Newspaper Page Text
Charlton Ciunty Herald
OfMelal - Organ ¢! Chariton County
” Establahed 1900
e S e AN, S e
Eatered at the Posioffice at Folkston.
Ga., as second class mail matter. Fuv
dshed on Thureday of each week
Member Georgia Press Assoclaticn
and Kleventh District Assoclatioo
ee S e Y, e S
088 TP 1 .50
l Foreign Advertising Mrmnmm‘
The Amaerican Press Associsticn
Lawtey shipping strawberries.
Zip, old jack frost is back ayain,
Brunswick is entertaining tle
British man of war, Wisteria, by 2
gay round of pleasures.
Dense smokes arises in the vari
ous direction indicatés that forest
presevation is a hard lesson to
A contractors here reports work
scheduled ninety days ahead, sug
gesting that he has a rosy view cf
the future,
The Southeastern Fair schedu -
« for Wayceross, this fall is now
wing planned and is to be receive
cmomentum at an early meet.
Parents should lend a hand in an
effort to make up lost time in the
movement to make a grade. The
work of scholars at home at niglt
-will egable tbe high schuol term
*'vtu end May 31,
3 g ———— |
, Supt. Harris has made a sched
ule of the receipts and disburs--
ments of each district as well us
the county. A copy is yours fcr
-the asking-—teachers have extra
: oucs for ihose interested.
The salety lesson for February
is “Never Run with Sharp Tools’
S liich reminds us accidents never
hpoey, they are caused, so heed
lvsson the schools are trying
itress (0 prevent accidents.
The seventy-five million bond
plan seems to be stri
4 & hbarmonious cord, Why
should’nt it, if lag and gasoline fax
wiil build highways, why should
the owner pf forty acres and a
mule worry.
Brunswick has opened its first
flower store. The opportunities
for such a heauty place there is
the best we know of, as with its
beautiful yards the supply can be
mede unlimited, almost without
green houses.
The city commussioner of Bruns
wick have issued orders for tie
police tu be “reasonabl: sure” pes
sing throu cars have liquor before
being searched, Innocent parties
having been subjecled to such pre
cecdure, raised the complaint, was
the cause of the order. ™|
v hat Georgia needs to regulate
c o aneinl budglt, so that ag
clons shall be paid as direcs
vl ino money is availa le
oL the act be vetoed, [t is a rea:
¢ 'hat schools are deprived
Cor pertuntil the very lasts,
vy woards to borrow to tde
over ther linancial worry, ‘
With tag money rolling in. and
toe Highway Commission paping
U we wre elated 1o think our pro
weet will shortly be bid off to be »
compicted job. Here's boping John
Holder makes good use of his lime
1o complete other projects sched
led, 50 the new chairman will be
in & position 10 adopt a plan, in no
way conflic'iug with past promises
The Sayannah News has begun
® campaign against the lowly mos
quito, with facts and figures show
ing the result of is onsaults on
the people who live in South
Georgia. Much more could be
said on the subject which they so
impressivelr set forth, but th:
fact 18 sufficient within itself to
set people to work to do their
best 1o eradicate the evil of allow
ing such a thing tv exist that
creates as much distress and sul
fering as malarial fever. War
should be made on the things that
feed and breed the mosquito, and
every community should use sucn
precautions as draining puddies,
destroying empty cans and keep
ing down weeds, which constitutes
‘most of the breeding beas of this
' The large amount of money
spent yearly for the cure of mu
laral fevers and the resultant los
of time of those effected seems to
us wenld awaken the wise to the
effort to prevent the continuance
of tulerating the little pest that is
it seems tne grea‘est curse 1.
keeping the malaria germ at worx.
The right time to do the work
of exierminating is in the begii
ning of the season,when the effort
put forth, is much more effectiv:
than later when the disease has
begun to get in its work, creating
distress among our people aid
the resultant scattering of tic
disease over other territories.
! In common with every citizen o 1
'Georgin that knew him, the Hera'u
| joins in paying tribute to the ster
‘ling worth and qualities of the late
IJames A. Holloman, who checked
out last Friday night in Atlans,
As an associate evitor on the Con
stitution, and a speaker much in
demand on those public occassions
where the progress of Georyiia wus
to be discussed. Mr, Holloman
was ever realy lo speak, and few
knew its great resources as he, and
was m:re willing to plead fori‘s
advancement than he. His death
resulted from a fall from the sec
ond floor of the Henry Grady h -
tel, where he bad gone o take
part in a meeiing where he was
named chairman of a “Greater
Georgia” committee.
We councur in the expressions
of sentiment expressed by the
Georgia Association of County
Commissioners who urge a $75,
000,000 bond issue, carrying with
it the repayment of the countis
who have previously advenced
money to carry on the work in
their own counties. Charlton has
advanced over S7OOOO which
would materially aid iz the con
struction cf lateral county roads
No doubt plans wiil be adopted in
the regular session of the legisla
ture on their suggestion, and the
question submitted to the voters
atthe next gubernatorial e'ection,
So mote it be.
After the sixth attemp! to live
together, a 17 year old Atlanta
girl shoots her 18 ycar old hus
band three times then takes he
own hfe, Boozing was the hus
band fau!lt anda the parents insist
ance that they try and live to
gether. Oh, well what is the use
in ying to do the impossible -
boozing forbids happiness for any
The Presbyterian general coun
¢il have designated March 3rd, the
day procecding the inauguaration
ol the President as “nationul
loyalty da= They stress the point
that the program is devised to
uryge upon young people through
out the present year their coopera
tive action,
| Mr. Frank Pacetti, of St. Marys,
dead, at 76 years of age. He
was buried on the Ilßth Revs
Kemp and Morrison olficiating,
L The Herald bas long ago come
to the conclusion that the processof
tright thinking was on a basi= of cor
recting the evil or weakness of a
law and not criticism or destrue
ltinn of the law iseli.
' Dis ‘hardly possible to do any
ithing withont eriticism or some op
position, but much dissattisfaction
can be overcome by judicial action
on terms of equality, Let us set iy
motion a program that will cause
people to have respeci for our laws
by courts functioning properly and
law breakers, both of low or high
degree, being punished on a bssis
lof not the perscn but the uet it
We wiliingly admit that methods
of carrying out special laws, such
as the prohibition, the game and
even the compillsory school laws,
are not such as to create a pro
found respect or a betler kelmu}
towaras them, That the real pui
pose of these laws are for the u!-l
timate good of every one there ¢ n
be no doubt, yet when it ecomes
to their enforcement, or punish
medt, there is a laxity that show.
a contempt for them.
The arrest of a millionaire i
Baker county, who had purchascd
fields and forest fora game pie
serves, sowed in grain, or perhaps
spread feed to attract and hold t s
game on his possessions, led e wa -
]aen to make charge agaiust 1.
owner for "batin his field.” W.|
il seems an Injustice that a own ¢
of land cannot use it in produch E
ana caring for his use, vet ti¢!
wording of ihe law, uilows no Ji
tinction or difference whether | ¢
was producing game for himse
or bating for <elf producing Lir .
0 exterminate them. 3
i We are thinking anyway that .
law that tends to reguiate cur ha! -
its or ivertics in which there we: .
no pasi restraint, would aceompii- 1
much more Sy a reasoning proce-s
creating a definae conclusion tn:
the habits we were cultivating
were harmful to our gooa and ¢ -
structive of good goeveriment anid
our coonmon welfare, and should
be remeaied on a basis of worki .
together to preserve our health
our resources and restriction) of
those acts that are fundamentsl in
making people worthy of the best
government in existence, |
Mauy laws are geod in purpose,
but poor in effect, The trouble is
that there is 100 much indiffcrencel
as to what the law created for
and an idea it is for the regulating
of your life and not mine. i
Grim death is no respector of ‘
persons. Ex-Senator Oscar U:-
derwood answered the long roll
Sunday. :
Charlten should begin now plan
ning its road nrogram, so that in
the futu~e when rcads are built
freshet will not carry them away -
(offee county is telling folks o!
the Lig tme they exnec’ ty have
at ther county ivir thas fall, The
!righ! way to do a thit g is to stur
‘.n e,
Young Stribling, on the roal o
the championship, tcok an awful
when hie boxed sous rounds with
wur Glenn Chat cey, Tuesday, in
Judge Robert Lang, 84, died
Waverly on 17th. He was one oi
Camden's pioneer citizens and
had a large circle of warm iriends
throughout this section,
Newspaper men are happy now
that they have worked up a meet
ing between President elect Hoove
er and his lnte opponent, Governor
Smith down Miami wav. Perhaps,
since they are in the lund of flow
ers, they'il tuss a boquet at one
Tax Receiver’s Rounds
The Tax Receivers first rounds are-—
Winokur, February 6th, 9 to 11 o'clock
Mattox 4. 2t 4 5
;M”"“"’(‘ i el Y
[SI. George, 110 4 £
Fraders Hill Bth,. St bV
’Folkslon 4 Oth, 10to 4
’ H. H. CREWS, Tax Recei er,
6 6 6\
is a prescription for
It is the most speedy remedy known
Your Druggist.
OEFICE HOURs:—2 to 5:20 p. m.
710930 p. m.
' ~Deautifu
A oy
gt Flowers
Hastings' customers will get 50c¢
worth of beautiful flower seeds abso
lutely free with their orders this
spring. Also you get 25¢ worth extra,
of your own selection, with each dol
lar's worth of vegetable and flower
seeds ordered. The big, new, spring
Catalog tells all about it.
This great value is the Hastings’
policy of giving more good seeds for
your money than you’'can get any
where else. :
The South's Planting Guide—Has
tings’ big, new, 136-page, 1929 Catalog
of Seeds, Plants and Bulbs with valu
able planting calendars, culture direc
tions, 380 pictures from actual pho
tographs and dependable descriptions
of the best of “Every thing That
Grows”——comes to you by return mail.
A post-card will do. Please write for
it now.
e e e e ettt e e ee et e el
Give v 'uincome and pleasure.. In a few Seasons
. . i .
they will return fine dividends,
FIRST cost will not be Jreat; smali sums will cover the upkeep Your prog -
tery valves will increase right away,
PEACHES and plums give quick resulis—=and may be planted amcng other
trees Pecans are hishly profitable after a few yeams; For home ground
orname<ntation, piant roses, shrohe and vines.!
You may be surprised o lear® how little it will cost to start, Even if your
placeis a «mall one, room for a few fruit and nut trees can be found, Flow
ers, eyergreens and like plants and shrubs require bu little space, Plang
NO W for the future—~ti will pay vou!
WE HELP YOU select th* right kinds and offer you good stock a fair prices
Send to-day for free copy of our eaiulog and planting guide'
Griffings Interstate Nurseri
FlNngs inierstate Nurseries,
. Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Charlton County.
By virtue of an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, issued at the
January Term of said Court, the under
sioned will sell at public outery, before
4he Court House door of said county on
the first Tuesday in February, 1929,
between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following
described real estate belonging to the
ate 1. R, Privatt, situated in said coun
ty and-state, to-wit: -
Ty ¢ east one-half (1-2) of land lot
Number One Hundred and forty-three
(143) of the first land distriet, contain=
ing Two Hundred and Forjy.five (243)
acres, more or less, and bounded on
the Norih and East by the lands of To
ledo Manutactu ing Co., and South by
jand lot Numher 156 and on the west
by lands of W. H. Privett.
This the 7th day of January, A. D. 1929
Jesse W. Vickery.
Adminstrator upon the Estate of
I'R Privatt
Citation for Discharge
GEORGIA —Charlton County.
H. ¢ Hodges, has applied to me for
a discharge from his Guardianship of
Eunice (Rome) Sikes, this is therefore
to netify all persons concerned, to file
their objections, if any they have, on
or before the f.rst Monday in February
next, else H. S. Hodges, will be dis+
chargea from his Guardirnship as ap
plied for. H. G. uibson,
Ordinary Charlton Gounty.
Dr. A, Fleming
Black Smith Shop
Now ready to serve you at
my home place Shop. Need
iron or wood work see me
J. 1. Wilds.
rxpertenced Workmen
Cleaning, Dyeing, Mendinz, Altering and Pressing
Folkston Pressing Club.
Sheriff Sales.
First Tuesday in February.
‘ .
i -
'GEORGIA Charlton County.
Wili be sold at the court house door
(in said county, on the first Tuesday in
February 1929, within the Jegal hours
of sale, to wit, all that certain tract of
land, (32) thirty two acres more or less,
in the 1142, District G.M. with improve
ments there on and bounded on =
north by l«nds estate of J. J. Bryant,
East by lands of Hatcher lands, and
lands of R. A. Bryant. and west by
lands estateof J. W. Bryant. Also, a
one half undivided Interest, in two
hundred and eighty of open laud ly
ino east of what is known, as the home
of Mrs. Ellen Prevatt and on the east
side of Folkston and Traders Hill road.
Said property bound as follows, on the
north, by land of P. C. Tracy, aad on
the east of lands of B. F. Scott, and
Mrs. Aunnie Johns, formerly, Mrs.
W. F. Davis. on the south by J. W.
Buchanan, and on the east, by Mis.
Ellan Pievatt. .
The other undivided interest in and
to two hundred and eight acres, be
longing to Alex Bryant. The said pro
perty levied on as the property of H.
?. Bryant, to satisfy 'an Execution,
Jssued on the first day of Sept. 1923,
from the County Court, of said county.
In favor of the Blackshear Manufactur
ing Company, and against H. P. Bry
ant, principle, T. E. Bryant, Endorser.
The above described property will be
sold subjeet toa mortage held againot
‘snid propeerty by The Ci izens Bank of
Fo'kston, Ga. .
This the Bth day of January, !
W. H. Mizell, Suertii.
Support Notice
GEORGIA, Charlton Countv,
The return of the appraisers sztting
apart twelve months’ support to the
family of KFrank Raulerson «ccc o
having bgen filed in my office al . =
sons concerned are cited to show cause
by the fourth (4) day of February 19.2,
wny said application for twelv:. inowths?
support should not be granted. This
January, Is.. 1929,
H. G. Gibson, Ordinary.
Pay your Subscription Now