The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, June 19, 1908, Image 4

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The Foi»t Valley Leader. Official Organ of Houston Leader Publishing Co., Lessees. B. M. Reynolds, Editor and W. R. Branham, Associate PUBLISHED EVKHY FRIDAY. Terms of Subscription: One year..... Six months . Three months Smart*!nsswond-obiss post-olitee matt< r Aug.SB, tlie the at Fort Valley, Q».,under of Congress of March 8 1879, We cannot gurantee the cation of any article sent later than Wednesday noon. TEUTUONE 111 Fort Valley, Ga., »une 1 n 1QftR a , Owing to unusual nidi .i • an week our 'brillient are omitted. I he Country ~ rre p s “We regret to learn that a number of country in various parts H of Georgia suspend]nfr v pul»lRation ii: „ ami „,wi fi.o the editors are entering inojc lonu lucrative vocations,” says the Tallapoosa Journal. “The fact is the weekly press does not re ceive , -) i ‘ , onA ’ ann • ' port of the people that it should. Many people are possessed of the incredulous belief that it does not cost the country editor any thing to produce a paper each and every week throughout the year; We are at a loss to compre¬ hend how they dispense with the fact, that he has to purchase paper, type, ink, repair the machinery that he foolishly purchased, pay his employees, rent, etc. procure the very com mon necessities of life, pay the postage to 1 Tnele Sum and numcr Ous other expenses that daily occur. He purchases goods the merchants of his town, pays him the n uJar price, and when the merchant wants any printing done he sends of to the city to procure if and even pay more than the local paper would have charged him and yet the paper labors night and day to bring people to the town to patronize the same merchant. Yet merchant is public spirited the only real use that can made of him will be to hades. If the paper gets business from the merchants actually fixes the paper’s for job work and advertising.” —Ex. Tittle Omnia Wilson passeS to Beyond. After an illness of several little Onida the two year old daughter ’of Mr and Mrs E Wilson dies, The interment was at Pleasant Hill cemetery Craw ford county, In their deep and poignant sorrows Mr and Mrs Wilson have the sympathy hundreds of friends EXCURSION TO TYBEE JULY 1, 1908 via Central of Ga. R. R. Co. Faro.$3.50 Round Trip. Return limit 5 days. Train leaves Fort Valley 12.25 a- m. July 2, 1908. Spend 4th of July at Tybee. For tickets, sleeping car reser¬ vations and any additional icfoi" matron desired apply to H. B. Farish, ticket agent, Fort Valley, Ga. Deal With Horae Folks. Have your Pictures enlarged. Crayon 16-20 $1.50. Sepia 16-20 $2.00. Pastel 16-20 3.00. All work guaranteed satisfactory. We make frames and cut glass all styles and sizes, Work called for and delivered inside city Mmits free. Thigpen & Power. BIG CONTEST ON Popular Young Ladies in Race to Win. | LASTS ONLY FOUR WEEKS MORE j -ri The Trips • Offered /vrr . are . . r. Ones and Worth Winning. , | Subscription Popularty Contest opened The Leader’s Big continued the last Monday with interest, which has to grow as } K)Urs ro ]] e d by. Quite a number of young ladies have the race in each of the districts and they and their friends are going to make it a friendly contest of much interest and enthusiasm. Miss Stella Glass has created a sensation by holding first place each evening. She has done this by letting friends know that she j j wants for their one votes. of these The magnificent other companion ladies trips and doing asking likewise them young are now j ami we look for an exciting race during the remainder of the con test. There are several other popular young ladies who have decided to enter ' the race in a few days anybody’! and promise to make it interesting for thos e ttlready h ,. It’s ,nee. It’s not too late to y e ^ ' come j n and he the winner. You can never tell one evening what another day will bring forth in a race of this kind. The votes are easy to get and when the young ladies find that out, the results will be more startling each evening. week’s Leader must be voted Remember the coupons from last to-day (10th) or they cannot be counted. Get the coupons from this week’s Leader and vote them. They are not good after the nex t Thursday, June 25th, The contest closes July 18th and winners can get their trips as early after the close as they- choose. The vote up to the time of going to press yesterday was as follows; DISTRICT NO. J. Miss Stella Glass, Fort Valley—--------- 2,700 “ Clarence Houser, Fort Valley------- 2,500 “ Ettipime Baldwin, Fort Valley------ V- 2,400 Emma Anderson, Fort Valley----- 400 U Miss Clara Dasher, Perry--------- 400 u Clifford Moore, Perry-------------- 300 “ Will Mute Carter, Fort Valley----- 200 DISTRICT NO. 2. [Miss Blanch Green, Route 2, Fort Valley.. j '• Vickie Watley, Route No. 4. Reynolds 400 i “ \iinie<!rittith, Reynolds--. 300 *• Essie Bryant, Route No. 5, Fort Valley 300 “ Bessie Frederick, Marshallville 200 e Miss Joanna Vinson, Byron-------- 200 Do You Need A Telephone? The only man who doesn’t need one is stone deaf, lives alone, has no friends nor occupation. To art the telephone at least proves interesting, To some it will open up a means of making while to others it means social and business ment. Suppose you you see Lester Hartley, and have phone put in before the rush of the peach sea 6 on. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS j GEORGIA— T. Noble Houston has applied County. for guardian J minors deceased. ant?orphansofcifirkand Addle Oliver, cite all This is therefore to persons concerned to appear at the July term. 190 s, of tlio have, why said application should not \ be Witness granted. official signature this , . my June 1st, 1908. Ordinary. Sam T. Hckst, GEOliG IA —Houston Countt. H. A. Mathews, guardian of H. Vas tine Coryell, has applied for leave to sell the land belonging to said ward : This is therefore to cite all persons concerned to appear at the July Hous¬ term, 1908, of the Court of Ordinary of ton county and show cause, if any they have, why said application should not be granted. official . signature, . , this .. . Witness my June 1st, 1908. Hurst, Ordinary. Sam T. GEORGIA—Houston County \ I). Skellie. Guardian of Sadie L. Green, having applied to the Court of Ordinary of said County for a discharge from his said trust, this is to cite all persons concerned to show cause at the July Term, 1908 why the said A. I>. Skellie should not be dismissed from said Guardianship and receive letters of dismission accordingly. and official . Given under my hand signature. Sam T. Hurst, Ordinary. 3-12-4 NOTICE At the next session of the Gen-1 eral Assembly a bill will be intro- J duced the caption, of which is follows: “An act to amend an proved December 12th, 1859, en JiUed ‘An Act to incorporate town of Perry in Houston and to extend the limits of same etc.’so as to strike from the caption of the said Boned act and from each of said act and thereto the word ‘town’ it appears in said act aud to sert in lieu thereof the ‘City. 5 )> NOTICE At the next session of the Gen¬ eral Assembly a bill will be intro¬ duced the caption of which is as follows: I An Act to establish a City Court in and for the county of Houston, to define its powers, jurisdiction, procedure and prac¬ tice; to provide for the appoint¬ of a judge and other officers to define the powers of judge and other other officers 5 > and for purposes. NOTICE At the next session of the Gen Assembly a bill will be intro¬ the caption of which is as *. An Act to abolish the County of Houston County, to dis pose of the business pending therein, and for other purposes. May 15 1908. Dear Friend: They have hired me down at the grocejy. What do you think I do? Everywhere they put my picture, a new one each time, in the paper. My work is to tell every jbody where to buy good |groceries. I like my j place very well because is a good place where ithey treat one well. ' Thev V treat everone - jwell because where they IT work, good carry 1 groceries and sell itbem at the right W. K. Thweatt’s. a i 4 /ttfo I* | r* mm "3 SO LL 4 JS ^rsbj It's? 4i§ 6>. Macon. ■IllHIWt Z Vv'-'V'V' ft | John H. Simon I Wholesale Commission Merchant. Receiver and Distributor All Kinds of Fruit and Vegetables. 119 Dock St., Philadelphia, Pa. I Unqu estionable Returns References Daily Established 1873. Rea & Witzig Commission Merchants PEACHES Wanted in Car Lots H My Shipments, Daily Returns at Best Prices. [Responsible and Reliable. Some as Rood, None Bette. ‘ 104=106 Market Street* Buffalo, N. Y. • • Daily. Returns Made : References: Marine National Bank, Buffalo, N- N. Niagara ;Co National Bank, Lockport, N. Y. Maxfield Fruit & Com. Co. •New York. wSSKva '"f- 1 Portable and Stationary Boilers, Saw Mills Side Center Crank Crank atf STEAM OiNES Highest grade Ginning Machinery, Gasoline Engines, Shingle Mills, Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to be had in the entire South. Large stock on hand, It will best terms, to quickest esti delivery. machinery pay and y ou prices. mv gate our MALLARY BROS. CO. 3 tS>fS^ <r )exT?^ JevcoL 2f A V r A X /-/ob.r^s <& WCJ> ' Q ' , yr‘ 5 bt 1907 by Outciult Advertising Co.. Cfcft , Your-friend, JACOB. $ 922 If/ - . M S!Ji 11