The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, July 03, 1908, Image 5

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CONTEST CLOSES JULY 11. Only 7 Days More to Get Votes The Leader’s Big Subscription Popularity Voting Contest will close July 11th instead of July 18th as first advertised. If you want to win one of these Magnificent Companion trips for yourself and a friend you must get busy, and do so right now. Only one more week after this one==just seven days more for getting votes. Get your friends who are not subscribers to subscribe and those who are to renew and give you their votes. The young ladies who go after the votes in earnest now are going to win. It’s go after them or lose out. WHO WILL WIN? Watch Our Next Week’s Adv. for Particulars as to how Contest will close. Special Offer Any young lady who brings in 20 new subscribers (for 1 year or more) between iooo extra Uok$. July 3rd at 9 a. m. and July 9th at 4 p. m. will be given 1,000 extra votes, This is POSITIVELY THE LAST SPECIAL OFFER OF ANY KIND that will be made- 2ho«‘p son Thompson Brothers MAKER* OF SHOE MEN'S PINE SHOES CAMPELLO, MASS., Way 26 , 1908 ..•4 B. B. Harris & Co. # Macon, G& • Gentlemen: Fe are shipping you today a 3 per enclosed 1)111 224 pr. of shoes We have given you the best possible value in these goods, We have no doubt whatever but that they will mahe attractive propositions to any shoe buyer and we feel that every pair will be sold before the date of the bill July 1". Yours very truly, Thompson Bros* OF INTEREST TO MEN ONLY The above letter refers to several lots of Men’s Low Ciit Shoes, $5 and $4 grades, which, for one reason or another, were not shipped to the dealers for whom manufactured. They are all offered by us at prices much below real values. They are divided into three lots, as follows : $2.98 $3.48 $3.98 Made up in latest styles and of alb leathers. Gentlemen, don’t miss this chance ! E. B. HARRIS & CO. Do You Need The A Telephone deaf, only man who doesn’t need one is stone lives alone, has no friends nor occupation. To all the telephone at least proves interesting, some it will open up a means of making money, while to others it means social and business better¬ ment. Suppose you you see “ Lester Hartley, and have phone put in before the rush of the peach sea6on. Mrs T WFulwood left June 29th on the Southern for her old home, Louisville, Ky She will spend a month with sister, Mrs. Celiner Mrs Fulwood was for years teacher in the schools of that city, and will pleased to meet many other pupils. W. M. WHITE PHOTOGRAPHER The latest styles in artistic photo graphy. FORT VALLEY, GA. Card of Thanks Mrs Albert Skellie and Miss Parmelee Cheves wish to thank with sincere appreciation their relatives and consoling friends who extended such beautiful sympathy to them during their recent bereavement in the death of their father, Mr John D. Cheves. Notice . When in need of stenographic and typewriting work call on Claude Houser at Col Mathews office. Work neatly and prom ply done at reasonable rates. Mrs. Frances Drake One of the delightful surprises of Chautauqua week—one of the very best of the numerous high class entertainments presented during the six days and nights of enjoyment furnished our people—was the recitation Friday evening by Mrs Frances Drake. Her selections was “The Soul of the yiolin,” and her rendition, of the beautiful and pathetic prose poem was a bit of soul imagery, coupled with fine acting, that stamped her as a true artist. Her appearance had not been heralded on the programme announced by the stage manager for Friday evening, and that she consented so willingly to contribute to the pleasure of her friends and ad¬ mirers in the home of her child¬ hood was esteemed a compliment. It is needless to say that she was given an ovation.—Newnan Ad¬ vertiser. Tax Notice. By order of the Mayor and City of Port Valley. The tax book will open on the 8 of July 1908, and will remain open for ten days for the purpose of collecting one half of City, School, U ater and Electric light taxes. W. M. BLEWSTER, Clerk. The Baptist Church. I he Pastor J M Long will preach at both the morning and evening hour At 11 a m he will speak on subject of the church and the membership, At this service all those who come into the church during the recent meeting wilLbe formaly received into the fellow ship of the church. All the new mem hers are speci* ally requested to be present. At this hour also the Lords supper will be administered. At 8 pm the subject will be T!- (treed of his love the fourth in the series on the creed of J U8 US. Mrs T V Fa m entertained at an alfresco party this week in honor of Miss Eula Mae Blewster and her guests, Misses Jones and Holland. The home was beautifully decorated in palms and ferns and delicious ices were served. Quite a number of young people were present.