The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, June 26, 1908, Image 4

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The Fort Valley Leader. Official Organ of Houston Loader Publishing Co., Lessees. B, M. Hi.YNoi.ns, Editor and W. R. Biunha iv Associate PUBLISHED EVEHY FRIDAY. Terms of Subscription: On i !>r . Tli 1*1 R: ntt^r A ijjf. .tutor 29,1900, the ti It For *v, (in., of ( Marti We cannot gurantee the publi¬ cation of any article sent later than Wednesday noon. TELEPHONE Ill Port (la., June JO, 1908. Watch The Leader grow! Once he called her ‘ darling, 1) And wrote her three times a day. Now they’re married he never Calls her anything but, “say”! When the scientists have suc¬ ceeded in destroying all the Hies, ■what will the spiders live on ’ poor things? Doubtless Mr. Bryan, seeing the volume Governor Johnston’s candidacy lias developed in so short a time must be I r ad the Denver Convention was not put off longer Out of several hundred dele gates who nominated Joe Brown in Atlanta this week, it was no¬ ticed that not ‘all 5 of them were railroad men, whiskey men or “durn fools.’ It will also he no¬ ticed that they endorsed prohi¬ bition. Now growl! Taft has been nominated as the Republican candidate for Preside nt, and will be elected un¬ less the Den i (, crats wake up to a realization or ’ i ! ft’s strength and put a stronger man against him • than Bryan. Governor Johnson is the only Democrat in the Uni¬ ted Stales who could stand any showing of beating Taft. The Democrats will refuse to vote for a man who has been defeated twice. Twelve years ago a President candidate proposed to pack the Supreme Couri in order to re¬ verse the income tax decision, The Democratic party has been out of power ever since it sup ported this candinate. If it wishes to remain out of power for twelve years more it can al¬ most certainly achieve such an¬ nihilation by another campaign to pack the Supreme Court and trample upon the Constitution of the United States. * The bill passed by the last Congress prohibiting labor by children under fourteen years of age and imposing a penalty on those who employ them, is a mis¬ chievous bill and the entire ar¬ gument of it is that parents do not know how to rear their child¬ ren and the inference is that there is not enough race suicide. It is really a measure for the promotion of vagrancy, although it is all done in the name of re¬ form and morality Sentimen¬ talism and hysteria are all too evident in recent legislation It is said that there is an un¬ derstanding that Secretary of State Root is, either before or after Taft’s election, to be ap¬ pointed as Chief Justice of the United States. Justice Fuller, appointed by Cleveland, is an old man and has a right to retire on full pay, but so far as is known, he has shown no intention of do¬ ing so. No better appointment than Secretary Root could be made. There is no better law¬ yer or broader or more brillient statesman in the country, nor perhaps has ever been. OUR BIC CONTEST Goes On With Interest—The Race a Close One. HELP SOME YOUNG LADY I \v/. win One of c nri These Magnificent » k , .r. Com : pamon Trirxc flip, a. - I The Leader’s Big Subscription Popularity Contest has been! quite interesting since our last issue. In the first district Misses Houser, Baldwin and Glass have been running so close until no one ; could even get an idea one afternoon who would have first place j the next. Some days it came near bein t tie between.them. in the 2nd district Miss Green lias held first pi ce the, entire week, hut some of the other young ladies in that district have started to work and promise to make it interesting for Miss Green. Miss Annie Sue Johnson, of Marshallville, is a new one in the race and j has held second place since she first entered the race. Some of those with a smaller vote in each of the districts have : climbed ui) considerably and may yet become one of the leaders.! A ny of them can come up to the head of the list if they would try,; for votes are easy to get. All you have to do is to go to your | friends and ask for their votes, They will readily subscribe fori the Leader and give you thevvotes which their subscriptions enti¬ tie them to. tle in ember a two-year advance subscription gets 500 votes and a live-year one giv-es you 3,000 votes. None of the young ladies have a very large vote yet and it is not yet too late to enter the race if you would like to get one of these companion trips. Take advantage of the 500 extra votes | offered in our big ad. Remember the contest closes July 18th and | yOU Olljj have three weeks after this one in which to get votes. Don’t delay; now is the time. The vote up to 4 o’clock Thursday afternoon was as follows: DISTRICT NO. J. Miss Stella Glass, Tort Valley_____ 31.350 u Clarence Houser, Fort Valiev 10,750 '• Etticnne Baldwin, Fort Valley___ 10,700 • Fintna Anderson. Fort Valley___ 1.300 “ OliiTord Moore, Ferry______________ 1,100 i I “ Miss Olam Dasher, Ferry_- 850 | DISTRICT NO. 2. ! Mis 1 »1 .. id) Grew {onto 2, Fort Valley... 4,200 - ■ Ann VS lie 4 110 I nson. e.U: Mars No. 4. allvilie Reynolds... 1,300j 8501 iv I , t s , ( 4 hssu ant Route i >vron_ IS »>, 1 Oi't v alley 850 800 | I « A nn 1 Reynolds. 750'| i nudel Route 3, 450 j '■IW' M r. »;ucL CRceve & Dead I On Friday the H)th our town and community was shocked by the sudden announcement that j our former fellow townsman, Mr Jack Glieeves had died at his home in Zenith- Having seen him in town that morning, it was hard to realize that we would see him no more. His was a fine old Georgia family who for several generations have made their homes in Grawford and Houston counties, and lie will be greatly missed by the friends who *knew him best. He leaves besides two brothers, two devoted daugh¬ ters, Mrs. Albert Skellie and Miss Parmelee Glieeves whose mother had proceeded him to the Glory-land more than ten years ago. May their Heavenly Father who is too wise to err,and too good to be unkind, be an ever present help and comfort to these sorrowing daughters and lead them gently home, where orphan¬ age is unknown. A friend. Do You Need A Telephone? The only man who doesn’t need one is stone deaf, lives alone, has no friends nor occupation. To aH the telephone at least proves interesting, To some it will open up a means of making money, while to others it means social and business better^ ment. Su ppose you you see Lester Hartley, and have a phone put in before the rush of the peach sea6on. G. W. Gasset Hurt J T’» vvhile switching cars in thel yard in Macon last Thursday, Mr G W Gas sett had his foot run ov er by a freight car and severely mashed. He was carried to Tl__ cut; hospital where he will be confined several months. It may become necessary to amputate his foot. Mr Gasset was reared in Craw¬ ford and has since lived in Fort Valley while running on the Per¬ ry branch. He is a conductor on the Central road. You have been looking at a piece of Flouncing or waist front at this store but waiting for the price to be reduced. The time is at hand, and Monday is the day. Every piece of Em¬ broidery in the house at cut price Monday. Miller’s Store. FOR SALE Another Fine Cow for sale Fresh in Milk. S. H. Bassett. May 15 1908. Friend; They have hired me at the grocery, What do yo U thii I do? Everywhere they put my picture, a new one each in the paper. My work is to tell eve rv where to but gooa agood place where they treat on wpl w e -i 1 jl • ?he Y treat ever one Where I work, because the y carry good groceries and sell them at the right * P. S. I work at. W. K. Thweatt’s. / Tj¥M *Sa o : ' J>r j* W > j5 •UrtSHS ' v,? /„ A .A# w% MM£k ****** ‘umm****** - t ■ jOW jj «ssr J* UWJ I* i'py P /, iATpyfPS p y * i ¥ w, 1 so •# 4sr V A/ * M f Jj * . Mew jg' iv„d mum#* k.ii—TK zwnwMnB! Portable and Stationary Eoiiersy Saw Hills ... Side Center Crank Crank and SMI ENGINES a Highest grade Ginning Machinery, I & E Gasoline Engines, Shingle Mills, AMI i Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to >N _w be had in the entire South. Large vy stock on hand, will best terms, quickest invest!- IPla ri : -ir delivery. It pay you to gate our machinery and prices. MALLARY BROS, MACHINERY CO. 3S0 Cherry Si. fVIACON, GA. ---- L I- 0 A L ADVERTISEMENTS GEORGIA—Houston -.ounty. J. T. Noble has applied tor guardian ship of J W. Oliver and .Marv Oliver, minors and orphans of Clark and Addie Oliver, deceased. This is therefore to cite ad persons licerneti to < .u the Julj tv mi. 1908, of the court of Ordinary of said county and show cause, ir any they have, why said application should uot be granted. official signature this Witness my June 1st, J908. 8am T. Hurst, Ordinary. GEORG IA— Houston County. H. A. Mathews, guardian applied of E. Vas tine Coryell, belonging has for ward leave to sell the land to said : This is therefore to cite all persons to appear at the July term, 1908, of the Court of Ordinary of Hous¬ ton county why said and show application cause, if should any l^iey not be granted. official this Witness my signature, 1st, 1908. Sam T. IIurst, Ordinary. E ORGIA —Houston Go an ty - A. 1). Skellie, Guardian of Sadie L. having applied to the Court of of said County for a discharge his said trust, this is to cite all concerned to show T cause at the Term, 1908 why the said A. D. should not be dismissed from dismission Guardianship and receive letters accordingly. official Given under my hand and Sam T. Hurst, Ordinary. NOTICE At the next session of the Gen¬ Assembly a bill will be intro- Wl-( Wl" l@y f ( '; ' <T> a ■ , \Sf J a cot/t 5 / c/ i M J ! 2)? a n) tSb£?aha.', ;__**>■ v it 1 Lt’.t Ad thbug Co., J Your friend, JACOB. duced the- caption, of which is as follows: “An act to amend an actap* pT° v ed Decem n , bei l9fh 1-ttl, iqkq l»oy, pn en . I titled An Act to incorporate the | town of Perry in Houston County an( j extend the limits of the same _ _ > etc " ; o SO P as f,, to cf.i-ike senae iiom fr-om the caption of the said iast-men tioned act and from each section of said act and amendments thereto the word ‘town’ wherever it appears in said act aud to in¬ sert in lieu thereof the word ‘City. ) )! NOTICE At the next session of the Gen ! eral Assembly a bill will be intro¬ duced the caption of which is as follows: (t An Act to establish a City Court in and for the county of Houston, to define its powers, jurisdiction, procedure and prac¬ tice; to provide for the appoint¬ ment of a judge and other officers thereof; to define the powers of the judge and other officers thereof, and for other purposes. n NOTICE At the next session of the Gen eral Assembly a bill will be intro¬ duced, the caption of which is as follows; County t t An Act to abolish the Court of Houston County, to dis¬ pose of the business pending 7* therein, and for other purposes.