The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 02, 1908, Image 1

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/ V F Fort Valley Leader VOL. XIX. Fort Valiev To nave Odd Fellows Lodge, Dr T. A. Cheatham of Macon, Ga-, State Organizer for I. O. 6. F. has been in our midst the week securing names of appli* • cants for membership with a view Qj. establishing a branch of Order here, He informs, us that he has succeeded in this matter beyond his expectations and that a lodge with about 30 members will be Installed here on or about October loth. The Order of Odd Fellows is the largest Fraternal Order in the world having a membership of one million five hundred thousand in the United States and Canada alone and disbursing for-the relief of its sick and dis¬ tressed members the immense sum of of nearly six million dol lars. Spending several thousand dollars in Georgia alone preyid ing for the widows and orphans of its deceased members. In Georgia the. Order has had a most remarkable if not phenomi nal record in the past eight years Eight years ago its membership in Georgia was less than seven thousand today it is upward of thirty three thousand and in¬ creasing monthly, Eight years •a,g°3the nu m ber of Lodges in the State was one hundred and twenty three today there are four hundred and ten. Eight years ago the order was borrow¬ ing money to pay the expenses of its annual sessions today it has several thousand dollars in the treasury and no liabilities. Such an order in such a splendid con¬ dition ought to commend itself most favorably to the consider¬ ation of our people, and we pre¬ dict for. the new lodge great suc cess. Mrs Cliff King and little son of Mar shall ville spent Monday afternoon in Fort Valley with her brother, Mr N & Baldwin. Vici, tans and patents made by the Selby Shoe Co. New line just received. L. Cart py» v^J. • Mrs J R Moore and little son Mark returned home Saturday after a pleasant visit to her sister, Mrs J H Hinson at Popes Ferry. For Men only. We are showing the best line of men’s Shoes made America. Let us fit your Miller’s. Mrs C K Denard of Marshall ville visited the city Monday afternoon. Does it suprprise merchants you know that some do business while others stand around and talk hard times? R. S. Braswells store was crowded Honday the whole dav long with eager customers to buy, and they waited patiently for their turn to be waited on. Val ues, good merchandise, and low prices will keep them ’ let hard times alone, let us all get to work and try to do something. Miss Helen Crandall of spent last week in the city with Miss Beth Hiiey. Flournoy’s new cotton gin is now now open o non to to the the public public. Located opposite Crate tory. $1.25 per bale. N PORT VALLEY. HOUSTON COUNTY. GEORGIA. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 2 1908. Miss Harley Cherry and Miss I j Ethel Griffin of Macon was the guest of Miss Pannie Hance from Friday until Sunday night. j Goods j at our store are I marked at “Hard Time prices, which means Miller’s. a big saving for you. Miss Helen Floyd spent last Saturday with her brythe-r. Mr Lee in Macon. New line of clothing for men and boys now ready for your inspection. L. Carter. MrL Carter went to Macon Sunday afternoon to meet his wife and daughter, Mrs Will Houser of Jacksonville Fla. Dont forget the Millinery Opening at Miller’s, a borne of the swellest hats are on disylay today. Dr C Z McArthur spent Tues¬ day in Walden looking after his plantation. We don’t know that we have the largest stock of Shoes in this section, but we do know that we have every space filled in our shoe department with the best values in shoes that money can buy, and that we are very anxious to sell them and the only thing we want to do is to have the pleasure of showing you through our line, then if we fail to sell you it will be our fault. R. S. Bra"well. Miss Mamie Miller, her father F O Miller and Mr Lawrence Gray composed a pleasant party to Gainesville last Friday in Mi Millers red auto. Flournoy’s new cotton gin is now open to the public. Located opposite crate fac¬ tory. SI. 25 per bale. Dr J O Booton visited our city Sunday. At Miller’s Store you can see the largest and most complete line of Ladies, Suits, dresses, cloaks, skirts, furs, waists etc, that - has ever been shown in Fort Valley. LOST. Gold medal belonging to the Perr -> T Rif5es - Shape of Maltese cross s u s P e.n d e d f r .0 m guns. Engraved on back. Pinder P lease return toC - E. Martin arid will be liberally rewarded. Flournoy’s new cotton gin | is now open to the public. | Located opposite Crate fac tory. $1 25 per bale, j Mr Carl Bennett of Macon visited Dr and Mrs White Thurs ulayandFrlday - if you break one of our 5c . shoe . strings . . a pair we j will g»v e * P air - The Ten Cent flan, Mr Baldwin o: Macon came 1 down Sunday to visit Mr HC Hance. Our first lot of suits have been sold entirely. New just arrived, you had better imake your selection at once. ; Miller’s Store. ____v.__ Mrs Ola Aldredge of Atlanta spending a while with toother. Master Willie Steed of who entered Gordon this term, stopped over here with his uncle. Mr W II Carithers en route home to visit his parents. Get a bratania and you wont have to have another soon 35 and 40 c. The Ten Cent Store. The Epworth I ague held a business and social meeting on last Wednesday night at home of Mrs R S Braswell. The house looked most attractive in decorations of ferns and hand¬ some vases of roses. I’unch was served in the hall. After a business session, games were indulged in, and the League and visitors spent a most delightful evening New line of Ladies and Children Shoes just _ arrived. Miller’s. Mr A J Evans gave a most delightful “fish fry” to his t Sunday School class’’ Friday which was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who were the ate ones. We sell you pearl but= tons for 2c a card. And they are worth 5 c. The Ten Cent Store. Miss Edith Marshall of Macon is the guest of her sister, Mrs M S Brown. Mr Tom Me Rea of Me Rea visited his cousin, Miss Eva Mc Rea Saturday. Our new lot of Ladies Suits have arrived and we have them marked with * i c Hard Time” prices. Miller’s Miss Williehue Garter spent Friday in Macon, she has re¬ sumed her music lessons at Wesleyan College. For fine and artistic dress¬ making and perfect titling, see Mrs. T. J. Walden at Mrs. Winslows. Miss Emma Anderson spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents near Myrtle. Keep your eye on our ads and store, we are going to do all in our power to make it to your advantage to buy of us, how in the world can we expect to grow unless •we hold up our reputation beyond any and question low for high quality R. S. prices. Braswell. Mr Charlie Hasiam of Marshall ville was in the city Thursday on business. For comfortable wear try the Cushion boctom shoe for ladies at L. Carters. Miss Estill Edwards of Perry is guest of her sisters, Mrs ! Vance and Norton. ■ For ail kinds of repair work go to A. E. Arrowsmith at Wilson & j Wilson’s Store. Mrs John Everett is expected home this week to the delight of her many friends. FOR SALE One House and lot and desirable building lots on Main Street. Prices right and terms . easy. For particulars apply to G. W. Thames, Fort Valley, Ga. Mr T G Lang went to Me yesterday whore lie will speak conference Secretary of cation to the South Georgia lege and citizens of Me Rae Helena and where he will also arrange for a large ralley to be held, He will this week. If you want the best shoes try the Selby at ter’s. Miss Scrap Wright of is the guest of her sister, Mrs T V Fagan. • See the new line of Suits and Silk Princess Dres¬ ses at Miller’s. Nothing-like them ever shown before in Fort Valley. Miss Enla May Blewster goes to Macon twice a week, to music at the Macon Musical College from Miss Marion Jones who is an excelant teacher. Extra fine lot of Misses’ and little folks shoes, the black cat brand shown at the shoe counter for the first time this season. R. S. Braswell. Miss Gussie Riley after a pleasant visit to the Valley re¬ turned to her home in Perry Saturday. In buying out the Glass book store we got a lot of sheet music. Choice ic. The Ten Cent J>tore. Col C C Duncan f>f Perry spent several hours in our city Sun¬ day. Those New Tailor Suits for Ladies have arrived, also a lot of silk Princess dresses. You had better see them now. Miller’s. Miss Jennie Shepard is visi¬ ting in North Carolina. The best dressers wear ^hely shoes. Get them from L. Carter. We are glad to learn little Miss Lon la White is recovering from a severe case of sore eyes. Grate screenes to keep the kids out of the fire. Strong and durable. The Ten Cent Store. Capt and Mrs Wooddall contemplating the building of a handsome new two story resi¬ dence on the corner of Church and New Street. NOTICE On account of not being able to make arrangements which we thought would be safe to our¬ selves, we have decided not to install a telephone system in Fort Valley, We" thank the J ! people very of much for with the ex pressions coop-ration us. • Me Cart v Bros. Toe Baptist Church j Notice. The Pastor will preach at il a. im. and 7 p. m. Morning ) j Reaching upward or getting i ready for heaven. At the eve ning hour the pastor will speak on the following subject is the 1 a hell, if so what is it. There are two extreme views held by world to day on this question, 1 j neither one of which is true. A cordial invitation is extended every one who is concerned the future to come to •erviees- NO. 32 With The City Fathers. Regular Council meeting was held Monday night. Mr. Harris, representing the Telephne Co., made a statement before Council, reciting his having protested against t he electric light wires being placed next to telephone Wires, and requested the city to move its electric" wires • to a. dis" distance of at least eight feet from the telephone lines, ex¬ plaining that the troubles caused by the two systems was rapidly increasing, and liable to do great damage this winter, on which re¬ quest no official action was taken. On motion of Mr O M Houser the Mayor was instructed to ar¬ range with Mr A J Evans to grant him an encroachment on Macon Street. Then followed a lengtldy discussion as to rights of city and property owners as to keeping open a drainage ditch through private property. The program of exercises at the Mayors’ League meeting in. Albany was read, comprising thirty two events, including ad¬ dresses,music,boat ride, banquet and automobile ride, and upon motion of Mr O M Houser the Mayor was requested to attend the meeting, and the Clerk was instructed to pay the League dues of $3.00, Without a formal vote it was decided that throwing glass upon the streets violates an existing ordinance, and the Mayor stated he would so instruct the Mar¬ shals. Motion was made by Mr O M Houser, seconded by Mr Lubet kin that the Mayor and Aldermen, take such steps as necessary for the city to build a telephone sys¬ tem. The motion was put immediately withont discussion! and carried, Mess. O M Houser, Lubetkin, and Hartley voting for the motion and none against it. On motion of Mr Lubetkin the' Mayor was requested to see what kind of vessels would be best to get to put litter in and see what same would cost, the Mayor stating he could find out about this at the Albany convention. Next there was a general dis¬ cussion of the artesian' well, the Mayor ex-pressing the opinion, that it would probably haw to be dug deeper, after which the meeting adjourned. The Leader has often been asked to publish each week a report of Council meeting, as all the people should at all times keep posted as to municipal affairs, so that a lively interest therein may be maintained. As all meetings are public, it would doubtless prove interesting for, the public to attend these meet¬ ings more largely. Mr Harker Taylor of Marshall ville visited Fort Valley Monday. New bunch of coal hods just in, Jappanned & Ga!~ vanized 20 to 50c. The Ten Cent Store. Mrs W F Mathews and little I daughter Dema spent last Friday with her grandma. We have the largest line of millinery that we have ever shown. Some hats are on equalled display here that cant be outside of the cities. Miller’s. Mr and Mrs CP Baldwin have j returned from a visit to Mr Peacock inUaadilla.