The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, September 25, 1908, Image 8

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Episcopal Church Notes Fourteenth Sunday aftrr Trin. ity. Morning prayer and Holy Communion at ll am, Sunday School 9.45 a m. Plans are now being prepared for the new Episcopal Church which is to be a memorial to Bishop Beckworth, and it is ex¬ pected that work will begin some time in October. Mrs Winslow went to Arneri cus last week for a short visit. Miss Arlie and Kate Winslow spent last week in Marshallville with their sister, MrsS B Good¬ win. Mrs John Wbolfork left Mon¬ day for a visit to her mother in Atlanta. Mrs Jenna Brown Walker and son, Brown have returned home after spending a delightful Ga. sum¬ mer in Atlanta and North Mr BT Mash all and Benroe went to Stone Mountain last Friday where Benroe will remain at school. LtGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Notice to debtors and creditors; Persons having claims against the estate Of Willie J. Thompson deceased, will present them prop¬ erly attested; and those indebted to said estate will make payment to me. This August 4th 1908. I, T. Woodard, Clerk of the Su ¬ perior Court of Houston county, Administrator on said estate. VALUABLE CITY LOT FOR SALE. By virtue of an order of the Court of Ordinary of Houston County granted at the July term. 1908, i will sell at public outcry before the court-house door of Houston County at Perry, Geor¬ gia, between the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in Oc¬ tober, 1908, a lot situated on Per¬ sons street in Fort Valley, Geor gia, fronting on said street seventy-five (7 5'- feet and extend ing north of uniform width for two hundred ard thirty (230) feet, said lot being cut off on the west side by lot known as the Coryell lot and bounded on the east by lot of C. E. Dasher, Terms of sale, cash. H. A. Mathews, Guardian of Vastine Coryell■ 9114 SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR DIVISION. For the purpose of division, we, the undersigned, will sell at pub¬ lic outcry to the highest bidder, before the court-house door in the town of Perry, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in October, 1908, the following described real estate, to-\yit: lot in the city of fort That town Hart Valley known as the J. T. ley home place, Said lot fronting on Main street and comprising 2 acres of land, more or less. There is a well-built, up-to-date 7-room hpuse on this lot. Very desiru file and near in the city* Also that plantation near Kath¬ leen and in Houston county, known as the Hartley place. This and consists of lot of lan4 No. 238 and the south half of lot No. 237. Said land being in the Lower Eleventh District of Hous¬ ton county and comprising 300 acres of land, more or less. Well improved. plantation the Also that near city of Fort Valley known as the Hartley place ami being lot of laud No. 38 in the Eighth district of Houston county, Georgia. Said tract of land compm tig 202| acres of land, more or-less-. Well improved. Valley. 3 miles East of Fort Terms of sale one-third cash and the balance in one and two years at 8 per cent interest from date of sale. This September 16th, 1908, Jno. T. Hartley. Iza Hartley Houser, Sadie Hartley Green 9183 FOR SALE. North Ga. and Houston county seed rye for sale. tresn line ut fancy groceries on hand. I pay the highest market price for all country produce. Try me. C. J. DuPree. I THE UNION’S \ RUG AND DRAPERY DEPARTMENT We have no equal in this department in Central Georgia. We show the Largest Stock of Rugs, Art Squares and mattings to be seen in this city; the Largest floor space, devoted strictly to these goods, in the state. The most elaborate line of Lace Curtains, Portieres, Table Covers, Window Shades, Screens, Trunks, Bags, Suit Cases, Lace Bed Sets. Blankets, Comforts, Novelty Furniture, Utility Boxes, Fancy Baskets of every size and description. ’Tis Truly a Fine Department. The stocks for this department are bought and sold by an ex= perienced draper of the highest ideas, taste and judgement. Special Sale of Fine ' I\vt Squares We have just received over Two Hundred New Art Squares, in Kabas, Wiltons, Brussels, Ax minster, etc., Oriental and Floral designs; on sale at prices never before offered in Macon, Ga. 9x11 Brussels Art Squares......* * $10.00 9x12 Kaba Art Squares......... $11.75 9x12 Ten Wire Top Art Squares...... -$16.75 9x12 Velvet Art Squares......... $17.50 9x12 Sanford’s Axminster Art Squares - - - $19.75 9x12 Sanford’s Seamless Axminster Art Squares 9x12 Seamless Wilton Art Squares..... $45-00 9x12 Wilton Art Squares . . >. . ... $37.50 Ox 9 Top Art Squares......... $ 7.50 $4.50 Velvet Rugs $2.49 100 Velvet Rugs, 36x72, Oriental and Floral $2.49 designs, sold for $4.50, this sale . Special Sale Smyrna Rugs Five hundred Smyrna Rugs, in floral and 98c Oriental patterns, size 36x72, choice Hodges Kaba Rugs and Art Squares Made of Wool and Fibre $15,00 Rug, 9x12 $12.00 $10.00 Rug, 6x9 $ 8.00 $ 3.00 Rug, 36x72, $ 2.00 CLEAN UP OF CREX RUGS $1.50 Crex Rugs, size 36x72, choice 75c 75c Crex Rugs, size 27x54, choice 50c Hall and Stair Carpeting Good quality Brussels Carpet (put down) per yard 75c Good quality Kaba Carpet (put down) per yard 40c Sale of China and Jap Mattings 40c China Mattin r-' < r » fancy and white (put down) per yard 30c ; 25c Fancy China Matting (put down) per yard 17 l-2c [ 35c Jap Matting,-(put down) per yard - 30c 75c Fibre Matting (put down) per yard 60c 2o PerCent Discount On Upholstering Materials, Tapestries, Reps, Etc. For a limited time we will give a straight discount of 20 PER CENT OFF on our entire line of Tapestries, Reps, Velours and all Upholstering materials. Pillow Tops 50c Tapestry and Lithograph Pillow Tops 25c $1.50 Velvet Pillow Tops ./ oc 75c Silk Pillow Tops - - - 50c ONE HALF OFF ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF HAMHERED BRASS, BRIC-A-BRAC, ELECTROLIERS, ETC. THE UNION DRY GOODS CO. ! M A CON. GEORGIA. S’ ‘W1PS5S 1 Special Sale Lace Curtains One lot of fine Imported Curtains that sold from, $8.00 to $20.00 a pair,- to close out at HALF PRICE. $ 8.00 Curtains for $ 4.00 10.00 Curtains for 5.00 12.50 Curtains foi¬ 6.25 ls.00 Curtains for 7.50 20.00 Curtains for 10.00 $2.00 and $1.50 Curtains for 98c Two hundred pairs Loom Lace Curtains, sold 98c up to two dollars a pair; for c-hoice, per pair . $2.59 and $5.90 Curtains for $1.49 One Hundred pairs of Curtains, sold up to $3.00 a C! 40 prir; Lace, Bobinet, and Madras; choice, per pair - vL*r7 Sale Rope Portiers $12.50 Rope Portiers (all colors) choice $7.50 7.50 Rope Portiers (all colors) 5.00 5-00 Rope Portiers (all colors) 3.75 Window Shades 3x7 Opaque Shades, all colors (put up) - 67.50 7x42 Duplex Shades (put up) 1.00 8x42 Duplex Shades [put up] 1.25 9x42 Duplex Shades (put up) 1.50 Special Sale Trunks $35.00 Trunks for $22 50 27.50 Trunks for 18.50 20.00 Trunks for 15.00 18.50 Trunks for 12.50 15.00 Trunks for 10.00 12.50 Trunks for 8-50 10.00 Trunks for 7. o' 7.50Trunks for 5.00 $6.8® Walrus Bags for $15® 16 inches, leather lined, sold for $6.00, $3.50 choice, .... Blanket Saie If you want to save 33 1-3 per cent on tine, new, clean Blan¬ kets, c-ome to this sale and buy what you want, and have them charged or pay for them if you like, and we will keep them and deliver at any time you say. We will also do the same on Rugs, Art Squares, Lace Curtains, etc. COME NOW WHILE sell THE what STOCK need IS COMPLETE, for fixing large and full, and DON Jet T us you you up your home. and WAIT UNTIL MOVING DAY, but select what you want we will deliver any time you say, and charge at liberal terms.