Newspaper Page Text
The Fort Valley Leader.
Band Concert
The Fort Valley Brass Band
gave an open air concert Friday
afternoon to the delight of a large
crowd of our people. Prof Henry
Branham by superior conductor
ship and telling ability has de¬
veloped a band that is a credid to
our town. He w§s not able to be
present Friday, but Holmes
Troutman acted as leader and
made a successful substitute.
The regular members of the
band are: Prof Henry M Bran¬
ham, George and Cambell Me.
Donald, Holmes Clark, Frank
Fincher, Clarence W i t h o f t,
Johnnie Hinton, Charlie Clark,
Julius Glass, Moses Solomon and
Arva Brewton.
Here’s wishing the band con¬
tinued prosperity, and in the
future may they treat us to many
more open air concerts.
Mr and Mrs Walter Davis and
little son Parker of Camden S C
who have been visiting relatives
and friends here left Tuesday for
their home.
Mrs OP Poole is visiting her
daughter, Mrs J H Hinson at
Popes Ferry this week.
Mr Julius Glass is spending
several days this week at Indian
Miss Ruby Mansfield who has
been visiting Mrs Dr Singleton is
spending a week with Miss Janie
Culpepper on College St.
Mr T J Shepard has returned
from Jacksonville and will be in
the city this week.
Va&ey. &
SUBSCRIBE FOR TNE See the New and Nobby line ^of
•ATALOGUE PATTERN Boys’ Knickerbocker and Double
MHtT MHt-AMNOALLY breasted suits for school
FEBRUARY !«<, AV8UST t«t and Fall wear.
This week we are showing our entire line of Women’s shoes for Fall and
Winter wear, Krippendorf=Dittrnan make. Everyone who has worn one of our
Krippendorf-Dittman Oxfords for Summer needs no further persuation as to
superiority in fit, quality and wear. We have many styles and shapes; come
in and try them on until you are fitted comfortably.
A large shipment of men’s and
men’s suits will arrive the (at- W* SELL THE
young week. First § //MAY PATTERNS MANTON
ter part of this e * i- " \ ALL fOGfcNTS EACH
Saturday. % FREE
An Enjoyable Outing.
The camp at Houston Factory
given in honor of Misses Telete
and Brooke Scott, guests of the
Misses Miller’s was one of the
most enjoyable affairs of the
season. Every thing possible
was done for the pleasure
of the party'by Mr Alva Davis,
and his kindness will never be
forgotten; the party reached
Perry ^Thursday afternoon in
automobiles, where they took the
train for home having spent a
most enjoyable time. Those
attending were Mrs Frank Miller,
Mr and Mrs Fred Shepard,
Misses Telete and Brooke Scott,
Mamie and Maude Miller, Messrs
Tom Flournoy, George Fincher,
Phil Scroggs and Claude Walton.
Buy a case of assorted
soda water, keep cold in
your refrigerator good for Sunday. long
It's mighty these
hot Sundays.
Mr and Mrs A D Skellie and
Master Peyton spent Sunday
most delightfully at Norwood
Dr V L Brown spent Monday
in Forsythe having made the trip
in his auto.
Messrs Frank Fincher and
Clarence Withoft made an auto
trip to Macon Wednesday.
Buy a case of assorted
soda water, keep cold in
your refrigerator for Sunday. long
It's mighty good these
hot Sundays.
A Series of Meetings
Next Sunday a series of meet¬
ing will begin at the Methodist
church. They will continue two
weeks. After Sunday, the hours
f service will be 9:30 a- in., and
8 p. m. The music at every
service will the best it is possible
for us to fu rnish. The character,
piety, and ability of Rev C R
Jenkins Dean, of Wesleyan
Female College, guarantees the
satisfactory character of the
spiritual instruction. I extend
a|cordial welcome to every man,
woman and child in the city and
County to avail themselves of the
opportunity which these meet¬
ings offer.
T. G. Lang.
Mrs S T Neil who has been
spending a week at Miona
Springs has returned home.
Mr H D |Fincher of Cullodrn
spent Saturday night in the city
with his brother, Mr J L Fincher.
Mrs J G Forbes and son who
have been visiting Mrs G P
Greene left Monday morning for
North Georgia.
Messrs Frank Vance and
Russell Edwards returned Sun¬
day afternoon from Vienna where
they went as delegates to the joint
meeting of the Cordele and
Americus Dist. EpWorth League.
They ‘report a very successful
meeting, and one which will prove
very helpful to each League
Mrs S B Brown Jr and children
will leave this week for Miona
Springs to spend some time.
No Intentional Conflict
Rev W O Stevens and myself
thoroughly understand each
other and found it impractical to
change the dates of our respec¬
tive meetings. If mine should
begin before his ends there will
no intentional conflict. I wish
this Godly gentleman and his
people a glorious revival.
T. G. Lang.
The monthly meeting of
Woman’s Home Mission Society
was postponed until next Mon
day, 4p. m. at the Methodist
church. We hope for a full
tendance of the membership at
that hour, and extend a hearty
invitation to all of our ladies, to
be with us.
This month marks the close of
the second quarter, and half the
year. If you are in arrears ever
so little, it will be the duty of the
treasurer to give you a cali.
Wouldn’t it be a pleasant surprise
to this officer, for every member
to bring or send dues and
“special’' up to Sept-, and so save
the treasurer one month’s found
of calls! Lets try it just this one
Brief mention was made last
week, of the “Vashti Home and
School for Friendless Girls”,
Thomasville, Ga. Since then, our
Home Mission Disb. Sec., Mrs
Hook, has suggested that oar
Anx might render needed aid to
this school, by furnishing a room
in the large new building.
NO. 22
room would be called the “Fort
Valley Room”, or by any name
which we might wish it called.
How does this appeal to you?
Think about it and let us hear
from you.
Can you, can I—how many can
pray from our hearts this prayer;
“Lftttpilwad care be multiplied;
I’ll think and plan and live in
Thy! tranquil wisdom be my
The truth in Christ still keeps
me free. 1)
I And yet it is not until you,
1 until, I, can say this and mean it,
i that our lives will count for their
full worth in the redemption of a
lost and sinful world.
Mr C W Withoft, our efficient
Postmaster attended the Post¬
masters convention at Savannah
this week. He reports a royal
time. He was elected 1st Vice
President of the convention.
MrO F Jones, our assistant
Post master, is laid up for a few
day, caused by being bitten by a
spider, Tuesday.
soda Buy a case of assorted
refrigerator water, keep for Sunday. cold in your
mighty Sundayss good these long hot
A H ^McCarty and Bernard
Harrison attended District Con
vention of Knights of Pythiaa
Monday night at Milledgeville as
delegates from the Fort Valley