Newspaper Page Text
Charlton Ciunty Heral!
OMelal Organ e' Chariton Count,
- KEstablis hed 1900
Batered at the Postoffice at Folkston,
Ga., as socond class mail matter, Muw-
Hshed on Thursday of each week
Member Georgia Press Assoclation
and Kleventh Disiriot Assoclatior
OB YOI oiiicmcsisisivisimpuiiigmmmiinaronsh &
Voreige Advertising l!qn-w.-mm~ e
e American Press Association
sehool Monday boys.
Wayeross lifted the flu ban lact
Miami is preparing for a heavy
weight fight—Feb,, 27 is the daf«
The present epedemic of the
flu has developed one fact, vaccine
as a cure failed to function. an)
its trial proven it of no value :s
a preventive,
The cucumber growers hav
been offered anuther contract !
grow them this season. It ri
mains to be seen what effect Jas
vears failure has on the grower
Paragraph in Jourral Herald:
“Tax Exempticn carries in Sava
nah by a vote of 5,742 to 29"
Yea bo, every body would v)!
for that in every county in th
Milledgeville has put a licens:
tax on bus lines carrying expres |
of $l5O per year, based so the,
cay on the same “manner as the
tatlroad and express company
pays.” {
* DeKalb county is considering
an annex to its jail to fake cae
of violators of the dry law.”
~ It won't do, unless you put the
innocent ones in to keep 'em from
the contagion.
Al Smitii plead with the demc
crats last week to stand by th,
party and pay its election deb!.
Its a bad sign for members of
a party to let a deficiency stand
against it just because it lost.
The vew police commissioner
of New York says that newspapers
that publishes sob stories of crime
are hurtful and encourages the
younger element to violate the
law s 0 as to “get 1n the limelizht."
I'he Herald is trying to make its‘
new resolution good by giving
you a better paper. All that we
ask of you is that you come across
wilth your paid up subseription
just to show us you appreciate the
effort, |
With the Highway squabble
settled, let Holder alone to i b
his work, and let the auditors
talie care of the finanial state
ment, It is time enough to cro.s
bad bridges when he gets to them
and wot anticipate the worst,
A plan 1o eatch up with hish
school work when school starts
Monday has been made by Sup:
Harris, and we ask the co-opers
tion of the pupils to put it over
Let us learn while we have th
chance and make the best of the
lost opportunity,
Ware county will vote or a bond
issue March 7 to see if they will
back a new county hospital, It
volers see its need as other folks
do, they will go out and record
their vote in its favor, as Way
cross located as it is must of nc
cessity take steps to take care of
Talking progress is a good sign,
yet there is a better way of illus-’
trating how progressive a ccmmu
nity really is. That is by the busy
appearance of the business houses
'in the community, and the ygoing
and coming of the daily laborer
lon his way to his work, That is
la sure sign of some doing,
Right now the constuction of
the conrt house denotes progres
sive nature, because while we bad
to have a new court house, we are
showirg by the splendid structure,
in its strong vaults, and roominess,
that we expect to safe gaurd our
records as well as by the proper
handling of our court affaias for
| vears to come.
The enlargement of the post
office quartersi the up to-dateness
of the remoddling progress of the
new store, as well as the Dean
and Gowen business, together
with the organization of the Citi
zens Company, marks the era of
bove in the breast of our busiress
The proposed paving of Second
Street for at least four blocks
should be given serious taouognt.
Ne can all well remember what
the paving of Main street, with
some mile and a half of sidewalks
did towards improving Folkstor
and stamping it as a forward g
ng town. Ifit be true that one
‘mprovement bring on anothe:
why not let us spread ourselve "
‘0 s2t the pace with the paving of
his street while times are dui
abor cheayp as well as materia'.
We realizz that it takes more than
talk to made progress, but it 1s the
height of folly to sit still and
brood over a little hard run of bad
luck, when eyerylone knows tha
it is the go-getter that counts his
gains, and the first one to step for
ward is the pace maker that leads
the race.
Let’s go forward folks,—why
hegsitate? Thoseare the kird that
are loss.
If our religious workers would
jconstruct some plan of publicity
to gain crowds, like the yellow
sheets da to work up interest in
some criminal of “a family of cu'-
ture and means,” perhaps we
might make better headway in
saving lost souls,
~ One of the racidentals of the
occasion of the banquet to the
stock holders and county officials
last week, was the presenting to
Mrs. Wm. Mizell, Sr., a beautiful
bouquet of roses Weoverlooked
this little item, but we think s»
much expression of esteem and
love can be shown by the senti
ment of roses that we mention it
Our friend N. E. Roddenberry
of Winokur was down to see us
Fridav. He reports school in
rperation and with a good atten
dance and business brisk, He i«
evidently thinking it will be better
s he just telling us what a nice
stozk ot Peter Shoes he had goi
v 1 g well as a big stock of hard
vare, and incidentislly ke paid hi
ubseription up to Jan , 1930,
A meeting has been called in
Waveross for early in Februar
to discuss the organization of »
weiety to be kiown as "The Uke
fenokee Preservation Societr,”
which 1s the beginning of a pui
pose o convert that wenderful
body of wilderness in to a Nationul
Patk, to pieserve it 48 a bird sune
tuary and all of its historica!
wonderland That is a place that
has the making of the grestest
natural scenic wilderness of beauty
and beast we know existing.
Dr. A, Fleming
TELEPHONE 19 FoLkstoN, GaA, '
As we read our neighbor news
papers, with it columns of sadness
in the passing of their good citi
zéns, we cannot refrain from peus
ing and offering up to our divine
creator our most prayful thanks
for his goodness in allowing us 1o
pass through the epedemic of en
fluenza which we are now under
going without the death of any
of our people.
We knew we are not wor
thy of his gocdness, and yet
we feel it has awakened in us an
appreciation of it all, and that the
fruit of this kindness will bear
good towards his kingdom, What
it means to escape the penalty of
such trizls in making us under
stand that in taking care of out
heal' h we are strengthened to di
more in furthering the work the
Lord would bave us do towards
our neighbors
With the promise that Col, Sam
Tate will take the chairmanshiy
f the Highway Ccemmission, we
wre ¢lad tnat the Highway sclution
sat hand. He ’s a friend of bo'h
hairman Holder and Gov, Hard
nan, a man of unquestionabi
ibility, and the ideais to that b«
ind Holder will work out a pla:
vhen heis to assume charge of
be job, in June. Holder will be
[ Howed to “get things straight
r an rudit and then drop cut
f the picture. There is no douin
hat Holder over dig trying 1
:over too great a territory with
too little funds, and that in trying
r appease many he has killed th
qonfidence of more in his abilits
to brild permanent Highw.ys.
But here hoping fractional fight
over the highway s done with.
We repeat it, and will keep itfup,
that what ever pian adopted on @
bond issue scheme to build th
highway system, must also includ.
the repayment of the counties
loan throngh boads, from the
beginning. Why denv progres
to the county roads, wealth pro
‘ducvrs of the towns, until long
distance travel has bad its ful!
share. Community progress mus!
not be side tracked until the last
day. Let us all work in harmony.,
with helpful atlitude towards one
another, and not I+t any selfish
plan deny those who have been
30 helpful towards creating a state
highw: y system in the past. We
gave Ireely of ours —we expect
our favor to be reciprocared,
“Isn't it easy to forget sordid
things? You hardly remember
when the streets of Wayeross
were sand beds, and yet it was
but a few months ago "=Journal
What a parable. Our Main
street made us forget a lot, and
we are trying to =et them now to
forget Second street with the re
moval of the postoffice to tha'
“ A mail campaign ‘to tike
the church to those who «o not
goto charch” s planncd by the
Protestant Episcopat Chared.”
W hat the chureh is missing by
not usiag the newspaper to fur
ther their workz is more than tuey
;’c:m figure. i s o good thing
why not let the world know so
they can “practice what they
Ferhaps the Chhango priest that
lead & raid on a soeskensy and
personally smaghed 500 quarls of
bouze suggest an idea «n how to
mwake law enforcement better,
He wes rathyßbecause the joint
was running near a Parish school
and selling boys mooushine.
Tnomas Edison, inventor, past
80, has cut down his working day
to 12 hours. His health must be
failing J
is a prescription for
[t is the most speedy remedy known
Your Druggist.
A € BLISS, D. C,
OEFICE HOURs:—2 to 5:30 p. m.
710930 p. m.
Citation for Discharge
GBORGIA —Charlton County,
H. S. Hodges, has applied to me for
4 discharge from his Guardianship o!
Eunice (Rome) Sikes, this is therefore
to notify all persons concerned, to file
.heir ohjections, if any they have, ov
or before the first Monday in February
next, else H. S. Hodges, will be dis
charged from his Guardis nship as ap
plied for. H. G. uibson,
Ordinary Charltun County.
Support Notice
- JEORGIA, Charlton Countv.
~ The return of the appraisers setting
apart twelve months’ support to the
family of Frank Raulerson deceased,
‘having been filed in my office, all per
sons concerned are cited to show cause
by the fourth (4) day of February 1929,
wny ssid application for twelve mo:.ths’
support should not be granted. This
January, Is.. 1629,
| -H. G. Gibson, Ordinary.
Black Smith Shop
Now ready to serve you at
my home place Shop. Need
iron or wood work see me
J. M. Wilds.
Syrup Labels
eßsttt 0885 e —————————————————
Give v 'u income and pleasure. In a few Seasons
they will return fine dividends,
FIRST cost will not be zeeat; small sums will cover the upkeep. Your prop
tery valves will increase right away,
PEACHES and plums give quick results—and may be planted amcng cther
trees Pecans are highly profilable afier a few years: For home ground
ornamentation, piant roses, shrubs and vines.y
Your may be surprised o learn how little it will cost to start, Even if vour
place is a small one, room fora few fruit and nut trees can be found. Flow
ers, eyergreens and like plants and shirubs require bu little space. Plant
NOW for the future—ti will pay you!
WE HELP YOU select the right kinds and offer you good stock a fair prices,
Send to-day for free copy of our catalog and planting guide’
Griffings Int Nurseri
riings Interstate Nurser I€S,
Sheriff Sales.
First Tuesday in February.
GEORGIA, Charlton County.
Will be sold at the court house daor
in said county on the first Tuesday
in February, 1029, within the legal hour‘
of sale, tuwit. 212, acres of land, in,
and lot, No. 15, in the first land Dist. of
said county, and bounded north by L.
5 Conner, and Hansel Carter, and on
the south by lot No. 24, with improve
ments tkereon said land levied on as
the property of H. M. Crews, to satisfy
an Execution. Issued from tbe Coun
ty Court of said county, on the Ist- day
of Sept. 1928, in lavor of the Black
shear Manufacturing Company against
‘P. C. Brooks, principle, and H. M.
Crews, Endorser. This the Sth. of
january, 1929.
The above described property will
ve sold subject to a Federal loan $llOO.
W. H. Mizell Sheriff
GEORGIA, Charton County.
- 4Will be sold at the court house door,
in said county, on the first Tuesday
in February, 1929, within the legal
hours of sale, to-wit, all tnat tract of
Jand, 30 acres more or less, in the
32nd. Dist. G. M. and bounded, north
by lands formerly belonging to Rosela
Cobb, now Thomas' Estate, and south
by lands of Mrs. H. A. Cannon, north
ind west by the A. ¢. L. R. R, with
improvements there on, said lard lev
.ed on as the property of J. W. John
son, to satisfy an ixecutian, issued
on the first day of September, 192§,
from the county Court. of saia county,
in favor of the Blockshear Manulac.ur
ing Comp.ny, and against, A. D
Williams, as principa’, and J. W John
son, endorser.
The propertv wili be s 1d stbject to
a Mortgage held against said property
by The Citizens Bank, of Folkstin, Ga.
This the Bth day of January. 1929.
W. H. Mizell, Sheriff,
GEORGIA Charlton County.
Wilt be sold at the court house door
in said county, on the first Tuesday in
February 1929, within the Jegal hours
of sale, to wit, all that certain tract of
land, (32) thirly two acres more or less,
in the 1142 District G.M. with improve-
cxperienced Workmen
Cleaning, Dyeiag, Mendinz, Altering and Pressiric,
Folkston Pressing Club.
ments there on and bounded on the
north by l«nds estate of J. J. Bryant,
East by lands of Hatcher lands, and
lands of R. A. Bryant. and west by
lands estate of J. W. Bryant. Also, a
oue half undivided Interest, in two
hundred and eighty of open land ly
ino east of what is known, as the home
of Mrs. Ellen Prevatt and on the east
side of Folkston and Traders Hill road.
Said property bound as follows, on the
north, by land of P. C, Tracy, and on
the east of lands of B. F, Scott, anu
Mrs. Aunie Johns, formerly, Mrs.
W. F. Davis. on the south by J. W.
Buchanan, and on the east, by Mrs.
Ellan Prevatt.
The other undivided interest in and
to two hundred and eight acres, be
longing to Alex Bryant. The said pro
perty levied op as the property of H.
P. Bryant, to satisfy an Execution.
Jssued on the first day of Sept. 1923,
from the County Court, of said county:
In favor of the Blackshear Manufactur
ing Company, and against H. P, Bry
ant, principle, T. E. Bryant, Endorser.
The above described property will be
sold subjeet to a mortage held against
said propeerty by The Citizens Bank of
Fokston, Ga.
This the Bth day of January, 192).
W. H. Mizell, Sheriff.
~ Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA, Charlton County.
By virtue of an order of the Court of
Qrdinary of said county, issued at the
January Term of said Court, the under
signed will sell at public outery, before
the Court House door of said county on
the first Tuesday in February, 1929,
between the legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the following
described real esiate belonging to the
ate I. R. Privatt, situated in said coun
ty and state, to-wit:
T) e east one-half (1-2) of land lot
Number One Hundred and forty-three
(143) of the first land district, contain
ing Two Hundred and Forjy.five (245)
acres, more or less, and bounded on
the North and East by the lands of To
{edo Manutactu-ing Co., and South by
I'nd lot Numher 156 and on the west
vy lands of W. H. Privett.
This the 7th day of January, A. D. 1929
Jesse W. Vickery.
Adminstrator upon the Estate of
IR Frivatt