Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, December 28, 1928, Image 1

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e o s : h i g v :,‘ As A O " % b B : > G 3 it AL B 0 = 4 £ - o 's} q:, 3 ST 2 .._.\.l . .<§';. oi, 3 ; YO i U : it s e & : £;.4300:Agy38 o . g i ; b Rexy P I g 5 3 & B 2 Q. 1§ & v o e b VR . £l B T W Y ‘-- : = L E e v Y | E P A 4 s i Sl A b ; A 3 4& b . 3 b i Yy B %A f R B O\ § Wy B by e y W it : W J S B R B / ¢ 1 o T g A 1 w (1Y R e o i s i —— R -IR = & A e gty > il S ), S adi W W & Y. Be AL 3 i 3 / 9 iy, oo 5 ¥ Qans? g |PR Gl Ao st el o L o - N A‘tfl e - W " EL Rt amy » B - R Tl Y & " ONE DOLLAR AND A HALF#ER YEA Hereis an Appreciat o Hew Year Greeung @o4l from Folkston’s Progressive Business Men R Wiy i o i toayngars g - ST Pl ," R .-.*"‘-'5::1"” \ o SR s Ve G DRGSR N\ \ ; R TR 4T )\‘ % i . g "b' { A . A ’ 3 4 5 ANMTEE ; {. o4V ESH I B AR ANy « % A s i‘ Ky .‘:'%'Q' ks, [Q‘)!" ¥ L ; Ry BSrßee [LO ¢ -4: % - 5,.,‘:3; > . /) FARLS Y " § %Fa Bh I/ f ¥ ‘;:3 y/7 i £ RPN e R e e A L st ” L ’* Boanrgl sl , W TR B NG e e o THE BAPTIST CHURCH .and its allicd argan;za tions, working for the upbuilding of the King. dom of the Lord, feels as if we shovld erpress our appreciation for the splendid co-operation «f our membership; and the Christian peopie of Folk ton in all of our efforts to build up our church o A WELCOME AWAITS YOU Serviees Every Sunday, {1 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Schocl 10 a, m. every Sunday. Mrs. W. H. Robinson, Superintendent. . Join 8. Tyson, Jr., Assistant Oh 7 T T e e T T LT J. D. POINDEXTER, ["astor 2aptist Chure PRESIDENT COQLIDGE O (N APELO GUEST AT THE HUWAR : FIN'S MANSION. President Cuolidge arrived at Drunswicl with Mrs. Coolidge and with this official [umiiy on VWed nesday by special train for a winicc vacation on Sapelo Island, at the beautiful home of Howard E. Cotfin. \ The President expect to enjoy (he peridi o restin hunting and fishing. He will, while on th island. christen an oak, which is said to-Ggspiro. * winle :here, two companies of militia Yrom Fort Screven belne stationed on the island and a /% coast guard cutters ply the water 2boul toe cruis. ing constautly. ; The trip from Brunswick was made by auto globies to St. Smions where a private vacht was =oarded and,then a sail of four hour s aong besu ful shores and marshes of Glynn ) tie Supe where cars took thiem (o the beavulu © ) Georgia welcome their gaests and wili show then 4 splendu.i time. _ e ety O Ry e *REV. JACOB'S ENJOYS CHRISTMA Mamma said aew days belore Ghivisunas, (h Santa claus, will not come this yeur Sunday 23rd. about 5 o'clock, Charlic K. knockned at the door, he said Bro. Jacobs [ you to marry me. He came in with a Lo loo) gl from Woodbine, they were | inea ope! Aud Charlie put a five doliar Williom 10 0y Mr.and Mrs Kecn left smiing. Ano st o Jacobs smiling. My daughier Oliic «u she gave us $11.50 and worked | ‘ mamma the day before Christmas Cbrisimas day Jim and his wi'c o from Waycross, LUney bought They gave us en dollars also Carter wmnvited me to take dirne _ Chnstmas, Mr. Carter said that Jie w know low poor folks lived, |e, \ very much, I would be glad that & ild like that all the time So you sce [ 5 gles, glory 10 God in the hightest j good will toward men. Praise God | his Sor, o redeeming every i Yours in faith. U:H.J T — - = T P s TN fc"\\fi - -‘. 7o . e 527 'a - £2w £ . {f & g 2c" o 12 p \n;/’ '~\u Ve ( C}\P‘lO ALY .ey AR s Ch il YJoyous M) Veai™ Voosy W L b G b LYI ( ‘ ¥ . & 1 //'%, ) ; W = ISR ey RTR T Pt Y R HAs been wished by Idasosic ©rieis longer than any other fraternz! organigstios Qur aim is to let not the left hand know what thi right hand does. but we admit there = rothing v about our cheerful well'wishing Everibody aswell as our members the Jm of the Season, Vigiting mcmbers cordially wel:omed to meet with us F. & A. M. Lodge, No. 196 A.D. WILLIAMS, W.M. L. E MALLARD, S. W JB. LLOYD' J w' wW. D 1 J{’,‘: i’.&“ I, DeC, A. 8. McQUEEN, Treasurer. A o, mo 2 e eBT 3 s & m O LN i :A ‘!"’” ’;,\‘r (’F THE hg\v ! OE‘ Cfifi%@~ € _LKSTON, GEORGIA, FRIDEY, DECEMBER 28, 1928 VIRST OF THE FIFTH SUNISSSE UNION SERVICES METHODIST cHURCH SUNMBAY NIGHT 7 P. M. | Stinddy, Detenmber 30thy ' the st of uo sevicd of Fllh S;md::% | Unton Meeting wid be inaugnarafsf ted in Falksten, L i The first services will bel‘ml( , At the evening hour at the }leihfiéfi (dist Ctiurch. In these se'rvit@ié when held st the Mc-tnodistchu;‘dg i(he Rev: J. Do Pomdextes, o pstor of the Bantizt clinrch wili Jrench. F Ih the follawing service'_ held o the fifth Sunday in ¥meh. Rey. C. L: Nease will préach. = Special song orouraty will h MiSs THOMAS, STATE HESSEH BOARD NUPSE COMING FRIDAY, JAN, 8 TGESWE INSTRUCTIONS The midwives and nurses arg ereby wnotitied thar the State Board of hieaith narse and instruet ot of midwives, Miss Marie Them« as will be at the Court house i heriion eountv at 2:00 v'elock 6 m danuary Srd lt32s)".'r'us" the purs oiSt o L e S ot S T X L TR e NIRRT - TN e I ! A PO R R sl R R g M kil e w‘:’_&y‘- AR B ’:‘é‘;‘f&}?” «1,:125@5 S Q‘; PT IT s (o WRE LRE ’ ey i T R Aiy st ofi} i il A b dob T o s e % %’*’"‘A i e o mae g 1 R Ba i R s i . 5 - R A : 4 B AT N o ; A W 7 »b:?? © 2 S r oy 1 PR = A & et G o ‘R e o B Ehcgelg LB C O ; IR B s £ 5 TG B i 0 e T ‘.‘-;“fi;- Y"fir-{, g, .ot ? IRk s s q‘} i G Toa eoS Ao o {R e A g vol R U s K 23 eOk Ll 1 e e, AR sl o R R T Y 3 S P N e oo % CHCSE SR e g~ 5 T cogee o RDR L 2R ; TR R e - B 3 PR O e L , 2 G ey b <l sl o e Y : B e, SR 4 g A "fifiifiv’f?‘ ““%@*’“‘i” f‘:‘»‘g”" S «2»‘};" Fu ¥ S N i o e - . PRSO e A L T T RV R e G % BLA 43'3?”'-“:,‘@%"" Rby% Get \ii';‘,v;gf?‘;‘ é# ; ReC Ay 3‘% T Y £ W N T S T, .y ; . z b " SR RAL TG YRI TS S [ 3 g i n 2 i TST R N LIIVCLG TN RSR AR R e ] ] ’ 3 % ""*- eße X S ;;v.*: Sy J;( ik B .'('“" ;fi;’{' 4 ’fi}‘m’»: Ay o F o « R Se o T VTR ey R STN & ‘ : R ;D Ai St T oe P ¥ G 1 i K' o g, (PR R AR SER TR SAR gR R TR T e SRR e "%" . R N e S eA S G O Bl Y NSN e S RR e FEE RN e eol e M S A g L T SR el v S Sl o Ne SR B - 4-"'~;'« R e P : o Sik Bi %, ),.,;‘:;._._‘_’;‘k:s.-‘ #k 2 ; 5:%1::::1 R i BN e~ S LT ;fhb o TS 8 Teroghe » bAoBNSN RO R VS vy R iR AL WK v R W 0 e R R R‘ 4 ’M; SN N S s SR é T NG O e PRN Fikg oy S R e ;{‘j LR sAT iBB i g s g Z e b "'} % gi AP : t:-"’*f@uvg b@3 o A 4 B Fegnsy - bfl' PO NS 3 2 e LEh i ALY o iR e ! . § s o NN v A el 43 se?: i b T % - iTN RY T R " & b£et S T s y! s i A ARG o R S o Ldaes I TR SSRGS ge~ oo und. s_KP oot w“ 7 »fi: oIR i \ . i /, (i LS <SS ’“fr A “i eVo G Gy e ' > £ d NGO ¥IA 'E"‘*“"“"fi‘ii?. e s- B A% po 4 2 v At (TR ?i:;" £ i N s ’ g P FolEldaes s M b il . . i & ABT AR ; [ SRR % o 8 i :- VIR T i& £ : 4 s - v ) L-PRT YR O : R A e & 4 s ""',.w B oWA M % e @ G PRy Ty e W 8 A i N &) fY Wdeccnomany SRR 2 i @ o i £ gl TR N Ay % @ | RERT Ly oA A kA - i’ 3 & '%...i fi'é‘% i om & ? N - & E 1 11 T S e s 0 Y ¥ v £.4 & hone e i 5 A 3 v A PR P L e ¢ 13 o 5y % b LS B 2 Y LY 3 i ¥ ! AR o e, /- L .3 b f b é, Xgl B £ 4 : & g & o ) 5 5 & L% g ; 4 ey e e 9 ! g solte f "”;A g -5 ¥ \ N 2 il ¢ ; N G ! ’ fike n g2y 2 & 5 tm‘ 4 v 8 g » ¢ » : ‘ iy 2 % ¥ 4 AL \ ~ a i = . a g % £ ' U 21 % 5 y < : y - o » v ¢ e o> p: W z “ ¢ v 4 . . ® 1 % %- S ; 3 w ol a 2 P PTR T T R R R—— T A : ey 4 5 A — @ & ‘ e ,a, e e S ol B i ;V"Q}’ e MLs oP P ! cutor oottt WEELNL OW TR o mppey, sbasmeed o e o B TOSB 4 esarerganges o e - BEERER |i, AN B ey T e S F T Anmn i Wi \'h"fi 2 . P s 2 -“;,2/;“ gy ' bt O }:?&'; Liks s v i : oy P S 3 i o Lo e A S- b i -a-‘u"w W G Astsß IR oo i e i SRR -~ The Cost Line vave 98 b eash ;nrizwn the wife of the forem on the line that had 1* pr iest garden. (Mg, Crosbv, BGf Wats t('russ was the wigner, - Homedand ecouncil held i's last We inesduy nigh' af'er the me b inz the volers 2amg a CaucAs was helad and the following ticket was neminated for the eni g venr) the election to tulie place on Weds nesday of nexl week. i Mayor—K. G Bass. (Council men—Marshall T.y, Fred Koft man, J P. Garrison, Julian Crews, and Dr A. C. Bliss Clerk-—-T. H Willie, Obie Smith came Lowe from Teledo, Obio. for a vis't with his parents at Hometand. ! Ivan Clements is spending the holdays with his father. He lives at Ochechobee, Fia § Mr, Eulie Stokes was down from Hickox for the day Christmas to spend it with his mother. !t m«i iis the earnsst desire gos & “nfs_':.n.f 0s both churches Cha RS A elings be well at el sloean _adopted in walks of I*fe,ihgt in U L ase e sirength?” should DeRING L an relizio fl"&%“-"‘ < W ¥ ';,“U: R \a‘mr't ui¥good feINEEERID Wil becarde established at (G seivices sind |old sway ined 'f"lit the year. - e g ‘Latour for strvices will be 7. § Please be on_ heur at th O ing nour, ‘ ‘- i al)}\m‘:h r friends. Hosh Wing additional instruc- HOUERIRE wranting for a new cor- LTTCERE v o are qualified!, ‘ YRSt be oresént promptly’ at ZBRetClock. 1 however ~for‘ Ay n vou cannot com, write O SESEIS Vol eXCUse, | AU Joe P, Bowdoin, M. D. ] g *sk apzoial Agent Tws Deaths jn Fulkstons Colored Circles Rev. Ed Polloek was brought hee o and buried week before last he having aied in Douglas, Ga. P.lloek was the son of John and Sephie Polloeck and was well thavght of by many of the citizens here, where he was reared. ~ While attending the funera' o Rev, Ed Pollock, week before lpst Mary Bailey, widowof Isiah Bailey fell in a faint. She wus carried home, where she lingered unti Friday when she succumbered SEPR wae buried Saturday. She was some 60 vears of sge and one of Folkston's best known coloredl citizens, . Mr N, J Normsn was a B§t George subsciber that showed his appreciation with a renewal "mh'un. King T D i il BN e bit TSR T Set ;%:\_-,» W i 5 Yy o) B hahCe gt \:’M\E V' l . /) |.| o e e L~V % ) Mt Srs7 DL o - TR -« ATI o NI £ w A The Methodist Sunday Schooi Welcomes the grown-ups, as wall as the 11;5_1'; pney eiary ; # Sunday in the year at 10 o'clock a. m. Vintors alwav welcome. Come and worship with us.’ L. E. MALLARD, Superintendent. O. E. RAYNOR, Assistant. ) SERVICES FIRST AND THIRD SUNDJ' ¢ .+ 1t m. @nd 7:30 p. m. . C. L. NEASE, Pstor Methodist Church EXTRA SESSION ROR HIGHWAY LEGISLATION ATLANTA REPORTS GOV, HARDMAN’S TO CALL. ;. “7"’\'\‘?\'?};\ e e\ \?;&(L , .-~""” ’2T v -,217 \=nes {_;. fifis\’w T\ o, / ‘W ’ \'\\' | 7’7-7 2, ; WE WOULD BE UNGRATEFUL INDEED If Lodge No. 38, 1. 0. O. F. of Folkston, missed this opportunity to express our Good Wishes to our many new mem bers, as well as the staunch old ones, and our loyal friends for their splendid co-operation in making 1928 our baaner year. WE WISH YOU A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Dr. A. Vieming, INoble Grand. Jasper Stokes, Secretary. J. W, Vickery Treasurer, IR 0 SOERRRA e R Ay 6L R RSt A LR R VOLUME XXX NUMBER 33 O - g iA e a, “fiw‘; g}* v #fi,fimfl;%.,fi ‘r‘ e "‘»’:‘;('g“;' L) .'N,g‘;* AT e o oiigitsg nke W T ;!‘- ‘“‘;,:"rrr‘rfifl.v;“v_ .‘ ik : some mj -of dollars ; i ‘T T e S R ‘out of hetag money due in Januar, @ ’.m Rl : t.‘ eh. FRE TR S mhvfi%‘ H i ‘«,— benditurs represents manhinery p : , loans and amont aue contractors. The Governor has just recovered from an at tack of flu at Valosta where he has Seen on a vacation and is due to spend Thursday the guest of tloward E Coffin, to meet the President His return to Atlanta will proballs result in an early call of the legislature ro meet, and means adapted 10 meut emergencies. e—— OO pis . ; FOOT BALL FANS TO HEAR TECH= BEAR GAME IN CALI ORNIA. Wayceross, Ga., — Football fans of Foiliaton s other Southeastern Georgia towus wu! be F guest of the Waycross Journal = | { aniitha AC.L. YMCA on New Years day at eory Teck—California football matinee, Ale sed w.r. us veen secured for oceasion and a play hy pav aetail of the contest 13 1 tne offing The contest will start at 4.30 Waycross titae a,d will be called in the spacious YMCA awditonua ) Y e e+ e MRS, BEATRICE THRELKELD DEAD Mrs Deatrice >lnl";|\"»‘ ] wittowed dewyontet f Mrand Mrs Jd i W des, divd at their Loine cast ol I 'l- "".l \tiv' !il' daV NOTHHY il e 0 aiter an iness of several month Vil 4 Kid e trou He', ‘;‘l Was ”l’ eldest dan M : 1 been makivg home with her na i ® t death of ner husband., 0 i Ha children, Lbhe runerval was held o ey al the Corinth cemetery