The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, July 10, 1908, Image 5

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*51 HOW THE CONTEST WILL CLOSE Saturday Night, July 11 th, at 10 o’clock Sharp. The Contest will be conducted in The Leader office as usual until Saturday • afternoon at 4 o’clock, when the ballot box will be closed, the count made and the bulletin issued showing the standing of the young ladies. At 8 o’clock the ballot box will be carried to Spiller’s Ice Cream Parlors and kept open for final voting. Exactly at 10 o’clock the ballot box will be closed, the final count made and the winners announced. The box will be in charge of the Editor of The Leader and the Contest Manager. Mayor J. L. Fincher and one other gentleman will make the final count and announce the winners. As a matter of convenience during the closing hours envelopes will be provided for voting instead of the regular voting ballot. The amount of money, number of votes and whom for, and the name and address of the subscriber must be written on one of these envelopes and the money sealed up in it and dropped in the ballot box when voting. In this way no one will know whether you are voting 100 or 1000 votes, as you may deposit these envelopes in the box with the blank side up. An alarm clock will be set to alarm exactly at 10 oclock and at the very first stroke of this alarm the box will be closed and under no circumstances will an¬ other vote be allowed to go in the box. If any young lady has any claims to make agafnst our count she will please present same to the Contest manager at The Leader between 6 and 7 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Everybody Invited to the Closing of the Contest at Spiller’s from 8 to SO p. m. Saturday. Do You Need A Telephone The only man who doesn’t need one is stone deaf, lives alone, has no friends nor occupation,. To all the telephone at least proves interesting, To some it will open up a means of making money, while to others it means social and business better* ment. Suppose you you see ’ Lester Hartley, and have a phone put in before the rush of f UIV ltd J/W ____ acn o r’L canA cfvav AM May 15 1908. Dear Friend; They have hired me down at the grocery. What do you think I do? Everywhere they put my picture, a new one each time, in the paper. My work is to tell every¬ body where to buy good groceries. I like my place very well because it is a good place where they treat one well. They treat everone well where I work, because they carry good groceries and sell them at the Your friend, JACOB. P. S. I work at W. K. Thweatt’s. Portable and Stationary Boilers, Saw Wills Center Side Crank ail SHAM ENGINES £3 Crank m Gasoline Highest grade Engines, Ginning Shingle Machinery Mills, Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to be had in the entire South. Large stock on hand, best terms, quickest delivery. It will pay you to investi¬ *MALLARY gate our machinery and prices. BROS. MACHINERY CO. n r)e*T?/f! ~ 'S* 6V i ff ,Js\cob. m 'J n yjtvr*v4 *?■ t B-lcCerbelL~~’ ,.r Copyright 1907, by Outcanlt Advertising Co.. Ck& Mrs Malone and Master Her¬ bert White of Flovilla are the guests of Dr White and family. Mr and Mrs TV J Haddock have returned from a pleasaut visit to friends in Perry. Misses Ruth and Christine Evans visited Byron the past week. Mr Lee Barfield of Macon was in the city Sunday. Miss Bertie Respass of Macon is the guest of M rs O G Singleton. Mr Franklin Houser of Macon is in the city with his father. Mr Nash Murph was in the city the past week. 'Mr and Mrs Geo Rice of Marshallville were in the city the past week. Mr Bertie Flournoy was in the city Sunday. The Misses Carter’s visited Macon Tuesday. Mrs Kersey of Bronwood is the “the guest of Mrs Nettie Marshall. Mrs Mann and children have returned home after a pleasant stay with Miss Annie Laurie Flournoy. Mrs R McNiece of Macon is visiting the family of Mr J F Fincher. Miss Carrie Riley is visiting in Marshallville the guest of Mr Felder Frederick and family. Mr David Coleman Strother is at home for a few days. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS G. We have recently equipped our office with a complete stock of Legal Blanks, which we will furnish you in any quanti¬ ty, from a single copy to a thousand copies, at the lowest prices. G, Our catalog, containing a list of ov&r \ hundred and fifty forms, furnished i upon request. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS Miss Baldwin Takes First Place. Big Voting—-Only Two More Days. » Things are getting quite busy in our Contest now. Voting was to-day. There were no changes in the places in the 1st district, Miss Baldwin still holds first place, and by a larger ma¬ Miss Green has taken first place in the 2nd district again by 1000 majority. Voting will be lively from now until the close it’s going to take some tall hustling to win. Reiyembcr Saturday the last day. The closing will be held at Spiders’ Palace from 8 to p. m. See big ad in Leader for particulars. DISTRICT NO. J. Ettienne Baldwin, Fort Valley. 23,000 6 i Stella Glass, Fort Valley_______ 20,700 “ Clarence Houser, Fort Valley— 11,850 ‘ Miss Clara Dasher, Perry_____ 1,200 11 Clifford Moore, Perry___________ J, too DISTRICT NO. 2. Miss Blanch Green, Route 2, Fort Valley________ 1.4,900 ‘ Annie Sue Johnson, Marshallville----- 13,800 : . Vickie Watley, Route No. 4, Reynolds.. 1,000 6 6 - Annie ( Griffith, Reynolds__________________ 950 6i Joanna Vinson, Byron----------------- 950 u Essie Bryant, Route No. 5, Fort Valley HO 0 u Annie McDaniel, Route 3, Reynolds_____ 500 John H. Simon Wholesale Commission Merchant. Receiver and Distributor All Kinds of Fruit and Vegetables. 119 Dock St., Philadelphia, Pa. Unqu estionable Returns References Daily Established 18 — o i O. Rea & Witzig Commission Merchants PEACHES Wanted in Car Lots Daily Shipments, Daily Returns’at Best Prices. and Reliable. Some as Good. None Bette.