Newspaper Page Text
Is Pe-ru-na Useful
for Catarrh?
Should a list of the ingredients of Pe
runa be submitted to any medical ex
pert, of whatever school or nationality,
be would be obliged to admit without
reserve .that the medicinal herbs com¬
posing Peruna are of two kinds. First,
standard and well-tried catarrh reme¬
dies. Second, well-known and gener¬
ally acknowledged tonic romodios.
That in one or the other of these uses
they have stood tho tost of many years’
experience by physicians of different
schools. There can bo no dispute about
this, whatever. Peruna is composed of
some of the most efficacious and uni
versally used herbal remedies for ca¬
tarrhal diseases, and for such conditions
of the human system as require a tonic.
Each one of the principal ingredients
of Peruna has a reputation of its own
in tho cure of some phase of catarrh or
as a tonic medicine.
The fact is, chronic catarrh is a dis¬
ease which is very prevalent. Many
thousand people know they have
chronic catarrh. They have visited doc¬
tors over and over again, and boen told
that their case is one of chronic catarrh.
Jt may be of the nose, throat, lungs,
stomach or some other internal organ.
There Is no doubt as to the nature of
the disease. The only trouble is the
remedy. This doctor has tried to cure
them, That doctor has tried to pre
scribe for them.
No other household remedy so uni¬
versally advertised carries upon the
label the principal active constituents,
showing that Peruna invites the full
inspection of the critics.
Church—Did you ever try any of
these “close to nature' ‘methods?
Gotham—Well, I’ve used a porous
plaster.—Yonkers Statesman.
Hicks’ Capudine Cures Nervousness,
Whether tired out, worried, overworked, or
what not. It refreshes the brain and
nerves. It’s Liquid and pleasant to take.
10c., 25c., and 50c., at drug stores.
Cats to Socre Away Squirrels.
Three Easterners came out to the
(Coast a year and a half ago looking
for a location, and the result of the
venture was explained Thursday
night by H. J. Macomber, who arrived
at the St. Francis and registered from
Paicines Rancho.
They have just completed a $25,000
data a mile long and nearly fofrty feet
high ,and the water for it is brought
through seven miles of ditches from
the Tres Pinos and the San Benito
rivers. But squirrels are the best and
the menace, and a man with a gun
has to guard the dam to keep squirrels
from (puncturing it and starting a
ibreak. At the dam a colony of cats
has been placed to ''base squirrels,
and one of the men nas devised a
great number of little crosses with
ribbons from the arms, and a cross Is
set at each squirrel hole, so that as
the breeze blows the ribbons flutter
and when the squf?rel comes up he
is frightened awAy.—San Francisco
“Do you really think there are peo¬
ple on Mars?”
"Well, to be candid,” replied the
professor, “I find that articles making
such claims are more popular with
the magazines.”—Philadelphia Ledg<
Many People Deceived by Coffee.
We like to defend our indulgences
and habits even though we may be
convinced of their actual harmful¬
A man can convince himself that
whisky is good for him on a cold
morning, of beer on a hot summer
day—when he wants the whisky or
It's the same with coffee. Thou¬
sands of people suffer headache and
nervousness year after year but try
to persuade themselves the cause Is
not coffee—because they like coffee.
“While yet a child I commenced
using coffee and continued it,’’.writes
a Wis. man, “until I v/as a regular
coffee fieud. I drank It every morn¬
ing and in consequence had a blinding
headache nearly every afternoon.
“My folks thought it was coffee
that ailed me, but I liked it and
would not admit It was the cause of
m trouble, so I stuck to coffee and
the headaches stuck to me.
“Finally, the folks stopped buying
coffee and brought home some Pos
tum. They made it right (directions
on pkg.) and told me to see what
difference it would make with my
head, and during that first week on
Postum my old affliction did not
bother me once. From that day to
this we have used nothing but Postum
In place of coffee—headaches are a
thing of the past and the whole fam¬
ily is in fine health.”
“Postum looks good, smells good,
tastes good, is good, and does good
to the whole body.” ' “There’s a Rea¬
son. ”
Name given by Postum Co., Battle
Creek, Mich. Read, “The Road to
Wellville,” in pkgs.
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
interest. are genuine, tnie, and full of human
w3m& M <rPi ■•va
r lA |)
rA JX' » Pi
Tli a hostess who likes variety
should try this Sauce for vanilla Ice
cream instead of the popular hot
chocolate dressing: Prepare half a
dozen oranges by cutting them In
half and removing the cores. Sea
that every bit of skin is removed.
Boil for seven or eight minutes a half
pound of sugar and a quarter of a
cup of hot water. Do not stir or it
will sugar. I
Dip the oranges into the hot sirup,
let them stay a minute or two, then
put on a platter and pour the re¬
maining sirup over them to cool.
If you have a ring mold freeze the
vanilla ice cream in it, pile up the
hollow with the oranges and pour
the sirup over them both. If not,
serve the ice cream on a round plat¬
ter, and heap up the oranges around
the base.
It is better to select the medium¬
sized or small oranges, or they can
be divided into sections, cut across
the whole orange with the heart re¬
moved. Some of the juice is apt to
be lost by this latter method.—In¬
dianapolis News.
“A stuffed tomato salad is one of
my new recipes,” writes Fannie Mer¬
ritt Farmer, the great cooking au¬
thority, in her monthly page in the
Woman’s Home Companion, Peel
six small tomatoes, cut a dice from
the stem end of each, remove the soft
inside, sprinkle the Insides with salt,
and let stand, inverted, thirty min¬
utes. Mash half a ten-cent cream
cheese, add six chopped pimolas, one
tablespoonful of finely chopped pars¬
ley, one tabiespoonful of tomato pulp,
one-fourth of a teaspoonful of dry
inustard and enough French dressing
to moisten. Fill the tomato cases
with the mixture, and serve on lettuce
leaves with mayonnaise dressing,
which may be successully made if one
will but follow directions. Mix one
teaspoonful of mustard, one teaspoon¬
ful of salt, one teaspoonful of, pow¬
dered sugar and a few grains of cay¬
enne. Add the yolks of two eggs and
stir until thoroughly blended; then
add one-half teaspoonful of vinegar.
Add olive oil gradually at first, drop
by drop, and stir constantly. As the
mixture thickens, thin with vinegar or
lemon juice. Add oil and vinegar or
lemon juice alternately, stirring or
beating constantly, until two table¬
spoonfuls, each of vinegar and lemon
juice and one and one-half cupfuls of
olive oil have been used. If the oil is
added too rapidly the dressing will
have a curdled appearance. A smooth
consistency may be restored by taking
the yolk of another egg and adding
the curdled mixture slowly to it.
Olive oil for the making of mayon¬
naise should always be thoroughly
chilled. The utensil used In the mak¬
ing of mayonnaise may be a silver
fork, wire whisk, small wooden spoon
or egg beater.”
i z' y \ V' V ilNTS
After touching poison try to wash
the parts exposed in alcohol and
avoid anything greasy.
If salt is thrown over the carpet
before sweeping it will clean the car¬
pet and make it easier to sweep.
If hot bread or cake Is cut with a
heated knife blade, instead of a cold
one, clamminess will be prevented.
Neither bread nor cake should be
put into boxes until cold if you do not
wish it to get soggy from the moist¬
A pinch of salt will make the
white of an e o at 5 at beat quicker, and a
pinch of borax in cooked starch will
make the cloches stiffer and whiter.
To clean finger marks from paint
wipe the spots first with a cloth
dipped in warm water, then with a
cloth dipped in whiting, and wipe
again with a clean damp cloth.
To clean silver trimmings cover
the surface will well dried and finely
powdered magnesia, and let it lie for
a couple of hours. Afterward rub in
the powder and brush off with a hard
In ironing the pleat at the back of
a shirt waist, on which the tiny but¬
tons are sewed, try laying it on flan¬
nel or a Turkish towel as you do em¬
broidery. The buttons sink in and
the material is ironed. ? • -
Frequently after .cleaning cloth
with benzine a ring is left around the
stain. To remove this moisten the
place again and apply a lajer of gyp¬
sum, extending it a little beyond the
ring, and allow it to remain until dry.
• ■ green people
A) (1 buyuiq you are dusf-ladenod behind the qraen times coffee yoa are and probably roasting ^ v
: K .
it yourself simply because it #iA5i<y aromatic X
wq and fresh. If you are U*m£*re sanitarily you are usmq lc\
l Luz/anhe Cornu? fresh cleaned.*
If perfectly air-ticht roosted sold and Everywhere equally in its |
can P
Mtfl ^ S A y
Declaring that he had “an irresisti¬
ble desire to lull somebody,’’ a New
York merchant committed suicide.
He picked, the right victim, says the
Omaha Bee.
Mrs. Thomas Thompson, of
Gn., writes, under date of April 23, 1907:
suffered iSyea-s with tormenting prescribe;
had ihe best, doctors to but
ing did me any good until I got tettf.bine.
It cured me. I am so
Thousands of others can testify by to
cures. Tettkuine is sold druggists
sent by mail for 50c. by J. T.
Dept. A, Savannah, Ga.
It was a 1 mean man, declares the
Springfield Union, who observed that
the duplicate sessions of the Federa¬
tion of Women's Clubs in Boston
woujd give the women twice as many
chances to all talk at once.
AJI the Time—Was Covered with Tor¬
turing Eczema—Doctor Said Sores
Would Last for Years—Per¬
fect Cure by Cuticura.
U My baby niece was- suffering from that
terrible torture, eczemg,, It was all over
her body, but the worst' was on her face
and hands. She cried and Jscratfched all the
time and could not sleep night or day from
the scratching. I had her under the doc¬
tor’s care for a year and a half and he
seemed to do her no good. I took her to
the best doctor in the city and he said that
she would have the sores until she was six
years old. But if I had depended on the
doctor my baby would, hatie lost her mind
and died from the want of,aid. But I used
Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment and
she was cured in three-months. Alice L.
'Dowell, 4769 $0, Easton Ave., St. Louis, Mo.,
May 2 and 1907.”
Mrs. Jimmy Beau—“My good man,
do you ever reflect that our days are
numbered?” ’ ,
Kinhardly Waddle—“Yes, mum;
sometimes I get thirty an’ costs an’
sometimes a3 high as sixty.”—New
York Press.
Abbott’s east Indian corn paint Is a
derful remedy for hard or soft oorns, bun
ions, sore, callous spots on the feet, warts
and Indurations of the skin. It is applied
with a brush and euros without cutting,
burning or soreness. 25c. atyour druggists
or by mail from The Abbott Go.,
nak, Ga.
"I accept all first contributions.”
declared the editor. “It’s a paying
"Why so?"
“The author buys many copies of
the magazine and nearly always
frames the check we send.”—Kan¬
sas City JournaL
That is What Proves True Merit.
Doan’s Kidney Pills bring ths
quickest of relief from backache and
kidney troubles. Ib
that relief lasting?
Let Mrg. James M.
Long, of 113 N. Au
gusta St., Staunton,
Va., tell you. On
January 31st, 1003,
Mrs. Long wrote:
‘‘Doan’s Kidney Pills
have cured me" (of
pain in the back.
urinary troubles, bearing down sen¬
sations, etc.) On June 20th, 1907,
four and one-half years later, she
said: “I haven’t had kidney trouble
since. I repeat my testimony. a
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
The bridegroom (on the return
from the honeymoon): Hello! What’s
this? Ail the bills for your trous¬
seau! Why, I thought your father
paid these.
Bride: It is customary, dear. But
he thought you would rather do it
than give him the humiliation of bor¬
rowing the money from you.—Life.
To Drive Out Malaria and Build Uj
the System
Take the Old Standard Grove's TA8TX- I
LESS CHILL Tonic. Yoa know what voa
are taking. The formula is plainly printed
on every bottle, showing it is simply Qui
nine and Iron in a tasteless form, and the
most effectual form. For grown people
and children. 50a
Black gauze flowered in pink was
the material for a French hat with
draped crown and wide brim over
which the flowered gauze was drawn
and Business Connie at half rate to all students who
Three Write handsome, illustrated two-etory catalog college free. AddressH. buildings and S. the
Many Cities Putting In Water
Sewage Systaina.
Gccd plumbers are now said to
to Chile when they die, says
Weekly. The national
has just directed that a largo
of the cities put la complete
and- sewerage systems. This
a greatly Increased demand for all
plumbers’ supplies. Heretofore the
demand for this class of goods has.
been limited to Valparaiso .and,
ago, while from new op it.will be
much more general, and the demaud
should soon be doubled. •
So far the United States has been
supplying only a comparatively small
part of this business, and while Am¬
erican-made goods are well received,
the trade has net been properly ex¬
ploited. The United States supplied
in 1906 only about 3 per cent, of the
load pipe imported, which In all
amounted to $24,577, U. S. currency;
i while of the bath supplies we furn
ished about 51 per cent, of the $21,180
worth. The other accessories of tho
plumbing business largely came from
Europe, England taking the lead In
such articles as brass tubing, valves,
faucets, etc.
Capudine Cures Indigestion Pains,
from Belching, Sour Stomach, It's and Heartburn,
whatever cause. Liquid. Effects
25c., immediately. and 50c., Doctors drug prescribe it. 10c.,
at stores.
With respect to educated insects,
there is the spelling bee, suggests the
Salt Lake Tribune.
/ Food |
Dried Beef
Unlike the ordinary dried
beef—that sold in bulk—
Libby’s Peerless Dried Bee!
comes in a sealed glass jar
in which It. is packed the
moment it is sliced into those
delicious thin wafers.
None of the rich natural
flavor or goodness escapes
or dries out. It reaches you
| fresh and with all the nutri¬
j ment retained.
Libby’s Peerless Dried
Beef is only one of a Great
number of high-grade, ready
to serve, pure food products
that are prepared in Libby’s
Great White Kitchen.
Just try a package of any
of these, such as Ox Tongue,
Vienna Sausage, Pickles,
Olives, etc., and see how
delightfully dif
sky ferent they are
nw from others
j you haveeaten.
| Libby, McNeill &
! Libby* Chicago
| m
Constipation, Biliousness and
TRY A BOTTLE Does Not GHpe. Pleasant to Take.
- Ask your dealer for it.
American Cotton College SWIedgeville,
For Georgia.
the education of Farmer*, Clerk*, Merchants, Warehousemen, Cotton
Buyer*, Manufacturer*, and all others, young or old, wjha are unable to classify
and put the correct valuation on 18 Grades of Colton.* Thirty day scholarship* id
our sample rooms, or six weeks’ correspondence course under expert cotton men
will complete you. Big demand for cotton graders and cotton buyer*. Sesrion opens
Sept. 1st. Correspondence course year round. Write at once for further pa -ticulars,
r I RE [$ r i
I _____ Svlfivlra '.»L?rwiB I Oiristian
LI ! ? t h ri j M.sntlicwit build mg*, couin; $100,000 Elegant appointment.. Refined and college
Sp ^ omc - Ri.ino, and furniture all new Ideal location near the mountain.. All
eouraer Conaervwory uniurpatKd Teachers from the bent school, of w Europe HATTON and
v T? k. - 11-11 ~ ^ Wt America^ Op«M ND£ f September to ?; I8 I008 For handsome catalog, addrew IA J0>
Tr ^ Florence. Al
u t“ ern Female College n students . will attend Florence University for 1908-1909*
———— '—.................. —-------
; ]J ’Em
Largest and best equiped school South. Expert management.
Kailrnad wire connections. Positions guaranteed. Railroad fares
paid Board at cost Open year around. Write for catalogue D
Great demand for operators.
and Shorthand at Half Rate! ing. wo are offering our Telegraph,' Course F-to
before the ZSth of September. Our equipment is very complete. Healthy Location. Artesian Water.
largest Dormitory in South Georgia. Nine expert teachers. Board in sjcilOOL. private home- only J10 uer month.
\ • .»
flay bo permanently lOMipitOtl by
overcome proper
i personal efforts wilHlKc assistance
of remedy, I he one Syrup truly I cf lyenejicial and Elixir laxative ofSctma,
which enables rigs to|orm regular
habits one
ture daily be gradually* So that assistance dispense to cl with na¬
when may longer needed- the best of
remedies, nature required,.arcto Supplant the assist
and not to natur¬
al mately' -functions, which must nourishment, depend ulti¬
e^orts,and upon proper right living generally.
proper To get benc|icift| ejjecfs, always
Svrub^ftgS^El buy the genuine
^ ixirf Scrum
California manujactur^fty the
Fig Syrup Co. only
one sue regular price |>er Bottle
with teams are selling our products to
FARMERS in thirty-four, .different States.
Seventy useful articles that country people
need. We furnish thegoodsand give agents
time to turn them into money. Address.
J. R. WATKINS CO..Winona. Minn.
Take the Place of Calomel
Constipation sends poisonous headache, mu r Stomach, hounding
through Feted Breath, the body. Bleared Dull Eyes. Loss of Energy Sour and An
petite are the surest signs or he affliction. Young s
Liver Pills postively cure constipation. They awaken
the sluggish liver to bettor actTon, cleanse the
bowels, strengthen the weakened parts, Induce appe¬
tite what and aid digestion. They do. do not Price Salivate, 25 no from mat¬
ter you eat. drink or cents
your dealer or direct fjrom
“The most thorough Preparatory School
in the State’’ will open Sept. 1. Natural park
of 15 acres for campus; among foothills of
North Georgia; noted for its beauty a: d health
record: prepares for all colleges: limited to
discount fifty;Christ!an influences; expenses moderate;
to ministerial students. For cat*- .
logue address C. R. ALLEN Principal.
VARIABLE «< Lombard" Improved Saw Mills.
FRICTION FEED. ’ Strong Accurate ud RrUtblc.
Best material and workmanship, simple, light running,
requires little power: easy to handle.
Are made in several sizes and are good, sub¬
stantial money making machines down to the
smallest size. Write for catalog Mill supplies, showing En¬
gines, Boilers and all Saw
lombard Iron Works & Suaply Co., - - - Augusta, Ga.
Keeps the breath, teeth, mouth and body
antiseptically clean and free from un¬
healthy germ-life and disagreeable odors,
which water, soap and tooth preparations
alone cannot do- A
germicidal, disin¬
fecting and deodor¬
izing toilet requisite J KiViY
of exceptional ex¬ \V
cellence and econ¬
omy. Invaluable
for inflamed eyes,
throat and nasal and
uterine catarrh. At r (I
drug and toilet «»'
stores, 50 cents, or $ 'it
by mail postpaid.
Large Trial Sample i 1
eras, It Hltfe aflllcletl weak n»c Thompson’sEyeWater