The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 25, 1908, Image 5

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FORT VALLEY'S BUSY A Short Mention of a Few of the Many Lines Which We Carry, and Every Line the Most Complete that Money Can Buy. A Big Store Full of the Most Magnificent Values Ever Gotten Together by a Fort Valley Merchant. We want to state in the beginning that our buyer was particularly fortunate while in the New York markets, securing many choice lots of Goods far below market value. These goods are now here and represent an array of bargains that will easily maintain this store’s reputation of underselling Competition. It will be only a pleasure to show you through. Dress Goods and Silks It is hard for the writer of an advertisement to say what he only knows to be trueabout a line of Dress Goods and Silks as ours without appearing boastful. To say that it is the most magnificent line we have ever shown will be entirely too mild. Our buyer has simply outdone himself in the se¬ lection of these materials. He had the greatest fields in the world before him—the unlimited New York markets, and has certainly employed well the opportunity. We simply cannot begin to describe these fabrics in the limits of a short advertisement. In woolen goods we have everything new and stylish—every popular shade, ^very material in plain, herringbone efiects, chevron effects, diagonal stripes, etc. In sihis we have the nexvest and best and nothing more, Fugi Silks, Taffeta Silks, Satins, Messalines, Sbripes, Checks, Plaids, everything one could wish provided it is new and stylish. Shoes Our reputation as the leading shoe sellers of this section is too well established to admit a seconds doubt. There is a solid reason for the popularity of this store as the shoe center, We carry lines of shoes known the world over for their style, fit, and durability in wear, Our shelves are now filled with such makes as Boyden, Stetson, Howard and Foster cl ml Raifton for meu, with a complete stock of lines that ^rivequally well known in cue most fashion:-; b and serviceable footwear for ladies, Gome here and be fitted with pair and we unreservedly guarantee satisfaction Men’s Furnishings Because we are leaders in ladies goods do not think for a minute that our men’s furnishing goods are neglected. Ask the man who knows and let him tell you-of the hats we sell including all lines from Stetson at $5.00 down to the cheapest. Ask him about our shirts, our neckwear, our collars or anything else that can be found in an up-to-date haberdashery. Then ask him about the suit of clothes we had made for him. Ask him these questions and we will be satisfied with the answers he gives you. Ladies’ Suits, Skirts, Cloaks, Waists This is another line in which we are acknowledged leaders. Even our competitors in Fort Valley •would admit it if they spoke their convictions. We have extremely handsome tailored suits at any price you could TTsk, with new suits arriving every day. Will be glad to order for you if we havn’t what you want in stock, Skirts in voile, panama and pretty striped effects, the American Sheath style, etc. at from $4.00 to $25.00. Don’t fail to see our line of cloaks, waists in silk nett etc, furs, fancy neckwear, etc. Millinery This department will again be under the supervision of -Miss Smith, but the increased business has made it necessary to give he* another assistant. We have secured the services of an experienced young lady who comes to us from the fashion centers, bringing the very newest ideas coupled with goodlaste. The quality of our millinery goods is too well known to require comment. First Showing of New Fall Hats Thursday and Friday, Oct. 1st, and 2nd, We Sell Ladies Home Journal Patterns New October style book of Ladies Home Journal Patterns free. Drop us a card and we will mail you one. S ____. ...... v ---——, —m _ Fort Valley, Georgia. Terms; Monthly accts. Monthly, Weekly, Due First of and Cash. Each Month. W. J. BRASWELL DEALER IX Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Gents’ Furnish¬ ings and a New Stock of Pure Food Groceries Call and buy, phone or send your orders, or notify me and I will send for same, All goods delivered free of charge in city, Credit will only be extended to reliable parties, and we will do our best to hold your trade and give satisfaction. Weekly Accounts Cash Buyers Will Due Once a Week Phone 47 Save Money Here Mr and Mrs Chas H Jewett, who have been traveling through the North and West, visiting the largest cities, were attractive guests ’’of Mr and Mrs W E Green Jr., last week. Mr and Mrs Jewett are ."on their way to j Panama, where Mr Jewett holds i 1 Quite a responsible position. Dr Holmes Troutman left j Tuesday (or Philadelphia where he begins his appointment as resident Physician in one of the city Hospitals. Holmes secured this position by competitive examination over ->•> other can di dates, Our best wishes go with you Holmes. Messrs Lonnie Johnson and Lester Roland visited their best girl at Claude, Ga., Friday and' Saturd i.y. Miss Eubie Mansfield after a delightful visit to Macon is spend¬ ing a few days in the city en route for her home at Bluffton, Ga. Major Jas M. Little 30th U S Inf., Comandant, Georgia Agr. College, of Milledgeville, will spend the week end at Dr Single¬ ton’s. Miss Ida McKay Albaugh, left Wednesday morning, Sept. 23rd for Wilmington N C where she gets final instructions from the Chairman of The Executive Board of Foreign Missions, of the Pres byterian church. From there she goes to Louisville, Ky., to say good-by to her sister and family. Then on to Chicago, 111., to bid farewell to a brother-in-law, school-mates and chums. Then on to San Francisco California, where on the morning of Nov. 10th with other passengers and twenty-five young missionaries on board, and the good ship Manchuria, will anchor and set sail across the trackless Pacific. They will exchange mail and passengers at Honolulu, Hawai Japan, then Shanghai China their desti the entire trip being over thousand miles, Miss Ida be located at Kiang Yin a two hundred and fifty miles Shanghai, up the Yangstc >: river, In bidding good to the writer to said —“My with the Missionary forbids my returning to United States for seyen long When I come back, jf we both living, you will bean old; man. You have exceedingly nice to me, and appreciate it. God be with you we meet again. Good-bye. >> GEORGIA Houston Coltn rjv V. By virtue of the authority of a resolution of tiie stockholders of the Fort Valley Amusement Club,will be sold before the First National Bank in Fort Valley Georgia at eleven o’clocl v a. m. on the 28 day of October 1908, at public out-cry, o the highest bidder for cash, the following de I'oporly to wit: rp hat lot in the ^ 0)1: of what is known as the Rye lob. Said lot fronting seventy seven feet on Macon, street and running back to an alley on the East oi said lot and fronting on said alley seventy feet. Said lot being more particu ularly described in a deed from C. E. Martin Trustee, to the Fort and Valley Amuesment Club, recorded in book 0 page 303 in the Clerk’s office of Houston Superior Court, and ; being the lot now occupied by said Club, together with all buildings and improvements on said lot. Sold subject toa debt of Nine Hundred Dollars and interest on the same at 8 per cent interest from the day of 1908 due to W. R. Brown and recorded in the office of Houston Supe - Also at same time place on the same terms all the personal property of said consisting of opera chairs stage fixtures and scenery; balls and pins and bowling also one first class standard almost new, fine tone, and fixtures, such as stoves &c. Said property sold for the of paying tile debts of Club and the balance of pro¬ ;,f sale for distribution the stockholders of said j !s a c | ):iilce to buy a. perty. Titles good, Septemher 23rd 1908. E. Martin, A. C. Riley, Secretary. President. 346 BROTHERS Poplar to 352 Street MACON, GA. m 1 mm Your money is as good .is ny ' v xou are entitled - 10 the that the ID" :'kel: Mffnfd n spend it. 1 hat’s the reason you should come to t if ; us you are in the ma )■ f, r v I OgOllS o '.rcqsoSajj nRqsuqo tzoiuotf—ft) pis 5 a.w ■ [njj.spuoAv pa [/a pnu q pjjwAi [tijpnuaq u pjqxv ‘qqdfe pun snojouag ‘puojq v, qqAi q xiooi »&■ aaqM ma PJ « qsgpjs t&oq q jt? qoof om naijAi m n Moq *€bai unora q j* qooj qjq ismaos q qucas ttoq ‘JhtJA. b uf pijtc.u »qj jb jjooi aai mri At > *M *« *44 mw »|W4t