Newspaper Page Text
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WRICK ImkabifS the dnse Jorests
ond %Ms sis home. /n Qg Lree
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Char!ton Commissioner’s Re-Organize,
Old Officials Chosen--Then do Business
The Board of County Commissioners
met in regular Session with the follow
ing members present; - W. C. Hopkins,
vice Charman, N. Roddenberry, and S.
M. Reyuolds. J. C. Littlefield and O.
M. Prescott absent, |
The minutes of the previous meeting
was read and approved. The following
bills were ordered paid; :
W. 0. Hopkins, Ida Comg §dard 10 80
N. Robaeuterry“ “oou 010 24
L' M. Reyuolds o"oEe 4 TR 2 17 lb
L. Kuabb, e 716
0. F. Wilsoa, 3alary clerk 50 00
0. F. Wilsoa pd fris yudGay setting
up heater 48
Alien iar iy 2 0L Pads di ¢ A
Prog. Prinling Co. 5t3. Ck. 11 00
Walker bvans & Cogwell, book
for Ordirary 25 36
N. J. Norman, Gas. 130
.W, Sand Com. col. Rd. Tex 14 70
T. E. Mayes Dec. Sal Brdg Inspt 1756 00
National Surety Co. Pre. offi bd. 87 50
Frank Stakes work wire ience 87
Drew Co, Book Clerk Court 60 Ov
A. B. Speucer, sal 4th quart 1928 58 97
Passieu- M. Co. prts Tractor 202
Stapletons Pnarmacy, med Jail 195
Chariton Co. Pwr'Co. Ight C.H., J 1.9 65
H. G. Gidson, Rec cere &of Bds 920
Folkston Pharmacy, Heater Jail 10 00
W, H. Mizell, Board Pris. & 184 9
W. H. Mizell, Gener‘! Oftice Exp 7 10
J.C Littletield Refutrd pd rd Tax 3 0
F.C Crawford Com Colrd Tax 680
Herald; Priu sud Sta, 8 00
Mrs. R. M. Toy 2 Ceretificates lOU
E. ¥. Dean, d Y 2
P. G.Brouks 1 " 50
Eddie Crews 4 3 2w
Dean & Goweu, Sup. C. H., Jl. 23 65
J. W. Cooper, _ \pauper 10 00
Geo, Todd 10 00
Liege Carier, % 10 00
Mrs. Albert Smith, “ 10 0U
Chas. Nipper, » : bw
Riley Howard, ot 50
Will Langley, " 5 W
Bob Harrell, o 6 00
Jno. Dougal, R bW
Chas. Cason, " 10 W
J. H. Johuson, Dec. Bal?Co. Jdg 41 bu
A. G. Gowen, ‘%’ police 50 00
J. 0. Sikes, “ Traf Cos 100 W
A.B. Hursey, *,Farm Dem. 125 0u
E. C, Wainwright, ** C. H. wtchm 62 0u
Pam Am Oil Co. Uas ahd Oils 83 8L
Wright Motor Co. pats & Tractor 10.7¢
Raus Garage wor k Tractor 1 66
Ind. Haraware Co. Bolts !
Knabb Motor Co. Spark plugs 160
$1,328 70
0. M. Prescott. Com. Dist. No. 2
B. C. Crews pd rd Hand 960
R.S. Precotl, Team Hire 450
B. B. Gowen, pd rd Hands 148 84
S. A, Crews,pdrd * 129 99
N. Reddenbarry Com Dist No 3
K. W. Gioaliy, Pe G Lauul Wel
A.J. Berugil pu briuge 9 oy
w. M. Muucel, Road work o<
Izman Smith, s 356
8162 o
W. C. Hopkins, Com Dist. No 4,
Toledo Mig. Co. pd RdHands &4 B 0
FOOnuwiend * “* '+ 8%
ni "we s
L. M. Reynolds, Comr. Dist. No, &
Charley Raulerson, pd rd Hands 44
J, 8. Laramore, pd Tractor * 242 24
Marshall Crawford, Stumping rd 162 O
G. W. Sands pd rd Hands 129 20
T. M. Darmon, Gas and olls trac. 141 9
e s
§719 49
Gen. acet, paur's Brt. Ft. Brdg. 1,323 70
0. M. Prescott, Com. Dist. No. 2
N:-w. fr-4 - ;' 3 162 X
W.C. Hopkids, '+ ! § 2@
L .M.Reynolds '* *“' § 719 4
(iand Total $2,600 51
&There being o !further bus
iness tu come before the retiring
Board. adjournment was in order
The newly elected Board was call |
ed to crder by the acting vice
chairman, [t was moved and car
ried tu elect J. C. Littletield,
chairman, and W. C. Hopkius vice
chairman, ffor the enxuing year
Alsdo moved aud carried to employ
. F. Wilson, clerk at the same
alarv, SSO. per month, And Col,
leQueen County attorney at S2OO.
Jer vear, retainer fee,
" Moved and carried to call the
neeting of the Board within two
weeks, Jfor the purpose of deci
ding on tLe furniture, heater and
the like, for the Enew. Court
House. Also the rebuilding of the
There being no further business
the Board adjouned until the first
vlonday in February 1929, ’
0. F. Wilson, Clerk,
Hursey Warms Up on a Good Subject,
Hustler, Get Up Early, and be Happy.
Tue dairy business like the hog
raising, is only one side or part of
a well developed system of farm
ng and should have proper attens
tion and protection. It now looks
like Georgia is fast b.coming one
of the foremost dairy states in
the Union. She bas a long ways
to go but the stride she is now
naking will soon land her among
he toppers. ‘
- Weather conditions in South
Jeorgia makes our section one ol
the most promising areas for this
lairy development. There are
out few years when we can noi
Zrow plenty bay for the big side
f the feeds that the dairy cow
nust nave. Go.d pea, soy beans,
‘velvet beans, lespedeza and other ‘
legumes taturally grow in Charl
ton thereby giving us the cream
of the le&uuu hays for our dairy
cows, When a dairy cow is well
fed on a good lealy legume, she is
‘at least half fed and will give good
returns for such feeds. Velvet
beans when [ground with cqual
barts of ear corn with a little C. 8.
Meal added, will make an excellent
concentrated feed. [ bave never
worked in a county that has great
er possibilities than Charlton, bui
il iup o each individual to un
lock nis own door. These oppor
tunities can be pointed out to you
from time to time but should you
fuil to grasp the idea or sit around
mourning over your sorrowiu
fate after grasping the idea, then
here is little hope for you. li
you are Dot satisfied with what
you are doing, then take up the
thing you want to do. Life is too
short 10 spend your time kicking
because you are not making
money. If you sre satisfied you
will make a living and what more
do you want. All Henry Ford
gets is what he eats and wears, do
you expect more? A satisfied
home i 8 a happy howme und if
every one fries, I wean sure
. £V AN
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Chimpornzee !‘i”a fi*/
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Forest Towers for Fire Protection.
Observations for Directing Suppression.
l Six new steel towe s 90 to 110
‘ect high are now under construc
tion for fire protection units in
Clinch, Atkinson, Ware and Lanier
counties. In all, 15 towers have
been erected or are now under
construcion for timber protective
organizations in Georgia, accord
ling to the State Forest Service.,
Each tower is designed to serve
at least 75,000 acires At each
tower is a headquarters cabin
where fire fighting equipment is
qvaiiable torinstant use. Raogers
and patrolmen in various parts of
the area are reached by telephone
so that the entire fire fighting
force can be centered at the fire
as quickly as automobiles can
carry them over roads that pene
trate the area. ’
About a million acres of forest
land now organized in Georgia for
fire protection is making a good
enough fries. he can have happi
ness in his home. When day
comes each morning does it find
you out doing something and
breathing the exhilerating air or
do you remain in bed and gricve
over the milk you spilt yesterday.
I ask you which way will your
home get the most happiness from.
Every moment you are resting
why not read some good literature,
instead of moaning. You say you
can’t—have you tried very hard.
‘What aoout your farm plans, have
you got your fields outlined on
paper, checking the ones for corn,
peanuts, beans etc., with the rota
tion that you are going to follow,
Have you taken stock like the
‘merchant does to see how much
you lost last year and then plans
to make it back. All these things'
}will help you succeed if you have
the plain old “grit”. ’
1 have digressed from the good
old cow but every time | thiak of
her | see success ior Charllon
county and health and hapiness
beeming from every child’s eyes.
Lets grow lots of the choicest Lay
this year. Lets have the rinest ot
cows. Lets furnizh her the vesi
of sleeping quarters. She wil
give in retarn ood for the wear,
she will reduce the drug bills, she
will put a smile on every face thai
death will not remove. Do you
want to be happy sure enough
Well do something for the milk|
cow, take good care of the hens
and feed the pigs with good inm.;“
growr: feeds, FEED THE DAIRY'
A, B. Hursey, Co. Agt.
Dr. A, Flemng
7 ‘ )».é)fl mnmwmyf/f/
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record, according to State Forester
B. 8. Lufborrow, whose records
show that cnly about one tenth
of one percent of the protected
area has suffered from fire out
breaks. Reports indicate very
few outhreaks this winter which
is beieyed to be the result of a re
sult of a growing appreciation of
the losses due to greund fires.
More property owners, both in
South Georgia and North Georgia
are showing an interest in organiz
ing fire protection uaits, according
t 0 information coming to the State
Forest Service.
Virtues of the New Model
A Ford Surpasses them All
&The ncw Model A Ford auto
mobile contains some of. the fin
est examples in the world of new
metal | treatment for resistancc
to wear and so the torsional strain
imposed upon some of the parts
of the modern internal combus
~ One of these is the crankshait
In this latest Ford product the
crankshaft is made of a special
Ford mangonese steel. developec
under processes of metal blend=-
ing and heat treatment that are
new to the industry.
. These processes produce a erank
shaft that is heayier than any pre
vious Ford crankshaft, that is
tougher to resist wear and strounger
to resist the torsional strain of high
speed performance. The weight
of the shaft in nsclf makes for
smoother operation and the slatic
dynamic balancing precess Lo
which it is subjected before it is
wstalled in the motor still turther
reduces the chances of vibration,
This special carbon mangancs:
steel 1S unly oue of more than tur
ty different kinds of stecl, each
representing a special treanment,
which are usea in the manuiac
e of the new Model A Ford car
e a———— e G QY P e et
Just How Dry are They.
The Ewmperior, Kansas, (izat ‘
says that the prohibiton movemen
gol twenty-one million votes 1
the recenl expectio. According to
what Hoover siarted about law
nakers setting the exa nple ne 5
ot the opinion that some of the
official friends in Washington do
not "practice what they preach”,
We are thinking that i these
aforesaid , drys will boycott the
liguor movement some headway
’wil. be made towards drying up
this contineut '
T ————————-
el PP e o
Thinking Different.
It strikes us as being a funny
kind of business for the peace agi
tators to continue to barp on pres
paredness, What is the use of
converting odr mioerals in 10 war
ships; when they can be used in
making automobiles, and besides
the automouile can kill more peo
ple uny way than warlare :
e Goimpanzee f 5 20
eas/ly trained to “M ‘
| ;/I(/e 7 g/éao/,/f \(’3@; “
ress fse AW
12 Mfs .r'/z?/émy,@fi” ( A |
@t and grinkh 2o -',\\l@» |
bre @ tuman bermg || N\ ‘
N I SOMQ e »’f-'r?“‘-\“‘.‘;‘?‘"fi"
waygs his gI ey
been banedff .£ (M A
bact &s g:&j"«" * :fi\\?j
@ servarl Lo I 0
s master, )
@ ®
et Well==
The business of a Drug Store is to
make the sick well, and keep the
well hearty. Bring your prescrip
tion in for filling, and get some
preventatives at the game time.
Folkston Pharmacy. i o
We ask tae patronage of old customers as well
as the public generally. = We Strive to Please,
J. AP revatt. LS
passed in every phase of motor achievement. 'V |
Reliability, Economy and Adaptability .o various
uses and requirements. A style for every use.
Passieu Motor Company
j oy -“'*m~—*?-.fl-—!—,~—“w—m" @
2 yv OUR NEW HOME. \
[ Having leased two store rooms in ’
| the SCHIT BLOCK., where we have more ;
Commolious quarters we invite our friends and |l
customers to 12 Stace that ils their busi- ‘
ness ty supply you with articles to : l
Rest the Wearv Miad and Tired Body |
W:ay not hiave the home comfortable with gnod‘ |
Furniture and Beds and pay as you use them, l
We will use thi-cornsr store raom for offics and |
show room, with a «loye raom and working reem
bu"f!f‘ ]e A 6 ~H‘ sltare a 4 a ‘,lsplfly roorm. ; !
Allen Furniture Company, |
}, Folkston and Woodbine |
| |
; ~ . j
| Leorgila.
'i/ - be e is T b sSTo d)
by Stafford