The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, June 12, 1908, Image 8

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Presbyterian Church. The second and fourth Sabbath of each month are the regular days for our preaching services. Next Sabbath at the forenoon service we will observe the sacrament of the Lords supper, and we hope that all may come prepared by selPexauunination and prayer to partake. The services at 8 p m will be of an evangelistic nature. Sabbath school at 4 p m and prayer meet mg on Tuesday night. We ex¬ tend cordial invitation to attend our meeting. Metliodist Church Men’s rayer meeting945 a m. Pu blk worship 11 am bupday school 4 pm. Lvening services p m. T G Lang. - Box ball it hejps others and will help you. Bad # Symptoms. The woman who has periodical head* aches, backache, sees imaginary dark spots or specks floating or distress dancing heavy before her eyes, ha^cnawing or ging-downAiling full feeling vn/tomach, faint spells, drag¬ in lower abdominal or pelvic irreguklT'or region, easily startled or excited, jHvic painful catarrh, periods, is suffering with or with¬ from out weakilifcsp ari^flerangcments ay^ntion. that should have - iWly alikely be Not all of in above symptoru /i to present any case at one me. Ncgloeton or badly treated and such cases/often man/ Ufe run Into maladies which de fatally. surgeon's knife If they do not re enedk-ine extant has such a long A luwcmiff TTr7pT(-r>;*‘'s xmiaL pLcurtS^sue ff _H S L ay:,mile.rifiBCIiU . NO medicine has such a strong uY l AuT^sionaT each severaJ IhvreOicxitii—worth mure limp any tha&Qi&JA. iiiurjiifr of (.rmiiar-v The non-orpfeyion^TT. best ingredients s medical very for known to science the cure of woman’s peculiar ailments enter into its composition. No alcohol, harmful, or habit-forming list of its ingredients drug is to be found in the bottle-wrapper and attested printed on each under oath. In any condition of the female system, Pr. Pierce’a Favorite Prescription can do only is strengthen, good—never invigorate harm. Its whole effect to female and regulate the whole system and especially the pelvic organs. When these are de¬ ranged In function or affected by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympathetically deranged, the nerves bad, unpleasant arc weakened, and a long list of symptoms follow. Too much must expected of this '’Fa¬ vorite Prescription.” It will not perform miracles: will not cure tumors—no med¬ icine will. It will often prevent them, if taken in time, and thus the operating table and tho surgeon’s knife may be avoided. Women suffering from diseases of long Standing, are Invited to consult by letter, free. All correspondence is held as strictly private and sacredly confidential. Ad¬ dress World’s Dispensary Medical Associa¬ tion, Dr. H, V. Pierce. Pres., buffalo, N. Y. Dr. sent Pierce's fee Medical receipt Adviser(1000pages) of 21 1 ' on one-cent \ps >lh for paper-covered, or 31 stamps * bound copy. Address as above. CUT-PRICE SALE At Miller’s Store Saturday June 13 DAYS TWO Monday, June 15 THESE PRICES SPEAK FOR Cut-Price No. 1. SKIRTS.—A'lot of woolen skirts itt Panama,, Chiffon Panama, Suiting, splendidly tailored skirts in black, blue, brown, gray ami plaids, stylish skirts and values up to $8. Out price for Saturday and Monday------ *.#4.98 Cut-Price No. 2. wimr wash suits and SKI RTS.—Wo have left tour or live wash sun and about a dozen skirts in white linene. We are going to close them out Monday, and make these tprjoes tor a quick sale: Suits worth #<>, Cut-price Sale . 83.48 Skirts worth So, Cut price Sale $1.75 -Cut-Price No. 3. bress GINGHAMS.—Lot of the very best quality Dress Ginghams worth 15c a yard to go on Sale Saturday and Monday— 10c Cut-Price No. 4. PERCALES.—Lot of the very best quality Percales, yard wide, worth 15c a yard, to go on Monday 10c Sale Saturday and I TWO CUT-PRICE Our whole line men’s Sox that sell at 35c and 25c, Saturday and Monday - tie price per pair 19c/ . SPECf A LS FOR 8V1 E N . Whole line men’s Sox that sell at 50c, Saturday and Monday Sale pric I* r pair 39c Remember the Sale la&s for two days—Saturday, June 1 th and Monday, June 15th. Waists Big Cut-Price Saturday, Sale and Lawn Monday. Shirt MILLER’S STQR1. Underwear Big Cut-Price Saturday Sale ladies’ & MoJidaj- Muslin ■rjfr*-* Knights of Pythias Banquet One of the most enjoyable events of the season was the annual Banquet of Knights of Pythias Olympia Lodge No. 116 at the Harris House Friday evening. The rooms where the guests were entertained were beautifully decorated in the Knights Pythias colors, red blue I an( j yellow, The following program was carr ied out: Opening Ode Knights and Ladies Address of Welcome -O M ? 0 “ se '' Glac ^Z ' 1 " ^'1 L P Gray, P C Toastmaster.! Toagts _ Friendsh . c E Martin .! Ghanty H „ A Mathews. Benove lence—W O Stephens. The menu consisted of three courses and the color scheme was carried out in the refreshments. The cakes had the letter K P oil them in red and blue and the mints and cream were also of K P colors. There were over a hundred presentand all voted the occasion a very enjoyable one and long to be remembered. There were several impromptu speeches made during the evening and all thanked the members for their kind hospitality and elegant ban¬ quet; wishing they would come more often. Mrs W H Harris deserves great praise for the excellent manner in which she prepared and conducted the banquet and all who attended feel grateful to Mrs Harris for her thoughtful¬ ness. HUMAN MrtC.-fifiLiOf The marvelous ichfinicel ■options if today are but men: toys compared to the human body. This is one machine that must be given constant and intelli¬ gent care. Once permitted to run too far without skillful repa.r, the wreck is ji!, "head. STUART’S E'JCHU AND U MI PER h-s repaired more hum..a i , relieved the strain on weak parts ana co celv K' f ked the cause than ; nvi rating cordial. L relit ta$~ eases, cat Ux. dropay, gravel, liead'gl )C am in the hack and :uie loss of jp: ite. general debility, neuralgia eepie ness, rheumatism and nervousne. STUART'S Bl'CHU AND JLN IPER positively re lieves these diseases, At ail stores, $1.00 per bottle. Write for free s unpie. Stuart Drug Manufacturing Co., A T- «**-*• •* C. ‘-^rice No. 5. EMBROIDERIES.—Big lot em¬ broideries, edges and insertions, headings, i . filing to-day at 10c. Saturn;’. ' Monday 74c Cut-Price No. 6. embr; FRIES. Big lot em broiderie wide bouncings, edges, matched sets, etc., worth 25c. Saturday and Monday_____ 19c Cut-Price No. 7. APRON GINGHA S. — A pretty line checked Apr«. Ginghams, all colors. Saturday and Monday the yard____ —-5c Cut-Price No. 8. muslins. A pretty lie Dress Muslins in figures, stripe . :>tc., worth 74c. Saturday and Monday the yard 5e 4 SPILLER’S PALACE ICE CREAM PARLOR •HOT/.. t ,A 0 ni . -■ - ■A4 , ,Aj i* V 1 :< FORT VALLEY, GEORGIA. 1165 NEW AND OLD DRINKS HOT AND COLD SUM’IT ft AND WINTER. SPILLER’S SPRING AND SUMMER SPECIALS A GOOD STOCK STATIONERY AND A THOUSAND THINGS YOU NEED : vih ;jku SPILLER Snow Clad has Alps; the from flavors Flowery of the Florida world and at his the Soda Gem Fount—from of Sunny Italy and the I I the Antilles; from Fair France and the for Islands of ^he Seas. The sweetest anefbest fruitage yield their most delicious de-1 I serving at Spider’s Sodaf Fount. These tropical benefactions please and I the fancy of Spider’s well pleased patrons. Brands 5 and 10c Cigars sold at Spider’s. Cigarettes, etc. Stranger, that big crowd over there is not a A Labor Strike nor a Coroner’s Inquest > Spider’s place and they are calling for drinks. lee Cream the best on earth for the millionaire and the man with no home. poor boy and the millionaire both meet at Spider’s place. mmmm m mtmmmmm ■■■■—— mmmmm mwmwb— a——^ , - r ii uiu LL"-iiiii irimw I the earth got the contributes earth in in serving growing sodas, the Ices, fruits Bon that Bons furnish and Fancy Drinks. Every part I I the syrups for ad his popular B Delicious Drinks are no respector of Persons, pleasing alike, the bad boy, the natured girl graduate, bald headed the tired mother, the fat the mother-in-law, millionaire merchant, the prospective ||the bride, big banker/ the and man, the crusty the baseball fellow. They ad come and go to Spider’s place of course. FINE CANDIES AND CHOICE CONFECTIONS Cola Syrup and all Kinds „of Syrup Extracts, Etc. Glasses sold at Jobbers price to Soda Water Dispensers Cut-Price No. 9. white LAWN. — About 18 pieces white Lawn, a splendid, smooth quality, worth 15c. Cut-price Sale the yard . _______9c Cut-Price No. 10. undervests.- The best 25c Vest in Fort Valley, $ sizes and styles, plain and fancy. Cut-price Sale each_______ 19c Two Cut-Price Specials in Domestics Saturday and Monday. 20 yards limited to the customer good quality Sea Island Homespun__________________________ $1 10 yards limited to the customer Androscoggin or $1 Fruit Bleaching ___________________________ -