The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 18, 1908, Image 4

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A.k 11 v ip* / I//// A ( ) n A MM /** • m V l , SOLOMON BROTHERS, EORT VALLEY. OUR MACON STORE, 418 POPLAR STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. The Font Valley Leaden. Official Organ of Houston County Leader Publishing Co., Lessees. R. M. Reynolds, Editor and Manager. W. R. Branham, Associate Editor. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. T< 3 of Subscription: One year...... 11.00 81x months .50 .. .25 Three months Entered an second-class matter Aug. 29,1900, at the pout-office at Fort Valley, Cia., under the act of Congress of March 8 1879. We cannot gu ran tee the publi¬ cation of any article sent us later than Wednesday noon. TELEPHONE ill Fort Valley, Ga., Sept. Id, 1908. Soon be time for ’possum, taters and ’simmons. Vice-President Candidate Kern will speak in Macon on October 3rd. Dr. B. H. Smith, father of Governor Hoke Smith, died at his home in Atlanta last Monday morning. Hon. Sidney Tapp does not seem to be creating much excite¬ ment with his lecture on “Graf¬ ters in the Church.” The Independent Party’s can¬ didates for President, Vic^-Pres ident and for Governor of Geor¬ gia spoke in Atlanta last week. Editor Pendleton, who, like many other Democrats was op¬ posed to the nomination of Bry¬ an, is now a leading figure in sup¬ porting the Democratic nominee. The farmers who sell their cot¬ ton now are helping to keep the price down, as the buyers are only waiting for the majority of this season’s short crop to be marketed before advancing the price to the manufacturer. The Atlanta Journal is as dis¬ gruntled as ever oyer the nomi¬ nation of Hon. Jos. M. Brown, and continues to attempt to low¬ er him in the eyes of the people of Georgia. Their efforts are a dismal failure, as everyone knows the character of the Smith organ. Mrs. Claudia Frederick (col¬ ored) formerly of Max*shallville, has opened a dressmaking establishment in Melvin’s build¬ ing on Main Street., and solicits the patronage of the ladies of Fort Valley. Prices are reason¬ able, and satisfaction guaranteed. References given if desired. For whet and colored. 9112 Mrs A C Riley {after a very pleasant visit to Miona Springs Sad Marshallville J returned home last Friday. SOLOMON BROS, AGENTS FOR KNOX HATS Stiff and Soft Hats in the Latest Shapes and Styles. Price $3dl0. For a long time we have been looking for something this town has been needing, and that is a good Hat. Now if you want your Hat to have the com* fort, and to improve the looks of your face, and to save money WEAR THE KNOX HATS THE ONLY AGENTS IN THIS TOWN Poor Telephone and Electric Light Service We wish the public to know that.the frequent interruption of service caused by crossing of electric and telephone wires-is caused by the electric wires being built too close to ours. An ordinance of the city prohibits placing these wires closer than eight feet. We have never violated that ordinance. When¬ ever our wires are close to electric wires, it is because the city has placed them so, thus violating its own ordinance. Many citizens now want telephones which we can’t supply, because the electric wires are alongside our poles, and if we put new wires on our poles they would, of course, be within 8 ft. of the electric wires, and we would thus violate the ordinance, which we are unwilling to do, which deprives many Fort Valley people of telephone service which they need. We could string the wires anyway, as we operate under a grant from the State of Georgia, under jurisdiction and authority of the R. R. Commission, and all the streets we need to use are owned by the State, but we believe in according the city authorities every courtesy and respecting their regulations as to wires, however careless they have been of our rights, our property, of the conven¬ ience of citizens, of the best interests of the electric plant, and observthg their own ordinances. Fort yatTfley occupies the unique position of being the only town in the world, so far as we can ascertain, where an electric system has been built so close to a telephone system. One other town did attempt it, or rather tried to get on the same side of the street, was promptly enjoined telephone by the courts. V In damaging the system the city has already greatly damaged its own plant, in utter disregard of the interests of both plants, and of the safety of the person and property of its citizenship. To show the fairness or unfairness of the position, of which the public must be the judge, remember, the city first strings its wires close to ours, (we occupying the exact position in the streets assigned to us specifically by the Street Committee years ago un¬ der direct authority of the Mayor and Council,) sometimes touch¬ ing ours, often cutting our wires out of the way, and AFTER THIS passes its ordinance prohibiting us from stringing wire within 8 ft. of theirs, in other words prohibiting us from stringing any new wires at all, for in most of the streets if we place any wires on our poles they will be within 8 ft. of the electric wires. In like manner the city has when it pleased strung wires on our poles, and then passed an ordinance that we should not string any wires on their poles, something we had not thought of doing. It is high time this folly was stopped, and the people of Fort Valley given the service from both systems they deserve. We are willing to leave it to any tribunal, State or Federal, or any disinter¬ ested commission or committee to say which wires should be moved, ours which w$ve already here, or the trouble. ele^ric wires the placing of which so close to ours caused all the In the meantime we are, of course, not responsible for any damage caused as we have placed no wires dose to the electric wires. We have thrown no obstacle in the way of good service. All obstacles have been created by the municipal authorities, who have deprived the people of Fort Valley of the best service for two years, during which time we have kept on hand about $2,000,00 worth of poles and supplies, awaiting their pleasusft, We ought not to have been so meek and lowly, With folded hands we have simply allowed the authorities to run rough shod over our rights. We protested against electric wires being placed next to ours. They placed them there anyway. They cut dozens of our wires, we patiently picked up the pieces and tied them to¬ gether again. They knocked cross arms off our poles, business. we replaced them lower down and went quietly on about our They put electric wires on our poles, we did not remove them. When the first period of our special franchise expired, we asked for a renewal in accordance with the contract, which was declined. Without waiving our rights, we asked a renewal with the exclusive feature omitted, this they declined to do. We then, without waiver of our rights, asked for a simple permit, such as all towns grant, and just such as this town was willing to grant the Electric Ry, and their answer was an ordinance, which if valid would have abso¬ lutely confiscated our property, which has cost over $13,600.00, be¬ sides cost of repairing damage done by bided electric wires. All this while we have patiently our time, knowing that an outraged public would assert itself, and that the public believes in fair treatment and a square deal. We have as fast as possible repaired the damage done us (over $300-00 in the last, sixty days in burning out phones, etc-,) kept ev¬ idence of this damage, had experts estimate the cost of separating the electric and telephone systems, and from interviews with many of our best citizens, our fair minded Fort Valley people believe that now forbearance has ceased to be a virtue. Respectfully, Fort Valley Telephone Co. Mr and .Mrs Vance, Mr and The League will have its Mrs Burch Norton, Mr and Mrs regular meetings every Thursday W H Norton went to Perry night at seven thirty at the Wednesday to take dinner with church. Will be glad to have any Mr W G Edwards. body that will come and help. The many. friends of Mr Almond Williams regret that he has left our midst to accept position with Massee Felton Luqpber Co in Macon. Dr Walker of Americus a few hours in our town Monday enroute to attend the medical college in Atlanta Miss Williehue Carter left Tuesday for a short trip through South Georgia Florida and Ala. We have many thousands more invested in stock this fall than ever before. We have ond a variety of goods selec¬ sec¬ to none for your tion, and our prices bettered we and are sure won’t be we know that the trade has no rrk to run when Braswell. they buy of us. R, S. Notice. Our store will be closed on Saturday, Sept. 26, on account of holiday, Solomon Bros. Mr Willie Williams left last week to attend a business college at Poughkeepsie N Y. Messers W M White and Bon¬ nie McCarty spent the past week at Miona. #It is rumored that Bonnie spent a greater part of the time at Garden Valley which he thinks is surburb of Miona. CORN FOR SALE by P. W. Smith, Fort Valley, Ga. R, F. D. 2. Mrs George T Harris and Mrs Haslam Hafer went down to Marshallville to attend the D A R mfeeting held with Miss Bessie Booton Friday. The best dressers wear Shely shoes. Get them Carter. from L. Mrs W A Wooddall spent last Wednesday in Atlanta. Dr and Mrs W H Hafer spent last Sunday evening in Marshall¬ ville with Miss Edna Frederick. For comfortable wear try the Cushion bottom shoe for ladies at L. Carters. Mr Myrton Baker from Chatta¬ nooga Tenn., has been on a visit to his sister, Mrs RP Hopkins on New Street. Mrs *R P Hollinshead enter¬ tained last ween in honor of Mr Myrton Baker and Miss Bessie Woolfolk. New line of clothing for men and inspection. boys now L. ready Carter. for your Mr WW Henderson has begin his new home on church and Knoxille Street. Mr W R Brown spent last Tuesday in town. V// % f ffy J *v 4m There were several automobile trips made to Norwood Springs last Sunday after noon. The machines were run by Mr Louis Brown, Mr Harris Turner, Mr Clade Fagan and Mr Arthur Glass. Mr Frank Quarterman was the guest of of his step sister, Mrs J H Turner this week. Capt and Mrs John A Houser entertained at dinner on Tuesday to relatives and friends. Little Miss Mary Ellen Burden has a little sister for a playmate now. Judge A C Riley, Dr M S Brown, Mr F O Miller and Mr L P Gray went to Macon in Mr Miller’s auto Friday night. Miss Kittie Watson leftWednes day to resume her studies at Shorter College. Mrs Obery and daughters are spending a few days with Mrs Frank Smisson. Mrs A D Skeliie and Mrs Fred Shepard entertained the Metho¬ dist ministers Revs Whittenton, Hill and Lang at six o’clock din¬ ner last Friday. If you want the best in shoes try the Selby at Car¬ ter’s. Mr and Mrs R M Houser and son, Russell spent Tuesday in Macon., Mr Woodard Pool of Camden, S C is visiting his parents Mr and Mrs O P Poole. Mrs Harry Strozier will arrive Friday, and be with Prof Strozier for the winter at the home of Mr Roland Hiley. made Vici, tans and pl—. New line by the Selby Snc_ I just received. - ' L. Carter. Miss Maude Miller left Thurs¬ day for Gainesville to resume her studies. Miss Madge James left Monday for Forsyth where she will teach in Bessie Tift College. Miss Janie Culpepper returned home Wednesday after a delight¬ ful visit to her sister, Mrs Tharpe. Mrs gcoville and Miss Mattie left Tuesday for a short visit to Macon. Mrs J M Green left Wednes¬ day for Atlanta where she goes to visit her sister, Mrs Durden. Mr and Mrs W D Tharpe are visiting Mrs N H Culpepper, Mr A J Evans §pent Tuesday in Macon. Mr and Mrs C G Gray have re¬ turned home from Indian Springs Miss Ida M Albough leaves soon for Wilmington, N C-, and Louisville, K Y„ and then to Xiang, Yin Chinas a Missionary*.