The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 11, 1908, Image 4

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The Font Valley Leader . — Official Organ of Houston County 1 - Leader Publishing Co., Lessees. j R. M. Reynolds, Editor and Manager, j I W. R. Branham, Associate Editor. I I PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. j Terms of Sul •ription: One year...... $1.00 I Six months Three months AuK.2<^Hw!;nt I Em,:r,dHss,^on<^.•Uh-,mntt,r Valley,Ga.,under the act j th«' jxwfotficc' autort of (Iona We cannot of gurantee article the sent publi- us J cation any later than Wednesday noon. TELEPHONE Ill I ! Fort Valley j Ca., Sept. 11, 1008. I Seeley to have j Editor seems he! gotten his foot in it when tackled Judge Atkinson. It seems as if the Georgia Leg- j islature will soon be drawing their salary by tin* year. Governor-elect .Jos. M. Brown will tour Georgia in a few days in his own and W. .1. Bryan’s be half. And now there is talk oi mak¬ ing Sheath trousers, Wonder if there is no lhnit to this sort of thing*? Wliy not cut out clothes altogether. Ohoopee, Ga., seems to lie at- J trading ■onsiderable attention by editors who do not think Ohoopee a very appropriate name for a town in a prohibition state. The men who are responsible, in a large measure, for the nomi¬ nation of Joe IJrown have not only deserted him, but have de serted the Party. Fitzgerald Enterprise, of The biow which the editor the Enterprise received in his race for Prison Commissioner must have cracked his brain. Macon Telegraph. In refusing to have anything to do with that rally in Atlanta Friday night last, Joe Brown showed what a sensible man he is. At tpe mention of his name hisses were heard and otherwise some of those in attendance showed their feeling against him. Had he been present , every possi¬ ble means of humiliating bin would doubtless have been resor ted to. The rally was gotten up bv those opposed to Brown, and he did the proper thing in refusing to be present. The Atlanta Journal for some time bus been during him to come out and show himself. Ilad he gone out Friday night, he would have been ex tremly sorry unless he has the skin of an elephant. Joe Brown has shown his eom mon sense a mimber of times, but that his head is level was never more forcibly shown than in his failure to attend that rally in Atlanta Friday night last. —Dublin Courier-Dispatch. School opened Monday with a large attendance, The faculty, leaded by Prof. II S Strozier, is an able one, and this school yea ■' will be a banner one for Grady Institute. Mr EUc Pharr and Miss Mamie Love of Marshallville were mar rie d Monday. i Rev L A Hill pastor of Yianna Methodist church and Rev B F ! Whittington is assisting Rev Laag m the meeting this week. Mr Geo McDonald left Wednes day for Louisville Ky. Mr Pharr spent Wedues morning in our city. The teachers of Grady Valley. Insti-| has returned to the McRae Strozier and Loyd, and wife, at j ai'e M „ Holand RUey's, Miss M r Singleton and Miss Mans - n of Blufton the new . nn , i .eacher, oa „v, 0 , with Dr Singleton, Miss Fannie . of Perry, is at Maj Me Mr ’Arthur Glass had his opening of his new Soda ?ount an( j j ce c rcam parlor Mon¬ evening. He has installed a au tiful new fount, has a tine piano and the plac beautiful with its deco of palms, ferns, and roses. I was a large crowd out. £Williehue Carter got the amount of votes for the girl. M rs Holt Skellie returned from Saturday. Col A C Riley and A J Houser ■ to MionaSprings Saturday; spend a few days. Col Laton Shepard and wife moved back to Fort Valley live, their many friends give a cordial welcome back to j city. Mr Duer of Macon visited Fort) Sunday. Miss Maude H Slappey re- j this week, having spent , summer most delightfully in ! mountains of Tennessee. 1 HEARD BROTHERS I | 346 to 352 Poplar Street MACON ' GA i I | S Your money is as good as any¬ body’s. Y r ou are entitled to the best that the fhavket affords wtyen you spend it. That’s the reason why you should come to see us when you are in the market for Buggies, Wagons or Harness. LEGAL Notice to debtors and creditors; Persons having claims against the estate of Willie J. Thompson ; deceased, will present them prop-1 erly attested: and those indebted j to said estate will make payment to me. This August 4th 1908. I. T. Woodard, Clerk of the Su¬ perior Court of Houston county, Administrator on said estate. VALUABLE CITY LOT FOR SALE. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston County granted at the July term, 1908, 1 will sell at public outcry before the court-house door’ of Houston County at Perry, Geor gia, between the usnal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Oc¬ tober, 1908, a lot situated on Per¬ sons street in Fort Valley, Geor gia fronting on said street seventy-five (75' feet and extend¬ ing north of uniform width for two hundred and thirty (230) feet, said lot being cut off on the west side by lot known as the Coryell lot and bounded on the east by lot of C. E. Dasher. Terms of sale, cash. H. A. Mathews, Guardian of Vastine Coryell. 9114 “ NOTICE I have an up to date Hay and will bale hay for the public, A. H. MURCHISON, Fort Valley, Ga. rUit o oAJLiXj , t tt, One „ Mathushek , , Upright tt • ui. Piano. Will sell at . bargain u • terms. on „ easy For full information apply at Leader office. ' 8-28-4-t MISSES TAYLOR, PLAIN SEWING, FORT'VALLEY,GA. LETTER EROR^ CAROLINA Wanenton> c.—I was nearly dead kidney affection for six months, ctabK JUS little. I had. teied everything with benefit. I t*k three bottles of tuart » 8 Buchu cured. and Juniper well and and was; all i Am now I owe my life to Stuart, Buchu Juniper.—H. T. >1 If you suffer with backache, dull head- ; : air, »ou have symptoms of kidney B„dm ami juniper win relieve All druggists, $1.00. Write for sample. its wonderful We will merits. send enough to j Drug Manufacturing Co. # ATLANTA. GA. “HARD CLINCH" GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER Beats the world for holding and lasting qualities. Notice the keys! It locks as securely as if there were a lock and key on every lath. It never cracks, breaks or dis¬ integrates. In fact, it is the one and only real wood fibre plaster which gives lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. Itds sold by thousands of tons all over the South. Don’t consider using any other brand until you write us for information, prices, etc. j_ V X i-U MU 4.1 " COMPANY Half a dozen or more of the Fort Valley members of the | Perry Rifles attended a company j drill in Armory Park at Perry Tuesday night, There was a sham battle, and the fusilade was something Tierce, but no casual ties. —Perry Home Journal. The bottle-scar red. vets from this place retured early Wednesday I morning. Georgia Division l ! . D. C. Official Program for Sep¬ tember. QUESTIONS 1. What book read to Joel Chandler Harris by his mother inspired him to write his first “2. From what source did he get j material for his stories of “Brer Fbx and Brer Rabbit’ V 3. Tell of his first experience 1 as a newspaper apprentice, of ’ his first articles published and the editor's ,. encouragement, , - When did he send his first con tribution to a Northern magazine. 4. What book introduced the Countryman of Middle Georgia to the mountainers of North Georgia? 5. Where did Mr Harris live . soon soon after the war, and with vvliat publication was he connee ted? What other places claimed him as a resident, and what circumstances decided him to move to Atlanta, 6. When did he give to the j world his Brer Fox and Brer] Rabbit stories, and how were they received at tim North and South, and even m England.-' 7 . Describe his personal give of his 1 ins acces characteristic modest Tell of his perpetual good humor and other traits. How was he re¬ garded by children ever where? 8. How did Mr Harris protest against what is generauy known ,s a dialect story? 9. What did he say that people j must be in literature as in life? j lo. To what , , , book , which , - , was! one oi „ the , causes of „ the , war , be- i tween the states, lias it been ^jiid that Uncle Remus was an answer. 11* Describe plantation life of antebellum days as pictured by Uncle Remus. What were his memories oi the discipline of slavery, and does not he repre* sent a large class of Southern RECEIVED largest and best Selected Line of Furniture, Can pets, Rugs, and Mattings ever shown in Middle Georgia. We wi |J take r|easure iB shfiwing y#n (hrough slock .. if , •* •» even you do not wish to buy anything at ^ SPECIAL ATTENTION To 0ut=0f=T<wn „ Custsiiiers. E. J. & P. D. WILLINGHAM. Monthly, Weekly, Monthly accts. Due First Oi Cash. Each Month. W.J. BRASWELL DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Gents’ Furnish¬ ings and a New Stock of Pure Food Groceries Call and buy, phone or send your orders, or notify me and I wil! send for same. All goods delivered of charge in city. Credit will only be extended to reliable parties, and we will do oar best to hold your trade and give satisfaction. Weekly Accounts Cash Buyers Will Due Once a Week Phone 47 Save Money Here HAVE THE BABY PHOTOGRAPHED AND DO IT NOW. It Can Be Done At Small Cost. Come And See Samples Of Baby Pictures. W. M. WHITE, Tbe Practical Photographer FORT VALLEY, GA. Telephone Talk a £ £ £ gj Costs Money £ 3« mt j { £ it* £ /or itji £ £ £ K rn HE constant use of ’another's phone costs the £ S3 1 Telephone Co. money for which they get £ £ nothing, as each conversation costs the Company £ £ something, and besides annoys the friend or neigh- £ £ bor whose phone is used. Special attention is £ £ called to the latter point, because the Telephone £ £ Co. has been appealed to by subscribers to do some- £ £ thing to stop the neighbors coming in at all unrea- £ £ sonable hours to use the phone. Subscribers don’t £ £ £ £ want in silence, to hurt their neighbors’ ask the feelings, so suffer it £5 £ them of this except to Company to help rid £5 annoyance. sickness - £ In case of or other emergency, neither £ 8 the Company nor the subscriber objects to the occa- £ £2 sional use of 4 a phone without paying anything for £ gj ft, p u t such constant use is an iujustice to the £ Company and a nuisance to the suljscriber, and £ calling attention to the abuse should be and doubt- £ £ less will be equivalent to its correction. £ £ £ VVV ** sOs * a < VVYVVV * * tCM us IT* soi WYWVWVVVVV'w not ar.kVxx jcxOOOt * * a x x e * it * um tcu * * “HARD CLINCH" Trade Mark. 1 GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER a Beats the world for holding’ and lasting qualities. Notice the keys! It locks as securely as if there were a lock and key on every lath. It never cracks, breaks or disintegrates. In fact, it is the one and only real wood fibre plaster which gives of lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It is sold by thousands brand tons all over the South. Don’t consider using any other until you write us for information, prices, etc. FORT VALLEY LUMBER CO. Lk ■ — - negroes.*? V“* ^ a . me T Principal books Dponwhat ^ doe8 his repu . tation rest chiefly, Describe his home. Tell of his death and burial. Answers to questions may be found in The South in History and Literature by Miss Mildred Ruthford,