The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, June 26, 1908, Image 8

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Presentation Speech of Mrs. H. M. Holtzclaw at Unveil¬ ing of Confederate Monument at Perry May 21,1908. .. Confederate _ \ t T eternns . of . tt Houston l coun . y: 1 1IS ^ j ay ba 4. ' - sees the fulfilment of ou r hopes, the realization of our dreams, on hearts are too full ot sad and tendei, yet triumphant feelings for speech. We must i“t on; v\nik speak oi us. For more than hve years we have labored, with slim resources and flail bodies, but strong and willing lieai ts, and the of you and your brave comrades who have gone before,, has helped to overcome every obstatxe, and sweeten every effort. In making pur cite g to you to day, we ask only that as your eves rest unon it. it naiv speck to you of the devotion of your faith in your integrity, pure as mar i 111 i m i nd our and your noble endurance have inspired, snail still be a vital spark in the hearts of future generations, kept alive forever by the woman of your south-land. ”T< f i j >u. citizens id officers of Houston county, our Chapter desires first t its sincere appreciation of the generous de< ,i that has enabled US to complete our labor of 'ove so soon. “In presenting to you this monument,;we ask that you regard it, not merely as a proud ornament thkd to “Lost our county, not even as a sentimenta' memorial to a past a cause.” With it we would give the cup of rememberence without one drop of bitter ness, and would have it say to you, Hunk on these things.’ Real ize with thinking men of every nationality that the principles which the veterans held moire sacred than anything earthly, tiie rights which they offered their hearts’ blood to defend, are the foundation stones of our government today; that when these principles shall bo disregarded, these rights trampled in the dust, America will be Iio longer Ih, Land of too tree. rake, then our gilt, men and boys of Houston .county. It is yours and your children’s as long as you are able to protect it;” Speech of Acceptance of Monument by Hon. C. <i. Gray Daughters Fellow Citizens of The of Confederacy: Houston Old Comrades; County a A Roman Cicero, a Grecian Demostliines, an English Pitt, an American Webster or Calhoun, a Georgia Toombs or Grady, could not suitably epress in words, the varied emotions of reference, love and gratitude that wo your Confederate Veterans feel in a presence, on an occasion like this today. When we consider the union -ness of our position the rarity of its occurrence in the order of providence, and the annals of the world, toRether with the love ‘ that prompts this tribute, and the loveliness that offers it, they produce within us feelings too intense arid too sacred to find ex¬ pression in any words or language known to your aged recipients. To be presented with ones monument to his memory, be fore he passes to his eternal home beyond the stars, would tend under onlinauv conditions, to subdue and distress even the most stout heat tod among men; but the purpose of this moment, the love and patriotism that donates it, the principles for which it stands, the memories that it perpetuates banishes all of our supertitious fear, and fills the heart of every veteran present with supreme gratitude, and boundless joy that we have lived to look upon it, and brtlf,- sun to receive it frota the lovin* heart, and innocent hnnds of our daughters impressed with the responsibility, We are deeply and supreme honor of being the spokesman for the living here bur afar deeper sense of humility and unworthiness pervades our entire being as we ivki/,- that God his mere fully spared our lives until this hour to represent also that large number of our county ' comrades wlio have preceded us to the Glory wond. \Vo know not whether Heaven grants leave-of absence to members of its royal hosts, but we do delight to believe that elenen bund red departed comrades 1 rom Houston county have been granted a day off, and have marched down to earth on the Sunbeams of the morning, and are here with us to day, in spirit, mingling their heavenly iiour joy with our earthly gratitude At this Dear Daughters we feel that it is approriate er us lA > say. that while you bestow this tribute to commemorate that - good faithful, patriotic and heroic in our lives, we are in duty bound to humbly apologize to you. for rfot having lived better lives with you and before your children all these years of peace, but feeling assured that you know it is human, to err. and also tlut it is God like to ife give, w<> confess to you our many faults and presume upon your Our old hearts seat again w't.h that youthful pride and bewmm «r totmw <!.>•*. *« fc»k •• ; this t„ day, and admire its artistic oeauty: slLicy inspiring inscriptions: feastupon its symetry: and delight in its -v-n* phase of material and magnTi -enl splenrh’r; and truly to ns it sf-nds a “thing of beauty and joy forevoAn* yet in the light of origin and purpose 1 , it stands tot* far more than it thing ot beau q 1 herefoio we are constrained to meditate for a Short while upon Ls meaning to every citizen of our county and the whole south. Founded us it is upon the grandest principles, and subii iiiest patriotism that any Nation ever knew, and cemented to¬ go tiler with the ho i K st love that the sweetest and purest hood of earth can s ve, it stands indeed and in truth, a - if monuments, to those grejvt and God-given elements in humanity that make both people and our nation truly great. Fidelity. honor, patriotism, heroism ;u ,0 ■ love unon the one hand: with suffer ing. sacrifice, sorrow, and i- 1 ath for the 1 »• lit on the other, we forget in while erected in honor of and 5 not ou ; > V a- our cause to our memory, it t'l ds for all that is good and noble, righteous, just and ma in our day, and throughout the year to come, for the c ration, meditation and emulation of the generations that, s ill con IP liter us. Daughters of the con ff leracy: You say it is ours, the re wai‘d a<.d f t fit of your G'v for' services rendered and hard snips t ; 1 in onryo"ngfM* days, and with profpundest 'rover . enc*.e,‘ v,e humbly bow our ir s and accept the precious tribute as |uv*'s ’aurei crown of our old age. Permit ns to assure you, 1 hut. ih - last evowiriog aci f yours will, sweeten the twighlight hours of life as one y one v .• pass away into that great haven of - rus t, where wars an not known; where peace forever reigns, and Idvo doth “much moye ftho Old Comrades *1 V. i: love anti psteem Is ouvs It Ts deeded to I 1 > in marble and granite by womans love, and se< ah d with widows' tears. We cannot, and would not if we could, carry it with <s across hat silent river through which we arc* so soon t” iiss, but F-'l Citizens we can and do leave it as the richest- heritage of our valor to you and your posterity. If in our young man and hood lay down we could lives so for cheerfully love of scorn comforts, j renounce fortunes, our women, serenej children and country, wliat a blessed privilege; what a pleasure; what a holy joy it, is to day in our advance years to give back this most priceless of heroes trophies, to the offspring of our j fair donor to cultivate the noble, live the true, and if need be die for the right. v Young men, Young Women and children of grand old Houston accept through us, from the sweetest, purest womanhood that ever I graced the earth, this monument as entailed treasure upon you, and your children for ever generation that is to come. Live every , day the principles for which it stands Practice every hour that game j ove that donated and erected it, and build for yourselves a ! manhood, and womanhood, founded upon the examples, memories, ;|nd j 10 j f( t > >* which it stands before us today. Remember v.hnt, Father.Time is rapidly yet, tenderly kissing tlM ,p v ,^ )r , ;i . , v . n:1 ;, )i Veterans that made mis i monumen- p -d-! S . - i, \ *■: ■■ ry soon there will nol re , m • • , t . ; , )-th i Oo ' . . , t .{; • i a ',, „ (1 . r U ’ l r £ U i l ‘' L ill 311 I311B )ul O, DOi this tribute l its meaning in f i pp now. ’ 0 i Messers F P Shepard, 1 Neel, Julius Glass ant | Anderson spent Monday I S ARE YOU If you desire a position will give ® you a good f - if wmiki ko fn L. > L J interest 10 j with ‘‘Business,” j Care The Ft Valley Leader, | I ..... J \ New Plant * ' ■ Make an opportunity to the Flournoy Cannery just the railroad from the 0 rate factory. A moment there will pay ! patriot. He will see visions I happier Houston. He will see j t “ 010 Potency and the prom of an industrial future for i this favored section that will j | kindle the h'o-bt ” of hone P in the | heart of the darkest pessimist. Robert Flournoy is a, genial gentleman and a generous soul and he will appreciate a visit and his men will take pleasure j n ex p i aining ” Uie working L of a simple * et in ■ cnout na > P iece - oro °f man h \ n « that turns out 40,000 cans of high-class fruit per day. equipment ’ though in its injtw stage> is ne at and subsun tial bke the man who enter prised it. The shed that- shelters the hi ; 7 and the wor i £men is , Hu k « 1 1 ‘ “ y * cis a solid . cement floor 50 by _80 feet, The large number of men, women and children sing at their labor. The plant may run for two months yet and furnish . employ¬ ment for 800 people, His tipper is from Baltimore and his skill earns him $6 cia Y‘ .. ilts „. ^ macmnist , . . is from , At lanta and his processor from are allskillful workmen and object lessons in efficiency 0 h bus hive ar0 v. nd them. iv. ? n The dnae is tnere ot ner , <t own will. What a lesson to the ing matrons of the new Industrial order—from the honeymoon tO the peach jar! Walk out, young 0111 au > and view your destined ■n : 1 : co in the dawning era of a new While lookir upon the many fair and busy women there, came the happy reaxs.ions the day was not distant when most any sort of a- woman would be able to support most any oi a man. By the way Mr. noy uses only white labo- in ca nner.v and has an excellent cl of people, most all of whom are of this community. It was intention when I began this arti¬ cle to discribe that ingenious ma. chine which takes the can out of the hands of the packer and, as if endowed with conscience iritelli Ke nce, eondi^ts it through a &e I* 1 *** o* contm ances, tid it turns out the cleanly and sealed article of commerce to tempt the palate of the American epicure, but the pressure of other duties forbid. Go out and see the plant. It is ' vve ‘l worth a visit, T. G. Lang. j Make that hoy a j ner. That is, »* ! inn some interest, however small i Hie reward of intelligent husbandry. Don’t miss us on jar rubbers., Well- he best for the money we nave ever had. The Ten | Cent Store. J i ship Ray has as been you go. More Ilian one sunk by the nibbing of a rat. Let no store-bill > | j nibble at the bottom of J | home crait. t Bring or send 50 cents or a doJlar here Monday j and let Us show how ny pretty embroideries it I wiH buy. Miller’s i^tore. 1 A man will wait on a bank four hours for a fish that doesirt in¬ tend to bite; but he won’t wait live minutes for bis wife to get ready for church. j The Baptist Church. j *^ K: ^ asfcor R j ' ()n » P reac b at 11 a- m. and 8 p. ra. 5 Subject f<w * tbe ^rning hour, ! The man with a vision. The sub : g s ■ cc „ ni - " 7 | be the third . the the ^ in series on : creed of Jesus * Sunday evening j ser ® on wil1 on the creed ibis forgiveness. Special music j at both services. A welcome for I all. Monday’s Embroidery Sale at this store is an e= vent that the like of which i is seldom presented to the public. 5 ee our line at i-2 cents the yard. Miller’s Presbyterian Church ; 1 We propose to have our regular . services i. fc Sabbath, June rio c ’ I jatLll a in., and also at 8 p m. j ; Should there be any in or about | the city, who are presbyterians, i or who are so disposed, we hope i : they may make a special effort I to attend, and we also extend a i 1 cordial welcome to all who may I find it possible to be with us. ! Prayermeetings Tuesday on ; nights, * and Sabbath school 4 p m. j See our counters of Em¬ broidery Monday at 31 r> ; j 4 , 7 i= 2 , 9, i2aEid 19 cents. This day will be an eye opener. Miller’s * I W. M. r \ , 1 r £ ■i ! I PHOTOGRAPHER ; The latest styles inartistic photo graphy. | FORT VALLEY, XT A . | •I 3Ietliodist ChiiiCh 1 jUk Rev J T Moon, of St, Mathews, j iX ) . ivike, Fla., will preach at. the m rning hour. He is a brofcher-iu law of our brother! Dickert. The pastor will also be present and further announcements made. T. G. Lang. Mrs Jessie Heath of Atlanta is here with Mr Heath for awhile. ! Lo TT t# V A ft? - c*l cnees l JL G 'O O ¥ V, Cm TSlIAT’C mhl 5 All U X thv” ill ; TO rt Try they can’t " ' svvav. Then, too, we ■ VJSlQl the da vs. wit t u r will be a dreg • ket. rni J II01 0 to 'lid, too. | m mm j r ih ji: i ^3 K ' X iSiP \ 11 i the ah forces ar? be liincl us impelling to actir:;. We’ve just got to move . :t these Low Shoes; that’, all there is to it. We can’l a ofd to quibble about pL so. mo o rid of the stock quick¬ ly. now, is the point- We want you here. A % ) ! . 7 / s A ?k 4 / , m J. jjm, fSIs r W\ v.-i, y m-im v '* M ifr \ ■’ ^§# ^ 0 ' ^ The stock is so complete is -on’s tv! Oo and all nds of leathers , as to afford oil?. e certainty of om • being able to meet the reqnireme 11 ts of everyone. There are full Put’ G nvy'i ’-Ppf i 1 at- ■ * Pun . •« Yici, Calfskin and oi tiers. V xx \ X X 1 1 K 1 , . \ 'm There ci, for rne V) 2 r\ : j. ow , HJA : v ho are sat 1 sued, wit only tli'3 os ciressy; ; tho p ■ - v -nit c ea for business weai ■ho! one: for th o n n pensive 3 . -,! (i is forced to eeonoci: ' • Tiif provision exists 1or Y want.of tt'. T every boys nd girls, Our s C.i pie are all those whose ill 1 life has hec.11 - -lit» L> lI serving shoe 1 U-1 u/t %£$ If |g *4f a; .v ii .4 nprp wp? $ i r hJ i-J! i , i ci P * ■*: E. B. I r A j o CO. MACON, rA Cit