The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 04, 1908, Image 8

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Mr and Mrs Olin Heath have moved into the residence on Pearsons Street formerly occu¬ pied by Mr Cambell. Mr Frank Withoft and family will move into the Crandall resi¬ dence on Church Street. Mr and Mrs Holt Skellie will move the first of September to the residence on Persons Street formerly occupied by Mr Frank Withoft. Miss Marianne Jones left this week to take charge of her studio on Mulberry Street, Mrs Felder Frederick and her sister, Miss Bassie Booton of of Marshallville spent Friday with Mrs A C Riley. Mr Jeff D Houser left Wednes¬ day to spend the winter with his daughter, Mrs W C Culler at North S C. Messers Argo, Beavers, Slap pey and Moore were visitors here Sunday. Mr Campbell has moved into his new home on Knoxville Street. Invitations have been received to the wedding of Mr J W Hill and Miss Laura Holder of Dallas Texas have been received by friends. MrsO G Singleton spent the week in Reynolds with relatives. Miss Amanda Smith has re¬ turned from Baltimore and New York. Miss Edna Frederick and Mrs Will lister of Marshallville were the guests of Mrs Geo T Harris and Mrs W HHafer this week. Mrs A C Riley left Tuesday to join a congenial party from Marshallville who are enjoying the week at Miona Springs. NOW ON DISPLAY / The Swellest and Host Complete Line of / FASX firOODS / • Ever seen in this section, Arriving daily. Call and see the display, of Dress Goods * fc Hats, Shoes, and in fact everything in j i All the Very Latest Styles. * We determined keep reputation are to up our as Fort Valley’s leading Store, and have the goods to back up our assertions. The Store For School MILLER’S STORE. The Store For All The Dresses Materials. New Things First. Mrs Albert Skellie and children returned home Saturday fron Zenith. The Dickerts have moved t« their new home on East Mail Street. Mr Frederick^ Riley has ac¬ cepted a position in Atlanta in the insurance business. Mrs T G Lang returned Friday from Clayton, Ga. Miss Pearl Brown has returned from Va., after an extended visit to relatives. Miss Janie Culppepper left last Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs Tharp of Byron. Dr and Mrs C Z Me Arthur toured Walden and Macon Sun¬ day with Mr L P Gray. Mr Chas Rountree left on a business trip to Culloden Mon¬ day. Prof Strozier has returned to his school work to the delight of his many friends. Mr William Houser has re¬ turned from a visit to Atlanta. Miss Jessie Wood has returned from a months visit to relatives in Cedartown and Atlanta Mr Sanford Hartley returned home Saturday from Everetts. Dr J O Booton and Mr Will Lester of Marshallville were guests of Mrs Geo T Harris last week. Rev Gideon Horn Pastor oftli Congregational church will preach at Congregational church Sunday morning at lla. m. and 7:30 p. m. Public cordially in¬ vited. Mrs S T Neil is visiting her sister, Mrs FB Little near Eato ton, Ga. * • Portable Stationary * BoilersS Saw Mills' Ctnttr'crank 1 STEAM ENGINES ) Gasoline Highest grade Engines, Ginning Shingle Machinery, Mills, |t\ H. wJ"*** M Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to stock be had on in hand, the entire best terms, South. quickest Large ]|| H i delivery. machinery It will pay and you to investi- ™ ■ j 'MALLARY gate our prices. . _ j I BROS. MACHINERY CO. H. Nev.r Tola * Ll*. “Tommy, said a father to hi* son, “have you been at those sji up pies I put in tho cupboard?" Tommy, “Father,” said looking into his eyes, "1 have not touched one. » .< Then m. how , is • it ., your mother ., found five apple cores in your bed room, and there is only one left on the “That” said Tommy m he daaluM VjrZ wildlv for the door d ° or ’ “is 19 the tbe one one ] J ‘ t0 ” cb - For Tired Eyes. TbIcr a cup brimful of water. Add sufficient salt to be just perceptible to the taste. Hold your eyes to the water so that your lashes touch it, then wink once, and the eyes will be suffused. Do not wipe them. This so refreshes the eyes that they feel like a new pair. Do not forget the good old rule. As soon as you “feel your eyes” stop using them. By following this treatment very little time will be wasted waiting for tired eyes. Katlior of Electric Railway*. The honor of first suggesting an elt<* trie railway must be accorded to Thom* as Davenport of Brandon, Vt., black¬ smith- and electrician, inventor and sci¬ entist. In 1834 he ran a toy motor mounted on wheels on a small circular railway, and a year later he exhibited It at Springfield and at Boston. Then it gave up the ghost, and for more than twoscore years various inventors, in utter ignorance of the principles of the modern dynaino'and. with no sourco of power except the zinc burning pri¬ mary battery, labored with small re¬ ward.—Century. A LETTER FROM i NORTH CAROLINA j with * Warrenton, kidney affection N. C.—I was for nearly dead six months, growing hopeless—was worse all the time. My case was unable to get about I but little. I had tried everything with ; little benefit. I took three bottles of Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper and wag perfectly *>ght. 1 cured. Am now well Ad all owe my life to Stuart’s Buchu ? f you swollen ?, uffer feet, Wlth stiff bacbache joints, ’ dull and head- have Z trouble. £SC7 £&£ Stuart’s Buchu and Juniper will relieve you. All druggists, $1.00. Write for free sample. We will send enough ta prove its wonderful merits. Stuart Drug Manufacturing Co. ATLANTA. GA. r “HARD CLINCH" GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER Beats the world for holding and lasting qualities. Notice the keys! It locks 'as securely as if there were a lock and key on every lath. It never cracks, breaks or dis¬ integrates. In fact, it is the one and only real wood fibre plaster which gives sold lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It-is Don't by thousands of tons all over the South. consider using any other brand until you write ua for information, prices, etc. u I . V> AH ^ u OMPANY U-lUd^j «r - JL = Georgia ADVERTISEMENTS Houston To all whom it County; I. may concern T. Woodard, Clerk of the Sn Administrator perior court of Houston the county' on estate of Willie J. Thompson, having ai) plied for leave to sell all of ° p lands of said estate Cor the the of distribution and Pur pose to pay the debts of said estate. This i is therefore to cite all persons i n terested show . to cause before me at tho September Term 1908, of Houston court of Ordinary said application should not be j granted. Witness my official signature this August 4th 1908, S. T. Hurst, Ordinary. ;f U Kbl A " Ioust on Pounty. VY A. A D Peyton 1 has applied for . guardianship of rWoVod ininbr child of Luther Doles ' s ’7* ec 6 a sed. 1 his ■ is therefore ., - to , cite all persons cerned con to appear at the Septem J*r Term 1908, of the court », Ordinary of Houston county, and show cause, if any they have whv said ap p licati ™ sh0 “W Kt be gi anted. Witness my official signature this August 3rd, 1908. Sam T, Hurst, Ordinary, Notice to debtors and creditors; Persons having claims against the estate of Willie J. Thompson deceased, will present them prop¬ erly attested; and those indebted to said estate will make payment tome. This August 4th 1908. I. T. Woodard, Clerk of the Su¬ perior Court of Houston county, Administrator on said estate. GEORGIA —Houston County. To whom it may concern; J. R. Miller, Administrator of Estate of E. E. Miller, deceased, has applied for an order dismis¬ sing him from said trust as ad¬ ministrator, representing that he has fully discharged his trust as Administrator.- This is to noti¬ fy all persons interested to show cause on or before September 7th j 1908 why the order prayed lor should not be granted. This the 4th day of August 1908. j Sam T. Hurst, Ordinary.