The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, June 26, 1908, Image 5

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,-artwiK f BIG FREE TRIPS 0 e A? 0 & 5 n ! KT S li MqS 3^ Ii I V' II V s lui UUtfilUii ! •ms? 1 « ■ ■ i ~ I V 3l? d The Fort Valley leader’s Big Subscription Popularity Voting Contest begins June 15th, lf68, and closes July 18th, at f o’clock p. in. The two young ladies receiving the greatest number of votes during this contest will each be given two of these delightful trips-no for themselves and one for a companion whom they may select-at the expense of The leader. Our territory is divided into two Districts, Fort Valley and Perry constituting District No. 1 and the balance of this county and the adjoining counties District No. 2. Two of these grand Free Trips will go to the young lady receiving (he highest vote in each District, and the one receiving the highest vote in either of the Districts will be given the choice of the trips. Any young lady over 14' years of age residing in either of the Districts may enter the race. All Subscribers to this paper new or old anywhere are entitled to vote. When a vote is Cast far a young lady she is at once entered as a candidate. Help a Youn£ Lady Friend Spend a Delightful Vacation. WASHINGTON The Nation’s Capital. i This is a delightful place to visit and affords sights of great interests to every American. The ■ City is admirably located, surrounded by a circle i of liills and comprising a rolling plain, with here-' and then regular eminences which provide beau-j tiful and adv; mtaaeous positions S various; fori public huildii nas. ;> l>*< i \v as laid out exnresslv the National Capital, with wide and beautiful! streets. The city contains many magnificent structures. The Capitol is one of the most beau¬ tiful building edifices in the world and cost $13,000,000. It is built in pure classic style, with two immense wings of white marble. The en¬ trance to the rotunda is by the celebrated bronze door, 17 feet high by 9 feet wide and cost $28,000. The relief work on this door commemorates the discovery of America by Columbus, The walls of the rotunda are 180 feet high tt nci ’ 90 feet in di ameter and are beautifully decorated with scenes in American, history. Above this is the famous dome 96 ft in diameter and 220 ft high, led to by a spi flight of stairs between the inner and oliter wall The cupolo on- top is 17 ft. in diame ter and 52 ft high unnounted by a ball on which! t n a bronze statue of “Liberty,” 191 ft high, fi'd National Statuatory Hall contains statues of two of the most prominent men from each State in the Union. The Hail of Representatives, with seats for over 1500 spectators, is said to be the finest legislative chamber in the world. The Smi¬ it lA 3 Chamber is b< Li ■ 1 le decorated and..the seating ca pacity : of its galleries accoi idates 1,000 visitors. There is also the Vice-President’s room and the various committee chambers The Capi¬ tol grounds and surroundings comprise about 50 acres, forming a beautiful specimen of landscape gardening and are adorned with statuary and fountains. The Congressional Libra-,. JL U, rv is . magnifi-j a . — inn vi _i , tiful and spacious building with many cently carved arches. It is constructed around' four spacious inner courts and in all haspver 2000 windows which make it the best lighted building in the world. It also has several accessory rooms of interest. The Treasury building with its 200 rooms and great piles of money is worth ; seeing. The State, War and Navy Departments,' public edifices with its in SGli rooms, is one of the largest j Washington. The remaining noteworthy build- _ ings include the Patent office, Land office and Pension buildings. Bureau of Education, Depart¬ ment of Agriculture, Army Medical Museum and Library, U. S. Naval Observatory, Executive Man¬ sion or “White House” and the National Soldiers’ Home. The re are also many notable buildings there beside s the Government buildings, The city has no government of its own. A city of beauty and interesting sights. Contest Opens at Inf'll Contest Closes at July 18th. 9 a. m. Monday JU!1C 1UU1 * 9 p. m. Saturday Schedule of Votes Back Subscriptions Advance subscript]ons 6 mo. 50c 50 votes 6 mo. 50c,. .100 votes lyr. $ 1 00 .100 votes 1 yr. $ 1 . 00 , . 200 votes . , 500 2 yrs. 2 00 200 votes 2 yrs. 2 . 00 , . votes . , .. 3 yrs. 3.00, 400 votes 8 yrs- 3 . 00 , . 800 votes ., 5 yrs. 5.00 800 votes 5 yrs. 5.00,. 1600 votes ■ .. The above schedule stands from the beginning of the contest to close of contest. No subscriptions taken in this contest for less N> I than six months. Call on or write the Contest Manager for farther information. He will explain every detail of the Contest to you. Get receipt and ballot book now. Yonr friends can also get books and help you to win one ot these Magnificent Companion Trips. Phone No. 111 . Enter the Contest and you may be one of the rartv to take these trips. A ii w sal Wi AL wA 1 sp® ib V 'ii ..O' ■v /"St t WA N . fix Jifih . d, m *; i"*- g" dT ? ,.y , <;wd*. 7 ■ i ■ ,' . : M 'it ;f w.,;rr ;, ' mm ; ' -- A \U\0 m ■ V ‘ 3 m A-"' l&ZSM ’■■Si >.■ 7J& 111 ■ ■■ X. •A' £;7: ■J H; SR V V w m&wk [4 " 3 ■&H/ ill ■y ■ ' 4? , r f( ^ < Hi; m f/iil mu r ■ U ip 'ttii W/t X. w 'nm ' V .sr Enter the Contest Now And get your friends to working tor you. A little will win you one of these Magnificent Free Trips. It is well worth the small effort re= quired to get it. An opportunity of Your Life. _,.._.__-____._ The City of Kavan: Havana is the famous ( of the ls‘. no. of I Cuba, situated on the north coast on tb«» i Havana > | j Bay. the ‘‘old” The and city “new” is made towns, up of the what old is being known inside as I the great walls and the new outside. An Amer ! ican journalist designates t he old town as “a city of palaces fronting on alleys,” some of the prin¬ cipal streets, including sidewalks, having a width i of only 25 feet, while the r.< w and modern part of the city has broad and beautiful avenues, with macadamized drives, lined with palm trees. Ha i vana has a population of nearly 800,000 and is a j metropolis of great wealth, good living and gener¬ al luxury, with an ; bundance of cafes and restau i rants, fairly rivaling those of Paris. The city is massively built, mostly of stone, and the streets j are paved with granite or other stone equally as hard, presenting a scene of beauty, There are i many handsome surburbs! besides public pa rks ! and prominades, some of which are among the i most beautiful in the world. Among them nre | the palace; Plaza the de Alameda Annas, de in front Paul; of the the governor’s bay, : , in mg and the Parque de the bell mong the notable buildin O' are OtJcr; TT the largest in the i world; the Cathedral, b L 1 24; the Govern ment buildings, and ti. ceieoral * d iorfresses, ! Moro Castle and Punta, at the mouth of the lmr { ! fortress bor, an<l in La Havana. Cabana, the lar,« >■* u, t j strongest Biloxi, Miss. This famous resort on Biloxi Bay opening into | the pleasure Gulf of resorts Mexico, the is one Gulf of coast the and most is visited noted ; on from all parts of the country. Its beautiful shell ; streets, healthful artesian water and brightly il i luminated thoroughfares, add to the pleasures j The tremoundous iron lighthouse supports a j great light 02 feet above the sea level. i A Delightful Place to Visit. Rules of the Contest This is purely a subscription contest and every iballot cast must be signed by the subscriber. The object of the contest is to increase the circu¬ lation of The Leader and to collect from old sub¬ scribers who are in arrears, and the voting will She governed by the schedule of votes throughout j ing the contest. the Any will young supplied lady desirous with receipt of enter¬ and. contest be j ballot books. Your friends may also secure«books :and help you. No charge for these books. \ 500 EXTRA VOTES Will be given any yc ng lady for every $10 turned in at this cilice between now ami July 2nd, at 4 o’clock. A pro-rata will be given for all odd amounts above the first $10.