The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 25, 1908, Image 4

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F.*>. V*' ! ■ i ■ a / / 'UM h W j w 7 Ilf' ) iff (■ a SOLOMON B , FORT VALLEY, GA. QUIZ MACON STORE, 418 POPLAR STREET, MACON, GEORGIA. n I b W ^ s ■ V 1 » 8 $ | a *3 JS fc &•,*? - ■; ' -• P (<$ W f PHONE 31, LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE FORT VARIED GA. Don’t ITIait to ❖ I MU j ^ I BP- ■A M V -M xm » The Port ViiJIcy Leaden. Official Organ of Houston County Lender Publishing Co., Lessees. K. M. Reynolds, Editor and Manager. W. R. Branham, Associate Editor. PUBLISHED EVEiiY FRIDAY. Terms of Subscription: One year............................ $ 1.00 Bix months..................... 25 .VI Three mouths.................. EntorchaSBOCoiul-dnss nun tor >, 1906, at tho post-ortioo at Fort ViiUvy under the not of Oonjtroas of March 8 1870. \Ve cannot) gUfcbntoe the publi¬ cation of aiiy article sent ns later than Wednesday noon. TELEPHONE m Fort Valley, Ga., Sept. 25, 1908. Change on Staff of The Leader Dissolution Notice Beginning with Oct. 1st, I9C8, W. R. Branhstn will not be con¬ nected with the publication The Fort Valley Leader. R. M. Reynolds will assume full of The Leader and will its publication. Mr. Branham will conduct job printing business which been run in connection with Leadir, and will equip the office so as to be enabled to out the best grade of promptly. This Moans You!! We are compelled to leave several notices, locals and advertisements week on account of them not ing sent in on time. We insist on articles being sent to by Tuesday noon, otherwise positively cannot publish Tbis includes cards, ads., notices, etc. Kindly tins. SOLOMON BROS, AGENTS IOiv KNOX HATS Stiff and Soft Hats in the Latest Shapes and Styles. Price $3:60. For a long time we have been looking for something this town has been needing, and that is a good Hat. Now if you want your Hat to have the com- fort, and to improve the looks of your face, and to save money WEAR THE KNOX HATS THE ONLY AGENTS IN THIS TOWN A gentleman rushed into a country office on publication day, says an exchange, and said “I have just lost a dog and would like to have you insert this ad for me: ‘Fifty dollars reward for the return of a pointer dog answer¬ ing to the name of Rex. Disap¬ peared from the yard of the Man¬ sion house Monday night. > >) Why, we were just going to press, sir,'’ the editor said, “but we’ll be only too glad to hold the edition for your ad. J) The gentleman returned to the hotel. After a few minutes he decided, however, that it lnigh be well to add “No questions asked” to his advertisement, and rushed back to the office. The place was deserted save for the skinny little freckle-faced devil, who sat perched on a high stool, gazing wistfully out of the window. k t Where is everybody?” asked the gentleman. Gone to look for the dawg! t” replied the boy. A beautiful young girl and her mother were discussing the eternal marriage question. Well, there is Chares Adams mur mured mother, thoughtfully; after long pause. < t Charles a Adams,” sneered the girl- “He ip old, he is ugly, he is mean, he is a coward. Charles Adam! Why, he has nothing in the world to recommend him except his money. >) < < You forget his heart disease”, said the mother softly. Sphere. The postal receipts of the lo¬ cal Post Office are over 100 per cent greater than they were eight years ago. Fort Valley is growing some. Almost Persuaded We alneost nearly succeeded in procuring a new subskriber last week. Clem Wilkins dropped into the Bugle office and said he had been thinking seriously of subscribin fer the last 7 or 8 years and we told Clem that if he wanted to have a up to date paper which would give him all the news of the world and adjacent terri¬ tory, he ought to pay us 32 and have the Bugle come to his home every week. In order to further convince Clem of the merit of the Bugle, we told him there wasn’t noting better to tie up packages in, start fires with cold winter morning, or to spread on the kitchen cupboard shelves, than back numbers of the Bugle. This argument convinced Clem and he had his hands in his pocket ready to pUTl out the two dollars, when who should walk in but Ranse Hillyer, and when he seen I what Clem was going to do, he says, “Do not do that Clem—you psy ffie a dollar, and I will let you read my Bugle after I get thru with it, then we will both git to read it and it wont cost us but one dollar each per annum. 3 3 Clem done this and they both de¬ parted, leaving us very deep with disgust. Ranse when he done that was taking the bread out-en our very mouth as you might say. —Bingville Bugle. FOR SALE 4 nice houses and lot on Marshallville public road. For sale cheap apply to, Mrs. C. S. Hance. MISSES TAYLOR, PLAIN SEWING, FORT VALLEY, GA- 4 V , > mm W ry 7/. m m / trzr~ Sept. 27 1908. Dear Friend: Have yon gone back to school? I have • What do you have for lunch? I get some nice cookies and chipped beef and cheese and things at the grocery. Mama says its lots i nicer and cheaper and lots less trouble than baking up things forme. And then mama helps me with my lessons too. And she says that is better than spending so much time in the kitchen. Your friend, JACOB. AdrmMaj C *.. cy P.S. That’s why she gets ,.uings all ready to eat from. W. K. Thwea'U ir* i i JUST RE( 1 g 3 1 J > ~VT~ M. k- A A % V 1 / T* JkJ "V /—% * ~ The largest and best Selected Line tF i UfmWi 1 *1 ur= pets Rugs, and Mattings ever shown in Middle Georgia. We will take pleasure in slowing you trough our stock even if yon do not wisfi to ky anything at all SPECIAL ATTENTION To 0nt=Of=Town Customers. E. J. & P. 0. WILLINGHAM. L fS i Fb A t V Y V s Vs JU IfStover. 1 ) £eofc>f ~ I 1 1 ! Jlf d\ h % D, TJLf. A ^2! Ja