The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, July 17, 1908, Image 7

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5yvup!ffigs EUxirtS £\S- mm GC ts the gently bowels, yet prompt¬ ly on cleanses ihe systefti ej|ectually, assists one constipation in overcoming habitual neatly, lo penn a got its beneficial ejects buy tbe genuine. anujftct red by f' I u t ho California Fig Syrup Co. SOLD BYLEADING DRUGGISTS-504 p.. BOTTLE. Controller Wilson, of Chicago, ruled that no telephone, traction, trie light or other public utility corpo¬ ration can make contributions to h03 pitals or other charities. Mrs. Winslow’sSoothing Syrup for Children teething,softens pain, -wind colic, tion, allays cures 25c a HIS IRON CONSTITUTION. He was the first tramp of the son, and merrily we welcomed in. “Here,” we said, “is a glass water—pure, cold, delicious What? You refuse it, man?” He shook his head and sighed, ■ I have to, sir,” he said. “You see, I’ve got an iron constitution, and water would rust it.”—Tit-Bits. WANTED Several small business and uring enterprises—new financial assistance, etc. L. Edmundson, Raymond, TO FRESHEN FLOWERS. To ic-vive flowers which have b.wu packed and carried for some distance, •pdnnfi* «!& gtaYics into hot water and *5o-w them to stand till the water is cold. Then cut off the ends of the stalks, and arrange the flowers in cold water. Thus treated flowers will last wonderfully in vases.—New York World. ANTIDOTE FOIt SKIN DISEASES. That’s what Tetterine is; and it is more. It is an absolute cure for eczema, tetter, ringworm, erysipelas and all o.ther itohing cutaneous diseases. In aggravated cases ot these afflictions its cures have been phe nomeual. It gives instant relief and effects permanent cures. 50c. at druggists or by mail from J. T. Shuptiune, Dept. A, Sa vannah, Ga. The business manager of an opera company says no critic who cannot -eing is able to critize singing. Ergo protests the Louisville Courier-Jour¬ nal, one who is neither a carpenter ®or a forester can tell a hawk from a handsaw. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn? Shake into your shoes Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes right or new shoes feel easy. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen, Hot, Smarting and Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. 25 cts. Sample sent Free. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. SHIFTING KICKS. The street car company had con¬ cluded to raise fares. “We’re tirej of htxrring people kick about being jammed in our cars,” ex plained a director. Just as many people will ride. Certainly, but they will have a new kick.’ -Philadelphia Ledger. John R. Diekey’s old reliable eye water cures sore eyes or granulated lids. Don’t hurt, feels good; get the genuine in red THOSE FOOL QUESTIONS. 'Would you like me to -trim a lit tie off the • oaris of that hair, sir?" asked the barber “Naw,” snapped the grouchy cus “Leave the ends alone and some out of the middle.”—Cleve. land Leader TWO CURES OF ECZEMA. Eahy Had Severe Attack—Grand lalhor SnffcriHl Torments with the Disease—Owe Recovery to Cuticura. in 1SS4 my grandson, a babe, had an * tack ,;f eczema, and after trying the doc ors to the extent: of heavy bills and an in rrr -^e of the disease and suffering, I ommended rec¬ child Cuticura and i in a few weeks man fina absolutely free frotri the disease. A few vc ’S nan I I emdraofnJ contracted arid bee; cc/eina. , une n an intense sufferer. ter A whole win passed without once having on shoes, cr tfiy* '- r *' v ^ j^ roni *nilent Iv'nees to the toes being v sores. I tried many 1 * 8 t0 no ^^ ur P°se. Then I procured the I' dticura Remedies and found immedi ate i hnprovement and fi nal M. W. LaP, cure. .^ e - 845 Seventh St.. Louisville, Ky., A P , ' i l 23 and May 14. 1907. n THE IDIOT’S JOKE. Idiot, “Summer,” remarked the Cheerful “is the pride of all the sea BC&S.” How do you figure that out?” asked i th e Dense Person. R goes before a fall,” expi-ained the c I., with an o P en ace gnm - C S-go News. , > *-• * An Overworked Word. In certain sections of the there are much favored words arp required to do duty with a variety of meanings. Such is word “smart” among Yankees, and along the -"Labrador shore the “civil.” The following “between two natives was hy a traveler. “We are goin’ to have lots of today,” said one, glancing at the “N-aw. It'll be c ivil," replied companion. “How did you get on with the tain?” “Oh, he got civil to hunting by and by. When he went out didn’t know nothing, but he got ilize-d." “Bid you go down the Ketcher?” “Naw. It’s too civil for him. wanted lots of rapids. So we down the Boomer. Them’s about civil rapids as I want to see. SPOILING THE FUN. “But, Michael, can't you manage to live with your wife out. fighting?” “Well, no, mv.m. I appily.”—-London Opinion. FITS,St. Vitus’Dance :Nervous Kline's Diseases Restorer. manently cured trial by Dr. bottle and treatise Great 82 Dr. H. R. Kline, Ld..931 Arch St.. Ph'ila., CLEAR CONSCIENCE. Kniicker — She thinks fishing cruel. Booker—Ye:;, she doesn’t wear an her hut.—New York Sun. To Drive Out Malaria and Build the System Take the Old Standard Grove’s less Chill Tonic. You know what are taking. The formula is plainly ! on every bottle, showing it is simply 1 n ’ ue in a tasteless form, and most effectual form. For grown and children. 50c. RESORTS. Mrs. Knicker—Where will you the summer.” 'Mrs. Boeker—Jack says It on Chicago and Denver.—-New Sun. soft corns between the toes i Are often more painful than the hard on top. Abbott's east Indian corn will cure either kind,as well as callous, spots and indurations of the “It cures to stay cured.” 25c. at or by mail. The Abbott Co., Savannah, “She was on the train,” timidly plained the commuter, “but I got playing cards and a Lonelyville won her at whist.”—Philadelphia letin. : What a I .. mil try Man Says About —< j j Mule Team Borax, i As 1 am in the poultry business, j had ten white chicks to wash prepare for a show. I used Team” Soap for washing the and I can say from years of ience washing white birds, ^ever fore have I found a soap or that cleaned my birds so fine easy. I had a great deal of on my birds being so white. J, Dinwiddie, New Market, Tenn. All dealers—1 and 5 lb. Sample and booklet, 5c. Coast Borax Co.. New York. About a vacation the most ble th’ing is the planning thereof. H. H. Green s Sons, of Atlanta, Ga., the only successful Dropsy Specialists in world. See their liberal offer in ment in another column of this paper. A haunted house has shades | curt ains. Hicks’ Capudine Cures Headache, 1 Whether from Cold, Heat Stomach, Mental Strain. No Acetanihd ; or di-ugs. 10c., It’s and Liquid. drug Effects 25e., 50c., at stores 1 | The man who quarrels with and should be made eat his words. TETTEitixK-A keliabi.e c(jre. Tetterixe is a sure, safe and speedy for eczema, tetter, skin and scalp and itching piles. Endorsed by | druggists’or S by mail from J. T. Shuptbink, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. - THE HARD-LOOKING WOMAN. . She—“Sir. I understand you said 1 had hard features.” He (»n ely)—“I plead guilty to saying you had'a marble brow, arched eyebrows, eyes like diamonds and lips like rubies.”—Chicago Journal. j W ANTED LADIES TO. j WRITE TO US regarding our i'er-pirodor. propoxition to handle our article called You are not a canvasser or :a#ent. want you Juaf lojdve foil our yway to your thearilcie friends a vo them re-.! Thoineritoof i and fordoing this we n.-n- 'on liberally. Write to ub at once. PKlf siMi:oiM)K CO.. Filth Ave nueaud Thirty-fourth street, New \ ork. American Cotton College, 1 MILLEDGEYILLE, GA. For the education of Farmers, Clerks, Merchants, Warehousemen, Cotton Buyers, Manufacturers, and all others, young or old, who are unable to classify and put the correct valuation on 18 GRADES OF COTTON. I Thirty Day Scholarships in our Sample Rooms, or six weeks’ Correspondence Course under expert cotton men will complete you. Big demand for cotton graders and cotton buyers. SESSION OPENS SEPT. 1st. Correspond g Qce c C urss year round. Write at once for further particulars. 7 PHOOF FOIt TWO CENTS. It You Suffer With Your Kidneys and Hack Write to This Man. I G. W. Winney, Medina. N. Y., in¬ ; vites kidney sufferers to write to him. 1 j? To all who enclose / he will /* —postage V, re ply, telling how | SUSS’ \ Doan’s Kidney Pills j ( /; had cured had been doctored him in after two and dif¬ he ferent hospitals for eighteen months, j ■ t E: - suffering intense | W/M; m pain in the back, i 1 lameness, twinges j when stooping or lifting, languor, dizzyspells and rheu¬ matism. "Before I used Doan’s Kid¬ ; ney Pills,” says Mr. Winney, "l \ weighed 14 3. After taking 10 or 12 boxes 1 weighed 102 and was com¬ j pletely cured.” Sold by all dealers. 50cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. AT THE CONCERT. Enthusiast—What would you give for a voice like that? Everett True— Chloroform.—Louis | ville Herald. GEE! DON'T THAT COKX HURT! Stop the pain and get rtd of the corn quickly and permanently. Abbott’s east in in an corn paint will remove any corn, bun¬ ion or callous spot without cutting, burn¬ ing, or “eating” the flesh and leaves no soreness afterwards. Applied with a brush; mighty little trouble. 25c. at druggists or by muil from The Abbott Co., Savannah, Ga. It is funny how certain your neigh ) bor’s idea of sensible things is to in : elude the things you did not do. — ........... .... — - -------- , . ..... . ..... . H f$ £$$) |i ® n jpM Baiffl ** *" a* afl H SB A MOTHER m M R$ gif B WF*' n K Wj m || | 1 ffil ff 1 ■' j t ?\ ITmv many American women in lonely homes to-day long for this blessing to come into their lives, and to be able to utter these words, but because of some organic derange ment this happiness is denied them. Evprv wnrnan 'tUIUdU irifpvpsfpd IUWIWMJU in IU this UUD SUbiect Should know that prepara tion j • for n 1 healthy i,i maternity , • is accomplished by the use of LYDIA E.PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West Union, S. Cowrites to Mrs. Pinkham : 4 4 I was greatly run-down in health from a weakness peculiar to my sex, Compound when Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable : was recommended to me. It ; not only restored me to perfect health, but to my delight I*am a mother. M Mrs. Josephine Hall, of Bardstown, | Ky., writes: “I was a very great sufferer from female troubles, and my physician failed to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound not only restored me to perfect health, but I am now a proud mother.” _ FACTS _ ___ FOR _ SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pirtk ham s Vegetable Compound, made rom roots and heibs, has been the ; Standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with I dis place merits, inflammation, ulcera tion, nbroicl tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear tion, ing-downfeeling, dizziness flatulency, indiges-! Why don’t or nervous it prostration, you try ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice, She has guided thousands to health. Address, L-ynn, Mass. t Malaria Causes Loss of Appetite The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILE TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed oa every bottle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children 50c. r i *•> RFfilPE FOR HOMEOPATHIC COFFEE <5 >, 5-1A NO » stale coffee bean In the sunshine, letting Its shadow n fall on a tub of water: then serve the water in cups. Or, J make in the usual way, using cheap, low-graile, bulk or brand m | offee. The result w ill be practically the same. Hut if yon - i I of discriminating taste with rich, red blood -..V I are a person In \ § your veins, only LUZ1ANNE COFFEE can sat Isfy you. ti-:. OLD F.VtRYWKIRE The Raily-Taylor Go, M&CTH. 1-1 A%. XKW OULF VNS. i i i I i i i i 1 i i i i i i *03 5 e/ Of good health is a well ordered liver. / ,—->■—, NUBIAN XIlA brings immediate relief. Cures tendency to constipation and restores normal conditions. Pleasant to take, effective and leaves none of the bad results of calomel and other violent remedies. Proved by the experience of twenty years to be a most valuable liver regulator. Thousands testify 1 to its efficiency. Read the following: i t Ludowici, Ga.— It is the finest medicine I ever saw, and a A big seller. It takes the place of calomel and all 1 other purgatives. C. J. McDonald. 9 9 ! All dealers sell it. Manufactured by j ^ SPENCER MEDICINE COMPANY Chattanooga, Tenn. ^ j 4 j » 9 * 4 BRIDAL FADS AND FANCIES, Some men have money to burn ho "You haven’t half smoked that cig- cause they don t burn it. nr. A newly-married man should not Hicks’ Capudine Cures Women’s be so wasteful." Monthly f lead Pains, Backache, Nervousness, “T 1 leave leave the trie butts buns Ion" ion„ to to Please nlease « ohe It’s Liquid. Effects immo wife. She likes to loop with dmtcly. results. Prescribed by physicians with best my em 10c., 25c.. and 50c.. at drug atora*. ribbons a.n I hang ’em about the flat." It is better to be born plucky than : —Washington Herald. rich aiul unlucky. 1 ri A SCIENTIFIC TREATMENT FOR Keeic\ Whiskey, Drugs, Cigarette and Tobacco Habits. Also NEURASTHENIA or NERVE EXHAUSTION. Administer*! « by Specialists for thirty years. Correspondence confidential. ure The Only Keeley Institute in Georgia. 229 Woodward Ave., ATLANTA, GA. BOILERS TANKS STACKS Pumps, Supplies Heaters, Injectors, Engine Hotels, Public and Works. Repairs for MUl-e, Try LOMBARD IRON WORKS, Augusta,Ga. ; jaks the Place of Calomel Oonstipatinn Bend ifl0n0 , ls matter bomi ,, in? through th« body. Dari headaohs. Hour Ktom;i J,. ta^ter*i!vSl JetSe «mth«Lur^t8iw^ t.ittueuon? ntfe y r ^tS ip ^ i ion. T ote»»"thS w Dowels, stroncthen diuestlon. the Wfiakcnecl inirts, imluoo ;u>]>o titenn.I what uid drink They do. do not Price Salivate, no mu tor VOU out, or 25 cents from your dealer or direct from 4. M. YOUNG, JR., WftYCROSS, GA. ’ ft | Dropsy in II Jl* Removes all swellinp' 8 to 20 days ; effects a permanent cure J, in 30 to 60 days. Trialtreatment jj»igiven free. Notliiugcan be fairer K3 ’ Write Dr. H. H. Green’s Sons, vv*? feSoeclalists. Box B Atlanta. Gr (At29-’08) r BIRMINGHAM SEMINARY BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. Ideal school for Girl» and Voun^ Ladies. Boarding pupils limited to fifty. Reflaed Christian home; every household coinfort. Perfect health, out of door recreations, unex¬ celled city advantages. Standard* high; faculty supeiior. Next session begins September sixteenth. For catalog and full particulars address MISS LOULIE COMPTON, Principal, 1722 Fifth Ave,, Birmingham, Ala. I I $l C 35 $l jVB • • your T* 16 *°P foot °f rests a shoe determines that demands its style. the It’s the lines part to assure and comfort. The difference upon SKBEOMER proper ease between shoes and others lies in the fact that they are made on a special, natural foot-form model. a hey nt exactly, and for that reason are absolutely comfortable. Look for the label. If you do not find these *h oes readily, write U3 for directions how to secure them. MAM BY FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Hass. FhedFFeeldOi BaocKiauiMt U.S.A. ! TSSIEI ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body antiseptically clean and free from un* healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors, which water, soap and tooth preparations alone cannot do. A germicidal, disin¬ fecting and deodor¬ izing toilet requisite of exceptional ex- ■T 54 cellence and econ¬ a omy. Invaluable Aseptic for inflamed eyes, drug stores, by throat uterine mail and and 50 caiarrh. postpaid. cents, nasal toilet and At or 0 y* 'A 5*/ Large Trial Sample WITH "HCALTH and BEAUTY” BOOK BENT EKE* THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston, Mass.