The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 25, 1908, Image 1

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The Fort Valley Leader. VOL. XIX For This Year Will be Held at MACON. CA. OCT 27 TO NOV. 7 By the Macon Georgia State Fair Association, Under the Auspices of Georgia State Agricultural Society. While Agriculture will form the leading feature of the exhibition, the commer¬ cial. and manufacturing interests of the State will be fully represented in the various displays. Among the best attractions to be offered, will be included Fireworks, Balloon Ascensions, Horse Racing, Automobile Racing, Military Displays, and other first class amusements. Premium List will be forwarded to all who wish them. For all other information in regard to space for exhibitors, prices, and terms for privileges and concessions, please write to BEN. L. JONES, President. BRIDGES SMITH, Secretary. R. L. McKINNEY, Treasurer. W. A. HUFF, Gen’l Mgr. Mr 0 W Withoft, our wide awake Post Master, attended the Xat’l Association of Postmasters of 1st class in Chattanooga, this week. A great many interest¬ ing as well as instructive were read by officials of tha partment from Washington. Hon Henry Blum, Jr, of Savan¬ nah, was elected President and Hon F G Withoft, of Dayton, O., Vice President. Mr Dawson Kendrick of Miona visited the city last week. 40 yds of calico for 95c at R. S. Braswell’s. Don’t be startled, take it easy, noth¬ ing very catchy about this. Miss Bennie Watkins after a ten day stay at Indian Springs returned Monday night to her aunts, Mrs Roland Hiley - If you want the best in shoes try the Selby at Car¬ ter’s. Mrs Charlie Jones and little son, Charlie visited her uncle, Mr George Anderson near Myrtle last week. Fire sets consisting of shovel, tongs, poker, an attractive stand $1.00. At The Ten Cent Store. Mrs Tift and children of Tifton is guest of her sister, Mrs George B Culpepper. Towels again, ail can linen you tow¬ use a dozen price? good Come in and els at a ask our price on dozen lots. ,R. S. Braswell. Mrs W A Wooddall .spent last Saturday m Atlanta. Viei, tans and patents Go. made by the -Selby Snoe New line just received. L. Carter, Miss Allee Wtuiams of bus was the guest of Misses Me Donald Monday _ Nice new lot white plates, c ups and saucers. * .bargains for 10 cts. Ten Cent Store. PORT VALLEY. HOUSTON COUNTY. GEORGIA. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 25, 1908. Mrs L Carter left Monday for Jacksonville, to visit her daugh ter, Mrs Will Houser who is quite sick. Her many friends in Fort Valley wish her a speedy re covery. Where Would you go to find a better and more com¬ plete line of clothing, hats, shoes, haberda c hery, tailor spits, cloaks, raincoats ■ and skirts than at R. S, Bras¬ well’s store? Take a look through. 'ft it Mrs Drayton of Washington D 0 after a pleasant visit Xo rela¬ tives here, returned home Mon¬ day The best dressers wear shely shoes. Get them from L. Carter. Mrs'Herman Harris and chil¬ dren is visiting her mother, Mrs J C Slappey. Shovels and pokers 5c and locts. The Ten Cent Store. Miss Madie Davis of Perry spent several days here last week with her friend Miss Leta Gray.__ We are expecting our line of J. B. Stetson , hats this week. R. S Braswell. Card of Thanks. To the friends, Masons, and Daughters of the Confederacy who extended honor to the memory of our father Mr BJ ! Martin, and kindness and sympa¬ thy to us, we wish to express our deep and sincere appreciation of all expressions shown. Mrs. Leola Martin Oberry. Mrs. Claudia Martin Bunkley. For comfortable wear i 1 try the Cushion bottom shoe for ladies at L. Carters. ] Anything in school sup= plies at prices that can’t i be beat. The Ten Cent Han. • f - Col A C Riley, jr., of Atlanta tisited home folks this week. Mrs T G Lang left for a visit to her sister in Camilla Monday. Some special values in counterpanes, comforts and blankets at R. S. Braswell's store. Messers Fred Sheppard and Frank Fincher took an anto trip to Montezuma Wednesday. Npw line of clothing for men and boys now ready for your inspection. L. Carter. Dr V L Brown will leave in a few days for an extended trip for his her' h, No matter what the col¬ or is, Jap=a=LacwhS make it new. We have all size cans. The Ten Cent Store. Miss Gena Riley spent Wednes¬ day in Macon. A big towel dime will buy a big cotton at our store. See them, they go on sale Saturday. R. Braswell. S. Mr Harris Neil has returned home after spending some months north. Notice. .Our store will be closed on Saturday, Sept. 26, on account of holiday, Solomon Bros. Mr and Mrs Sfrozier are at home to their many, friends at the home of Mr and Mrs R A Hiley • We have a full stock of school books for thecoun= ty. Printed lists and pri= ces will be quoted with | pleasure. i The Ten Cent Store. Mr Charlie Rountree spent yesterday in Oolloden, Ga. ! Flournoy , s new cotton gin | is now open to the public. Located opposite crate fac tory. Satisfaction guaran¬ teed. Miss Dora Fleming of Newnan ho* accepted a position it Millers. Miss Mamie Houser spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs R P Hollinshead. If its in notions we have it. The greatest collection ever gotten together. ^ The Ten Cent Store. Mrs B Jenkins of Tuscaloosa is guest of her sister, Mrs .) M Jones. For fine and artistic dress¬ making and perfect fitting, see Mrs. T. J. Walden at Mrs. Winslows. Episcopal Church Notes Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11a. m. Thursday nights 7.30 p. m. K. P. Notice Business of importance at Castle Hall Monday night Sept. 28. All Knights urgently reques¬ ted to be present T. 0. Eberhardt, 0, C. The Vulcan Plow has a carrugated point that will not hang anything and makes it capable of turn ing any kind of land mat¬ ters not what kind red and stiff or black and gummy. For sale by the Georgia Agricultural Wks. Positively guaranteed. All repairs kept in stock ali the time. The Library The Fort Valley Public Librar y will be opened every Wednesday afternoon at 4 o’clock beginning Sept. 30th. All who have Library books will please return them next Wednesday. Flournoy’s new cotton public. gin is now open to the Located opposite Crate fac¬ tory. Satisfaction Guaran¬ teed. The History Club The History Club will hoid its first meeting for the fall at the home of Mrs L L Brown, on the afternoon of Tuesday the 29th of Sept, at 3.30 o’clock. All mem¬ bers are urged to be present as business of importance is to be transacted. Mrs. A. C. Riley, Pres. If you need a Turn Plow that is positively guaranteed against kind choking land or gumming on any of call on us we have it. Take one and try it. If it isn’t satisfactory return it to us. Georgia Agricultural Works. Mrs Mittie McKay, wife of Mr Posted McKay, who many years ago was citizen of Fort Valley, spent a few days here with relative. Flournoy’s new cotton gin is now open to the public. Located opposite Crate fac¬ tory. Satisfaction Guaran¬ Miss Gena Riley left this week for Elko to resume her position governess in Dr J O Manns she will be missed by her friends, If you are looking for a deal give me a trial, Goods, Shoes and Grocer H. D. Bartlett. jj OU8er of p erry spent last Sunday in the city with his sister, R P Hollinshead. NO. 82 A CARD In reply to the card of Rev- J. B. Culpepper in last week’s Lea¬ der, I will say first as the Bro. made such a correct diagnosis of his own case, he evidently has missed his calling and should have been an M. D. as he would have made a successful diagnos¬ tician, which is very important in medical profession. However in regard to his advice as to what a doctor should do in case of con¬ tagious disease, will say that I was the physician attending the Avera children who had scarlet fever. At the first positive diag¬ nosis of scarlet fever, I informed the Mayor who with me agreed that as Mr. Avera did not live in central part of town and if he would follow directions given him which would prevent the spread of the disease, he himself might be allowed some freedom, while his family remained in quaran¬ tine. These precautions Mr. Av¬ era promised to take, and so far as Bro. Culpepper knows has lived up to it. However I could not promise that there would be no more cases in as much as the first case in the family was not regulated by a physician it being of so mild a type that the child had entirely recovered when I was called to see second patient. The public may rest assured that in cases of contagious dis¬ eases the physicians and rnayar Fort Valley will do their full duty to prevent the spread of such diseases, but let me say to all they must have the co-opera¬ tion of the public. Respectfully, J. R. KINNEY. Methodist Chnrch The Pastor will preach as usual- The choir meets Friday 7:30 P. M. T. G. Lantr. Holly Leaf Shoes none better. H. D. Bartlett. Miss Clarence Houser after a delightful vist to Barenburg Blackville S ( returned home Monday. Big Lot Boys Suits, Cheap. H. D. Bartlett. Messers Dure and Mormon of spent Sunday in the city. Miss Gussie Riley of Perry is charming guest of her cousin Nora Rountree this week. Chas I) Anderson Chapter U D C will meet at the home of Mrs H Culpepper Wednesday Sep. at 3 o’clock. ---r New lot Men’s Hats just received. H. D. Bartlett. The Baptist Church r Ihe services at this church be of unu mal interest both and evening. The pas¬ tor will preach Sunday at 11 a. m the following subject. The .'deal church. The following thoughts will be discussed, An building, attractive attractive Music, atmosphere. Subject the evening service. Judge¬ according to the records. will be a discussion of the judgement the basis on it will be conducted. A welcome extended to ail. Mr H Beall of Macon was the of his sister, Mrs O G Sunday.