Newspaper Page Text
Fhe Fort Valley J Leader
S' Aiann j
Monday August 10.
Tuesday, August lltli At 8 O’Clock
We will put on our Challenge Remnant Sale
St is useless for as to go in to detail as to how many remnants we have for this Challenge Sale, as everyone knows there
must be quite a lot from the tremendous sale we have we will close the day previous, so we will take up the space in
telling yon all about the remnants.
SILK REMNANTS. We will have many silk remnants, also a few full bolts which we will close at remnant prices. ~
DRESS GOODS REMNANTS. The Remnants in the dress goods, will be in both wool and cotton fabrics, of the prettiest lot
of patterns eyes ever beheld, they will sell from 14 to 14 off. Don’t miss this opportunity.
FACTS. Don’t fail to take advantage of silk bargains during the sale. If you do you will regret it. Silks arc going to
be worn very much this fall season, and if you wait you will pay a big price for them.
3*08 Yards left of that good heavy Sea Island to go 18 yards for $1.0®.
TABLE CLOTH. Many remnants in table linens also table oil cloth at the same time we will sell other full bolts at Chalb
eoge Prices. Everything in the house sold at Remnant Prices.
a Clothing as remnants, Odd Trousers as remnants, Underwear as remnants.
Everything else as remnants.
This will clean us up, then we will begin to get in fall goods. This Fall we will
show you the greatest stock of Merchandise ever brought to this section.
R. 5. Braswell.
mwsmxmm: sbges : nm
Delightful Picnic at
Norwoods Friday
Quite a number of young men
gave a delightful picnic at Nor¬
woods, Friday in honor,of Misses
Telete and Brook Scott, the
guests of Misses Miller, The
invited guests were; Misses
Clarence Houser, Claudia Ross,
Mamie Miller, Maud Miller.
Messers Tom Flournoy, Robert
Torbert, Phil Scroggs, Harris
Neils, Claude Walton, Robert
Flournoy, Frank Troutman, of
Macon, Frederick Riley, William
Wright Mr and Mrs Otis Jones.
Mr Frank Barclay, of Atlanta,
is visiting the family of Mr J R
Misses Rosa and Edna Maffet
spent Friday with Mrs R A Hiley
Mr and Mrs A Glass are visi¬
ting in Atlanta.
I have opened a
First Class Sew¬
ing Machine Store
and handle repair
parts for all kinds
of Machines.
In New Store of Mr. Andrew
Houser, on Macon Street-
Enjoyable Picnic at
Taylors Friday
Messers Wm and Wesley
Houser and Jake Cooner gave a
picnic at Taylors’ Friday in honor
of the visiting girls. The invited
guests were; Misses Margaret
Roberts, Anna^Cooner, Gladys
Riley, Eula Mae Blewsterj* Zollie
McArthur, Maggie Ivy, Lillian
Hyatt. Messers Wm and Wes¬
ley Houser, Ben Roe Marshall,
Jake Cooner, Howard Riley, Wil¬
lie Williams and Grover Ivey. !
Miss Dora Lemkowitz, of Nat¬
chez, Miss., who has been the
guest of Miss, Stella Glass, re¬
turned home last Thursday.
Mrs Robt Flournoy spent a
few days in Marshallville this
Mr J H Allen left Monday on
an entended trip to Tybee and
other points.
Mrs A H Long and Mrs J W
Rundeil and children have re-j
turned from a visit to Mrs G W |
Roberts, of Columbus.
Old Soldier Here
Mr J H Thompson and wife, of i
I ,
Delhart Texas, are visiting
friends in Fort Valley. They
were both reared in Houston and
have a large number of friends
who are glad to see them. Mr
Thompson was a member of Co.
E 45th Ga Regiment in the Civil
war, and will be pleased to meet
all his old comrades while here.
Mr. and Mrs. FranK W. Withoft Biing
Royally Entertained
The many friends of Mr and
Mrs Frank W Withoft will be
pleased to learn of the delightful
visit they are enjoying at their
old home in Dayton, Ohio. The
following clipping from The Day
ton Daily News gives an account
of a dinner given Mr and Mrs
Withoft by Mr Dan Pfoutz. the
well known Dayton millionaire;
‘ J Mr. and Mrs Frank W With¬
oft are being royally entertained
by their friends during their vis¬
it to their old home, and many
social affairs are being given in
their honor. Mr and Mrs Dan
Pfoutz entertained at dinner for
them Monday night at their home
in Dayton View, and Thursday
Mrs Withoft was the
guest at a porch party,
given at the Withoft home in Lin
avenue. The hostesses were J
Mrs Fred G Withoft and Miss
Helen, and the affair was indeed
pretty compliment paid the
of the home, The af
was spent informally,
a beautifully appointed lun
was served. 5 J
Miss Ola Harwell left Tuesday
Qr Americus where she wi
several weeks.
Mr Robert Eller bee, of Chatta
visited one of the fair sex
this week.
Mr and Mrs J N White left
to visit home folks in
Subscription Notice
Mr. 0. F. Jones, assistant post
master at Fort Valley, is the du
ly authorized subscription agent
of the Home Journal.
The accounts of present.sub¬
scribers will bo placed in his
hands for collection, and he will
solicit new subscribers.
Don’t wait for him to hunt you
up, but go and see him at the
Fort Valley post-office.
Jno. H. Hodges, Pub., Perry, G a.
Rev ,J M Long left Wednesday
on his summer vacation, which
he will spend on the coast.
at Mr aw O M u Houser visited . ., , A ... turn
ta Monday.
The many friends of Mr A
Evans will be sorry to learn of
his illness,
Miss Eula May Blewster will
leave Friday for a visit to Miss
Jennie Stewart, of Dawson.
A Narrow Escape.
Kindly pay that bill you owe
The Leader for
and job work. We need the rnon
ey NOW.
Miss Beaufort Mathews is the
guest of M rs C G Gray.
Mr Bob Wiggins, of Reynolds,
is visiting his sisters Mrs C G
Gray and Mrs John Marshall.
Mrs Julian Lane and daughter
Mary, are now at Mrs W G
NO. 20
The Leader Wants News
! The Fort Valley Leader is am¬
j bitious for to fill it's columns with
j the Local and Society news of
j the Town. When you visit, re
ceive company, entertain, etc.,
i send us an account of it and we
j publish it with pleasure.
Mrs Jack McCoy, of Hunts¬
ville Ala. returned home this
! week.
Mrs B T Marshall and Miss
Helen left for Atlanta Wednes
WANTED—Reliable lady who
knows something about canvass
! ing; gJod House opportunity. Apply
Watson from 8 to 10 this
i a. m. Mr. Bowden.
Miss Nettie Marshall visited
Atlanta this week.
Buy a case of assorted
soda water, keep cold in your
refrigerator for Sunday. It’s "
mighty good these long hot
Harris McArthur and Freder¬
ick Crandall entertained a crowd
of their; friends at Taylor’s Mill
Tuesday. Miss Kate McArthur
and Charlie Rountree chaperoned
the crowd.
ill rs Lida Hiley spent last
Saturday afternoon in Macon.
Buy a case of assorted
soda water, keep cold in
your It’s mighty refrigerator for Sunday.
hot Sundays. good these long