Charlton County herald. (Folkston, Ga.) 1898-current, January 11, 1929, Image 8

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Folleston %/és and Friends - Our Reporter Tells the News as its Told to Her. Mr. Dick Czudon’s family are ill with the flu. Mr. B. F. Scott and Ben were visitors Thursday. Mrs, H, C. Page has recovered from & coaze of flu, Mr, M, deWay is recovering from an ttack of flu, Five air planes made the trip over Folkston Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. McCoy and the childr en were visitors to Waycross, Tuesday. Uncle Jim Crews was a caller this weck to renew his subscription Jake Littlefield returns to Citadell saturday, to complete the term in col lege, Reports from the hospital in Way cross is that Migs Ruby Davis is now ill wiin flu, ‘ Rural Carrier Henry Cibson is the latest down with flu, he having taken his bed, Tuesday Mrs. B. F. Scott of Jacksonville is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Scott, } Misses Lettie and Juanita Stokes and. wilton are spending this week at their home at Stokesville, ‘ Messrs. Wm. Mizell jr., and L. E. Mallard made a business trip to Jack sonville Wednesday. Drawdy Wainwright was a visitor to Waycross Weanesday an i found Mrs. Wainwright getting nicely on. Miss Jewel Page left Saturday for Bristol, Va., to re-euter college, after a holiday visit to home folks. S Mr. and Mrs.J. B. Baker, Mr. Broad us Jon-%'lurguflt and Willie Jones enj yed the day Friday in Jacksonville. Mr, and Mrs, L. H. Fargason have re turned from a enjoyable visit from Daytonia Seach, where they have been vigiting relatives, Mrs. Curtis Smith and Misses Smith snd Willie Sutton, of Folkston were visitors in town Sunday. Southeast Georgian. Diamond Page has gone to Havana, Fla., to take & position with the Wes tern Union Co. Diamond is a hard working boy and will make good. Messrs. N. J. Normon and J. J. Sapp was in Folkston Friday. Mr. Norman eays that the flu is disappearing and that they are in hopes of getting their school going to catch up the loss time. The return of Mrs. J. W, Vickery last Sunday was hailed with delight by her many friends. Mr. Vickery went up to see her and bought her home. She is now oOn the road to recovery. Miss Mary Stokes left Wednesday for Valdosta re~entering college after a va caticn with home folks. Misses Marga~ ret snd Mary Jane Littlefield are ho ping that they will be sufficiently over the tiu to return nevt week. ¢ Mrs. C. E. Roy is now with the Pas sieu Metor Co., a 8 bookkeeper und the stock keeper. Sheis a splendid busi® ness woman and will see that her de ‘ partmeht is keyt up to the usual l-‘oru‘ standard. | It lvoked like business Friday with some twenty hands cleaning up the city pars of the sec.ion on the railrords. It seem to us that cleaning the rail. road off s 0 nicely would be taken as a hint by our people to keep in front of their door just as nice, It is reported that the boys of the Charlton County High Schol will go to Jucksonville Friday for a game with »1 B Lee Basketball team. The says savs that it wiil be a trial and if they make the grade, we will know that they have a good team. Mr. Broadus Jones, who now hail from, New York, was a visitor to J. B Baker during the past week, Braodus came down to see his two children, Murgaret and Willie, He is the same o Broadus who we use to konow, car rying the same old smile and pleasant word. Three much aj preciated supscription s ived the inst week end, was fron aewest subseriber, Prof. Fargason 4 wo of our oldest Mr* J. W, Vkl" cry und Mr. Wm. Migell, Sr. Both J. W.mur.munmomum} books as long as the memory of man runneth to the contrary. Reports from the Hospital are that Mis PW, mhnth along us nipely as could d from gvery, though she has been ill for a me that it will take time to bring The old Vord feels rather cranky those brisk chilly mornings. Shad coming slow, bucks bringing 75 cents each, - Hiram Dixou has moved to the Pow ell place near Uptonville school house. Farmers have a fine time to till the soil and Jet the cold permeate the land to kill the bugs ete. Mr J T. Bell was down from Waycross vesterday. ‘ Louis Askew is assisting at the James Grocery Co., during Mange Braddock’s illness, Elitor Wrench, and his two sone, Thomas and Ralph, were visitors to Jarksonville, Wednes day’ Now is the time to spray your fruit trees. Prune and cut away the dead linbs and spray withan cil spray for scale i We have a cold wave predicted for the 12 to 16th. Maoderating on the 16th, with blizzard dry weather fromthe 17th to 191 h. I'ptonville school started Monday, aflcr a two weeks Christmas Holiday' bus si 1k attendance from flu caused another postponment ; T vins were born to Mrs, Jush ‘War en, Tuesday. A girl and a \ . . boy, The mother is getting along nicely and Josh is stepning high ~ Juck Bennett has rentea the Meehan farm and will plant tobacco. He isa goo | ‘armor, and is on a good farm, a combination that will bring forth good resulis. Those who neglected to prune their grape vines, or fruit trees should do 8o now, before the sap begin to rise. This throws the extra strength back in to the roots. ~ R. Frank wainwright is a new Home. |and citizen. He bought the Clay prop erty, He will farm the Riley Rodden berry place which Hamp Wainwright ;will live on in 1929, ~ County Commissioner Mel Prescott is on the sick list. Reports from his bedside is that the flu is going hard 'with him. His head has been badly ‘swollen and he has been suffering very ‘much from the malady. County Agent Hursey expects to leave Thursday with several farm ers for the motorcade to Donaldson vilie, to inspect pasturage and beef caltle herds on the Cummings farm: They will also take jnthe Hog School at Moultrie. The Methodist Orphans Home, of M:con has secured a three door por celnin General Electric Refrigator, for Ociagon Soap Wrappers supphed by th : Sunday School children of the sta.e. It took 126,800 of them to turn the 4ri k. The hope to have enough more equip the kitchen. F Folkston was honored Saturday with a delegoation of Moniac citizens who came over on legal business. In the party was Col. Bob Bornsed, Messrs J. S,and A L., and Jessie Thrift and Stanley Harris. They report the flu prevalen’, no deaths in the neighbor hood, those just over the line in Baker, three have died the past week. Our good friend Koscoe Wain ‘wright was in to see us Saturday, preparving to take the road o Mcnday., Roscre is a five boy, one that we are always glud to sve, and we were charmed at the pleasure of meeting his bride, and to know that he was doing so well in the Lone Star Stata, He saw to it that his mother would read the Herald for the year of 1629 Moniac was well represented in Folkston Monday by a large dele« gation of its citizens, Among them wes Messrs [. Koabb, R B, Reynolds, L. M Reynolds, Fred Burnsed, and Curley, Raulerson ‘nnd Leon Chisholm, i Former / Reynolds, of Mon ise, who has change of Mr, L. Koabb, place there has planned to plant eight acres of tobacco this season. He had experience in N. and has been planting there !am’m He tells us that ) there is rather low and not well dgined as he would like to have it for to e o 1 CHARLTON COUNTY HERALD, FOLKSTON, GEORGIA. SAINT GEORGE NEWS Coniinued from Page One. Vienna, Ga, It is understood that Dr Vinson was unable to go to his father funersl nwning to his own serious ijlness, "1t 1s under stood that Dr Vinson is slowly improving, Mr, and Mrs. J. A, Barker and Colen have moved so their farm near St. George. I understocd that Ihey expect to specialize in hogs i 1 addition 1o general farm llng Joscph and Lewis Londeree mo tired cut New Years Eve from Jrange Park for the party given by the Misses Cockrell. They bought as their guest, Mr. W. E Brown and Mr. Veshaw, : Mrs. E. H.» Wilkerson returned to her home in Panama City, after naving spent some weeks here at the iiome of the mother. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Chelton of Jacksonville motored to St George sunday for the funeral services incident to the death of Mrs. C. E. Welch. Miss Amanda Nobles returned Tuesday from a weeks end visit to Sycamore and ’other points in Georgia. : . Viss Eisie Vinson was in St George Sunday., Misses Bennie eud Elizabeth and Scott Pittman have returned from a visit 1o LaGrange. Viiss Gertrude Knabb of Moniac was greeting friends in St, George Frid 1y i Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Roval of Folkston were business visitors to St George Saturday. Miss Marie Thomas a Publie Health Nurse, was in St George Thursday making arrangements for two days work here for next week. Robert Tucker, a long time col ored resident of St George, died Saturday and was bnried Sunday at St George. ’ There has peen several deaths across the river from Moniae with the flu, but so far only two colog ed people have died on the Geor >gia side, The latest being David Stokes, 28 working for [.. Knabh Administrator’s Sale. | GEORGIA, Charlton County. By virtue of an order of the Gourt of l (rdinary of said county, issued at the January Term of said Court, the under signed will sell at public outcry, beforc‘ the Court House door of said county on the first Tuesday in February, 1929, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following deseribed real esiate belonging (o the late 1. R. Privatt, situated in said coun tyand t e, w-wit: T e east one=hall (1-2) of land lot Number One Hundred and forty-three (143%) of the tirst land distriet, contain i Two Hundred and Forgy hive (245) geres, more or less, rod bounded on the Nortt and Eao by the lands of To ledo Manutactu ing Co., and South by mnd lot Numher 156 and on the west by lands ot W, H Privets, This the Tthday of January, A D, 1929 Homeland Garage Serva patrons promptly and come for cars free iwo miles garage. Work done under super vision of skilled mechanics Try us onyour job. Gas. Oil, Tires, Tubes and Accessories. Prompt wrecker service. Call us wbofu in trouble, Whippet Sales and Service Station. CLEANINGand PRESSING rLx ertenced Workmen Cleaning, Dyeing, Mending, Altering and Pressing WE CALL AND DELIVER Folkston Pressing Club. . Sheriff Sales. First Tuesday in February. GEORGIA, Charlton County, Will be sold at the court house door, in szid county on the first Tuesday iz February, 1929, withio the legal hour of sale, towit. 212, acres of land, in lana lot- No. 15, i the first land Dist. of said county, and bounded porth by L. 8 Conner, apd Hansel Carter, and on the south by lot No. 24, with improve~ ments thercon said land levied on as the property of 4. M. Crews, to satisfy an Exceution. Issued from tbe Coun” iy Court of said county, on the Ist* day of Sept. 1928, in ravor of the Black shear Manufacturing Company against P. C. Brooks, principle, and H. M. Crews, Endorser. This the Bth. of January, 1929, The above described property will be sold subject to a Federal loan $llOO. W. H. Mizell Sheriff GEORGIA, Charton County. Will be sold at the court house door, in said county, on the first Tuesday in February, 1929, within the legal hours of sale, to-wit, all that tract of jand, 30 acres more or less, in the 32nd. Inst. G. M. and bounded, north by lands formerly belonging to Rosela Cobb, now Thomas' Estate, and south by lands of Mrs. H. A. Cannon, north and west by the A, C. L R. R, with improvements there on, said land lev ied on as the property of J. W. John son, to satisfy an Fxecutian, issued on the first day of September, 1928, from the county Court, of said county, in tavor of the Blockshear Manufaciur ing Company, and against, A, D Wil iams, as principa', and J. W John son, endorser. The propertv will be s 1d subject to a Morigage held against said property by The Citizens Bank, of Folkston, Ga. Rhis the Bth day of January. 1929. W. H. Mizell, Sheriff. 'GEORGIA Charlton County. Wili be sold at the court house door in snid county, on the first Tuesday in February 1929, within the legal hours of sale, to wit, all that certain tract of land, (32) thirty two acres more or less, in the 1142, District G.M. with improve ments there on and bounded on the north by l«ds estate of J. J. Bryant, East by lands of Hatcher lands, and lands of R. A. Bryant. and west by lands estate of J. W. Bryant. Also, a one half undivided Interest, in two hundred and eighty of open land ly ing east of what is known, as the home of Mrs. Ellen Preyatt and on the east side of Folkston and Traders Hill road. Said property bound as follows, on the north, by land of P.C, Tracy, and on the east of lands of B. F. Scott, and Mrs. Annie Johns, formerly, Mrs. W. F. Davis. on the south by J. W. Buchanan, and un the east, by Mrs, Lillan Prevatt. The other undivided interest in and to two hundred and eight acres, be longing to Alex Bryant. The llk?l'o' perty levied ob as the property of H. P, Bryant, to satisfy an Execution. Jssued on the first day of Sept. 1923, from the County Court, of said couaty. In favor of the Blackshear Manufactur ing Company, and against H. P. Bry ant, principle, T. E. Bryant, Endorser, E The above described property will be ‘sold subjeet to a mortage held against said propeerty by The Citizens Bank of { Io kston, Ga, This the Bth day of January, 1929, l W. H. Mizell, Sheriff. Dr. A, Fleming ( FFICE—OPPOSITE MAsoNlic TewxPL TELEPHONE 19 FOLKSTON, Ga,, SPECIALISES IN TREATMENT oF CRONIC CASES, PUT A NEW COAT ON THE HOUSE BUT PAY LESS NOW. STAG SEMI-PASTE PAINTING WHITE OR VARIETY OF COLORS $3.50 PER GALLON, And One Gallon Makes Twao. Harleéy-Vann Hardware Company 410 Elizabeth Street WAYCROSS, GA. The Market Flace THE VERY BEST OF MEATS STANDARD GROCERIES FRESH COUNTRY PRODUCE. W. J. JONES ™ Flace of Good Community Progress CAN ALWAYs BE MEASURED BEST BY THEIR BANKING INSTITUTIONS. WE AIM TO KEEP JUST ONE STEP AHEAD RECAUSE WE WANT Tu EXPAND AND SEE CUR TOWN GROW AS OTHER PRO GRESSIVE TOWNS MARCH FORWARD. Lets us Make 1929 A Banner Year. The Citizens Bank i 2 Folkson, Georgia Nahunta : A . Co-Operation BETWEEN THE PATRON AND MER " CHANT MEANS THE BUILDING OF A BUSINESS THA SATISFIES DE. MANDS AND MAKES US FRIENDS. IF IT IS DRUGS WE HAVE THEM STAPLETON'S PHARMACY ““The FPrescription Drug Store.” Only Three Things - To Sell ¢ ¢ , ADVERTISING Space and Line Advertising that bring results. SUBSCRIPTIONS Every week we aim to make the Herald more Readable and want to send it to every dgizen interested in Charlton County. It only cost you three cents per week. JOB PRINTING - With New Type being added and a desire to please you, we agk a trial order. Try us. 4 CharltonCountyHerald -’ ¥