The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 11, 1908, Image 5

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- — £33 4i8 POPLAR ST., MACON, GA. TWO STORES MAIN'ST., FORT VALLEY, GA. SOLOMON BROTHERS Will Hove Their Macon Store on Sept. >5., from 666 Poplar Street,, to 4IS Poplar St. Mr. M. Salomon has just returned from New York where he purchased the Finest Lot of Goods ever seen in Middle Georgia. A Big Store Full of Bargains. '■ Don’t Fail to Call On Us at 418 Poplar Street. SOLOMON BROTHERS, Next Door to H. D. Kaplen’s Furniture Store. MACON, GEORGIA. a anBn MBMfflac ossaw KiiiiUi «jrjn awwwpB| WANTED TO BUY i ' 8 Horses and Mules For Cash. B Jones, Gunn & Jones. !? >> 611 Third Street- Macon, Ga. ^Episcopal Church Notes Sunday School 9:45 a. m. every Sunday evening- Prayer sermon next Sunday at 7:30 p in. A cordial invitation is tended to all. L. G. H. Williams. for sale 4 nice houses and lot Marshallville public road. sale cheap apply to, Mrs- C- S- Range. Mr and Mrs Frank entertained Rev T G Lang, • L A Hill of Vienna, and Rev B Whittingham of Marshallville dinner on Wednesday. Aug 27 1908. % Dear Friend: % Chipped beef is nice <j to buy, Mama says, be¬ JX ¥ cause there is no bone i in it. \ Last night Mama was A •Mw. • real tired, and didn't J. -A feel like building a big fire. She sent me M»*s ome to the grocery for a JChipped can of chipped beef, A, had and when some I bread got back and but¬ she }g>eef I v ter and sweet milk on | the table, and we had a real nice supper, and it didn’t cost very < i much. A. big can of chipped beef costs only 15 cts. Your friend, V3. JACOB. MM* 1 <m, », Wnwll _ P,S. Chipped beef and everything good to eat at W. K. Thweatt s. Mrs W W Driscal of Tifton, on her way to Perry her old home, spent several hours here with her sister, Mr R P Hollinshead. Mrs M E Henderson will leave Thursday morning to join her husband at Gainesville,Fla,where they expect to spend the winter. Mrs. Claudia Frederick (col ored) formerly of Marshallville, has opened a establishment in Melvin’s ing on Main Street., and solicits the patronage of the ladies of Fort Valley. Prices are reason able, and satisfaction guaranteed. References given if desired. For white and colored. 9112 CORN FOR SALE by*P. W. Smith, Fort Valley, Ga. R. F. D. 2. Miss Manda Smith spent last week in Atlanta with relatives. Dr Holmes Troutman has re¬ turned home from a pleasant visit to Atlanta. Miss Maude II Slappey re¬ turned home Tuesday night after spending a delightful summer in Chattanooga and other places of interest, | Mr and Mrs Clifford Prator spent a most delightful week in Atlanta last week. Mr Oooner of Macon is spend ing this week with his father, Mrs Jim Long went to Perry I Wednesday to visit her parents, Mr and Mrs Smoak. Mrs Will Blewster went to Ma | i con Wednesday afternoon. Presbyterian Church i It is hardly necessary to re¬ port to the people of Fort Valley that on the fifth Sabbath of Aug. weclosed a very interesting and profitable meeting. Rev J W Stokes of Dublin did the preach¬ ing, to the great satisfaction of the people. 1 think all who attended the meeting were greatly benefitted and hope he will return in the near future. We received several additions to our church, and we think we see new possibilities developing for future growth. Rev W O Stevens will preach j again Sabbath 13, both a. m. and i 7. 30 T>. m. Tuesday nights are our regular times for prayer meetings 7.45. Our Sabbath School meets at 4 p. m. On Sab bath nights, when we have no preaching, there will be services conducted by the church session. Mr C H Hardison of Fort Val¬ ley, nominee for Clerk Superior Court, has purchased a lot on Swift street in Perry, and will erect Perry a dwelling house thereon.— Home Journal. Miss Bessie ‘Houser of Perry spent Monday night with her sister, Mrs R P Hollinshead on her way to Kansas city. Lieut and Mrs O G Singleton of Fort Worth Kansas are with Dr and Mrs OG Singleton. After spending several weeks here, they will join their Regiment in Cuba. Mr C G Gray and Lynwood Gray left for St Simon last Fri¬ day for a few days. Mrs OGGray left Tuesday for Indian Springs where Mr Gray will join her for a ten day stay M r Geo Fincher went up to Atlanta Saturday to spend several days. Her taken his friends Mr Dave Strother and Tom Flournoy with him they went in Mr Finchers auto. Mrs Edwin McMillan returned home from Savannah Saturday. The many friends of Mr M Glass are very sorry to hear that he has not been "feeling so well lately, but are glad to know that he is improving Mr and Mrs W F Miller, Jno. F Troutman and L P Gray made a trip to Perry last Friday in Mr Miller’s automobile. Mr and Mrs W F Miller and Mr and Mrs -J F Troutman spent Tuesday in Macon. Mr W O Scroggs who has been in New York for the past two years arrived in the city Monday to visit his mother, Mrs W J Scroggs for a few days. From here he goes to fill a chair in the University of Louisiana, at Baton Rouge. Misses Ettienne Baldwin and Mftdge James returned Monday night from a most enjoyable trip to Washington, Boston and New York. Miss Gertrude Long has left for near Valdosta to accept a position as teacher. Mrs M Glass has returned, from an extended trip to Atlanta. Mjss Stella Glass has returned from a delightful visit to Macon and Indian Springs. Mr Geo Crandall and daughtsr spent Tuesday in the city. Mr Gus Lee of Marshallville spent last Thursday in the city with his sister, Mrs 0 D Williams. Mrs B W Sanford spent Tues¬ day in the city with her daughter, Mrs Nina Hartley, Master Frederick Crandall is visiting Sim Brown this week. Miss Bennie Watkins of Sylves" ter is guest of her aunt, Mrs R A Hiley. Dr and Mrs Virginius Brown went to Macon Tuesday after¬ noon in his auto. Mrs Brown remained for a short visit. Quite a large crowd went over to Perry Tuesday afternoon to attend the ball game and be present at the sham battle be¬ tween the two millitary compan *. ies. Mayor Fincher and Dr O G Singleton returned last Wednes¬ day night from Ft Meyers and other potnts in Ida., where they spent a most delightful ,w k. Mr Frank Fincher u rned last Friday from Jacksonville and Tampa Fla., where he spent a week Mr Dave Strother spent Satur¬ day and Sunday with his sister,, Mrs Dood in Atlanta. Miss Mattie Dupree of Byron is the guest of her brother, Mr C J DuPree. Miss Laura Long whojhas been visiting her sister, Mrs G W Roberts in Columbus} has re turned home.