The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, June 26, 1908, Image 7

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ill |pRE^COFFE l FGREEN people E 71 sf If vnJ jre belmd the turn you are probably Ay tv y btiytnq 1 S walur&elf dosMsdened qtKi-iow qreen coffee aod mutate V X / ' il if simuty simply because \\$££Ats so aromatic rv tO'i , sh. If yoii COrrse are are tmtmxn UMO-Dxre terily you you - a m cleaned. usinq i, y iz-( JSSSfireaped WZ(AM£ sam fro fresh 1 il Sir-ltoM a rtlv roasted SoloE «d andaoucilv equally vE/?VwHer?e in itt can IBEBEILV-TAVIOO' LUZlANNt 5 f ‘l T NEWOltlEANS, " l! WISE S 3 COMtWNY U.S.A £3 g j avdfx Opportunity "habit seems to have caught the society of calling on you when vou are out, only it never leaves Its card._____ Hicks’ Capudine Cures Nervousness, Whether tired out, worried, overworked, or what not. It refreshes the brain and nerves. It’s Liquid and pleasant to take. 10c., 25c., and 50c., at drug stores. Genuine wisdom seems to be able to solve abstract problems a lot easier than that of making a comfortable liv¬ ing. A CORN CUKE THAT CURKS. Abbott’s east Indian corn pain t is a won¬ derful remedy for hard or soft oorns, bun¬ ions, sore, callous spots on the foot, warts and indurations of the skin. It is applied with a brush and cures without cutting, burning or soreness. 25o. at your druggists or by moil from Tub Abbott Oo., Savan¬ nah, Ga. _ The height of a man’s monument is the standard of judging whether it is worth while to try and win his widow. To Drive Oat Malaria and Build Up the System Take the Old Standard Grove’s Taste¬ less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing tasteless it is simply Qui¬ nine and Iron in a form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children. 50c. MERELY A REPEATER. Gerald—You are the only girl I have ever loved. Geraldine—Do you expect me to marry a phonograph?—‘New York Press. CURES AUU ITCHING ERUPTIONS. Glencoe, Md., Nov. 21st, 1987: “I have had eczema on my hand3 for 12 years, and have tried everything. I have been using tet« terine 4 days and the results arc great.” Signed, Mrs. M. Harvey. Tetterine is the surest, safest, speediest cure for eczema and all other skin diseases. Sold by drug¬ gists or sent by mail for 50c. by J. T. Shup» trine, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. ANYBODY’S DARLING. Male Voice—Hello! Female Voice—Hello! “Is this you, darling? ■ << Yes; who are you?” —Yonkers Statesman. Take the Place of Calomel through Constipation tho body. Bonds Dull poisonous headache, matter Sour Stomach, bounding Feted Breath, Bleared Eyes, Loss of Energy and Ap¬ petite are the surest signs of he affliction. Youngs Liver Pills postivoly cure constipation. They awaken the sluggish liver to better action, cleanse the tite bowels, strengthen the weakened parts, induce appe¬ and aid digestion. They do not Salivate, no mat ter what you eat, drink or do. Price 25 cents from your dealer or direct from J. WT. YOUNG, J R.. WAYCROSS, GA. Xsz. n PJ I iU V--J 9 9 . y Products Food Libby’s Veal Loaf Is made of the best selected meat, scientific¬ ally prepared and even ly baked by damp heat in Libby’s Great While Kitchen, The natural flavor is all retained. When removed from the 1 tin It s ready to serve. It can be quickly pre¬ i \ pared in a variety of styles and nothing makes a better summer meal. In tke borne, at the camp, and for the picnic Libby’s Veal Loaf j is a satisfying dish, full of food val ue that brings contentment. | j libiiy, McNeill St Libby, j Ciicaga. “S ' M i ! m Farm Topics, jg , -■'M ' SONG FOR THE FARMER. The cackle of the hen should bo the sweetest song that greets the car of the farmer. THE HORSEIS FOOT. Inspect the feet of the horse quite often. You know the old saying of “No foot, no horse,’’ and every word of it is so. CLEAN NESTS. Change the straw in the nests as often as it is required. The hens will appreciate it and it will induce them to lay more eggs. DARK STALLS. While dark stalls may keep the flies away, they are injurious in other ways. Stock of all kinds need the sunshine worse than man, and will suffer worse from the lack of it. PLOW POINTS. Asparagus demands a rich, deep, well-drained soil. It is a gross feed¬ er, and will take almost any amount of fertilizer. Salt is often used on asparagus beds, and is sometimes an indirect fertilizer, acting upon fertility al¬ ready in the soil, and having a dis¬ tinct tendency to attract and hold moisture, b is no direct ferti lizing influence However, it has a beneficient effect in helping to check the growth of weeds. Kainit is an excellent thing for as¬ paragus beds, as it contains a con¬ siderable percentage of sulphate of potash, which is a direct fertilizer; it also contains a fourth of its bulk of salt.—Home and Farm. SIMPLE, EFFECTIVE WEANER. This can be made of wood. Take a piece of board (one-fourth inch thick is about right) and carve it out ex¬ actly as shown in the illustration. Pattern should be about five inches long for cow, somewhat smaller for r? cm calf. Now by adjusting this simple piece of board into the cow or calf’s nose you have a perfect weaner. It does not interfere with animals’ eat¬ ing or drinking. Have tried this and found it a success, a perfect weaner. -—C. F. Freshkom, in The Epitomist. FARM GLEANINGS. Dairymen prefer to milk before they clean the cow and horse scabies. In this way they miss the dust and odors which arise when cleaning and feeding is done. There is no standard for judging (he guinea fowl. They should, how¬ ever, be of uniform shape, great ac¬ tivity and reasonably good producers of eggs. Their entire egg crop is pro¬ duced in summer. Bitter cream comes from keeping cream too long from cows that have been milked since early last spring. It is best to churn every few days, even though there is only a small churning on hand. In setting out the new fruit trees be sure and leave plenty of space be¬ tween them. You must make allow¬ ance for the growth of the years. Crowded trees interfere wit., one an¬ other and have their fruit bearing possibilities checked. The potato storeroom must be dark, cool, well ventilated and dry. There should be a double floor be¬ neath where large quantities are piled together. There should also be op¬ portunities for ventilation at the walls, and at intervals through the pile. Alfalfa in the orchard should have every show possible. Allow the fall growth to lie on the ground, and then after the ground dries up in the spring, the coat of dead vines should be burned. There is no better money maker on the farm than alfalfa. The most money is made out of horses that are well bred and free from blemishes. Why raise any other kind? As has been repeatedly said it takes just as much time and trouble and feed to raise a poor horse as a good one, and see the difference in the prices for which they are sold, A good conditioi: powder, to be fed in limited quantities to the brood sow, is composed of a teaspoonful each of coperas, sulphur and half a cupful of oil meal. Give once a day for each sow weighing 250 pounds. It is needless to say that all tonics should be given only when the animal is ou-t of condition.. Truth and Quality appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essent ial to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor ingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and its component parts are known to and approved by physicians, as it is free from all objection able substances. To get its beneficial effects always purchase the genuine— manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug¬ gists. The cultivation of bananas was be gun in Dutch Guiana, the Government lending aid. FITS,St.Yitus’Dance:Nervous manently cured Dr. Kline's Diseases Great Nerve per trial by bottle treatise Restorer. $2 and free. Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld.,081 Arch St,. Phila., Pa. There is a hacienda, or ranch, in the Mexican State of Durango, com prising 10,000,000 acres DON’T CUT YOUR CORNS. If you suffer with corns, bunions, sere, callous spots on the feet or soft corns bo tween the toes, go to your druggist or send 25c. by mail for Abbott's east Indian corn paint. It cures quickly and permanently without cutting, burning or “eating” the flesh and leaves no paia or soreness. Ad dress The Abbott Co., Savannah, Ga. The erason more people do not find happiness is because they will not look for it except around some bank. Mrs. Pinkham, of the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Company, of Lynn, Mass., together with her son, Arthur W. Pinkham, and the younger members of her family, sailed for Naples on May 20 for a three months’ tpur throughout Europe and a much needed vacation. A man can no more understand why the other fellow’ succeeded than he can why he didn TETTERINE—A RELIABLE CURE Tetterine is a sure, safe and speedy cure for eczema, tetter, skin and scalp diseases and itching piles. Endorsed by physicians; praised by thousands who have used it. Fragrant, soothing, antiseptic, 50o. at ! druggists or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, I Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. It is difficult to see how a man who has gone wrong, fooled anybody, for apparently all expected it from the beginning. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children | teething, softens thegums,redu cesinflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle world If there the mirror were manufacturer no egotism in would the | ! soon be out of business. FEARFUL ECZEMA ALL OVER HIM. : I 1 No Night’s Rest for a Year and Limit ! of His Endurance Seemed Near— j i 5 Owes Recovery to Cuticura. ! “My son Clyde was almost completely covered with eczema. Physicians treated him for nearly a year without helping him any. His head, face, and neck were cov¬ ered with large scabs which he would rub Until they fell off. Then blood and matter would run out and that would be worse. Friends coming to see him said that if he got well he would be disfigured for life. When it seemed as if he could possibly stand it no longer, I used some Cuticura Soap, Cuticura Ointment, and Cuticura Resolvent. That was the first night for nearly a year that he slept. In the morn¬ ing there was a great change for the better. In about six weeks he was perfectly well. AN IGNORANT TEACHER. Teacher—'Who was Peter the Great? Pupil—If you don’t know who Peter the Great was I’m not coming 4 ' school to you any more.—New Yoru Press. VETERAN OF THREE WARS. A Pioneer of Colorado and Nebraska. Matthias Campbell, veteran of the Civil War and two Indian wars, and a pioneer of Colo¬ rado, now living at 21S East Nebraska i m street, Blair, Neb., | says: “I had such j j f-r pains in my back for a long time that I i could not turn in bed, and at times there was an almost j ■ r total stoppage of the urine. My wife and I have both used j Doan’s diagnosed Kidney advanced Pills for what kidney doctors trou- j j as bles, and both of us have been com¬ pletely cured.” Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. IT WAS CLEAN GONE. Mother—Gracious! Where’s the soap? Tommy—I ate it. Mother—Why did you do that, child? Tommy—I was afraid you was go¬ ing to wakh me with it.—Lou e Herald. A Smuggling Story. Wo often hear the expression ‘Moor 5," and few know the cu rious smuggling story whteh gave irise to the word. Many years ago smuggling was greatly practised in Wiltshire, and the excise men had a 'busy time of it. i On one occasion some smuggled brandy was sunk in a pond until the authorities—who evidently suspected mischief—’Should be off their guard, and it would be safe to bring it home. On a certain moonlight night the smugglers, thinking themselves safe, took hay rakes and proceeded to rake the kegs out. They had just warmed to their .work when the excise officer ! appeared on the scene. “What are you doing?’’ lie asfked. “We be trying to rake thick girt | cheese out of the water,” said one ! of the rustics, pointing to'the reflec¬ | tion of the moon, and he and his j mates raked more energetically than j ever, says Home Notes. | The excise officer suspected midl¬ ing, and laughed good naturedly at | the simplicity of these Wiltshire | moon-rakers. But the moon-rakers \ got the kegs of brandy, and when | the story got about, the laugh was on their side, Tulip Soup. | i • * What makes this vegetable soup I taste so different?” asked the young husband , of „ „ the October „ , ... bride. i “Only the leeks you sent home,” j replied the bride. "You remember ! you said you were going to order leeks.” “I didn’t order any leeks,” growled the husband, but he finished his bowl c f soup rather than disappoint her. That afternoon he stopped at the i h „ roC(?rY •' , s t ore | How did you come to send ... leeks op to my house this morning?’ he demanded. “I didn’t order them.” | I “Great Scott! Did you eat them?” : exclaimed the grocer, i “.Sure, we ate them. j “O for land’s sake. They were Mrs. Jackson’s tulip bulbs. She left them on the counter and they got into your basket by mistake.”—Detroit Free Press. The Early Church. The primeval oyster was a foot long, according to a near-scientist who deals in dinosaurs and such things. May be that’s why they got the habit of putting only one in the stew for the church supper.--' Rochester Herald, ALLEETS & I S0T-EASE For Tired, Aching, Smarting, Swollen Feet. \ AUJBo l£E|l—^ H \ fO0l s From a Railroad Conductor. “I am a busy man, but must take time to write yon about Allen’s Foot-Ease. I am a Conductor and on my feet most of the time. My feet often got so sore I could hardly take a step. A friend gave me a box of Allen’s Foot-Ease and said it would cure me. I used all of tho box but two envelopes and my feet are now O. K. and I forget I have feet. It Is a God send to K. R. men. “G. McCLURE, 51120 Superior St., Austin, III.” SHARE INTO YOUR SHOES Allen’s Foot Ease, a powder. It cures painful, instantly smarting feet and ingrowing nails, and takes the sting out of corns and bunions. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25c. Don't, accept a substitute. Trial package FREE. Address, Le Roy, N. Y., U. S. A. Genuine bears above- signature. THE DAISY FLY KILLER destroys all the flies and affords comfort to every nouie -in dininf? room, sleeping , renia isnJSgA room arid all nlacen frn§Hj where troublesome. flies are fcjSjR; Glean, neat, and will not son or 'a Injur© Try anything. I them one© i fig • and or be you with will nev- olc j : § Jo them. If not kept JB by dealers, sent * prepaid for 20c. HAROLD 8 OMKH 1 *. 140 UeKalb Av*.. Brooklyn. N. Y. m unuriTO .' -T . OUk iffy ,-£AVIiiag‘K“ esTASuSMeo io years MILLEBGEViLLE. GEORGIA ‘cmi Railroad Largest and best equiped school Positions South. Expert management. paid. wire connections. Open around. guaranteed. Write Railroad fares Board at cost. year for catalogue J) V-Si; Great demand for operators. tz&asazrss3w&&msn& i n nrw teres i IHUH 33 FOR MEN N«i BY Thebottom of its of your lines, foot, will if twisted foot out MFiiwIi pi >er cause s BCOCXTOUUSL troubles. KREEMER shoes fit at the U.S.A. foundation: the bottoms match the |J bottomsof comfortable. your feet. Look That’swhy for label, they if do not And are the you how Skreemcrs easily.' easil write write us ns for for directions directions how to to secure secure them. FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass. mm m ‘‘KEEPS YOU WELL iN IJEAL ANTI-COSSTIPATIOH REMEDY TRY -A BOTTLE Ask your dealer for it YOU’RE TOO THIN. Even Slight Catarrhal Derangements of the Stomach Produce el cut Por¬ men tion of the Food. It's Stomach Catarrh Somo people are thin and always re¬ main thin, from temperamental rea¬ sons. Probably in such cases nothing can bo done to change this personal peculiarity. Hut there are a largo number of peo¬ ple who get thin, or remain thin, who naturally would bo plump and fleshy but for some digestive derangement. Thin people lack in adipose tissue. Adipose tissuo is chiefly composed of fat. Fat is derived from tlio oily constit¬ uents of food. The fat-making foods are called by the physiologist, hydrocarbons. This class of foods arc not digested in the stomach at all. They are digosted in the duodenum, the division of the ali¬ mentary canal just below tho stomach. The digestion of fat is mainly, if not wholly, the work of tho pancreatic juice. This juice is of alkaline reac¬ tion, and is rendered inert by the addi¬ tion of acid. A hyperacidity of tho digestive fluids of the stomach passing down into tho duodenum, destroys the pancreatic fluid for digestive ptir poses. Thereforo, the fats are not di gestod or emulsified, and the system is deprived of its duo proportion of oily constituents. Hence, the patient grows thin. The beginning of the trouble is a ca¬ tarrhal condition of tlio stomach which causes hyperacidity of tlio gastric juices. This hyperacidity is caused by fermentation of food in tlio stomach. When tlio food is taken into the stom¬ ach, if tho process of digestion does not begin immediately, acid fermenta¬ tion will take place. This creates a hyperacidity of the stomach juices which in their turn prevent the pan¬ creatic digestion of the oils, and the emaciation results. A dose of Peruna before oacli meal hastens the stomach digestion. By hurrying digestion, Peruna prevents fermentation of tlio contents of the stomach, and the pancreatic juice is thus preserved in its normal state. It then only remains for tho patient to eat a sufficient amount of fat-forming foods, and the thinness disappears and plump¬ ness takes its place. In times of peace it doesn’t take much to start a quarrel.____ Capudine Cures Indigestion Pains, Belching, Sour Stomach, and Heartburn, from whatever cause. It’s Liquid. Effect* immediately. and Doctors prescribe it. 10c., 25c., 50c., at drug stores. An average man, living for the aver¬ age period of human life, may be cal¬ culated to get through about 2,500 miles of reading. DO YOU WANT $ 5.00 PER DAY? IT LINE CAN BE OF EASILY HOUSEHOLD MADE SELLING SPECIALTIES OUR QyT& ifet ji! ' _ „; . l|tP^ (^VORnrg O Clean-Cut Cake Tins, Perfection Tins, Savory Boasters, Wonder Beaters, Cookers, Poachers, and hundreds of Other useful and labor saving articles. AU goods guaranteed. today. Write for business particulars regarding and outfit make large Start ft of your own protits In an easy manner. We want one agent In every town. Write before someone gets ahead of you. We are the oldest and best-known manu¬ facturing canvassing house bank, in the country. We refer you to any express com¬ pany, or commercial agency as to our responsibility. HOUSEHOLD NOVELTY WORKS 30-100 Tecumseh St, BUFFALO, N- Y eyes, If with afflicted weak use Thompson’s Ey e W ater (At26-’08)