The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 25, 1908, Image 3

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AT THE SEASHORE. ti Oh. George, can’t you just srmeT! the salt water?” 4 4 More than that. Maria; I can taste it in the ice cream.”—Chicago Trib* une. DEEP CRACKS FROM ECZEMA. Could Lay Slate-Pencil in One— Hands in Dreadful State—Disease ( Delied Treatment for 7 Years —Cured by Cuticuru. “I had eczema on my hands for about seven years and during that time 1 had used several so-called remedies, with physicians’ and druggists’ prescrip tions The disease was so bad on my hands that I could lay a slate-pencil in one of the cracks and a rule placed across the hand would not touch the pencil. 1 kept Z'ZS&Sl'SftfSfSSl did the ftrst box of Cuticura Ointment, us Cuticura I made a purchase of Soap and Ointment and my hands were perfectly cured after two boxes of Cuticura Oint ment and one cake of Soap were used. W. H. Dean, Newark, Del., Mar. 28, 1907. TWO VARIETIES. << I see Taft is to conduct a front porch campaign. ft “Was he too wide for the rear plat¬ form?”—Houston Chronicle HELPFUL ADVICE ami m\ hi i; »V Vi J rM| i i mm Ik. m m You won’t tell your family private doctor the whole story about your illness — you are too modest. You need not be afraid to tell Mrs. Pink ham, at Lynn, Mass., the things you could not explain to the doctor. Your letter will he held in the strictest con¬ fidence. From her vast correspond¬ ence with sick women during the past thirty years she may have ained the very knowledge that will elp your case. Such letters as the lowing, from grateful the women, es¬ tablish beyond a doubt power I Li VntA OS#4 PE Km 9 Sr AM5C 9 IfFfiFTilHS VbUblHDE.b F **> COMPOUND & 111 a VVl iw to conquer all female Mrs. Norman R. Barndt, of town, Pa., writes: <4 Ever since I was sixteen years I had suffered from organic . , age an rangement and female weakness; consequence I had dreadful and was extremely nervous. My cian said I must go through an opera tion to get well. A friend told me about Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and I took it and wrote you for advice, following your directions carefully, and thanks to you I am to day a well woman, and I am telling all my friends of my experience.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink ham’s Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera¬ tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear¬ ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges¬ tion, dizziness,or nervous prostration. Saved-Our-Baby That is the testimony of thousands MOTHERS who have used “Dr. Thornton’s Easy-Teether.’’ It is a guaranteed remedy for Teething, Summer Diarrhoea, Flux, Indiges¬ tion, and all Stomach and Bowel troubles of INFANTS. It Is also the best thing you can give your baby for a COLD, it will cure a oold In three days or less. If you want something that will carry your baby through the most trying period in its life, send 25 cents to us and we will send you a box by return mafl. For sale by all druggists and country merchants, 25 cents, or Easy-Teether Medicine Co., Hartwell, Ga. Write to-day for free BOOKLET, “The Baby’’ and “How to Care For It.” Dropsy CURED Gives Quick A Relief. Removes all swelling in 8 to 30 days ; effects a permanent Trial treatment cure in 30 to 60 days. Nothingcan be fairer .given free. Sons, ISpeclalUts, Write Br. H. H. Green’s Gr Bo* B Atlanta. Take the Place of Calomel Constipation sends poisonous matter e boon ding ’ through the body. Dull headache, Sour Stomach, Feted Breath,'Bleared Eyes, Loss of Energy and A^ E etite are the surest signs ox he affliction. Youngs the iver sluggisn Pills poetlvely liver cure bettor oonstipation. action, They cleanse awaken the to bowels, strengthen the weakened parts, induce appe¬ tite and aid digestion. They do not Salivate, no mat¬ ter what you eat, drink or do. Price 25 cents from your dealer or direct from J. M. YOUNG. JR.$ WAYCROSS. GA. One ounce of eggs will produce 19,000 silkworms. ^OixirsfS ^yrupsffkj $ entm Cl eanses fll e y.stem Effect¬ ually; Dispels Colas arulHeaa aenes ! clue to Constipation; Acts naturally, acts true as t . tiLiaXOllVe. dcua JDcsI I) ir TOrlHCn,WonW?n On ren -Vbundaml J t>r» Old. \ , , . t-,, a, flU* J.O gel US DenCTlCial fenumeXck JlffCCTs : Uthe has the full ' name of 'J The Lom PORy * CALIFORNIA TJg-Syrup Co. by whom it is manufactured , printea on the | front of evevy package. SOLD BY ALL LEADING DRUGGISTS one size only, regular price 50$per bottle. The people who worry most about burglars are generally those who have nothing worth stealing. John R. Dickey’s old reliable eye water cures sore eyes or granulated lids. Don’t hurt, feels good; got the genuine In red box. AT THE BARN DANCE. I What’d that fellow say?” Change partners, all.” Oh, say, now. _. The divorcte ,,____. evil hain’t got that -bad?” — Houston Chronicle - Hicks’ Cnpudine Cures Headache, Whether from Cold, Heat, Stomach, oi Mental Strain. No Acetanilid or dangerous drugs. 10c., It’s and Liquid. Effects immediately. 25c., 50c., at drug stores KNOWLEDGE MERELY ? Gabbleby—After all, a woman’s scream is her greatest -weapon of de i fence. Gertrude—Undoubtedly; but how did you find it out?—Puck. Beware of Ointments For Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the the whole sense of 6mell and completely entering it derange through the sys¬ tem when mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from will reputable is phy¬ fold sicians, good as the damage they possibly do derive ten from to the you can them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, internally, 0., containa no mercury, and is taken surfaces acting directly upon the blood and mucous ot the system. lnbuymgHall the s it Catarrh is taken Cure in be sure you and get made genuine, Toledo. Ohio, by ff. ternally Co. Testimonials in free. J. Cheney & bottle. Sold by Hall’s Druggists; Family price, Pills for 75c. constipation. per - Take National Game in West Virginia. | The Dingess Run baseball team came last iSimtla Y and played Big Creek. A good crowd of baseball en ! thusiasts witnessed the game, which | was i nteres t in g throughout. All pres¬ ent sceEV > d to er joy themselves very much. Luther Baisden did not play ball, neither did Robert Lucas, but they hollered “Hurrah for Banco!” . said lliany interesting things, Luthers , voice him | unable to take an active part n ; afternoon, but Robert’s vocal organs served him well till the game was en( jed. John Thomas gave the boys gome music and in the meantime Dr. vv , came walking up all juhl - hold lant and smiling because he was j ing an umbrella over Mlss .—[Ban correspondence Logan DemocraL Burglar Was Too Late. We owe an apology and an expla¬ nation to the burglar who opened our office window at the week end, sought the drawer of the cashier—and was disappointed. We do not like to ap¬ pear inhospitable, but on Friday night we all of us do our own thieving and there is nothing left for visitors. Any other night we will try to give another sort of surprise.—London Chronicle. ' < m Thank You! Says Mrs. Ptgford of Teacheys, N. C., “Please accept my thanks for your wonderful medicine, Wine of Cardui. It is the grandest female medicine on earth. II I suffered for 10 with pains all The doctors said years, over. they were all caused by female trouble. II I have been taking Cardui for long time and find help in a more that, than in anything I have ever taken. I am now able to do all my work. I will do anything I can to help you to sell Cardui. »» The benefit that ladies get from taking Cardui cannot be measured or described in words. It helps them over their hard times and makes all times seem easy. Take CARDUI G 189 • ’ * ** . . '■•■•it. •. •• *! FOSSIL CAMEL BONES. Wild Horse Remains Also Unearthed on Chesapeake Bay. The discovery of the fossil remains of a number of animals never before supposed to have existed in the east ern States is the result of the work of exploration conducted along Chesa¬ peake Bay by Dr. F. W. True and Wil¬ liam Palmer, of the Smithsonian In stitution. “While we have not. as yet, com¬ pared the specimens obtained, we are looking forward to some noteworthy additions to our knowled-go of the pre¬ historic animals of the United States,” said Mr. Palmer, -. We found the remains of a creature of which no specimen has, to my knowledge, here¬ tofore been found la America, al¬ though it belongs to a group well known and still existing In Europe. “Some of the bones found may be¬ long to a species of wild horse once common in this region. The log bones of this creature closely approximate the modern zebra. Other -bones have been supposed to be those of a historic camel, Remains of fossil horses or camels have never been found in this region, though several species of both are known to have been once common in sections North America.”—Washington (D. C.) correspondence of the New York World. ____ ANTIDOTE FOR SKIN DISEASES. That’s what Tetterine is; and it is It is an absolute cure for eczema, ringworm, erysipelas and all other cutaneous diseases. In aggravated phe 0 f th ese afflictions its cures have been nomenal. It gives instantrelief and | permanent cures. 60o. at druggists or mail from J. T. Shuftuine, Dept. A, vonnah, Ga. Fee for Sleeping in Churches. Napping at the Lawrenceville Sun¬ day school will hereafter cost 25 cents. Uncle John Xanders is sponsible for the new way of keep¬ ing people awake in study hours. Uncle John complained to the mem¬ bers about the way they had been straggling into school and of taking a quiet nap. As a result it was de¬ cided to charge those who went to sleep 25 cents a Sunday for their lodging. The new rule went into effect Sun¬ day.—'Columbus Dispatch. i Ice Cream to Build Church. Washington , township, . , . T Ind., j . in cen- „„ 1 t ra i Newton county, noted as the f ohurch es (ten) and because ; has , had , saloon, , will , u • Duilvl it never a | another church in the near future. The new store building in Ade will, # ice for a time, be utilized as an cream parlor, to obtain funds to apply on the new Luildlne:. \\ s \ tyti e \ ' \ Ttie cleanest,— \ lightest—and ^ most comfortable SLICKER at the same time cheapest in the ’ end be cause it v?ears longest v Zjttr Every gtvmas} quor- vTL onteed waterproof 4o5 Catolcg free A J jpvyeo adi" CO BO^TORf « SA co. uwfrrp ti OTOWTO CANf PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c. package colors all fibers. They dye In cold water better than any other dye. YOtt -.-ti d-re nnv garment without, ripping apart. Writ* for free booklet—How to .Dye, Bleach and Mix Color*. MON ROE DRUG CO., <|nlncy, Illinois. Malaria Causes Loss of Appetite The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. You know what you are taking. The formula is plainly printed on every bottle, showing it is simply Quinine and Iron in a tasteless, and the most effectual form. For adults and children. 50c. THE SAMSON OF COFFEES ! Double the Strength of B Its Delicacy of Flavor l the ordinary kinds— | and its Smoothness of goes twice as far a.nd | I I Taste are never subor¬ thus is a great MONEY dinated to its Strength SAVER. gp; 9 25cts 1-lb THE REILY-TAYLOR CO •> SOLD EVERYWHERE NEW OBIiEANS, I.A. American Cotton and Business University and School nf Telegraphy, Consolidated M1LLEDGEVILLE, GA. ni-kl-rAM COTTON*. avera«“Xp! We ouarantee to complete and *ell cotton, any one and with be uood abU eyeaight to erotcotthem.ol^^^ In 80 day* how ti ?!?*[!!»' Sow buy *^o“ d L ^n.«b“. r vZ™ Jet market. We . 1.0 teach to BOOKKEEPING: cotm,, by <» A“ 7i. cotton l 3®“- »iLd*WR&jr n bUBlpuJ" to be the beet, COM _ r niiwrt l>» men Telejrraphy and Railroading: Write for Outalofciio. Main line and Railroad state cours wire*. e desired. The l>e»t equipped school mth« wmth. Expenses roasonable. ______ NU 1 L&K INVIGORATES THE SYSTEM And makes life worth living. Corrects your liver troubles. Relieves that tired feeling. TRY A BOTTLE Ask your dealer for it w THE DUTCH 1 BOY PAINTER A STANDS FOR PAINT QUALITY IT IS FOUND ON LYON PUREWHITELEAD MADE BY WfJ THE OLD DUTCH ’/ PROCESS. W j j THE J.R. WATKINS MED. CO. WINONA. MINNESOTA Makes TO Blflfierent Article*: Household Remedies, Flavorliitf Extracts nil Kinds, Toilet Preparations, Fine Soups, Etc. CANVASSERS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY 40 V earsExperlence,J$3,000,000 Output BEST PROPOSITION EZH OLL££IS AGENTS Dr. Grigg’s Family Salve For Eczema, Tetter, Itch, 3] Chapped Hand,, Piles, I Burns, Sores and all Skin Diseases. HI J. E. K itehens, Jackaon, aalve Ga., for Si ea'B: pilos, "I have used your $1,(X)0 for & Slthfi and would not tttfce * benefit I irot from one bo*. .i/L jS! aHor Bold under hack. uuar.antee Price 25c to and piei^Me, 60c, money if oftnnot find it at ■23 by mail, you utores. Medicine Co., GAINESVILLE. GA. Learn Telegraphy Young Mon nnd Ladles of ambition should master Telegraphy *nd R. K. Accounting in one of our Institutes. Great scarcity of opera¬ tors. We operate five schools under direct supervision of Railway Officials. Main-line wires in all our schools. Positions absolutely assured, when competent. Work for board. Prospectus free. National Telegraph Institute, (Dept. A. N.) mmiphi^te k m. coi.iFMfiiA A i5 .a Georgia Normal College k Arcd Business Institute A J ABBEVILLE 1098. REMOVED TO DOUGLA8190d. Boit equipped Business College in the South. Coursew; Scientific, Teachers*, Business, Penmanship, E^. Write for catalocue and specimens of Penmanship. >»• a. LjIT 1 Sjtj, prln A. A. KUHL, Prln. Com’l »4!pt., DOUGLAS, GKOKGIA You need it, If not ah/ays, at least whenever you are out of sorts. % A dose in time will save nine. So you had .4® A! oetter keep it the shelf, thousands of other on as % women do, so as to get its help when they need It. KP Cardui’s pure, natural, harmless, vegetable hV [Jj yH j for Ingredients, girls and make it a of safe all and pleasant beginning medicine just • | before puberty. women, ages, h has relieved the constant suffering of ^/f pTgford, fj \ ? thousands, and helped them back to health. mrs. Try Cardui - Druggists sell it. with full di Teacheys, N. C.’ fections for USe. A Quinine is sold by public sale in. Batavia, Javo,, i HrFWTC m TO HANDLE BIGOEST liULn lu M ON EXTINGUISHERS; KflT-MAKING 1 FIRE ■ Special Starting Offer ; Exclusive Terri torv • #76 to #300 Per Month, VA. THIi aLCAI'UAZ CO., RICHMOND, WL.DOUGLAS S 300 SHOES *350 /' g*i rj vyr*' V ;‘l vV A / 3-r»V \V. L. #3.00 Douglas and nmltfs #3.00 shoos ami soils than inoTo^ moil’s any other manufacturer In the world, be¬ cause tlmy hold their shape, fit better, and xvear longer than any other make. Shoes at All Prices, for Every Member of the Family, Men, Boys, Women, Misses & Children W.L.Dtiuglaa $4.00 and $5.00 OUtEdge Shoes cannot bo squalled at. any price. W. L. Dougla. $2.60 and $2. 00 shoes are the best in the world Ji'oat Color Xyolrta l/aiil Exclualvoly. W. ,f-Tnke c, KuliHlItiite. J,. Douglas name and price la stamped on bottom. Sold everywhere. Shoes mailed from factory to any part of the world. Catalogue free. W. L. DOUGLAS, 157 Spark St., Brockton, Mass. W O'flBN TO BELL USEFUL wl.ole IIOIJHK HDl.O AKTlCl.K or spare time. Good prollt. Send 15 cents for sample and terms. DE-GON-KUST CO., 518 Greene Ave., Brooklyn, N. X. (At39-’08) •; i..