The Fort Valley leader. (Fort Valley, Houston County, Ga.) 1???-19??, October 02, 1908, Image 4

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The Font Valley Leaden. Official Organ of Houston County Leader Publishing Co., Lessees. R. M. Reynolds, Editor and Manager. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY. I — Terras of Subscription: 1 One year...... *1.00 Six months . so Three mouths the Entereda.s-toc.ond-ehe-s matter Au«. under 29,1900, the at . of Ci post.-office at March Fort ValU v. Oa., act id t;reus of ti lhVO. — i We cannot gu ran tee the publi- I cation of any article sent us | later than Tuesday noon. _ TELEPHONE in Fort Valley, Ga • * OCT. 2, 1908. i Pat roili the merchants who I / advertise. Kern s]; in Macon Satur day night, Why not let Gov. Haskell and Sen. Foraker light it out. The two dear old parties seem 0 to be playing even with their mud slinging. Attention, paragraphers! A Miss Little and Mr. Geesling of Georgia, are to be married in October. Who are our merchants who do the largest business? Do they advertise every week in this paper? Does it pay them? Ask them. It is to be hoped that our coun ty will take full pro rata share of convicts and 11 overs > > as many as possible, and place them on the public roads. T Every week just as we are rea dy to go to press some ‘friend’ lugs in an old newspaper clippin r~i for us to publish, “just to v till up.” Next time, bo, bring us a cabbage; that will help “till up. J 5 Mr. Fuller Wind is ail enter¬ prising Georgia editor. When our subscribers are unusually linquent and our larder empty, the best that most of editors can do is to get wind J ? i k We wish the would give, the forests a to spruce up > > s«y* The Post. * Wo pine for something like ourseives. -Atlanta Georgian. Fir the benefit of the this subject should become poplar. A Kansas minister gets prize. He announced; the sermon will be ‘How to Go Hell,’ and the choir will ‘Tell Mother I’ll Be There,’ special request.”—Georgian. Embarrassing A colored woman of dria, Va.. was on trial before magistrate Of that town with inhuman treatment of offspring. Evidence was clear that woman had severely tie a ten child, aged some nine years, was in court to exhibit his tered condition,' Before imposing sentence, honor asked the womon she had anything to say. 11 Kin I ask yo’ honah a ion?” inquired the prisoner. The judge nodded a Well then, yo’ honah, I’d to ask yo’ whether yo’ was the parent of a puffectly ■cnilud child.” Now is tUo time to subscribe. The Macon Telegraph gives Swainsboro Forest Blade! for the following; I < i And now scuppernongs are Those who have never this most deliciously flav¬ member of the grape family not appreciate just what that statement means. M If,we are not mistaken thei | I above article originated in the I fertile mind of John Ileese, the Georgian’s paragrapher. Broth- 1 Reese will,now give us an ad- j .iress entitled, “A case of stolen ; grapes or How The Blade used | its blade. > j It Pays to Advertise J A large number of Marshall ville people people were in Forth ValKy trading, Tuesday. They I spent sevaral hundred dollars taking advantage of the bargains | | advertised m last week’s Leader. T he Leader has many subscrib¬ ers in Marsliallville, and they are quick to see the advanta™ of trading with our merchants whose ads. appear in each week’s Leader. The merchant who ha^ anything to sell worth buying will advertise the fact. Patron¬ ize the man who advertises' Statement of the Condition of The Exchange Bank, Located at Fort Valley, Ga., at the Close of Business Sept. 28,1908. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts - $110,047.82 Demand Loans and Cotton Advances - - - 19,723.37 Overdrafts - 6,241 29 Furniture and Fixtures 2,174.77 I Other Real Estate Due from Banks and Bank¬ ers in the State 22,453.26 Due from Banks and Bank¬ ers in other States Currency Gold - f * - - - - Silver, Nickles and Pennies Checks and Cash Items J ,8 Total - - LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in $ Surplus Fund : Undivided Profits, less Cur- ( rent Expenses and Taxes j 4,783 0 j Paid - - Individual Deposits Subject 101,170.81 to Check - - Time Certificates Certified Checks - Notes and Bills rediscounted 2,5 00.0 Total 184,573 Static of Georgia. Oovxtv of Houston. t Before me came C. E. Cashier of The- Exchange Bank, ! being duly sworn, says that the : and foregoing statement is a true i dition of said Bank, as shown by books of file iii said Panic I 0. E. MARTIN, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before | W *>r of Not. Pub.. Houston Co.. Ga. Episcopal Church Notes Sixteenth Sunday after ^ Sunday , School ... . , 9.45 _ a. m. o.,___ ing Service 11 a. m. flight 7.30 p. IT). JCOMk j WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS G, We have recently equipped our with a complete stock of Legal which we will furnish you in any ty, from a single copy to a copies, at the lowest prices. C. Our catalog, containing a list of j two hundred and fifty forms, I free "P ou request, WE SELL LEGAL BLANKS Th w Fault, of Clock. Mrs. Hooligan looked up at dock and then slapped the iron had lifted from the stove back th|s lid with a datter. “Talk about toime an* fcride in* for no man/* she mattered she homed into the pantry, toinies don't! they Yartherday wait an* tonnes at this very *tif ute *twas but tin o'oiook; if an* qwtrther to tw h . NO. 74.19. Report of the Condition of CtK first national Bank ! At Fort Valley, In the State of Georgia, ; at the close of Business Sept. 23d, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts * 67,240.44 j Overdrafts, secured and tm secured 3,718.02 U. S. Bonds tosecurecircula¬ !, tion - J 10 , 000 . 00 Premiums on U. S. Bonds 300.00 Banking house, furniture and ij x t«reti J 1,475.00 Due from National Banks p^e'^om^Suit? 1 6 2 0J hanks and ! Bankers 737.39 Due from approved reserve 4.3C2.S I Checks and other cish items 120 to I 905.00 : nickels, and cents 199.79 La 5 f ^ ^! u ‘ y R .■serve ja Specie \ ” ,772.00 ) Legal-tender note:- I 2 iOO.OO \ 4,872.001 Redemption fund jv it h (J. 8. ti surer f> per, cent of circulation ) $00 QO r r Ah LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in A 25,000.00; Surplus fund 1,435.19 | Undivided pr es ex¬ peases and taxes paid 759.10 . National Bank notes out landing 10,000.00 i | Dividends unpaid 16.00 Individual deposits subject I ! to check 49,225 54 Time certificates of deposit 14,457 40 Total $100,873.23 State of Georgia,bounty of Houston : I, ,T. C. McDonald, Cashier of the best of my knowledge and belief. wS;! ,J D, £i _ e: subscribed to me this 30tli day of September, 1908 % ! ^Notary Public. Correct—A ttest: W. FI. Harris, I. F. Murph, W. H. Hollinskead. s t “HARD CLINCH” 0E0D5IA WOOD FIBRE PIASTER Beats the world for holding and lasting qualities. Notice the keys! It locks as securely as if there were a lock and key on every lath. It never cracks, breaks or dis¬ integrates. In fact, it is the one and only real wood fibre plaster which gives lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It is sold by thousands of tons all over the South. Don t consider using any other brand until you write us for information, prices, etc. W ; iii v ALLEY L UMBEji i / COMP AiN 1 I—' j The Owner and the Visitor. : His house, the first he had ever j owned, being nearly finished, the Flat | p us [, went forth one fine after poon to inspect it. As lie entered the front door he observed a well dressed j man standing within, apparently ad I miring the beauties of construction and ! decoration. In an instant the pride of | the owner swelled, would within him. visitor Here was where he make the ; Verdant with en and, incidentally, intercept a few bouquets for himself, up to the stranger, lie re* marked: “It's a beautiful house, isn't it? It's worth every cent of the investment. _ and a great deal more.” “You are right,” replied the stranger. i! You are, I suppose”— *» Yes. I’m the owner,” interrupted tlib other, “and just let me teil you that there are not many men round here who own as line a house as this.” u I quite believe you,” serenely an¬ swered the visitor. “I’m the man, you see, who holds the first mortgage on it.”—Brooklyn Eagle. The First Woman Whip. Who was the first “feipme coebere?” To the Princess de Metternich, a lady of quality in the fullest meaning of the word, who. flourished under the second empire, this honor must be accorded, says the London Chronicle. For in the days when the woman whip was a very rare spectacle indeed this daunt¬ less dame was frequently to be seen driving her phaeton through Paris. One day two facetious youths took ft Into their heads to signal to her. “Pst, j cochere!” The princess entered into the spirit of the joke. She drew up. “By the hour,” said the two, seating them¬ selves. “Where?” “Bols de Boulogne. »» She whipped wp without another word and drove off to the Bois. After a si¬ lent tour of something over an hour the merry twain began to tire and asked to be pat down. “Very good, citizens, •aid the “cochere,” depositing them and bolding out her hand. “My fare is 300 francs per hoar for my poor.” In the •vent the laugh proved to be on her Sept. 27 }908. Friend; Have V Otl gone back to I have* What do you have for I get some nice and chipped and cheese and at the grocery. says its lots and cheaper and less trouble than up things forme. And then mama helps with my lessons too. H she say s that is than spending so time in the kitchen. Ycur friend, JACOB. OWrrtft' »t»7, by Ojte»uU . , That’s why she gets so many things all to eat from. \ k / & . Thwes ■$*» he ‘L.' .«««», UST RECEIVED largest anil best Selected Line of Furniture, Car* pets r Rings, ° scd Mattings ever shown in Middle Georgia. ° We will take pleasure in showing yon through our stock even if you do not wish to buy anything at all wV. ll ATTENTION To Out=0f=Tcwa Customers. . wU o P. D. WILLINGHAM. Or Portable and Stationary Boilers. f Saw Mills Side Crank and STEAM ENGINES ^ m. S. wi fl Center Crank L% ; 1 . i fflm 1 Highest grade Engines, Ginning Shingle Machinery, Mills, Sr j fl * 1 Si Gasoline 3 1 Corn Mills and Pumping Outfits to :.£t! ■S£: be had in the entire South. Large % : '■ stock on hand, best terms, quickest ;: r y delivery. It will pay you to investi¬ gate our machinery and prices. MALLARY BROS. MACHINERY CO. O.V-.-. ~ rAcc €:"i wV ©a..’ Jr' ESSEX? - | UR j “HAR1D CLINCH” Trade Mark. j GEORGIA WOOD FIBRE PLASTER j Beats the world for holding and lasting qualities. j Not: key -e the keys! lath. It It locks as securely as if there were a lock and | on every never cracks, breaks or disintegrates. In i fact, it is the one and only real wood fibre plaster which gives lasting and guaranteed satisfaction. It is sold by thousands of tons all over the South. Don’t consider using any ether brand until you write us for information, prices, etc. j FORI' VAL' V LUMBER CO. I i V. HAVE THE BABY PHOTOGRAPHED AND DO IT NOW. It Can Be Done At Small Cost. Come And See Samples Of Baby Pictures. WHITE, The Pra nfrA c?.I PEtsirapue O A ' r PORT VALLEY, GA. HEARD BROTHERS 34<> to 352 Popiar Street til A wOf GA. , j j lIIWIJW® I i ; ' Your money is ns good as any body’s. You are entitled to best that the market affords when you spend it. That's the reason why when’you you should come to see US are in the market for, Wagons or Harness, If, ‘'zr/n ft \v * *1 % V Iv. V&vCd,hop \ over. <Je,cob A . 7 ‘ f ))) /? % A LETTER FROM NORTH CAROLINA Warren Ion, N. C .—I was nearly dead with kidney affection for six months, growing- hopeless—was worse all unable the time. My about case 7 was but little. I had to get with tried everything little benefit. I took three bottles of Stuart’s Bnehu and Juniper and was perfectly cured. Am now well and all right. 1 owe my life to Stuart’s Bucha and Juniper.—H. T. Macon. If you suffer with backache, dull head8 ache, swollen feet, stiff joints, and have no energy and see imaginary specks in the a‘ r > 7°u have symptoms of kidney Buchu , nd Jml „ lim you. A 11 druggists, $1.00. Write for free sample. We will send enough to prove its wonderful merits. Manufacturing Cfc M l A TT -v* Wh.