The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, July 17, 1908, Image 5

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^manual ^a>3E«wi^.-mgiiafcsa ON TO A FINISH Fifteen Clerks on Opening Day and then unable to wait on the crowd. Closes August 1st. Come Every Day You Can. Don’t Miss It R. 5. Braswell. sm&m mmmmmmmam News From R. F. D. 5. Mr Joel E Hudson from Rey¬ nolds was the guest lof Mr R M Bryant and family Saturday. Misses Mattie Joel and Mamie Eubanks from Fort Valley were the guest of their aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs W W Stembridge last Tuesday. Mr Seab Allen from Cedar town was the guest of Mr R M Bryant Friday evening. Mrs W W Stem bridge spent Tliursday -with Mrs Florence Jorldg. Miss Essie Bryant spent Satur¬ day and Sunday at home. Mr and Mrs W R Giles and family were the guests of Mr and Mrs W F Sanders. Sunshine. Two good agents wanted at once. T. B. Joiner. 1 Bring your soiled suits Fand straw hats to the I Elberta Pressing Club in I rear of William’s Barber | Shop. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS ®. We have recently equipped our office 'with a complete stock of Legal Blanks, which we will furnish you in any quanti¬ ty. from a single copy to a th copies, at the lov, est prices. Our catalog, containing a list or o two hundred and fifty forms, fur J free upon request. WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS Melons Wanted I will be in the Fort Valley and Oglethorpe section again this year about Juiy 12th. Will be in the market for fine long melons, | Tom Watson and Hoke Smith | preferred, and thirty three average round or better. Let me hear what you have to offer. H. Dove Allison, G racerville, Fla. 3-3t. NOTICE When you want shoe work done at a reasonable price call at the Enterprise Grocery Store and I will treat you light. li M Townsend. W. M. WHITE PKOTGCiRAi’HER The latent styles in artistic plito tography. FORT' VALLEY, GA. kk HARD CLINCH" Trade Mark. ■ GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER Beats the world for holding and lasting qualities. Notice the keys! It locks as securely as if there were a lock and key on every lath. It never cracks, breaks or disintegrates. In fact, it is the one and only real wood fibre plaster which gives lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It is sold by thousands of tons all over the South. Don’t consider using any other brand until you write us for information, prices, etc. FORT VALLEY LUMBER CO. v Portable and Stationary Boilers^ Saw 11311s Crank and STEAM ENGINES Cr, 'ide < a Center Crank Gasoline Highest grade Engines, and Ginning Pumping Shingle Machinery, Outfits Mills, m ■ Corn Mills to be had in the entire South. Large stock on hand, best terms, quickest delivery. It will pay you to investi¬ gate our machinery and prices. , MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY s IM MAC9N.M. Ct i.rry It FOR SALE. Nice Milk Cows for sale or 1 will pasture your cow for 50c a a month. M. C. Murchi son. One nice House for rent in good location. You will ! have to hurry. T. B. Joiner. HUMAN MACHINERY. The marvelous mechanical inventions of today are hut mere toys compared to the human body-. This is one machine that must be given constant and intelli¬ gent care. Once permitted t> run too far without skillful repair, the wreck is Rst ' a, - St UAR'i iiUCn-'d AND JUNIFER has repaired more human ills, relieved the strain on ilk parts and completely checked lU e cause than any other invigo rating catarrh din-. It relieves Id 1. kidney diabetes, clis eases, of the dropsy, 5 9 1 - ;..;hc, dyspepsia, pain in the h :nd .‘■id?, loss of appetite, gefteral debility, t neur^'y h tl:vpi«S8ttess, rhettfcr.cisai :...*'Ousne«:s. STUART'S Bi'CHi' AND JUNIPER positively re¬ lieves these diseases. At all tores, $1.00 per bottle. White for free sample. Sfaiart Drjg Mnnufact*.: In i Co., Ai.ei'te Aa. May 15 1908. Dear Friend: f Wet They have hired me down at the grocery. W i \Sr What do you think I do? >\ . Everywhere they put my JSvcob V- A m picture, a new one each time, in the paper. My / /J work is to tell every¬ body where to buy good A n groceries. I like «* my place very well because it is a good place where -wt they treat one well. 1 They treat everone •it/iss well where I work, If. l \ because they carry good Kco^:n‘ i ~'' 1 J X groceries and sell C'-synjht 1707, by OutcatiU 4 <i«.i:i:.i» s Co.. Cpi them at the right prices. Your friend, 'i JACOB. P. S. I work at W. K. Thweatt’s. Do You Need A Telephone The only man who doesn’t ne^d one is stone de; lives alone, has no friends nc occupation. To all the telephone at least proves interesting, i some it will open up a means of making money, while to others it means~social and business better merit you you see “Lester Hartley, and have a put in before the rush of the peach sea6on.