will be no services in St. George churches accordiog to present arrangements. Reverend V. E. Brown hus requested that the regular Baptist seryices be post poned till the tifth Sunday of this month at which time he will fili the appointment. This arrange ment is for this month only. Friends of Reverend R, H. Rob! were pleasantly surprised to find hitw gecupring pulpit at the M. E. Church South Sunday mworning it has been several years. since Reverend Robb’s last visit to St George. He reaided fer a short time here at one. time and has teen the District Superintendent of this district, Reverend Robb was accompani ed by Reverend Harris, both of whom took part in the morning service, Reverend Robb stated that to date no appointment had been made by the District Super intendent for this church and il was possible that Rev. Ilurris would be given the post, It 1s understood that Rev. Owen the district Superintendeut will visit the church ai Crawford uu the last Sunday in this m’«'}m?; which time be may anunounce the appoyt evening for an extended visit ut the home of her father and other relatives at Athenrs. Mrs. Roddenberry and Mr. Crews were in Moniac Tuesday and in St. George Wednesday o ‘the last round for collecting tazcs Mr.W. T. Londeree with Mr and Mrs. F. W. mitchels of ‘l:uk-‘ sonville were in St George Fricay and later in Folkston where they transacted legal pusiness, Mr. A. B. Vara has been con fined to his room for the jast week but is said to be improving. H. A. Varn spent Monday at the home of his pareutsin Si. George. Mr. and Mrs. Upton Dyall of Jacksonvilie spent Sunday yisiting at the home of Mre. Dyall’s parents the Dixon Thomas’ at their home near St. George. Mrs. Dyall was formerly Miss Mable ‘Thomas The couple were marited recently at McClenny. Mrs. Spencer Rowell drew (he lucky number this month at N, J. Normans store. 'These drawings are a regular feature at (his popular store, a number being given with each cash purchase, drawing on the lust ol cach month, Arthur Barker and 5. T, Cocke rell and Gabor Enedy were anong those attending court at. Folkston Monday of tins week. Mr.and Mrs, E. Gooden and children of Jacksonville are visit ingt relatives in St George the past week, Mr, Gooden is luking an eaforced vacution due o an infected hand, ‘ There have been several real estate transfers _in this & ction vecently. No announceingu's have been authorized, however, Mr, and Mrs. G, B. Carpentar %lnd E. H. Wilkerson muotored 1o Jacksonville Saturday {or shop- Pt Mrs. Frunk Lewis, Jackie, Francis, Billliec Couzens aud Colan Barker speat Saturday inJacksons ville, VOLUME XXX. NUMBER 81 of Our St. George Life in that Town. e ————— Mrs. D, C. Welceh is still confined to her bed at her home in St George atter an illness of several weeks., Mrs, Weleh’s condition remaiis toe same, it is reported. Mr. and Mrs, E. H. Wilkerson save returned to their home at Panama City after a yisit at the home of Mrs. Wilkersons mother, vrs. D, C. Weleh of St. George. Radiolas have been installed in the homesof Mr. and Mis. J. K, Hopkins an't Mr. and Mrs, Noah stokes of Toledo the past week naving been installed by Dean & aowen of Fulkstun. Mrs. Roach, J. A Barker, Misses Gladys Coeckrell, Louise Barker and John A, Barker made up a pleasant narty ivisiting Sardis sSunday, S Wiy gMesses John and Will Gibson of Douglas were in Sty George Subi= day. Mrs. John Gibson and Jittle aich wino has been visiting at the nome of higr parents vr, and Mrs, . D. Tnomas at their home nqt%:\ st. George returned to her home i 1 Douglas with thg party Sunday avening. b e drs. Gabor® Enedy = who was seriously injured some weeks ago ; when crankiik a car, has been | removed from the hospital where she has been for Qreat@g%;‘ in Jacksonvile st e TORERY | nedy is still uaider the care of ner physician but expects to be at home soon. Mrs. J, Yontek form erly Miss Mary Enedy gnd Miss Elizabeth Enedwof Miami came at once upon being notilied of the azcident and are at the Lome of their parents near St, George. W. M. U. Met Monday The V/. M. U. met Monday ofter noon December 3, for the first orogram of the week of prayer. Virs. Pritehard led and the follows ing program was rendered, Scupture reading irom fiest chapture of acts by Mrs, Pritchard. Wading— Mrs. W, H. Robinson Blottie Moon Offering—Mrs. J. 5. Tyson, season of Prayer, The Cry from Jdark Africa— Mrs.S. P Mills Talk by Mr. Poin dester. Mrs, Tyson was appoint ed to lead Friday afternoon for a continuation of the weeks pros grams. I‘ Monday afternoon, December. 110, the W. M. W. met at the home of Mrs, A Pritchard for their regular meeting. ¥ Thirteen ladies ventured out in the eold but found a most coay | warm reception given by Mrs A | Pritehord and the comforting fire 'm the large ficeplace, Program was especially good, Land follows;—Mrs E H Wright leader: Song=~ | love Thy Kingdom Lord. , Prayer==Mrs Woods: The Chureh of God is His Vines vard —Mrs E H Wright, Sustainanee——Mrs Banks. Satisfaction--Mrs J S T)'IO”. Beautly of Life=Mrs. & E :S.IUU)\ L Attainment—=Mrs W' R Wain wright, During the businegss sés sion Mrs Pritehard served hot cols fee and douyg hnuts, ; » Reporter | The Marriage of J. Milton Broek and Mg Cejeste Bennetl was cone sumated Wednesday night at the [ home of Mr. T G, Gibsan, Oedis [nary, by Mr. Gibson. Mr. Broek Liwone of our hard working boys Hin the Traders Hill Distreiet and i.‘qm Bennatt is the daughter 3 Mr, and Mrs, Jack Dennett, of lSlflfit. .