Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, January 04, 1929, Image 4

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Charlion Co unty Herald Ofizial Organ o' Chariton County Estabily ned 1900 ‘- ® W. WRENCH. .EDIPOR OWNER | Ratered et the Postoffice at Folkston. Ga., 88 second class mail matter. Moo~ lshed on Thursdas of each week . ————— = R W S—— —————— ——————— Member Georgia Press Assoclation and [Keventh Disirict Assoclation SUBSCRIPTION RATES . O YOI i iiimisiimminsires§ 150 Porelgn Advertising Representative The American Press Association | RT S e T VWhen you have a spare moment plant a tree. Get the 19. 9 spirit of progress. Get your tobacco Sed seeded as SOON AS you can. We admit we enjoy our Christs mus better than in many years and with it only one day of rest, By the way there are just 27 tag days left. Georgia's tag law says you must get them before Feb, ist, Better do it. The 1928 cotton crep in Georgia will total ¥61,241 bales according to figures compiled by the Geor gia Department of Agriculture. Now isthe time to get your plans all set on that ten year program adopted by the SE, Georgin As sociation, Lets start this rinhtl and see it grow. l —— ‘Two laws of the same kind——l our gume law and the prohibition law. If all other laws were en. forced with the same degree of neglect, what a sorry old world this would be. Now comes Moultrig with a hog school. And to think they are making a specially of getting all the county agents there., Teach ing them what not to be, but how to keep hogs well. P — - Georgia is strong for the sug gested idea of placing Howard E. Coifin in President Hoovers cabi net. That a man of his genius is worth more than a score o politicians is absolutely correct | Miami bids fair to have a huge‘ fistic celebration, Our Georgia wonder, Stribling has Ceen signed‘ to scrap Shurkey on Feb, 27. Rickerd says they can draw a half willion dollar gate there. tTNEaT—— Statistics shows Geergia's farm crop of 1928 amounted to $233, 805,000 which was just twenty seven million dollars short, Oh well we intend to make up mor than that lost in the new year o 1920, Ske | The latest news is that a ma | was run over by a parked cw l He wasdriviog a mule, ran agains the var, got 1t started,~the muk i teis nway and threw him in fron of the automobile which precegec 10 roll over him, i Editor Juck Williams iy right o 1 ‘ deck. He fas the guides an ‘ dogs &ll in tow for a veal bear hun for the president. We presume Perry Barber has one hid on tep 90 Il they get the President to go in the Okefenokec, he will sure get a bear. ‘ e Now w. the Gautemala Nfll tree, which has just been discover ed in that fair land to the south of us, gives :M mste like the real cow However they snv it makes bester chewing gum Soon we shall he boosting to plant a cow Iree, inslend of gring into the deiry business, The department having notified the postmaster of the ac:eptance: of the offer mude by the Masons for their building. it will be only a matter of a few wkeks until the postoffice will be moyed there Stee] fixtures have been ordered and when she equipment arrives and is put in place, Folkston will naye the handsomest office of any of the Southemst Georgia towns ! I/ the extra session is really call ed it means that who ever Gov Hardman nominales will be im mediately contirmed, 1f all of the tag money has been spent in ad vance, it looks as the Sayannah N :ws says "the pay as you go plan pys. but don't go” We are anx ious that a real highway plan be alopted. Lets get down to busi nesg and build sume permanent roads. - Now that the new steel fixtures f e the Post Office is on the way aild soon will pe pul in place, ‘would it be amiss if we should getly suggesi to the citizens on S c¢and Street, that they gef to ge'her and have thal charming avenue graded and paved, That h by bond plan would be a splen d | way to do it, and we feel that it we gel tiais plan to working il e, there will be other people. wlO will want their street DRVE(” ws well. Please don’t wait for (G rgeta do it, but let’s get it s arted now. I, Wm, Mizell, Jr, expressed o seolimentia few days after the s-ptember storm that we cennot ¢t out of our mind, and il was this:—"] was damaged so uch by the storm, and it will take such a long time, for me to replace the damage, for my shade trees are adown,” he said. “If it had been my house I could have replaced it wut the trees must have a long tme to grow up again.” Now that is what we call right thinking and at this season when it it time t) plant Irces, may we call your a'lention to the fact the sooner y -t get the trees started the soon ¢ you will have beauty about ybu.; The sp'rit of the Union meet ing Sunday was as fine as we cver saw. The next one in Mnrch} should be still greater. The co ~peration of christian people imeans so much i the spreading of the Master's word and saving | st souls, The Georgia Experimental farm r.ports that the ends of sweet potato vines are edible and makes a Jelightful salad dish, It is re ported to have more iron than pinach. Savanmah's first New Yeer baby irived seven minutes after the W year wus ushered in He vas the recipient of many birth oy palts ~ Business is improving so our wrehants reports sinee the New ‘var, why sheuldn'tit, Farmers wve got to get busy and plant crop, so why whine while there i work todo and if we farm we ave 1o do some trading, We all admit that last yesr was i« bad farm vear, bat why cry wer spit milk. Let's ho'd the pail up and runit over the top this year with plenty Forget it and look a head for the opromise that plenty comes to those who labor. | s | The Allen and Vickery furnitufe ’mm is getting ready for a 1929 expanison of business. Tney have leased two stores in the Scott block=more room and just as prominent a place of business. — A'way to keep your frienas that are ‘away from home posted about Fotkston is to send them the Herald. | CHARLTON COUNTY HERALD, FOLKSTON, GEORGIA. ( RESOLVING TIME. | ' The opeuing season for the new . year resolution 1s at hand, and it is nice to made them, if though you break them. Of course when we thick of resclutions we are reminded of revolving in tne same thought, F.r whom among us that does not rosolve, only tohave the thing turn right around and revolve on the cycle of time right cver again, Still with all of that we believe in New Yesr Resolutions. It is hardly possible that any of you are converted to a good habit without several trying period of doing over again that which ycu first resolved to do at rirst. And a_ain the man thal never resolves has not even a half chance of do ing the right thing. So we say to you, go richt on making your new sesolutions, and if at first they do not stict keep on making them over and over again. That is what we bhave just resoved to do curselves, and it is not the first time we have so resolved, and we earnestly pray not the last time, Our New Year resolution for 1929 is to do the very best we can so create a npirit of good fellowship in our community. boost the thing he!ping to each and every one that is a citizen of tha com munity, and to try and make owr piper better and better as the days go by. If we can spread a little checr and make yeur pleasure greater, we shall feel that we have done some good work at |easl. We hope to visit you 52 time in 1929, with a record of bringing you tidings of prosperity, peace and good will every week, } STICKING TOGETHER ‘ We are indebted to the Nussau Coumy Leader for this wise bit of philosphy; “People always make more pro gress if they unite in geoups than if they play lone hands. Few peo ple can do much a'l by themselves, Itis when people work together in bunches that they get resuits. A family whose members do not stict together, and support thh ef forts of each one of them, is not likely to make much impession on a community. The people in a city should regard themselves as constitutingz a big family, who need to stict together to accom plish results. This calls for har monious action in promoting com munity projects, and for a willing ness of the pevple to keep their money at home by buying good of home dealers," HURSEY'S CALF CLUB The Tifton Experimcntal farm hiee presented County Agent Hur sey with a regisrered Jersey buli eall, Itis a dandy one, and the sire from which it enme is valued at S3OOO. mre. Hursey also made preangements 1o buy ten heiler calves for the eallf clud from re gistered stoek, The Herald hopes that member will take these culves anJd get » start right w¢h good stk Mothers of the calves are uli pive ing five gall®ns of milk and are the kind worth raising. Get 2038 and lets huve some register ed stoek inour community, One ¢ our Christmas ealiers to renew the Herald was Mrs Lydia Crews. of Newell. She reminded us that it was her twentieth re newal. Her linther, Mr. Johns, took the paper before her and thut he started with Editor Sams This is one of onr record subscrib ers and if every one of them was as prompt and cheerful about pay. ing as sheis what a great world this would be for the newspaper, We are wishing her and Mose Just all kind of good luck in MJ years 1o come. : is a prescription for CoLps, GRIPPE, FLU, DENGUE BILIOUS FEVER AND MALARIA It is the most speed y remedy koowd \ PO-CA-RA A . Your Druggist. O R i bl ok Fleming ( FFICE—OPPOSITE MAsoNIC TeEmMPL ! TELEPHONE 19 FOLKSTON, GaA, | SPECIALISES IN TREATMENT oF | CRONIC CASES. “'YOU WILL GET WELL" Al CQ BLlss, Dc C-, CHIROPRACTORK, HOMELAND, GA. SPECIALIST IN FEVERS, NERVOUS DISEASES, DIGESTIVE DISORDERS, WOMEM'S DISEASES. OEFICE HOURs:—2 10 5:30 p. m. | 710930 p. m. ~ Forty to silty one vear old Jap anese persimmon trees also sev eral hundred Moore’s early grape { vines. Now is the time to plant ) liem. Come out and get a few of ach and have fruit on your own dace, W. W. Yarber. Support Notice GFORGIA, Charlton Countv. - The return of the appraisers setting apart twelve months’ support to the family of Frank Raulerson deceased, ihaving been filed in my office, all per sons concerned are cited to show cause by the fourth (4) day of February 1929, ‘wny said application for twelve mor.ths’ support should not be granted. This January, Is.. 1929, H. G. Gibson, Ordinary. eeeAo e R Y 4 . Syrup Labels L HERALD Black Smith Shop Now ready to serve you at my home place Shop. Need iron or wood work see me J. M. Wilds. \ PLANT THIS YEAR FOR THE FUTURE. WM ~ REES, SHRUBS AND PLANTS WILL Give y 'u income and pleasure. In‘a few Seasons they will return fine dividends, / FIRST cost will not be Jveat; small sums will eover the uykeep. Your prop erty values will increase right away, PEACHES und plums give quick results—and may be planted ameng cther trees Pecans are Lighly profitable after a few years; For home ground ornamentation, piant roses, shruhs and vines . You may be surprised to lear2 how little it will cost to start, Even if your place is a «mall one, room for a few fruit and nut trees can be found, Flow ers, eyergreens and like plants and shrubs require but little space, Plan NOW for the future—it will pay you! WE HELP YOU select the right kinds and offer you good stock at fair prices Send to-day for free copy of our catulog and planting guide’ : Griffings Interstate Nurseri INgs interstate Nurseries, MACCLENNY, FLORIDA. & ' 4 s new and ® . a d ) unrivaied to dayastheday ° it appeared COUPES . . .$1195 to 51875 . SEDANS . . .$1220 to $2145 SPORT CARS . $1225 to $1550 These prices f. 0. b. Buick Factory. Con venient terms cen be arranged on the liberal G. M. A. C. Time Payment Plan. The New L fr .291 E IEC I< fa Aiken-Morgan Motor Co.. Waycross. Homeland Garage Serva patrons promptly and come for cars free two miles garage. Work done under super vision of skilled mechanics Tryusonyour job. ° Gas. Oil, Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Prompt wrecker service. Call us when in trouble. Whippet Sales and Service Station. ~ CLEANINGand PRESSING rLx erienced Workmen Cleaning, Dveiag, Mending, Altering and Pressing WE GALL AND DELIVER Folkston Pressing Club.