Newspaper Page Text
9 olkston %tés and Z’[ena/s
Our Reporter Tells the News as its Told to Her.
Valentires on display in the stores.
Rueben Rayner Sun ‘aved at home.
Diamond Page was a week end visi
tor to Folkston.
Mrs. Benjamin Scott was visitor from
Hilliard, Tuesday.
Mrs. G. W. Allen is reported quite ill
at her home near Newell,
Mrs. H. J. Davis and Miss Rubye vis
ited Waycross, Tuesday,
" Judge Henry Johuson ison ihe roster
of those up frow the fl.
Dr.J. 8. Taylor was a Wednesday
night visitor to WaycJoss.
Mrs. J, 8. Joiner is among those on
the recovery list from flu,
Little Sara Catherine Mizell is on the
road to recovery from flu,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Mills were bus
(hess to Waverly, Wednesday.
Miss Virue Taylor, of Fairfax, is ¢
visitor to Mrs, G'ertrude Smith.
Mr. James Wrench spent a joyful
evening in Waycross Saturday.
Mr. Hesman J, Davis was a visitor
here Wednesdsy from Jacksonville,
Miss Lily Yopkins reported for duty
Monday after v vacation spent at Cres
ent. .
The M. E, Johnson telephone survey
crew have been doing some work here
this wesk.
The son of Mrs. R. M. Toy, of Lima,
Ohio and his daughter errived yester
day for visit.
Mrs. E. L. Martin and Otto have re
covered from the flu, but Lang 18 pew
down with it.
Marshal Barnes, T. A, Scott and Cur
Smith went to waycross, Wednesday,
after a ‘‘dog."”
* Brantley Roddenberry is at home af
&t\ quite a stay iu Ohio, looking just as
vatural as of old.
Mrs Wm. Mizetl, Jr., is recovering
from a threatening pleurisy attack.
Still confined but on the mend.
Hary Lee Mills went to Douglas Mox
day for his belongings, he withdraw
ing from school to go to work.
Mr. J. V. Gowan has just got abie to
get up from the attack of the flu. He
has had a hard tussle with it
Miss Byrdie Pearson, who enjoyed
the vacatien period at Avalon, return
ed to her school duiies, Monday.
The Superintendent of the couri
bouse roofing job, arrived yesterday
and will soon have the cover on.j
mrs., L. P. Gowen and the Misses
Denmark have recovered from attacks
ol the flu, at their Traders Hill home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stewart returned
from a Florids wrip, and after the week
here left for their future home in
Mrs, B. L. Cohron, who has been
with Mr. Gahron, at Adaivsville, is visi
ting her parents, the G, w. Gowen's st
A letter to the editor from Mr. W, W,
Bauman reports below Zero weather c 1
LaCrosse, Wis,, and a longiong for tl e
sunny south.
Nrs. J. L. Walker, of the Ware Diaic
Ihghway Road of Remembrance, an
nounces that fifty pecans will be p'i n
ted on the Highway, * >
Mrs. Flovd Larkins is visitiag ber
mother In Waycross, where she Is repoi -
ted tobeill, Floyd visited her Wedne.-
day tinding her improved,
Mics Sara Frances Hayes returncd
from Manstield, Sunday, and Myss Katl -
erine Moon, who spent her wvation at
Hoschton, returned with her.
Mr. 1. Simowitz, of Jacks mville, wi o
was re membered the Sergeant station
ed at the bridge during the was meet
ing o'd friends here this week.
It isleported that Mr. Joseph Colopy
of Dansvilie, Ohio, will be here shortly
with the purpose in mind to build him »
home on property owned in Homeland
Mayor and Mrs, Stapleton returncd
from Weston Sunday, accompanied b)
Miss Ruby Brightwell. Mr. Stapleton
reported both his mather and sister im
proved somewhat,
e P
Mra. Ora PP, Weatherington, who has
been here u few days in the interest of
the Woodmen circle organization she
Will establish here, will leave Saturday
morning to spend the week end at her
home vear Valdosta. Her dacghter
Frances Weatherington, and noices
Misses Bonnie Bell und Louise Carter,
will over Friday afteruoen to take her
E :
Last Thursday was cow dip dayfin
Folkston, wnich happens levery 'lez\
The Herald has printed a very neat
menu card for Banks Lestaurant this|
Americus is planting Crepe M;rile
trees as a par!.of{a ¢eneral communi.y
décorative scheme.
Rev. J. D. Poindexter and son, FEd
ward went o Screvea jyesterday fbut
will back at his post for Sunday service,
Why pay Sixty Cents for
butter, when you can get aut oleomar-l
gerine at one half at C. S. Bethel, Home
A registered Jersey male calf was re
ceiued by Ageni Hursey from Tifton on
Tuesday and placed with Mr. B. S,
The Passieu Motor Co., has received
one of thejoew parent ‘lift a car’’ jacks
that is a gandy. Roll the car on, up
it goes.
Attachment papers were issued by
Judge Zanks, snd served by Sheriff
Mizell on the Cadilac that was in the
wreck yesterday.
In the coupon gathering contest so
the orphans bome, Mr. Rayner tells us
Jane Jones won the prize for the bigh
¢4t number, 400 being her score.
Mrs. J. C. Perry was over from Wocd
Line the past week end, {reporting the
luck of their school—no lost time Irom
the storm last fall or the present epc-!
demic of flu, }
Mr. L. E. Mallard was a caller on Mr.
1. K. Larkins at Hoboken, Tuesday.and
Ar, Larkins returned the call Wedoes
ay indicating a trade brewiug when
hese two get together.
~ Mr. W. C. Brooks, of Snider, Texas
iropped in Saturday fto look up some
’property that he traded for sight un
seen, und found it, lot 124, nestling on
i the edge of the Okefenoke Swamp, |
Both Sunday Schools }had increased
numbers attending Jast Sunduy, but .t
was noted that the senjor class had the
most missing. Come out old folks a
welcome awaits you at both places.
County Agent Hursey returned home
from the Athen week of county agents
meetings with many things in mind,
but with pigs to inoculate and other
work behind, he’ll give it to you laier.
The Ephworth League wili journey
to Woodbine, en the 10th to take in
he District meet. The hope of a large
ittendance is desired. Full information
of tne affair given at League meeting
Sunday night,
Airplanes are centinously comtnz up
from Jacksonville and inspecting the
{acal field, flying low over the course,
the past week doing so, only a few
feet over it. A fphotograph has been
taken from the air, showing Folkston
in the distance. This field has been
fesignated No. 87, und classified D.
Mingo Stewart is studying to be an
wintor, and while taking a mail course,
s taked twl lessons ir the ais, He
aid that they wouldn't let him fly un
{er a thousand feet so that the teacher
would have time to right the plana if
gontrol was lost. Mingo has had the
flying buy in his head for some time.
Fred Askew is watching the work on
ais store going on Wwith bated breath.
3ays overything is ready to go right in
the opening day is to be on Saturday
Feb. 9th, and that he wants Lis mauy
to come a 1d see him,
Winokur {t re Roblbed
Saturday night at burzlar pulled
A smart trick on Fugene Rodden
berry at Winokur, He bore | sev
eral ouger holes in the door, hfted
the lock, entered and ramsacked
he store and departel silently
with S2O in each and with a hiberal
helping of subplies, leaving no
traces behind.
Locally evidently in quest of
gasoline some one entered Mre M.
deWay garage Saturday night, but
hothing was missed.
Tax Receivae’s Rounds
~ The Tax Receivers first rounds are—
Winokur, February 6th, 9 to 11 o'clock,
Mattox " 2R 4 "
‘:.uue .o I‘o ::2 %
Bt. Ueorge, * "t
Traders Hill * Bth, 3to 5 ¥
Folkston Sth, 1004
" H. H. CREWS, Bax Receier.
Methodist Church
Regular services at thie Metho
dist church next Sunday mornirg
und evening. Preacbing by the
pastor. Subject for Sund4ay morn
ning. "The World Mission of M~ih=
odist,” Sundiy evening '‘Our
Spiritual Debt.” Everybody core
’dl lly invited to these services, Al
-30 Sunday School and League
Services. ¢
Returned Home
The Herald in common with
many friends welecome back home
trom Cogdell. Mr. and Mrs, B. A,
Boyal and their charming daugh
ter, Miss Helen Battle, who it a
sfudent in the High school They
are located at their old home on
he Dixie Highwav.
Going to Jesup
The 4igh School Dasket Ball
Peam, accompanied by a number of
fans and Prof, Fargas n will go to
Jesup to day take part in tne tour
nament of schon!s invited, Folk
sjon plays Blackshear Friday a!
four, if winner plays 'Saturday the
winner in other game. The win
ners play championship off Satur
Saw Stribling Box
Dr. Williams took in the Strib
ting affair in Jacksonville Thesday
niggt and said that he looked #
coming champion, He gave then |
a view of his ability by jumping
the rope and boxing two rounds
wth Glean Chancey. He hit Chan
bay at will, but did not try to bu:
him. Stribling passed throu:b
Folkston late Tuesday evening yis
automobile enroute there, :
Breaks an Arm \
Master J, W, Vickery happened
to a pamful accident last Thurs
day afternoon, when in cranking
a Ford it kicked and brok:2 his
arm. He was taken to the hos
pital in Waycross to have it set
and he now is out and just s
iriskly as ever, It akes more
a broken arm to get J. W. dow..
Dry Measure Passed.
Harris’ $24,000,000 dey fund bil)
passed the senate Tuesday, with @
provision that the fund be used
by the direction of the president,
Secretary Mellon was ove of the
most bitterest foes of the bill, but
despi'e his oppos tion the bill has
zone to the House for ils aporov
al. In addition to this $250,000
was viven asa fund to be used by
president in investigation prohibi
tion enforcement to find a remedy
to enforce it. Every demoeratic
member of the serate except three
voted the bi'l, with thirteen of Ihe
dry purty sticking to their hobby,
which does not indicate much sin
cecity on the part of our pepub
hean il onds,
Dam Being Rebuilt
at Buchnan's Dixie Lake
Much iaterest is beio . manifest -
ed mn the construetion of the dam
at (ne Buchanan Dixie Luake.
Forms have been made and the
filing in of the the dam has been
under way for the past week.
Amouncement has been made
tha' a contemplated hunting Joige
wili"be constructed, und that after
the driveway from the Highway
bas been completed the Lake sub
division wil be duly put on the
' With the stocking of the lake
Wth fish, in addition to the pre
sent suppv 1t would uo! be long
ere it would be worth much toa
resort, and with the turuing inte
hunting reserves the large holding
of Dr. Ruchanan, I'ulk:ton_'wouldf
boast of as fine a resort for Sport =
man as uny of the idesl places now
heralded ns being beneficial to a
“The lack of flowers, grass, roses
and shrubbery around most farm
houses in the South 1s the most de
pressing fact of our farm life. We
need to ‘brighten up’ things around our
farm homes,” sald H. G. Hastings, of
Atlanta, recognized agricultural au
thority and president of the Georgia
Association, an orgapization working
for the better development of farm
conditions and the bringing in of
desirable settlers from other states.
“One of the greatest obstacles we
have in our work of getting new set
tlers located in Georgia is the lack
of any attempt to beautify the
home surroundings by our own peo
ple. Weather-bedten, unpainted houses,
tront and side yards bare of flow
ers, grass, shrubbery, roses and shade
trees give a black eye to the farm or
community. |
“Not only rural Georgia but the en
tire rural South needs the biggest
kind of a ‘Clean Up, Plant Up, Paint
Up' campaign., Go down almost any
country road in Georgia or other sister
states and hardly one house in ten
shows any attempt towards beautify
ing the home surroundings.
“This is not right. This is not fair to
wife, mother or daughter. This is not
fair to the boys growing up. Bare, un
attractive home surroundings just nat
urally encourage the women folks to
want to pick up and move to town. The
boys have no pride in a home with un
sightly, unattractive surroundings.
“Further, attractive home surround
ings add real cash value to the place.
Without attractive home surroundings,
almost any farm is unsalable at any
where near its value. Well-planted-up,
{attractive places often sell far beyond
their real value. Once made attractive,
the owner is usually so proud of it that
desire to sell ceases.
“Making homes and home surround
ings attractive in either country or
town is not expensive. Not necessary
to do it all at once. Make a start with
beds of easily-grown flowers, add &
few roses, flowering shrubs and vines
each year; put in a grass plot or small
lawn, and almost before one knows it
you will have home surroundings so
beautiful and attractive that it is the
talk of the whole neighborhood.
“Clean up, plant up, and, if you can
afford it, paint up in 1929.”
* s
The Picture Show.
Paxton's Theat
axton's Iheatre.
Admission 35 and 15 cents
‘ Eight O'Clock
Comedy Every Night
Good Comedy title given later.
Feature—*‘A Horse on Broadway."”
| Star Cullen Landis.
This is a big dicture,
Comedy title given later,
Feature—"Wrong's Wiighted.”
This Picture is a Wow.
The basket of groceries will be
given away to the winner, rightafter
the show.
Now in arder to win this Premium,
‘ou must be in the Theatre with your
roupons at the time of drawing, |
Wi called the drawings off for Tues
day vight becuuse of cold weather,
Monday, Feb , 4th,
This show will be announced Satur
lay night.
JédelA Charlton County.
To all whom it may concern:
Mrs. (i. B Caryenter having in proper
form applied to me for Permanent
Letters of Administration on the esiate
of Mry C. E. Welch, late of said county
this is to cite all and singular the cred
‘tors and next of kin of Mrs. C. E
Welch to be and appear at z office
within the jtime aliowed by saw, and
show cause, if any they can, why per
mant administration should not be
granted to Mrs. O. B. Carpenter on the
Mrs. C. E. Welch estete.
Witness my hand and folficial signa
ture, this 15th day of Janvary, 1929,
OUrdinary Charlton County,
Genuine American Wire Fence.
If you do not find American Fence
in your local market.
Come to See Us or Write for Prices.
Harley-Vann Hardware Company
410 Elizabeth Street WAYCROSS, GA.
Spring :Tonic Time
On the rcod to Wellville after an attack
of fluisa good tim= tc tone up the system
with a good tonic. Care and attention
after an illness is a permenent health requi
site which should be observed to keep well.
L-t, us fill your Prescriptions.
Folkston Pharmacy:.
Prescrip ion Compounded (arefully.
The Market Flace
W. J. JONES ™ Hace of Good
Community Progress
Lets us Make 1929 A Banner Year.
The Citizens Bank
Folkson, Georgia Nahunta
i O .
~~sne [ escription Drug Store.”
A proposition worth the atten
tion of good farmer. SSOO pay
ment, balance to suit. Rented.
A newly built home, close to
the School at a bargain.
Highway Lots on your own
term and priced right.