The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, July 10, 1908, Image 3

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m O' mm rasf r mSS 38 9 i£- *L MS RHUBARB marmalade. When rhubarb is plentiful, a good preserve may be made by a'dding one grated pineapple and five pounds of sugar to five pounds of rhubarb. Place in preserving kettle on back of range until sugar is dissolved, then allow it to cook moderately lor one hour. Pour into jars and seal.—Good Housekeeping. TURKEY STUFFING. Boil sweet potatoes with skins on until tender, then peel and mash. To each pint add one teaspoon salt, three shakes pepper, two tablespoons butter, three tablespoons sweet cream, one teaspoon sugar, one cup pecan nuts, chopped fine. Mix and fill turkey, but do not stuff too full. _New York World. SOUTHERN POTATO SALAD. Cut up as many cold boiled pota toes as desired with a generous amount of onions cut up fine and one or two stalks of celery cut up fine; mix all together into a large bowl. Cut up one pound of bacon in cubes and fry nice and brown. While that is frying mix one teaspoon of salt, one of mustard and one heaping tablespoon of sugar; mix with half a cup of warm water and add to bacon and fat; then add one cup of cider vinegar and mix with bacon, fat and all. Then pour over potatoes, onions and celery.—New York World. PERFECT RICE. Few housewives understand how to cook rice so that it puffs into a snowy mass, each kernel distinct. I have found a way. First wash it thoroughly through several cold waters, rubbing the kernels between the hands. This is to remove all the loose flour on the outside of the grains. After the water runs clear, turn the rice into a colander, and drain; then put it into a deep stew pan, allowing one quart of boiling water to a cup of washed rice. Add a teaspoonful of salt, and allow it to come to a good boil. Cook steadily for twenty minutes, lifting the rice occasionally with a fork to prevent its sticking. Shake the kettle also for the same purpose, but never stir or mash with a spoon. Take it from the fire, pour off the water if any is left, and place it on the back of the stove, in the oven, or even over a pot of hot water until it fin¬ ishes swelling. Cooked in this way you will find the rice plump, light and white, each grain distinct and sepa rate. New York Globe. r fvj, TT0U5E= "I ,w«j yf'yf 11INT5 OLD ' ; Put small orange and small onion beside duck while roasting to im¬ prove flavor. To successfully bake a pie crust without its filling, line it with a paraffin paper and fill with uncooked rice. Enameled ware that become burned or discolored may be cleaned by rubbing with coarse salt and vine¬ gar. ! A teaspoonful of lemon juice to a I quart of water will make rice white and keep the grains separate when boiled. If eggs are to be boiled hard have the water boiling when the eggs are dropped in. This will prevent the yolks from turning dark. Warm your discolored earthen¬ ware or granite baking dishes well, then rub them with damp cornmeal. It cleans without scratching. More coal is burned than neces¬ sary by not closing the dampers when the fire is not being, used. In the same way gas is wasted or any kind of coal. In putting on the bands to skirts make them long enough to turn in about an inch. Make tie buttonhole in this, and being doubly strong it will not pull out. When the pretty bunches and bas¬ kets of sweet-scented grass begin to lose their fragrance, plunge them for a moment into boiling water and they will, be again as aromatic as w r hen first gathered. Dried lavender may be similarly treated. For warmed over boiled potatoes, cat them' into dice and put into a buttered baking dish in alternate layers with grated cheese, bits of butter, pepper and salt, When the dish is full sprinkle the top with grated cheese, curn over it a cupful of milk or cream and bake for half an hoar. mumi coffe . 1 IF 0/1 t^ial it fails to please you PERFECTLY OR YOU DO NOT FIND THAT b l IT GOESTWICLAS FAR ft t Li C, AS THE OTHER IQRK TOU IUVE USED YOU CAN SET TOUR K0KE.Y BACK SIMPLY FDR THE ASKING SOLD EVERYWHERE « - ■> 254 | LE * & \ SEWJED CAN ft THE PTEJLY-TAYLCR COMPANY p N EW OR LEAN S,U. 3.A. ~SXrJj miV> ........ mad A motor vehicle purchased by the town of Tynemouth, England, can be used as a prison van, fire apparatus or ambulance. FIT?, St. Vitus’ Dance: Nervous Diseases manently cured bv Dr. Kline's (treat Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise free. Dr. H. R. Kline. Ld.qmi Arch St.. Phila., Tiverton has the oldest water works of any English town. They were made by Amicia, Countess of Devon, in 1240, and presented to the town. GOOD-BYE TO CORNS. You can say good-bye to your corns, bun¬ ions and sore, callous spots when you get Abbott’s east Indian corn paint, the sure, quick, permanent cure. It cures the pain¬ ful, soft corns as well as the hard o*es removes warts. 25c. at druggists or by from Tue Aebott Co., Savannah, Ga. The great Oxford dictionary, which has been under way for a generation, has reached "pre." Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, allays softens thegums.reducesinflamina tion, pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle The carcass of the average yields 369 pounds of, meat, as shown by the observations of the French horse butcher. Rudies Can Wear Shoes One size smaller after using Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It makes tight sweating, or new aching shoes easy. Cures swollen, nails, l ot, and bunions. At feet, druggistsand ingrowing shoe corns stores, 25c. Don’t all ac¬ cept any substitute. Trial package Free by mail. Address Allen 8.Olmsted,LeRoy,N.Y, WOW! Fie—“They say that -people marry soon grow to look alike.” She—“Then you must consider my refusal as final.”—Illustrated Bits. To Drive Out Malaria and Build U( the System Take the Old Standard Gp.ove’s Taste¬ less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly simply printed Qui¬ on every bottle, showing it is nine and Iron in a tasteless form, and tha most-effectual form. For grown people and children. 50c. It is necessary for the safeguarding of future generations, declares the Washington Post, that the children should not be hurried into sweatshops and into factories or other places of manual labor before their tender bod¬ ies have had an opportunity to de¬ velop and their minds receive enough training and education to fit them for good citizenship. KEEP YOUK SKIN HEALTHY. Tetterine has done wonders for suffer¬ ers from eczema, tetter, ground itch, and gipeias, infant sore head, chaps, chafes other forms of skin diseases. In aggravart ed cases of eczema its cures have been mar¬ velous and thousands of people sing its praises. 5t)c. at druggists or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. THE GARGOIL. The Gargoil often makes its perch On a cathedral or a church, Where, mid ecclesiastic style, He similes an early-Gothic smile. And while the parson, dignified, Spouts at his weary flock inside, The Gargoil, from his lofty seat, Spouts at the people- in the street. And, like the parson, seems to say To those beneath him, “Let us spray.” I like the Gargoil best; he plays So cheerfully on rainy days, While parsons (no one can deny) Are awful dampers—when they’re dry. —Olive Herford in the Century, DOCTOR SAID "USE CUTICURA ») For Bad Case of Eczema on Child— Disease Had Reached a Fearful State—Order Resulted in Cure. “When 1 was small I was troubled with eczema for about three months. It was all over my face and covered nearly ail of my head, it reached such a state that it was just a large scab all over, and the pain and itching were terrible. 1 doctored with an able physician for some time and was then advised by him lo use the Cuticura Rem edies, which I did and i was entirely cured. 1 have not been bothered with it since. I used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment, but do not know exactly how much w AF used to complete the cure. Miss Anal Wilson, North Branch, Mich., Oct. 20, ’07. Ham for the Wake. Mr. O'Brien has unwittingly placed -himself in the -position of a gentle man cf his own race, who, lying on his deathbed, was questioned by his inconsolable prospective widow. “Poor Mike,” said she, “is there annythin’ that wild make ye comfortable? Anny thin’ ye ask for I il get for ye.” “Plase ..k Bridget,” he responded. “I tins .. , T I d hke ; , a \> ... c as.e oi the ha.n 1 smell a-boilin’ in the kitchen.” “Arrah, go on,” responded Bridget. “Divil a bit of that ham ye’!! get. ’Tis for the wake.”—New York Times. To Make Complainto a Duty. The •Railroad Gazette cites inci¬ dents to show’ the opposite results of complaining generally about an abuse, but refusing to make specific 1 complaint at headquarters, and of I promptly making reports to headquar I tors. The incidents are such as may have come to the notice of any one who travels much on railroad trains. The argument is all in favor of mak¬ ing complaint and helping to ini prove the service. The average American, though how ever angry he may get over impo¬ sition or insult by the employe of a railroad company, is loth to take any action which may cost that employe his job, and, after the first burst ot wrath, lets the matter slip—to the hurt of the service and the inevitable repetition of the offense at the expense of some one /dse. Some complaints are entered at headquarters, it is (rue, but no one will contend that such is the case as often as it should be. The Railroad Gazette unques¬ tionably takes the right attitude in the matter, but it cannot hop? to make many patrons of the railroad agents for the cultivation of courtesy among employes.—Buffalo Express. HEALTH BRINGS HAPPINESS. Invalid Once, a Happy Woman Now. Mrs. C. R. Shelton, Pleasant street, Covington, Tenn., says: "Once I seemed H helpless in valid, but now 1 enjoy the best of health. Kidney disease brought me down ter riblv. Rheumatic aches . —____ and pains made evei y , move painful. These cretions were disor dered and my head ached to distrac ] tion. 1 w-r.r, failed in a bad to condition, help, I but medicines ground dally until I began with 1 Doans , T Kidney .. . Bills, They helped I j me at once and soon made me strong and twP.. 11 Sold by all dealers. 50cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. There is a great deal of talk In Ireland about rents and purchase and dairying and grazing and about land and beasts and -other inanimate and animate things, but very little talk about man, laments the Irish Home¬ stead, the .most neglected creature that walks the earth in Ireland today. 9 | v Food j Pl*0duels Lihfoy’s Cooked Corned Beef There s a big differ ence between just corned beef—the kind sold in bulk — and Libby's Cooked Corned Beef. The difference is in the taste, quality of meat and natural flavor* Every fiber of the meat of Libby’s Cooked Corned Beef is evenly and mildly cured, cooked scientifically and carefully packed in Libby’s Great While Kitchen It forms an appetiz¬ ing dish, rich in food value and makes a sum¬ mer meal that satisfies* For Quick Serving Libby s Cooked Corn¬ ed Beef, cut into thin slices. Arrange on a platter and garnish with Libby r s Ghow Ghow* A tempting dish for luncheon,dinner,supper \ booklet V/rito for ‘ How free f— in Make tr <> o d | R Things to Eat.” ifwg Insist sn Libby's nt m m your dealers. ipm Libby. McNeill & ! Libby, Chicago | I j A man’s good reputation may be , ’ due to the fact that people are not on ! to his curves. Capudine Cures Indigestion Pains, ? Belching, Sour Stomach, It’s and Heartburn, immediately. rom whatever Doctors cause. prescribe Liquid. it. Effects 10c.. 25c., and 50c., at drugstores. j | - produces Egyptian cotton land near ly four times as much per acre as that ; of this country. Habitual ,* jrx v • id m flay personal bo|)Cvma>vui|) cjfovls v-iU.tKe c.revcomel)yproj>er assistance ojlhe remedy, one Syrup truly cj JjeneJicial Is and llA’uvr laxative oj Senna, nicK enable?* £5 to form vegular M one no bits daily gradually So resistance to ua when urc may longer be needed dispensedvAtb the best o) no when a$ nature remedies, Yeauired, supplant are the to assist nation, and not to cd functions, which must depend ulti¬ mately upon propev nourishment, proper Jo get efforts, its beneficial and rifh't cjjecf li\ inj^cucraily. at buy the genuine s, ways SvrutoffigS^JD ' manufactured by ixjr°f tar Senna California Fig Syrup Co. only SOLD size BYALLLEADINC only, regular price 50$ DRUGGISTS Bottle one )>er RESURRECTED SONCS This nook contains th© songR that our fathers and 1 mothers sang. Songs that possess the old time Gospel power. Songs that can not die. KK8UBH150TED SONGS, 35cents per copy; 83.75 per dozen, prepaid, J. B. VAUGHAN, Clayton St„ Athens. Ga. Take the Place of Calomel Constipation sends polsonon* matter Stomach, bounding through the body. Bleared Dull headache Sour Feted Uruath, Eyes Loss affliction. of Energy Young imdfiAp- 1 petite fa are the surest signs or in* s I Srtw «“Vion. Oilnto. | I df^estion. e XKey^not I>rico2i a oeat8 0 »o‘ a from mntI j * f Yir V’-uYr'^r(iii-i-'-tCroriV 1 ' j M young, JR.. WAYCROSS. GA. ---- ! <r—_ | <fr JJm -XZ»» Tfnii TOILET ptt ANTISEPTIC it uvi© FnTiA j Keeps breath, I the teeth, mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from un¬ healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. A germicidal, disin¬ fecting and deodor¬ izing toilet requisite • iriVyrNW? of exceptional ex¬ 1 7. m cellence and econ¬ % omy. Invaluable JOlUT antisepTicjK ^ for inflamed eyes, Sj ’.V/Vj throat and nasal and !; | stores, r„ ri r. 50 c „r; cents, h „-i& f a SM /’A or * Mi by mail postpaid. K Large Trial Sample WITH "HEALTH AND BEAUTY” BOOK BENT FREE THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass. : GIN SAWS, of and REPAIRS Gin Repairs RIBS, EINGIINES, for Bristle same. Twine, tsuiLLKS Shafting, Babbit, Pulleys, &c.. and far FRESSS Belting, any la lectors, Pipes, Valves and fittings, Light Saw, Shingle, and Lath Mills, Gasoline Engiaaa Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPPLY COMPANY. Augusta. Ga. KpJHD eSTABLISHeo 10 Y-AKS m MILLEDGEVILLE, GEORGtA f rl<is Railroad Largest and best equiped school Positions South. Expert management. wire connections. guaranteed Railroad fares paid Board at cost. Open year around. Write for catalogue D Great demand for operators. Engines & Boilers Built for service; all sizes. Increase your profits by using our engine and boiler with one of our Corn Mills or Saw Mills. Write to the makers for catalogue and prices. R. D. Cole M’f’g Co., 4 : T; m - ;, v - . ■ D^pt. M, Newnan, Ga. * BIRMINGHAM SEMINARY BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. i Ideal school for Girls and Youni? Ladies. Boarding pupils limited to fifty. Refined Christian home; every household comfort. Perfect health, out of door recreations, unex- • celled city advantages, fetandards high; faculty supexlor. Next session begins September sixteenth. For catalog and full particulars address MISS LOUL1E COMPTON, Principal, 17?? Fifth Ave., Birmingham, Ala. I I ii FOR MEN If the bottom of your ^ shoe is different from the bottom of your foot, it pushes the hones out of place, strains the cords, and causes foot ache and lameness. 8KREEMER shoes are made like MADE BV human feet, and so really do fit. # FeebIRhdGl Look for the label. If you do not jtsSL find these shoes readily, write ns BRDCKTBil MASS. for directions how to secure them. U.B.A. PRI2D. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass. j nubias Makes the Liver*Well Restores Healthy Action to the Kidneys. Purifies the Blood. TRY A BOTTLE Ask your dealer for it OK IB ‘-~A i. ' «** V * I, ji-- m IH •f IF! fj fan * . . T ,. 1 NnOllUl OllUUILi HP UC 1 IllOCpai H S B D 2 3 atlU,. D 0 * r? ,, Slimmer p ,, ,,, p, *• eCZemaS, p, r. ^ o C rashes, , ltCRingS, UTltatlOnS, inllamiTiationS, C113 fi FI g S, auu^ui sunburn n, DllTlDleS puupica, black” uiaL-ix heads, red, TOUgh, and SOf0 hands, and antiseptic cleansing as well as for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery, Cuticum Soap and Cuticura Oint ITlSnt 3T6 jnVdlUclblG. Sold ttiroujtioutthe world. Depots: London, J7, Charterhouse Sq.; Co.. Paris. Sydney: 6, Ruo iDdift. do la Pan: B. K. Austra¬ Patrt. lia, II. Towns A Africa. Calcutta: Japan, Maruya, Ltd., Tokio; So. Lennon. Ltd., Capo Town, etc., U. K. A.. Potter Drug A CHetn. Post-tree, Corp., Soie Cuticura Prop#.. Book Boston. Care of Skin. ttS~ on THE DAISY FLY KILLER destroy, alt U» nios and affords comfort to every borne-in dining room, and sleeping* all room ni: laoaa where tro u b lego ml. clean, neat, and „ will not soil o* H J injure anythin*. Try them once atl(1 vou win a«v~ er no withoci Uh'uj. If not trep# Iby prepaid dealers. for 20e, wraH It AI,01,0 SOM PUS. 110 Delia]b Ave.. Brook! ya. I. Y« will* eyes, Jf nfliicfed wenk use ThompsoD’s Ey e W afer (At 28 -’ 08 )