The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, August 07, 1908, Image 3

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. I i ' «8P» w!||i i*; ■>jlt ■{•I; K : :£: •w’ 32 Tliis woman says she was from an operation by Lydia E. Pinkbam’s Vegetable Compound. Lena V. Henry, of Norristown, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: 44 I suffered untold misery from male troubles. My doctor said an tion was the only chance I had, and dreaded it almost as much as death. 44 One day I read how other women had been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and I decided try it. Before I had taken the bottle I was better, and now I am tirely cured. 44 Every woman suffering with female trouble should take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.” FACTS FOR SICK For thirty years Lydia E. ham’s Vegetable Compound, has from roots and herbs, for female been standard remedy thousands and has who positively have been cured troubled women displacements, inflammation, ulcera¬ tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, that periodic pains, backache, indiges¬ bear¬ ing-down feeling, flatulency, tion, dizziness or nervous prostration. Why don’t you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Perhaps money talks, but it comes when it is called. To Drive Out Malaria and Build U( the System Take the Old Standard Grove's Taste¬ less Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every Dottle, showing it is simply Qui¬ nine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the most effectual form. For grown people and children. 50c. Some silly people play with fire just to see if it will burn them. NO NEED TO CUT CORNS. Just paint them with abbott’s east In¬ dian corn paint, following directions on the bottle, and you’ll have no more corns. It cures hard corns on top of the toes, soft corns between them, bunions or sore, cal¬ lous spots on the feet without cutting, burn¬ ing or leaving any soreness. 25c. at drug stores or by mail from The Abbott Co., Savannah, Ga. Some fools and their money are ficult to separate. 9 7 Products Food^jj Libby’s Sweel Mixed Pickles That firm, crisp quality and delicious flavor is what you get when you insist on Libby’s Mixed Pickles at your dealers. They disappoint. are always the finest and never It's the same with Libby’s Sweet Gherkins and Sweet Midgets. Ask for them. Libby’s (Hives The cultivation of centuries marks the olive groves of Spain as the world’s best. from Libby’s Olives are imported the oldest and most famous oi these groves. The result is a rare product, Try delightfully appetiz- you’ll buy ing. one bottle and them. more and never be without Libby’s Preserves Pure, ripe fruit and pure sugar in and equal part9, cooked just right timed to the second, in Libby’s Great White Kifeh- 6H, is the secret of the extreme superiority 1 here of Libby ’9 Preserves. Grocers s none as delicatessen good at any price. and stores carry all of Libby’s Food Pro ducis. Th ey are war¬ ranted the best to both you and the dealer Write for free . L "booklet—"How to *4 Make Eat." Good ; Things to lasisi so Libby’s*! your dealer’s. Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago. \ 3 1 & tig W m V, E m • j l* PvEQUIESCAT IN PACE. Here lies a poor woman who always was She lived busy; under pressure that rendered her She belonged dizzy, to ten clubs and read Brown¬ Showed ing by sight, at luncheons and teas and would vote if she might; Site served on a school board with courage and zeal: She golfed and she kodaked and rode on a She read wheel; Tolstoi and Ibsen, knew microbes Approved by name, Delsarte, of was a Daughter and “Dame;” Her children went in for the top educa¬ Her husband tion, went seaward for nervous One day prostration. her on tablets she found an hour free— The shock was too great and she died in stantlee! —Saturday Evening Herald. THERE WITH THE GOODS. Kitty—“We’re getting dull again. Do say something brilliant, Bobby.” Bobby—“Radium.”—London Opin ion. IRRESISTIBLE CONCLUSION. “I see that the man who invented the stock ticker died wealthy.” “Then he didn’t play it.”—Cleve¬ land Plain Dealer. WANTED: A MAN. “What kind of a man would you like for a husband?” “Oh, either a bachelor or a widow¬ er. I’m not particular which.”—Il¬ lustrated Bits. ACCORDING TO REPORTS. Bessie—“What kind of powder does your sister use on her face?” Bobby “From the explosions I heard in the parlor last night it must be gunpowder.”—Life. AFRAID IT MIGHT. “Work never hurts anybody,” said the industrious man. “No,” answered Plodding Pete, “but it’s most as bad to be scared as hurt.”—Washington Star. ADDING INSULT TO INJURY. “Now, don’t deny it, Rose, You wore my shoes?” “Only once—my feet hurt me so, and I wanted something comforta¬ ble.”—Meggendorfer Blaetter. DOUBLE-CROSSED.^ The Daffodil — “Great petals! Rosey, old chap, what happened you? Got the spotted fever?” The Rose (fiercely)—“I’ve been Burbanked, that’s all!”—Puck. RIB PROPOSITION, IN FACT. Woman Suffrage Advocate (to Speaker Cannon) I maintain that woman has always been the prime factor in this world. » Uncle Joe (blandly) Oh, I don’t know. In the very beginning woman was only a side issue. •Judge. MIXING THE METAPHORS. “For my part,” said one, “I think Fred is very bright and capable. I am confident he will succeed.” “Yes,” replied the other, “he is cer¬ tainly a worthy young man, but I doubt whether he has head enough to fill his father’s shoes.”—Roseleaf. A HARD LUCK STORY. •« What are you crying about, my little man?” “Jimmy Dodds licked me first, an’ then father licked me for letting Jimmy lick me, and Jimmy licked me again for telling father, and now I 'suppose I shall catch it again from father.”—The Pathfinder. NOTHING IN IT. He (anxiously) I understand your father speaks very highly of me?” She- Yes; but he doesn’t mean a word of it. He Are you sure of that?” She—“Certainly. He does it just to torment mother.”—Chicago News. A DUCK OF AN M. D. Little Elmer- Mamina says you are a duck of a doctor.” Pompous M. D. (greatly pleased) —“Indeed! How did she come to say that?” Little Elmer—“Oh, she didn’t say it just that way, but I heard her tell papa you were a quack.”—Chicago News. AND DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP. “Jones never can forget his busi ness for a minute. Even at the ball last night—” “Well, what happened?” “When a young lady told him that her partner had engaged her for the next dance he immediately offered to buy out her partner. '—Detroit Free Press. Kubelik’s Fingers Insured. The fingers on the right hand for of j Kubelik are known to be iugured two thousand dollars, and the total disablement of his hand would net ; him fifty thousand dollars. A like sum covers Paderewski's digits, while ! Hoffman, the pianist, carries five hun¬ dred dollars on each of his fingers. Patti, until recently, at least, had fifty thousand dollars on her volc£, and paid a staggering premium—one hun¬ dred and twenty-five dollars—'for each appearance.—Scrap Book. ANTIDOTE Frtit SKIN DISEASES. That’s what Tutteuinf. is; and it is more. It is an absolute cure for eczema, tetter, ringworm, erysipelas and all other itching cutaneous diseases. In aggravated cases phe¬ of these afflictions its cures have been nomenal. It gives instant relief and effects permanent cures, 50c. at druggists or by mail from J. T. Suuptuine, Dept. A, Sa¬ vannah, Ga. ABSOLUTE NECESSITIES. Knicker—-How many battleships are needed? Bocker—A Mayflower and a Sylph | of the Dreadnaught type.—New York | Sun. ! Capudlne Cures Indigestion Pains, ; Belching, Sour Stomach and Heartburn, from whatever cause. It’s Liquid. Effects immediately. and Doctors drug prescribe it. 10c., 25c., 50e., at stores. NO MORE HOMES, G What became of your magazine for themome? H U It failed for laok of a field. What I should have started was a magazine for the flat.”—Louisville Courier-Jour¬ nal. ! Truth and Quality appeal to the Well-Informed in every walk of life and are essential to permanent success and creditable standing. Accor ingly, it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs i and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of known value, but one of many reasons why it is the best of personal and family laxatives is the fact that it cleanses, sweetens and relieves the internal organs on which it acts without any debilitating after effects and without having to increase the quantity from time to time. It acts pleasantly and naturally and truly as a laxative, and its component parts are known to and approved by physicians, as it is free from all objection¬ able substances. To get its beneficial effects always purchase the genuine— manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by all leading drug¬ gists. American Cotton College Warehousemen, Cotton For the education of Farmer., Clerk., Merchant., Buyer., Manufacturers, and ail others, young or old, who are unable o c ass ry j and put the correct valuation on 18 Grades of Colton. Thirty day sc o ars ips ■ our sample rooms, or six weeks’ correspondence course under expert co on m * n . will complete you. Big demand for coiton grader* and cotton buyeri. session Sept. lsf. Correspondence course year round. Write at once for further pa i cu ars, Is Nature’s Remedy for LIVER and STOMACH TROUBLES T Cures Constipation Bad Effects and Leaves no try a bottle Ask yonr dealer for it Wit ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS !W isrj. m MSLLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA Largest and best equiped school South. Expert management. &X. hIa Railroad wire connections. Positions guaranteed Railroad fared ■A\vr» paid Board at Open around. Write for catalogue coat. year D Great demand for bperators. ( i FiofteN r fefc V I Magnificent buildings, costing $100,000 Elegant appointments. Refined and Chrisuan Home. Pianos and furniture all new Ideal location near the mountains. Ail college UWcourses. Conservatory unsurpassed Teachers from the best schools of Europe: and /# America. Opens September 10. 1008. For handtfofoc catalog, address M. <V HA l itJiN // and O. W. ANDERTON. Presidents. Florence, Al Jtccost Southern Female College students will attend Florence University for 1908-1909., Engines & Boilers Ir Built for service; *11 sizes. Increase vour profits by using our enuine and boiler with one of our Corn Mills or Saw Mills. Write to the makers for catalogue and prices. Tl R. D. Cole iH’f’g Co •* D*pt. M. Newnsn, Ga. M; I 1 FOR MEW Compare your foot with a SKREEMER shoe,—that is, with the part of the shoe that bears your weight,—and note the resemblance, the lines 1 of the shoe following perfectly the lines of the | foot. That means comfort. Look for this label. If you do not find these shoes readily, write M Mt BY the makers for directions how to secure them. 111 ? FgU?.FFfEls£s FEED. F, FIELD CO., Brockton, Mass. BSssornm.m:'f. I t U.H.A. TELEGRAPHY FREE! Bookkeeping and Shorthand at Half and Business Course at half rate to all students who enroll before the 25th of Hepte/jiLer. Our equipment is Three handsome, two-story college b.rUdings H. and the largest Dormitory in South Georgia. *£ion expert Write for illustrated catalog free. Address 6. BOWDEN. UNIVIiltJslT V „M> In New Zealand everybody is bound 'by law V take a weekly half-holiday, an ,i there must be no shirking the obligation, SAVED AT THE CRISIS. Delay Meant Death From Kidev ‘ " cy Troubles. Mrs. Herman Smith, 901 Broad Street. Athens. Ga.. says: “Kidney disease started with t slight irregularity and weakness and m |m ffl developed dropsy. into dan- I gerous * became weak and languid and could r^. V' do no housework. N.; My back ached ter¬ U t * ribly. I had bear¬ * p.lins and ing down mv limbs bloated to twice their nor mal size. Doctors did not help and I was fast drifting iuto the hopeless stages. 1 used Doan's Kidney Pills at the critical moment and they really saved my life.” Sold by all dealers. 50cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Consul-General Robert J. Wynne re¬ ports that taxicabs have become, such popular street vehicles in London that the demand for them is much greater than the supply. GOOD-IiTE TO COENS. You can say good-bye to your corns, bun¬ ions and sore, callous spots when you get Abbott’s east Indian ooun paint, the sure, quick, permanent cure. It euros the pain¬ ful, soft corns ns well as the hard o»es and removes warts. 25c. at druggists or by mail from The Abbott Co., Savannah, Ga. At a public demonstration given at the Marconi wireless station at Glace Bay a message was sent to Clifden, , Ireland, . . j and a „ . Q „iv I ©apoIvaiI . within five minutes. ECZEMA SEEMED INCURABLE. Body was Raw—Discharged from Hospitals as Hopeless—Cuticura Remedies Cured Him. “From the nge of three months until fifteen years old, my son Owen’s life was made intolerable by eczema in its worst form. In spite of treatments the disease gradually spread until nearly every part of his body was quite raw. He used to tear himself dreadfully in his sleep and the agony he went through is quite beyond words. The regimental doctor pronounced the case hopeless. We had him .in hos¬ pitals four times and he was pronounced one of the worst cases ever admitted. From each he was discharged as incurable. We kept trying remedy after remedy, but had gotten almost past hoping for a cure. Six months ago we purchased a set of Cuticura Remedies. The result was truly marvelous and to-day he is perfectly cured. Mrs. Lily Hedge, Cumblewell Green, Eng¬ land, Jan. 1 2, 1907.” _____ When the average man <ails to make good he begins to look around for some one to blame it on. d&' Good v (offee £$5 DEPENDS UPON 'I/ Quality-Freshness Roasting-Making - Blending \\ \\ WHEN YOU BUY J%LUZIANNE COFFEE J j I Youarepositively insured the ft ft upon the First FourPoints - as for last §L fiotif^ Sold ifvou Everywhere use LUIIANNE 25* I lb.Can jtotftl EX \± ^“CANCERS Cancers, Carbuncles and all kinds Female Troubles PERMANENTLY Cured. Writ© at once for roferonce, term*, ©to M rilicin© With lull, plain Instructions sent by Express. When parties cannot bo neon, uddreHH j M CURRAN, - 167 1-2 Decatur St. WHITE STEAMER WINS EVERYWHERE Mokes perfect score in all important events; won 1907 (Hidden and Ho >inr Trophy-Quaker City run. Double victory at H i.rrisbursr. Chosen official ma¬ chine by U nited States and Brazilian Government*. Goos through sand, mud and mountains. Semi u* names of three men best ablo to buy n good auto. We will send you (free) choice of three works on Automobile Development, containing the finest highway illustrations ever printed. Writ© to THE WHITE CO . 120 Marietta St.. Atlanta, Ga. BOILERS TANKS STACKS Pumps, Supplies Heaters, Injectors, Engine and Repairs for Lolls, Hotels, Public Works. Try LOMBARD IRON WORKS,Augusta,G l FOURTEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FIVE MEN with teams ure selling our products to FARMERS In thirty-four different States. Seventy useful articles that country peoplo need. We furnish the goods and give agent9 time to turn them into money. Address, J. R. WATKINS CO., Winona, Minn. ' Take the Place Of Calomel Constipation Bond, poisonous headache, matter Soar Stomach, bounding through the body. Dull of Energy and Ap. Feted Breath, Bleared E.vos, Lob. affliction. Young* petite are the positively nureat signs constipation. or ho They awaken Liver Puis euro the slugs inn liver to better action, cleanse th* bowels, strengthen the weakened parte. Induce appe* tite and aid digestion. They do not Price25 Salivate, no from mat* ter what you eat. -lrink or do. cent, your doalor or direct from J. M. YOUNG. JR., WAYCROSS. GA. RESURRECTED SONGS Thi , book contain, the song© that oar father. and mothers sang. Songs that possess the old time Gospel power. Bongs that can not die. UKSU RKlCOTKD (SONGS, 36 cents per copy; S3.75 per docen, prepaid. J. B. VAUGHAN, Clayton St., Athena, Ga, •*yc8 wiih If afflicted t weak u«w* Thompson’s EyeWater (At32-’08) / *1 /y # 7 A S3* •a A J 6? n for * As well as the preserva tion and purification of the skin no other skin soap so pure ; so sweet, Cuticura. so speedily For effective as eczemas, rashes, inflamma¬ tions, chafings, sunburn, wind irritations, bites and stings of insects, lameness and soreness incidental to outdoor sports, for the care of the hair and scalp, for sanative, antiseptic for cleans¬ ing, as well as all the purposes of the toilet, bath and nursery, Cuticura Soap and Cuticura are unrivaled. Guaranteed absolutely pure, and may be used from the hour of birth. Sold throughout the world Depots' London, 27. Charterhouse fju.: Parle, 6, Hue do la Palx; Austr* lia. Calcutta; R. Towns China, <£ Co., Hong Sydney; Kong India. Drug B Co.; K Japan. Paul. Maruya, Ltd.. Toklo; Ltd., Russia, Fcrreln, Moscow So. Africa. Lennon, Cape Town, etc., C.S.A, Pot'er lrruc ('Item. Com, Sole props., Boston© Kg-Post Tree. Cuticura Booklet on the Skin. & complete. wif*Je Artesian $3S Hoard in Health? Location. Wafcut liOHOoL private hvn"' Abberille^iu* only *10 r <> r mnnA