The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, July 24, 1908, Image 7

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AX HONEST DOCTOR ADVISED PE-RU-NA. M R. SYLVESTER E. SMITH, Room 218, Granite Block, St. Louis, Mo., writes: U Peruna is the best friend a nick man can have. *• A few months ago I came here in a wretched condition. Exposure and dampness had ruined my once robust health. I had catarrhal affections of the bronchial tubes, and for a time there was a doubt as to my recovery. a My good honest old doctor advised me to take Peruna, which I did and in a short time my health began to im prove very rapidly, the bronchial trouble gradually disappeared, and in three months my health was fully re¬ stored. Accept a grateful man’s thanks for tie restoration to perfect health. Pc-ru-na for His Patients. A, W. Perrin, M. D. S., 980 Halsey gt., Brooklyn, N. Y., says: a I am using your Peruna myself, and *m recommending it to my patients in *11 cases of catarrh, and find it to be xnore than you represent. Peruna can be had now of all druggists in this sec¬ tion. At the time I began using it. it was unknown. ff His Own Pockets, When the awkward fellow doesn’t (know what to do with his hands he put them in his pocket, which, after all. is better than putting them in other people's pockets.—(Philadelphia Record. BED-BOUND FOR MONTHS. Hope Abandoned After Physicians’ Consultation. Mrs. Enos Shearer, Yew and Wash¬ ington Sts., Centralia, Wash., says: “For yea-rs I was weak and run down, could not sleep, my f# limbs swelled and the secretions were troublesome; pains were intense. I was fast in bed for four months. Three doc¬ tors said there was no cure for me and I was given up to die. Being urged, I used Doan’s Kid¬ ney Pills. Soon 1 was better and in a few weeks was about the house, well and strong again. »* Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Lettuce is said to cause measles and scarlet rash. It is known beyond cavil to the Atlanta Georgian that boiled cabbages have caused rows in flats. CURES ALL ITCHING ERUPTIONS, Glencoe, Md., Nov. 21st, 1907: “I have had eczema on my hands for 12 years, and have tried everything. I have been using tet tebine 4 days and the results are great." Signed, Mrs. M. Harvey. Tettebine is the surest, safest, speediest cure for eczema and all other skin diseases. Sold by drug¬ gists or sent by mail for 50c. by J. T. bHut tbine, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. The Washington Herald tells of a man who felled a horse with one blow of his fist. But he couldn’t get back the money he had lost, on the brute. ITCHING HUMOR ON BOY. His Hands were a Solid Mass, and Disease Spread All Over Body— Cured in 4 Days by Cuticura. “One day we noticed that our little boy was all broken out with itching sores. We first noticed it on his little hands. His bauds were not as bad then, and we didn't think anything serious would result. But the next day we heard of the Cuticura Remedies being so good for itching sores. By this time the disease had spread all over hig body, and his hands were nothing but a solid mass of this itching disease. 1 purchased a box of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Ointment, and that nigiit 3 took the Cuticura Soap and lukewarm water end washed him well. Then I dried him and took the Cuticura Ointment and anointed him with it. I did this every evening and in four nights lie was entirely cured. Mrs. Frank Donahue, 208 Fremont St., Kokomo, Ind., Sept. 16, 1907.” Sayg the Atlanta Constitution: Beef is now so high that even a million¬ aire’s appetite hesitates to reach it. WANTED Several small business and manufact uring enterprises—-new town—inducements. I financial assistance, etc. L. Edmundson, Raymond, Ga. There are 250 railroad stations within a six-mile radius of St. Paul’s Cathedral. Txxndon. To Drive Out Malaria and Baild Up the System Take the Old Standard Grove’s Taste n®ss Chill Tonic. You know what you are on taking. The formula is plainly printed nine every Iron bottle, showing it is simply arid Qui¬ and in a tasteless form, the most effectual form, tor grown people •nd children. 50c. The world’s production of rubber the season of 1903-G was CG.900 tons. A CORN CURE THAT CURES. Abbott’s east Indian corn paint is a won derf ul remedy for hard or soft corns, bun Sons, sore, callous spots on the feet, warts *nd indurations of the skin. It is applied with a brush and cures without cutting, j burning or soreness. 25c. at your druggists j 0T by mail from The Abbott Co., Savan | __ There are eight Hon don taxicabs companies, their average day’s tak- j i logs of a taxicab being 511.20. The average cost of a London taxicab is fl,703, and its average takings are TTFmlFlC DMi&PMi Dr. H. Campbell Thomson of Eng¬ land has been making use of the cine¬ matograph in nervous diseases, tak ing pictures at the rate of 16 to the second, showing the movements of the p.itients. A Saxon firm has introduced a new road-binding composition for prevent¬ ing dust. It is called apokonln, and is a mixture of the heavier residual oils obtained in the distillation of coal tar with high’ boiling hydro-carbons. About 40 different kinds of whales and dolphins are known, and although they live in the open sea and look like fish they are not fish at all, but are true mammals, breathing air and feed¬ ing their young on milk, like cows and horses. Here is a test for the detection in an apartment of sewer gas: Saturate unglazed paper with a solution of one troy ounce of pure acetate of lead in eight fluid ounces of rain water; let it partially dry; then expose in the room suspected of containing sewer gas. The presence of gas m any con¬ siderable quantity soon blackens the test paper. The ’atest thing in the marine line is the adoption of the bicycle and au¬ to tire principle to absorb the exces¬ sive vibration in decks. This has been accomplished by scores of stanchions c cored amidships and in the between deeks under the second cabin section, all fitted with hard rubber rests at each end, to lessen the vibration in the after part of the ship. In France Mons. Bufour has suc¬ ceeded in making thermometer tubes of pure quartz, Not only are these exceedingly transparent, but their re¬ sistance to heat and other advantages make them superior to glass for ther¬ mometers intended to measure high temperatures. In such thermometers melted tin takes the place of mercury, and the scale reads from about 465 de¬ grees Fahrenheit up over 1000 degrees. It could be run up to 1800 degrees, for quartz does not soften below that tesuperature. According to recent experiments by Staailas Tetard, a widely known French agriculturist, wheat and oth er cereals can be protected against the ravages of crows, which are par¬ ticularly fond of the grain when its sprouts are just pushing above the ground, by treating the seeds before they are sown with a. mixture of coal tar, petroleum and phenic acid. This treatment, which delays the growth of the seed for a day or two, but causes no damage, imparts an odor which is insufferable to the crows, but which disappears after the sprouts have at¬ tained a larger growth, vv lien they are no longer subject to attack. Tinfoil, which is extensively used for wrapping tobacco, certain food pro¬ ducts and other articles of commerce, is a combination of lead, with a thin coating of tin on each side, says The Valve World. It. is made in the follow¬ ing manner: First, a tin pipe is made of a thickness proportionate to its diameter: proportion not given. This pipe is then filled with molten lead and rolled or beaten to the extreme thinness required. In this process the tin coating spreads simultaneously with the spreading of the lead core, and continuously maintains a thin, even coating of tin on each side of the centre sheet of lead, even though it may be reduced to a thickness of 0.001 inch or less. Apples and Insomnia. A medical writer declares that the apple is such a common fruit that very few persons become familiar with its medicinal properties, The best thing just before going to bed, he savs, is to eat an apple. Peisons uninitiated in the mysteries of the fruit,” he continues, “are likely to throw up their hands in horror at the visions of dyspepsia which such a sug¬ gestion may summon up, but no harm can come even to a delicate system by the eating of a ripe and juicy ap¬ ple before going to bed. The apple is excellent brain food, because it has more phosphoric acid in easily digest¬ ed shape than any other fruit. It ex cites the action of the liver, promotes sound and healthy sleep and thor¬ oughly disinfects the mouth, This is not all; the aple prevents indiges tion and throat diseases. —The Path finder. A Quick Stimulant, Jn L of coki or overfatigue there is nothing that so quick.y acts as a stimulant as a cup oi not milk. Heat it just to the boi ing point and sip slowly. A little salt may be added to make it more palatable. At a sale of political works held in Philadelphia, 250 quarter volumes of the Congressional Record, in half Rus sia binding, were bid in at 2 cents a volume. \iT Jb The most famous (offee (offee in America is New Orleans P Roasted and Blended According to the Creole-French Formula ■> 111 - You §et it when you buy ,. UlZWNNtCWFtt @ d ? K- DOUBLE A COFFEE STREHGTHTXQUISrrt OF SUPERB QUALITY- BLEND-LOW PRICE Jft 25*1 Lb (an TheReilyTayior 0 v wHtR jitM^ OMPANY, Obiu.j EveP New S K u The difference between the paying guest and the boarder, as defined by the Atlanta Journal, is that the lat¬ ter doesn't help to bring in the stove wood. Ask Your Dealrr For Allen’s Foot-Fuse. A powder. It rests the feet. Cures Corns, Bunions,Swollen, Sore,Hot,Callous. Aching Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails. Allen s Foot-Ease makes new or tight shoeseasy. At all Druggists and Shoe stores, 25 cents. Ac¬ cept no substitute. Sample mailed FmcK. Address Allen S. Olmsted; LeRoy, N. Y. A California politician died of heart disease when arrested for embezzle roent. Do these things still surprise the 'California boodlers to that ex¬ tent? inquires the Louisville Courier Journal. John R. Dickey’s old reliable eye water cures sore eyes or granulated lids. Don’t hurt, feels good; get the genuine in red box. Without adequate physical ment, mental instruction to a extent is wasted, asserts the York World. A sickly child in tional cases attains an unusual mental .development, but in general health means poor scholarship, and weak body is accompanied by an inef¬ fective mind. eczema cured. r*. r * t> iu despair, when a neighbor told mo to try Shuptrine’s tettebine. After using I $3 worth of your tkttkrine and soap am completely cured. I cannot say too much in its praise.” Tettebine at druggists or by mail 50c. Soap 25c. J. T. Shuptbine, Dept. A, Savannah, Ga. An Easy One. “What will happen when women get the ballot? »> “That’s easily answered. “Well? ■ ’ Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens thegums,reducesiniiamma tion, allays pain,cures wind colic, 25c a botttn Mistaken Impatience. “He says he is an anarchist.’' ex claimed the citizen who is always being shocked. “Nonsense,” answered the calm and collected person, “He is merely one of these impatient people who can’t vrait until the Fourth of July for the excitement of promiscuous explo* sions.”—Washington -Star. WOOD, 1 H ON AND STEEL belting. " . LOMBARO COMPANY, ticking, AUGUSTA, Lacing. GA (liefer A Food Products Libby’s Vie nna Sausage You’ ve never tasted the best sausage until you’ve eaten Libby’s Vienna Sausage. It s a sausage product of high food value! Made different! Cook¬ ed different. Tastes different and is different than other sausage! Libby’s Vienna Sausage, like all of the Libby Food Products, is carefully prepared and cooked in Libby’s Great White Kitchen. It can be quickly served for any meal at any time. It is pleas¬ ing, not over-flavored and has that satisfying taste. Try it. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago. OE No Uae Asking Him. A certain Sunday school class In Philadelphia consists for the most part of youngsters who live in the poorer districts of the city. One Sunday the teacher told the class about Cain and Abel, and the fol¬ lowing week she turned to Jimmie, a diminutive lad, who, however, had not been present the previous ses¬ sion. “Jimmle,” she said, “I want you to tell me who killed Abel.” ‘‘Ain’t, no use askin’ me. teacher," replied Jimmie; ‘‘I didn’t even know he was dead.”—Harper’s Weekly. FITS, St. Vitus’ Dance : 37 orvou> Diseases manently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Restorer. 82 trial bottle and treatise Dr. H. R. Klipe, Ld.,981 Arch St.. P liila.. A young husband in died the other day from the effect eating the first pie his young had cooked. That illustrates the hero ism of the brave fellows who unto themselves brides.—Houston Post. Hicks’ Capudine Curt's Nervousness, Whether tired out, worried, overworked, what not. It refreshes the brain nerves. It’s Liquid and pleasant to 10c., 25c., and 50c., at drug stores. The Charleston News and Couriei says that there are, demagogues this country whose ideas are so that they refuse to associate each other. DON’T CUT YOUR CORNS. If yon suffer with corns, bunions, sere, callous spots on the feet or soft corns tween the toes, go to your druggist or 25c. by mail for Abbott’s east Indian PAINT. It cures quickly and without cutting, burning or » . eating” flesh and loaves no pain or soreness, Ad dross The Abbott Co., Savannah, Ga. If man and a woman ,, live a • ,n 1,er,cct " mt - " i,| ' Pocl trl ; «* wnnainy. growing togrthor, ! ' n K each other, studying each j they will find that they can get well, form a complete society of own, without much help from the side, moralizes the New York (At-30’03) American Cotton College Milledgcville# Georgia. For the education of Farmer*, Clerks, Merchants, Warehousemen, Cotlsa Buyers, Manufacturers, and all others, young or old, who are unable to classify 1 and put the correct valuation on 18 Grades of Co’.toi. Thirty day scholarships id cur sample rooms, or six weeks’ correspondence course under expert cotton ( will complete you. Big demand for cotton graders and cotton buyers. Session opens* Sept. 1st. Correspondence course year round. Write at once for further pa 'ticuiarst Acts on the Liver and Kidneys, ! Invigorates the System and I U Keeps You Well 9$ i TRY A BOTTLE A A r your dealer for it I • PIEDMONT DEMORE3T, GA. Healthful mountain location. Regular i and College course*; Mpecial course* in Business, j Domestic Science and Music. Superior Reasonable prices. For catalogue and further infer i mat ion address i HENRY C. NEWELL, Acting Take the Place of Calomel through Oonstipritinn the body. wenfk Dull poisonoii* headache, matter Stomach, s,minding Sour Feted Breath, the Bleared Eye*. Doss of Energy and Ai>-, Liver petite Pills are postively surest signs or he affliction, They the aluggiah liver cure constipation. awaken to better action, cleanse the bowels, and strengthen digestion. the weakeuod parts, Saftvate, induce appe Lite aid They do not no mat ter what you eat. drink or do. Price 25 oenU from your dealer or direct from J. M. YOUNG, JR., WAYCROSS. GA. THE DAISY FLY KILLER «;i tb* tues and afforda comfort to every nouie m dining room, I MBA ao<i Bleeping all room wKa wli.*re /It. pi aeon h <’> H Ml t r o u b I o .4 m 3 jSjl /‘loon, will not neat, soil and . |39J or Mil Injur Trv a them anything. once [BHnj and von wi)J nev 0K§3 er t)d without 2R9 fhGyn. Jf not kept by oealers. sent HAROLD prepaid for 20 c. MOM Fits. 149 DcKalb a**.. Brooklyn. U. Y . 'Sf”* ’Jt rv. ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS M MILLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA _vRailroad Largest and beat equipec) school South. Expert management. m wire connections. Position, guaranteed. Railroad fa re* MS paid Board at cost. Open year around. Write for catalogue D KnB Great demand for operators _ BIRMINGHAM SEMINARY BIRMINGHAM. ALABAMA. Ideal H.'ihool for Girls nuii Younx J.adiei. Boarding pupils limited to fifty. RefiseA Christian home: every household comfort, perfect health, out of door recreations, unex¬ celled city advantages. Stnndnrde high; faculty super lor. Next session begins September sixteenth. For catalog and full particulars address MISS LOULIL COMP ION, Principal, 1722 Fifth Ave., Birmingham, Ala J FARMS fn Jonnilm and adjacent Counties, Banner farmim/sect:fri* Of Georgia. Can raise anything I hat grows. Henltby o trI ",want and price, reasonable, nmm, Ui iu a Also city t idalU property, the railroad cootorsi cm, Soutli Georgia, all and price.. Write for litorxla tive < ircular. ROBINSON * GRACE, Vidnlin, Ca. I » s E r FOR MEN I IMany people crowd their feet into shoes JUT in an attern P t to make their feet fit the, sbpes. Don’t choke your feet in that way:' wear SKREFJHUR^. ■Hr They fit your feet. Look for the label, and, if you don’t V find these shoes readily, write the makers for directions how to secure them. MAD* BY FRED. F. FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass M.RELB& KOCtTC&MAS. U.S.A. | FOUR GIRLS ; Restored to Health by Lydia E» Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Read What They Say. M iss Lillian Item*. sa§ East 84th Street, Naur York, writes: “LydSa E. Pinkham’s Vegnt*. ble Compound irregularities,ft. oum* -r* came ! m riodic nervous Buffering kcadaehMt aaA after everything had and failed I fool to hef| LILLIAN ROSS it a duty tm let others know ol it.'* IGtth aril io Craig.JSSf I Lafayette Col., writes: St., “Thaate* Potvar. 1 ° L >’ diil K - Finkbamls — Vegetable Compound I ffkma st -at' | ‘unwell, months artersulferia* from or ww> KATHARINE CRAI0 vf L vous prostration." Miss Marie StoitSK f®. Hu writes: man, of “Jwasinavtw- Laurel, ■a* downconditionanAmfr iWindigostion, ,JS fered from suppression* and poos jMcireulation. Pinkham’s Vegetal!* Lydia Hi m mash srotTrwAijr well Compound and made mm strong. ■» IM sKof Miss Ellen M. 01am, its? 7 $t*wanee, 417 N. East St., Re* JH III.,says; ‘Ly Maa d i a E. Compound Pinkham ’ sVeg*. asst •w table me of backache, establietMM Rid* OLSON ache, and CllCW M. my periods, after tto# best local doctors bail failed to help me. ia FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pinto* ham’s Vegetable Compound, has mad» from standard roots remedy and herbs, for female been ids. that and has positively have cured troubled thousands*® with women who been displacements, inflammation, ulcera ' tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities* periodic pains, backache, flatulency,indigesp that bear jng-down tion,dizziness,ornervbusprostratkia. feeling, W hy don’t you try it ? Mrs. Plnklmm invites all sick women to write her for advim. she has Address, guided Lynn, thousands Mas*. (at health. eyes, with If uflllrml wchU use TIioispsoB’sEyeWaiff 9 TOILET ANTISEPTIC Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body anfiscptically clean and free from ua> healthy germ-life and disagreeable odor*, * which water, .‘onp 1 and tooth ** preparation* v alone • Cannot . CIO. , A A 5*. rferruteirinl J dtntn testing . and deodor- , Mr* IZlfift wOIlCt f6(]U181tC a "T" of exceptional ex cellence . and « econ- tv omy. Invaluable LlUT Aljf” for inflamed eyes, throat and nasal and uterine caiarrh. At drug and toilet s a 1 stores, 50 cents, or by mail postpaid. r Large Trial Sample WITH "HEALTH AND BEAUTY" BOOK BENT »it Eft' THE PAXTON TOILET CO., Boston,Ita,